{{title 'Intentions'}} {{#let (or sortBy "Action:asc") as |sort|}}

Intentions {{format-number api.data.length}} total

Create {{#if (gt api.data.length 0) }} {{#let (from-entries (array (array "Action:asc" "Allow to Deny") (array "Action:desc" "Deny to Allow") (array "SourceName:asc" "Source: A to Z") (array "SourceName:desc" "Source: Z to A") (array "DestinationName:asc" "Destination: A to Z") (array "DestinationName:desc" "Destination: Z to A") (array "Precedence:asc" "Precedence: Ascending") (array "Precedence:desc" "Precedence: Descending") )) as |selectable| }} {{get selectable sort}} {{/let}} {{#let components.Optgroup components.Option as |Optgroup Option|}} {{/let}} {{/if}} {{#let (sort-by (comparator 'intention' sort) api.data) as |sorted|}}

{{#if (gt api.data.length 0)}} No intentions found {{else}} Welcome to Intentions {{/if}}

{{#if (gt api.data.length 0)}} No intentions where found matching that search, or you may not have access to view the intentions you are searching for. {{else}} There don't seem to be any intentions, or you may not have access to view intentions yet. {{/if}}
