syntax = "proto3";

package acl;

import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";

option go_package = "";

service ACLService {
  // Login exchanges the presented bearer token for a Consul ACL token using a
  // configured auth method.
  rpc Login(LoginRequest) returns (LoginResponse) {}

  // Logout destroys the given ACL token once the caller is done with it.
  rpc Logout(LogoutRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message LoginRequest {
  // auth_method is the name of the configured auth method that will be used to
  // validate the presented bearer token.
  string auth_method = 1;

  // bearer_token is a token produced by a trusted identity provider as
  // configured by the auth method.
  string bearer_token = 2;

  // meta is a collection of arbitrary key-value pairs associated to the token,
  // it is useful for tracking the origin of tokens.
  map<string, string> meta = 3;

  // namespace (enterprise only) is the namespace in which the auth method
  // resides.
  string namespace = 4;

  // partition (enterprise only) is the partition in which the auth method
  // resides.
  string partition = 5;

  // datacenter is the target datacenter in which the request will be processed.
  string datacenter = 6;

message LoginResponse {
  // token is the generated ACL token.
  LoginToken token = 1;

message LoginToken {
  // accessor_id is a UUID used to identify the ACL token.
  string accessor_id = 1;

  // secret_id is a UUID presented as a credential by clients.
  string secret_id = 2;

message LogoutRequest {
  // token is the ACL token's secret ID.
  string token = 1;

  // datacenter is the target datacenter in which the request will be processed.
  string datacenter = 2;