version: '3.4' x-workdir: &workdir-volume type: volume source: workdir target: /workdir volume: nocopy: true volumes: workdir: services: # This is a dummy container that we use to create volume and keep it # accessible while other containers are down. workdir: image: alpine volumes: - *workdir-volume command: - sleep - "86400" consul: image: "consul-dev" command: - "agent" - "-dev" - "-config-dir" - "/workdir/consul" - "-client" - "" volumes: - *workdir-volume ports: # Exposing to host makes debugging locally a bit easier - "8500:8500" - "8502:8502" # For zipkin which uses this containers network - 9411:9411 # Jaeger UI - 16686:16686 s1: depends_on: - consul image: "fortio/fortio" environment: - "FORTIO_NAME=s1" command: - "server" - "-http-port" - ":8080" - "-grpc-port" - ":8079" - "-redirect-port" - "disabled" network_mode: service:consul s2: depends_on: - consul image: "fortio/fortio" environment: - "FORTIO_NAME=s2" command: - "server" - "-http-port" - ":8181" - "-grpc-port" - ":8179" - "-redirect-port" - "disabled" network_mode: service:consul s3: depends_on: - consul image: "fortio/fortio" environment: - "FORTIO_NAME=s3" command: - "server" - "-http-port" - ":8282" - "-grpc-port" - ":8279" - "-redirect-port" - "disabled" network_mode: service:consul s1-sidecar-proxy: depends_on: - consul image: "envoyproxy/envoy:v${ENVOY_VERSION:-1.8.0}" command: - "envoy" - "-c" - "/workdir/envoy/s1-bootstrap.json" - "-l" - "debug" # Hot restart breaks since both envoys seem to interact with each other # despite separate containers that don't share IPC namespace. Not quite # sure how this happens but may be due to unix socket being in some shared # location? - "--disable-hot-restart" - "--drain-time-s" - "1" volumes: - *workdir-volume network_mode: service:consul s2-sidecar-proxy: depends_on: - consul image: "envoyproxy/envoy:v${ENVOY_VERSION:-1.8.0}" command: - "envoy" - "-c" - "/workdir/envoy/s2-bootstrap.json" - "-l" - "debug" # Hot restart breaks since both envoys seem to interact with each other # despite separate containers that don't share IPC namespace. Not quite # sure how this happens but may be due to unix socket being in some shared # location? - "--disable-hot-restart" - "--drain-time-s" - "1" volumes: - *workdir-volume network_mode: service:consul s3-sidecar-proxy: depends_on: - consul image: "envoyproxy/envoy:v${ENVOY_VERSION:-1.8.0}" command: - "envoy" - "-c" - "/workdir/envoy/s3-bootstrap.json" - "-l" - "debug" # Hot restart breaks since both envoys seem to interact with each other # despite separate containers that don't share IPC namespace. Not quite # sure how this happens but may be due to unix socket being in some shared # location? - "--disable-hot-restart" - "--drain-time-s" - "1" volumes: - *workdir-volume network_mode: service:consul verify: depends_on: - consul build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile-bats tty: true environment: - ENVOY_VERSION command: - "--pretty" - "/workdir/bats" volumes: - *workdir-volume network_mode: service:consul s1-sidecar-proxy-consul-exec: depends_on: - consul build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile-consul-envoy args: ENVOY_VERSION: ${ENVOY_VERSION:-1.8.0} image: consul-dev-envoy:${ENVOY_VERSION:-1.8.0} command: - "consul" - "connect" - "envoy" - "-sidecar-for" - "s1" - "--" - "-l" - "debug" network_mode: service:consul fake-statsd: depends_on: - consul image: "alpine/socat" command: - -u - UDP-RECVFROM:8125,fork,reuseaddr # This magic incantation is needed since Envoy doesn't add newlines and so # we need each packet to be passed to echo to add a new line before # appending. - SYSTEM:'xargs -0 echo >> /workdir/statsd/statsd.log' volumes: - *workdir-volume network_mode: service:consul wipe-volumes: volumes: - *workdir-volume image: alpine command: - sh - -c - 'rm -rf /workdir/*' # This is a debugging tool run docker-compose up dump-volumes to see the # current state. dump-volumes: volumes: - *workdir-volume - ./:/cwd image: alpine command: - cp - -r - /workdir/. - /cwd/workdir/ zipkin: volumes: - *workdir-volume image: openzipkin/zipkin network_mode: service:consul jaeger: volumes: - *workdir-volume image: jaegertracing/all-in-one:1.11 network_mode: service:consul command: - --collector.zipkin.http-port=9411