// // Header // - Project Specific // - edits should be made here // -------------------------------------------------- body.page-sub{ #header{ @include consul-gradient-bg(); &.-displaying-bnr{ > .container{ padding-bottom: 32px; } } .navbar-brand { .logo{ &:hover{ color: $black; } } } } } #header { // when _announcment-bnr.erb (ie. Consul Enterprise Announcment) is being used in layout we need to push down content to accomodate // add this class &.-displaying-bnr{ > .container{ padding-top: 8px; -webkit-transform: translateY(32px); -ms-transform: translateY(32px); transform: translateY(32px); } } .navbar-brand { .logo{ width: $project-logo-width; padding: 0; line-height: $header-height; background-position: 0 center; font-size: 0; text-transform: uppercase; @include img-retina("../images/consul-header-lockup.png", "../images/consul-header-lockup@2x.png", $project-logo-width, $project-logo-height); background-position: 0 center; &:hover{ opacity: .4; } } .by-hashicorp{ &:hover{ svg{ .svg-bg-line{ opacity: .4; } } } } } .buttons{ margin-top: 2px; //baseline everything } } @media (max-width: 414px) { #header { .navbar-brand { .logo{ width: $project-logo-width * .75; @include img-retina("../images/consul-header-lockup.png", "../images/consul-header-lockup@2x.png", $project-logo-width * .75, $project-logo-height * .75); } } } } @media (max-width: 320px) { #header { .navbar-brand { .logo{ } } } }