@ -546,6 +546,12 @@ Use these links to navigate to a particular top-level stanza.
- `enableAgentMetrics` ((#v-global-metrics-enableagentmetrics)) (`boolean: false`) - Configures consul agent metrics. Only applicable if
`global.metrics.enabled` is true.
- `disableAgentHostName` ((#v-global-metrics-disableagenthostname)) (`boolean: false`) - Set to true to stop prepending the machine's hostname to gauge-type metrics. Default is false.
Only applicable if `global.metrics.enabled` and `global.metrics.enableAgentMetrics` is true.
- `enableHostMetrics` ((#v-global-metrics-enablehostmetrics)) (`boolean: false`) - Configures consul agent underlying host metrics. Only applicable if
Only applicable if `global.metrics.enabled` and `global.metrics.enableAgentMetrics` is true.
- `agentMetricsRetentionTime` ((#v-global-metrics-agentmetricsretentiontime)) (`string: 1m`) - Configures the retention time for metrics in Consul clients and
servers. This must be greater than 0 for Consul clients and servers
to expose any metrics at all.
@ -558,6 +564,120 @@ Use these links to navigate to a particular top-level stanza.
- `enableTelemetryCollector` ((#v-global-metrics-enabletelemetrycollector)) (`boolean: false`) - Configures the Helm chart’s components to forward envoy metrics for the Consul service mesh to the
consul-telemetry-collector. This includes gateway metrics and sidecar metrics.
- `prefixFilter` ((#v-global-metrics-prefixfilter)) - This configures the list of filter rules to apply for allowing/blocking
metrics by prefix in the following format:
A leading "+" will enable any metrics with the given prefix, and a leading "-" will block them.
If there is overlap between two rules, the more specific rule will take precedence.
Blocking will take priority if the same prefix is listed multiple times.
by configuring the required `ad.datadoghq.com/consul.checks` annotation. The following _Consul_ agent metrics/health statuses
are monitored by Datadog unless monitoring via OpenMetrics (Prometheus) or DogStatsD:
- Serf events and member flaps
- The Raft protocol
- DNS performance
- API Endpoints scraped:
- `/v1/agent/metrics?format=prometheus`
- `/v1/agent/self`
- `/v1/status/leader`
- `/v1/status/peers`
- `/v1/catalog/services`
- `/v1/health/service`
- `/v1/health/state/any`
- `/v1/coordinate/datacenters`
- `/v1/coordinate/nodes`
Setting either `global.metrics.datadog.otlp.enabled=true` or `global.metrics.datadog.dogstatsd.enabled=true` disables the above checks
in lieu of metrics data collection via DogStatsD or by a customer OpenMetrics (Prometheus) collection endpoint.
~> **Note:** If you have a [dogstatsd_mapper_profile](https://docs.datadoghq.com/integrations/consul/?tab=host#dogstatsd) configured for Consul
residing on either your Datadog NodeAgent or ClusterAgent the default Consul agent metrics/health status checks will fail. If you do not desire
to utilize DogStatsD metrics emission from Consul, remove this configuration file, and restart your Datadog agent to permit the checks to run.
- `openMetricsPrometheus` ((#v-global-metrics-datadog-openmetricsprometheus)) - Configures Kubernetes Prometheus/OpenMetrics auto-discovery annotations for use with Datadog.
This configuration is less common and more for advanced usage with custom metrics monitoring
configurations. See https://docs.datadoghq.com/containers/kubernetes/prometheus/?tab=kubernetesadv2 for more details
Can be either a path to unix domain socket or an IP Address or Hostname that's reachable from the
consul-server service, server containers. When using "UDS" the path will be appended. When using "UDP"
the path will be prepended to the specified `dogstatsdPort`.
- `dogstatsdPort` ((#v-global-metrics-datadog-dogstatsd-dogstatsdport)) (`integer: 0`) - Configures IP based dogstatsd designated port that will be appended to "UDP" based transport socket IP/Hostname URL.
If using a kubernetes service based address (i.e., datadog.default.svc.cluster.local), set this to 0 to
mitigate appending a port value to the dogstatsd address field. Resultant address would be "datadog.default.svc.cluster.local" with
default port setting, while appending a non-zero port would result in "" with a dogstatsdAddr value
- `imageConsulDataplane` ((#v-global-imageconsuldataplane)) (`string: hashicorp/consul-dataplane:<latest supported version>`) - The name (and tag) of the consul-dataplane Docker image used for the
connect-injected sidecar proxies and mesh, terminating, and ingress gateways.
@ -782,6 +902,10 @@ Use these links to navigate to a particular top-level stanza.
a new CA and set of certificates. Additional service mesh settings can be configured
by setting the `server.extraConfig` value or by applying [configuration entries](/consul/docs/connect/config-entries).
- `enableAgentDebug` ((#v-server-enableagentdebug)) (`boolean: false`) - When set to true, enables Consul to report additional debugging information, including runtime profiling (pprof) data.
This setting is only required for clusters without ACL enabled. Sets `enable_debug` in server agent config to `true`.
If you change this setting, you must restart the agent for the change to take effect. Default is false.
- `serviceAccount` ((#v-server-serviceaccount))
- `annotations` ((#v-server-serviceaccount-annotations)) (`string: null`) - This value defines additional annotations for the server service account. This should be formatted as a multi-line
@ -2188,8 +2312,11 @@ Use these links to navigate to a particular top-level stanza.
- `defaultStartupFailureSeconds` ((#v-connectinject-sidecarproxy-defaultstartupfailureseconds)) (`integer: 0`) - Enables a startup probe that polls the Envoy sidecar health every second. When a container fails health checks consecutively for this period of time during startup, K8s restarts the container according to its [`restartPolicy`](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle/#restart-policy). A value of `0` disables the probe.
- `defaultLivenessFailureSeconds` ((#v-connectinject-sidecarproxy-defaultlivenessfailureseconds)) (`integer: 0`) - Enables a liveness probe that polls the Envoy sidecar health every second. When a container fails health checks for this period of time, K8s restarts the container according to its [`restartPolicy`](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle/#restart-policy). A value of `0` disables the probe.
- `defaultStartupFailureSeconds` ((#v-connectinject-sidecarproxy-defaultstartupfailureseconds)) (`integer: 0`) - Configures how long the k8s startup probe will wait before the proxy is considered to be unhealthy and the container is restarted.
A value of zero disables the probe.
- `defaultLivenessFailureSeconds` ((#v-connectinject-sidecarproxy-defaultlivenessfailureseconds)) (`integer: 0`) - Configures how long the k8s liveness probe will wait before the proxy is considered to be unhealthy and the container is restarted.
A value of zero disables the probe.
- `initContainer` ((#v-connectinject-initcontainer)) (`map`) - The resource settings for the Connect injected init container. If null, the resources
won't be set for the initContainer. The defaults are optimized for developer instances of