{{title "Settings"}}
<AppView @class="settings show">
  <BlockSlot @name="header">
  <BlockSlot @name="content">
    <div class="notice info">
      <h3>Local Storage</h3>
        These settings are immediately saved to local storage and persisted through browser usage.
        <h2>Dashboard Links</h2>
          Add a link to the service detail page in the UI to get quick access to a service-wide metrics dashboard. Enter the dashboard URL into the field below. You can use the placeholders <code>{{'{{Datacenter}}'}}</code> and <code>{{'{{Service.Name}}'}}</code> which will be replaced with the name of the datacenter/service currently being viewed.
        <label class={{concat (if confirming 'confirming') ' type-text'}} id="urls_service">
          <span>Link template for services</span>
          <input type="text" name="urls[service]" value={{item.urls.service}} onchange={{action 'change'}} onkeypress={{action 'key'}} onkeydown={{action 'key'}} />
          <em>e.g. https://grafana.example.com/d/1/consul-service-mesh&amp;orgid=1&amp;datacenter={{'{{Datacenter}}'}}&amp;service-name={{'{{Service.Name}}'}}</em>
    {{#if (not (env 'CONSUL_UI_DISABLE_REALTIME'))}}
      <fieldset data-test-blocking-queries>
        <h2>Blocking Queries</h2>
        <p>Keep catalog info up-to-date without refreshing the page. Any changes made to services, nodes and intentions would be reflected in real time.</p>
        <div class="type-toggle">
            <input type="checkbox" name="client[blocking]" checked={{if item.client.blocking 'checked'}} onchange={{action 'change'}} />
            <span>{{if item.client.blocking 'On' 'Off'}}</span>