/** * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */ import domEventSourceCache from 'consul-ui/utils/dom/event-source/cache'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import sinon from 'sinon'; module('Unit | Utility | dom/event-source/cache', function () { const createEventSource = function () { return class { constructor(cb) { this.source = cb; this.source.apply(this, arguments); } addEventListener() {} removeEventListener() {} dispatchEvent() {} close() {} }; }; const createPromise = function ( resolve = (result) => result, reject = (result = { message: 'error' }) => result ) { class PromiseMock { constructor(cb = function () {}) { cb(resolve); } then(cb) { setTimeout(() => cb.bind(this)(resolve()), 0); return this; } catch(cb) { setTimeout(() => cb.bind(this)(reject()), 0); return this; } } PromiseMock.resolve = function (result) { return new PromiseMock(function (resolve) { resolve(result); }); }; PromiseMock.reject = function () { return new PromiseMock(); }; return PromiseMock; }; test('it returns a function', function (assert) { const EventSource = createEventSource(); const Promise = createPromise(); const getCache = domEventSourceCache(function () {}, EventSource, Promise); assert.strictEqual(typeof getCache, 'function'); }); test('getCache returns a function', function (assert) { const EventSource = createEventSource(); const Promise = createPromise(); const getCache = domEventSourceCache(function () {}, EventSource, Promise); const obj = {}; const cache = getCache(obj); assert.strictEqual(typeof cache, 'function'); }); test('cache creates the default EventSource and keeps it open when there is a cursor', function (assert) { const EventSource = createEventSource(); const stub = { configuration: { cursor: 1 }, }; const Promise = createPromise(function () { return stub; }); const source = sinon.stub().returns(Promise.resolve()); const cb = sinon.stub(); const getCache = domEventSourceCache(source, EventSource, Promise); const obj = {}; const cache = getCache(obj); const promisedEventSource = cache(cb, { key: 'key', settings: { enabled: true, }, }); assert.ok(source.calledOnce, 'promisifying source called once'); assert.ok(promisedEventSource instanceof Promise, 'source returns a Promise'); const retrievedEventSource = cache(cb, { key: 'key', settings: { enabled: true, }, }); assert.deepEqual(promisedEventSource, retrievedEventSource); assert.ok(source.calledTwice, 'promisifying source called once'); assert.ok(retrievedEventSource instanceof Promise, 'source returns a Promise'); }); test('cache creates the default EventSource and keeps it open when there is a cursor 2', function (assert) { assert.expect(4); const EventSource = createEventSource(); const stub = { close: sinon.stub(), configuration: { cursor: 1 }, }; const Promise = createPromise(function () { return stub; }); const source = sinon.stub().returns(Promise.resolve()); const cb = sinon.stub(); const getCache = domEventSourceCache(source, EventSource, Promise); const obj = {}; const cache = getCache(obj); const promisedEventSource = cache(cb, { key: 0, settings: { enabled: true, }, }); assert.ok(source.calledOnce, 'promisifying source called once'); assert.ok(cb.calledOnce, 'callable event source callable called once'); assert.ok(promisedEventSource instanceof Promise, 'source returns a Promise'); // >> return promisedEventSource.then(function () { assert.notOk(stub.close.called, "close wasn't called"); }); }); test("cache creates the default EventSource and closes it when there isn't a cursor", function (assert) { assert.expect(4); const EventSource = createEventSource(); const stub = { close: sinon.stub(), configuration: {}, }; const Promise = createPromise(function () { return stub; }); const source = sinon.stub().returns(Promise.resolve()); const cb = sinon.stub(); const getCache = domEventSourceCache(source, EventSource, Promise); const obj = {}; const cache = getCache(obj); const promisedEventSource = cache(cb, { key: 0, }); assert.ok(source.calledOnce, 'promisifying source called once'); assert.ok(cb.calledOnce, 'callable event source callable called once'); assert.ok(promisedEventSource instanceof Promise, 'source returns a Promise'); // >> return promisedEventSource.then(function () { assert.ok(stub.close.calledOnce, 'close was called'); }); }); });