@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Refer to the [Consul K8s CLI reference](/docs/k8s/k8s-cli#uninstall) topic for d
Run the `helm uninstall` **and** manually remove resources that Helm does not delete.
1. Although the Helm chart automates the deletion of CRDs upon the uninstallation of the Helm chart, sometimes the finalizers tied to those CRDs may not complete because the deletion of the CRDs rely on the Consul K8s controller running. Ensure that previously created CRDs for Consul on Kubernetes are deleted, so subsequent installs of Consul on Kubernetes on the same Kubernetes cluster do not get blocked.
1. Although the Helm chart automates the deletion of CRDs upon uninstallation, sometimes the finalizers tied to those CRDs may not complete because the deletion of the CRDs rely on the Consul K8s controller running. Ensure that previously created CRDs for Consul on Kubernetes are deleted, so subsequent installs of Consul on Kubernetes on the same Kubernetes cluster do not get blocked.
$ kubectl delete crd --selector app=consul
@ -37,18 +37,16 @@ Run the `helm uninstall` **and** manually remove resources that Helm does not de
1. (Optional) If Consul is installed in a dedicated namespace, set the kubeConfig context to the `consul` namespace. Otherwise, subsequent commands will need to include `-n consul`.
1. Run the `helm uninstall <release-name>` command and specify the release name you've installed Consul with, e.g.,:
$ helm uninstall consul
release "consul" uninstalled
1. After deleting the Helm release, you need to delete the `PersistentVolumeClaim`'s
for the persistent volumes that store Consul's data. A [bug](https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/5156) in Helm prevents PVCs from being deleted. Issue the following commands: