agent: First pass at improving flags

Armon Dadgar 2014-04-11 15:22:35 -07:00
parent 0dd1cd0a8d
commit 922014530f
3 changed files with 154 additions and 202 deletions

View File

@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ func Create(config *Config, logOutput io.Writer) (*Agent, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Must configure a DataDir")
// Ensure the RPC Addr is sane
if _, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", config.ServerAddr); err != nil {
// Ensure the Bind Addr is sane
if _, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", config.BindAddr); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Bad server address: %v", err)
@ -138,20 +138,20 @@ func (a *Agent) consulConfig() *consul.Config {
if a.config.NodeName != "" {
base.NodeName = a.config.NodeName
if a.config.SerfBindAddr != "" {
base.SerfLANConfig.MemberlistConfig.BindAddr = a.config.SerfBindAddr
base.SerfWANConfig.MemberlistConfig.BindAddr = a.config.SerfBindAddr
if a.config.BindAddr != "" {
base.SerfLANConfig.MemberlistConfig.BindAddr = a.config.BindAddr
base.SerfWANConfig.MemberlistConfig.BindAddr = a.config.BindAddr
if a.config.SerfLanPort != 0 {
base.SerfLANConfig.MemberlistConfig.BindPort = a.config.SerfLanPort
base.SerfLANConfig.MemberlistConfig.AdvertisePort = a.config.SerfLanPort
if a.config.Ports.SerfLan != 0 {
base.SerfLANConfig.MemberlistConfig.BindPort = a.config.Ports.SerfLan
base.SerfLANConfig.MemberlistConfig.AdvertisePort = a.config.Ports.SerfLan
if a.config.SerfWanPort != 0 {
base.SerfWANConfig.MemberlistConfig.BindPort = a.config.SerfWanPort
base.SerfWANConfig.MemberlistConfig.AdvertisePort = a.config.SerfWanPort
if a.config.Ports.SerfWan != 0 {
base.SerfWANConfig.MemberlistConfig.BindPort = a.config.Ports.SerfWan
base.SerfWANConfig.MemberlistConfig.AdvertisePort = a.config.Ports.SerfWan
if a.config.ServerAddr != "" {
addr, _ := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", a.config.ServerAddr)
if a.config.BindAddr != "" {
addr, _ := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", a.config.BindAddr)
base.RPCAddr = addr
if a.config.AdvertiseAddr != "" {

View File

@ -41,28 +41,23 @@ func (c *Command) readConfig() *Config {
var configFiles []string
cmdFlags := flag.NewFlagSet("agent", flag.ContinueOnError)
cmdFlags.Usage = func() { c.Ui.Output(c.Help()) }
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.SerfBindAddr, "serf-bind", "", "address to bind serf listeners to")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.ServerAddr, "server-addr", "", "address to bind server listeners to")
cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&configFiles), "config-file",
"json file to read config from")
cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&configFiles), "config-dir",
"directory of json files to read")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.EncryptKey, "encrypt", "", "encryption key")
cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&configFiles), "config-file", "json file to read config from")
cmdFlags.Var((*AppendSliceValue)(&configFiles), "config-dir", "directory of json files to read")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.LogLevel, "log-level", "", "log level")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.NodeName, "node", "", "node name")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.RPCAddr, "rpc-addr", "",
"address to bind RPC listener to")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.DataDir, "data-dir", "", "path to the data directory")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.Datacenter, "dc", "", "node datacenter")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.DNSRecursor, "recursor", "", "address of dns recursor")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.AdvertiseAddr, "advertise", "", "advertise address to use")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.HTTPAddr, "http-addr", "", "address to bind http server to")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.DNSAddr, "dns-addr", "", "address to bind dns server to")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.DataDir, "data-dir", "", "path to the data directory")
cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.Server, "server", false, "run agent as server")
cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.Bootstrap, "bootstrap", false, "enable server bootstrap mode")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.StatsiteAddr, "statsite", "", "address of statsite instance")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.ClientAddr, "client", "", "address to bind client listeners to (DNS, HTTP, RPC)")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&cmdConfig.BindAddr, "bind", "", "address to bind server listeners to")
cmdFlags.IntVar(&cmdConfig.Protocol, "protocol", -1, "protocol version")
cmdFlags.BoolVar(&cmdConfig.EnableDebug, "debug", false, "enable debug features")
if err := cmdFlags.Parse(c.args); err != nil {
return nil
@ -152,7 +147,13 @@ func (c *Command) setupAgent(config *Config, logOutput io.Writer, logWriter *log
c.agent = agent
// Setup the RPC listener
rpcListener, err := net.Listen("tcp", config.RPCAddr)
rpcAddr, err := config.ClientListener(config.Ports.RPC)
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid RPC bind address: %s", err))
return err
rpcListener, err := net.Listen("tcp", rpcAddr.String())
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error starting RPC listener: %s", err))
@ -163,8 +164,14 @@ func (c *Command) setupAgent(config *Config, logOutput io.Writer, logWriter *log
c.Ui.Output("Starting Consul agent RPC...")
c.rpcServer = NewAgentRPC(agent, rpcListener, logOutput, logWriter)
if config.HTTPAddr != "" {
server, err := NewHTTPServer(agent, config.EnableDebug, logOutput, config.HTTPAddr)
if config.Ports.HTTP > 0 {
httpAddr, err := config.ClientListener(config.Ports.HTTP)
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid HTTP bind address: %s", err))
return err
server, err := NewHTTPServer(agent, config.EnableDebug, logOutput, httpAddr.String())
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error starting http server: %s", err))
@ -173,9 +180,15 @@ func (c *Command) setupAgent(config *Config, logOutput io.Writer, logWriter *log
c.httpServer = server
if config.DNSAddr != "" {
if config.Ports.DNS > 0 {
dnsAddr, err := config.ClientListener(config.Ports.DNS)
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid DNS bind address: %s", err))
return err
server, err := NewDNSServer(agent, logOutput, config.Domain,
config.DNSAddr, config.DNSRecursor)
dnsAddr.String(), config.DNSRecursor)
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error starting dns server: %s", err))
@ -274,13 +287,12 @@ func (c *Command) Run(args []string) int {
c.Ui.Output("Consul agent running!")
c.Ui.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" Node name: '%s'", config.NodeName))
c.Ui.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" Datacenter: '%s'", config.Datacenter))
c.Ui.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Advertise addr: '%s'", config.AdvertiseAddr))
c.Ui.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" RPC addr: '%s'", config.RPCAddr))
c.Ui.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" HTTP addr: '%s'", config.HTTPAddr))
c.Ui.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" DNS addr: '%s'", config.DNSAddr))
c.Ui.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" Encrypted: %#v", config.EncryptKey != ""))
c.Ui.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Datacenter: '%s'", config.Datacenter))
if config.Server {
c.Ui.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" Server: %v (bootstrap: %v)", config.Server, config.Bootstrap))
} else {
c.Ui.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" Server: %v", config.Server))
// Enable log streaming
@ -419,104 +431,27 @@ func (c *Command) Help() string {
Usage: consul agent [options]
Starts the Consul agent and runs until an interrupt is received. The
agent represents a single node in a cluster. An agent can also serve
as a server by configuraiton.
agent represents a single node in a cluster.
-rpc-addr= Address to bind the RPC listener.
-bootstrap Sets server to bootstrap mode
-bind= Sets the bind address for cluster communication
-client= Sets the address to bind for client access.
This includes RPC, DNS and HTTP
-config-file=foo Path to a JSON file to read configuration from.
This can be specified multiple times.
-config-dir=foo Path to a directory to read configuration files
from. This will read every file ending in ".json"
as configuration in this directory in alphabetical
-data-dir=path Path to a data directory to store agent state
-dc=east-aws Datacenter of the agent
-log-level=info Log level of the agent.
-node=hostname Name of this node. Must be unique in the cluster
-protocol=N Sets the protocol version. Defaults to latest.
-server Switches agent to server mode.
-serf-bind - The address that the underlying Serf library will bind to.
This is an IP address that should be reachable by all other nodes in the cluster.
By default this is "", meaning Consul will use the first available private
IP address. Consul uses both TCP and UDP and use the same port for both, so if you
have any firewalls be sure to allow both protocols.
-server-addr - The address that the agent will bind to for handling RPC calls
if running in server mode. This does not affect clients running in client mode.
By default this is "". This port is used for TCP communications so any
firewalls must be configured to allow this.
-advertise - The advertise flag is used to change the address that we
advertise to other nodes in the cluster. By default, the "-serf-bind" address is
advertised. However, in some cases (specifically NAT traversal), there may
be a routable address that cannot be bound to. This flag enables gossiping
a different address to support this. If this address is not routable, the node
will be in a constant flapping state, as other nodes will treat the non-routability
as a failure.
-config-file - A configuration file to load. For more information on
the format of this file, read the "Configuration Files" section below.
This option can be specified multiple times to load multiple configuration
files. If it is specified multiple times, configuration files loaded later
will merge with configuration files loaded earlier, with the later values
overriding the earlier values.
- config-dir - A directory of configuration files to load. Consul will
load all files in this directory ending in ".json" as configuration files
in alphabetical order. For more information on the format of the configuration
files, see the "Configuration Files" section below.
-encrypt - Specifies the secret key to use for encryption of Consul
network traffic. This key must be 16-bytes that are base64 encoded. The
easiest way to create an encryption key is to use "consul keygen". All
nodes within a cluster must share the same encryption key to communicate.
-log-level - The level of logging to show after the Consul agent has
started. This defaults to "info". The available log levels are "trace",
"debug", "info", "warn", "err". This is the log level that will be shown
for the agent output, but note you can always connect via "consul monitor"
to an agent at any log level. The log level can be changed during a
config reload.
-node - The name of this node in the cluster. This must be unique within
the cluster. By default this is the hostname of the machine.
-rpc-addr - The address that Consul will bind to for the agent's RPC server.
By default this is "", allowing only loopback connections.
The RPC address is used by other Consul commands, such as "consul members",
in order to query a running Consul agent. It is also used by other applications
to control Consul using it's [RPC protocol](/docs/agent/rpc.html).
-data - This flag provides a data directory for the agent to store state.
This is required for all agents. The directory should be durable across reboots.
This is especially critical for agents that are running in server mode, as they
must be able to persist the cluster state.
-dc - This flag controls the datacenter the agent is running in. If not provided
it defaults to "dc1". Consul has first class support for multiple data centers but
it relies on proper configuration. Nodes in the same datacenter should be on a single
-recursor - This flag provides an address of an upstream DNS server that is used to
recursively resolve queries if they are not inside the service domain for consul. For example,
a node can use Consul directly as a DNS server, and if the record is outside of the "consul." domain,
the query will be resolved upstream using this server.
-http-addr - This flag controls the address the agent listens on for HTTP requests.
By default it is bound to "". This port must allow for TCP traffic.
-dns-addr - This flag controls the address the agent listens on for DNS requests.
By default it is bound to "". This port must allow for UDP and TCP traffic.
-server - This flag is used to control if an agent is in server or client mode. When provided,
an agent will act as a Consul server. Each Consul cluster must have at least one server, and ideally
no more than 5 *per* datacenter. All servers participate in the Raft consensus algorithm, to ensure that
transactions occur in a consistent, linearlizable manner. Transactions modify cluster state, which
is maintained on all server nodes to ensure availability in the case of node failure. Server nodes also
participate in a WAN gossip pool with server nodes in other datacenters. Servers act as gateways
to other datacenters and forward traffic as appropriate.
-bootstrap - This flag is used to control if a server is in "bootstrap" mode. It is important that
no more than one server *per* datacenter be running in this mode. The initial server **must** be in bootstrap
mode. Technically, a server in boostrap mode is allowed to self-elect as the Raft leader. It is important
that only a single node is in this mode, because otherwise consistency cannot be guarenteed if multiple
nodes are able to self-elect. Once there are multiple servers in a datacenter, it is generally a good idea
to disable bootstrap mode on all of them.
-statsite - This flag provides the address of a statsite instance. If provided Consul will stream
various telemetry information to that instance for aggregation. This can be used to capture various
runtime information.
return strings.TrimSpace(helpText)

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
@ -14,28 +15,37 @@ import (
// Ports is used to simplify the configuration by
// providing default ports, and allowing the addresses
// to only be specified once
type PortConfig struct {
DNS int // DNS Query interface
RPC int // CLI RPC
SerfLan int `mapstructure:"serf_lan"` // LAN gossip (Client + Server)
SerfWan int `mapstructure:"serv_wan"` // WAN gossip (Server onlyg)
Server int // Server internal RPC
// Config is the configuration that can be set for an Agent.
// Some of this is configurable as CLI flags, but most must
// be set using a configuration file.
type Config struct {
// AEInterval controls the anti-entropy interval. This is how often
// the agent attempts to reconcile it's local state with the server'
// representation of our state. Defaults to every 60s.
AEInterval time.Duration `mapstructure:"-"`
// Bootstrap is used to bring up the first Consul server, and
// permits that node to elect itself leader
Bootstrap bool `mapstructure:"bootstrap"`
// Server controls if this agent acts like a Consul server,
// or merely as a client. Servers have more state, take part
// in leader election, etc.
Server bool `mapstructure:"server"`
// Datacenter is the datacenter this node is in. Defaults to dc1
Datacenter string `mapstructure:"datacenter"`
// DataDir is the directory to store our state in
DataDir string `mapstructure:"data_dir"`
// DNSAddr is the address of the DNS server for the agent
DNSAddr string `mapstructure:"dns_addr"`
// DNSRecursor can be set to allow the DNS server to recursively
// resolve non-consul domains
DNSRecursor string `mapstructure:"recursor"`
@ -46,44 +56,28 @@ type Config struct {
// Encryption key to use for the Serf communication
EncryptKey string `mapstructure:"encrypt"`
// HTTP interface address
HTTPAddr string `mapstructure:"http_addr"`
// LogLevel is the level of the logs to putout
LogLevel string `mapstructure:"log_level"`
// Node name is the name we use to advertise. Defaults to hostname.
NodeName string `mapstructure:"node_name"`
// RPCAddr is the address and port to listen on for the
// agent's RPC interface.
RPCAddr string `mapstructure:"rpc_addr"`
// ClientAddr is used to control the address we bind to for
// client services (DNS, HTTP, RPC)
ClientAddr string `mapstructure:"client_addr"`
// BindAddr is the address that Consul's RPC and Serf's will
// bind to. This address should be routable by all other hosts.
SerfBindAddr string `mapstructure:"serf_bind_addr"`
// SerfLanPort is the port we use for the lan-local serf cluster
// This is used for all nodes.
SerfLanPort int `mapstructure:"serf_lan_port"`
// SerfWanPort is the port we use for the wan serf cluster.
// This is only for the Consul servers
SerfWanPort int `mapstructure:"serf_wan_port"`
// ServerAddr is the address we use for Consul server communication.
// Defaults to
ServerAddr string `mapstructure:"server_addr"`
// BindAddr is used to control the address we bind to.
// If not specified, the first private IP we find is used.
// This controls the address we use for cluster facing
// services (Gossip, Server RPC)
BindAddr string `mapstructure:"bind_addr"`
// AdvertiseAddr is the address we use for advertising our Serf,
// and Consul RPC IP. If not specified, the first private IP we
// find is used.
// and Consul RPC IP. If not specified, bind address is used.
AdvertiseAddr string `mapstructure:"advertise_addr"`
// Server controls if this agent acts like a Consul server,
// or merely as a client. Servers have more state, take part
// in leader election, etc.
Server bool `mapstructure:"server"`
// Port configurations
Ports PortConfig
// LeaveOnTerm controls if Serf does a graceful leave when receiving
// the TERM signal. Defaults false. This can be changed on reload.
@ -125,6 +119,11 @@ type Config struct {
// Must be provided to serve TLS connections.
KeyFile string `mapstructure:"key_file"`
// AEInterval controls the anti-entropy interval. This is how often
// the agent attempts to reconcile it's local state with the server'
// representation of our state. Defaults to every 60s.
AEInterval time.Duration `mapstructure:"-"`
// Checks holds the provided check definitions
Checks []*CheckDefinition `mapstructure:"-"`
@ -140,17 +139,22 @@ type dirEnts []os.FileInfo
// DefaultConfig is used to return a sane default configuration
func DefaultConfig() *Config {
return &Config{
AEInterval: time.Minute,
Datacenter: consul.DefaultDC,
DNSAddr: "",
Domain: "consul.",
HTTPAddr: "",
LogLevel: "INFO",
RPCAddr: "",
SerfLanPort: consul.DefaultLANSerfPort,
SerfWanPort: consul.DefaultWANSerfPort,
Bootstrap: false,
Server: false,
Datacenter: consul.DefaultDC,
Domain: "consul.",
LogLevel: "INFO",
ClientAddr: "",
Ports: PortConfig{
DNS: 8600,
HTTP: 8500,
RPC: 8400,
SerfLan: consul.DefaultLANSerfPort,
SerfWan: consul.DefaultWANSerfPort,
Server: 8300,
Protocol: consul.ProtocolVersionMax,
AEInterval: time.Minute,
@ -159,6 +163,16 @@ func (c *Config) EncryptBytes() ([]byte, error) {
return base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(c.EncryptKey)
// ClientListener is used to format a listener for a
// port on a ClientAddr
func (c *Config) ClientListener(port int) (*net.TCPAddr, error) {
ip := net.ParseIP(c.ClientAddr)
if ip == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse IP: %v", c.ClientAddr)
return &net.TCPAddr{IP: ip, Port: port}, nil
// DecodeConfig reads the configuration from the given reader in JSON
// format and decodes it into a proper Config structure.
func DecodeConfig(r io.Reader) (*Config, error) {
@ -303,9 +317,6 @@ func MergeConfig(a, b *Config) *Config {
if b.DataDir != "" {
result.DataDir = b.DataDir
if b.DNSAddr != "" {
result.DNSAddr = b.DNSAddr
if b.DNSRecursor != "" {
result.DNSRecursor = b.DNSRecursor
@ -315,9 +326,6 @@ func MergeConfig(a, b *Config) *Config {
if b.EncryptKey != "" {
result.EncryptKey = b.EncryptKey
if b.HTTPAddr != "" {
result.HTTPAddr = b.HTTPAddr
if b.LogLevel != "" {
result.LogLevel = b.LogLevel
@ -327,20 +335,11 @@ func MergeConfig(a, b *Config) *Config {
if b.NodeName != "" {
result.NodeName = b.NodeName
if b.RPCAddr != "" {
result.RPCAddr = b.RPCAddr
if b.ClientAddr != "" {
result.ClientAddr = b.ClientAddr
if b.SerfBindAddr != "" {
result.SerfBindAddr = b.SerfBindAddr
if b.SerfLanPort > 0 {
result.SerfLanPort = b.SerfLanPort
if b.SerfWanPort > 0 {
result.SerfWanPort = b.SerfWanPort
if b.ServerAddr != "" {
result.ServerAddr = b.ServerAddr
if b.BindAddr != "" {
result.BindAddr = b.BindAddr
if b.AdvertiseAddr != "" {
result.AdvertiseAddr = b.AdvertiseAddr
@ -378,6 +377,24 @@ func MergeConfig(a, b *Config) *Config {
if b.Services != nil {
result.Services = append(result.Services, b.Services...)
if b.Ports.DNS != 0 {
result.Ports.DNS = b.Ports.DNS
if b.Ports.HTTP != 0 {
result.Ports.HTTP = b.Ports.HTTP
if b.Ports.RPC != 0 {
result.Ports.RPC = b.Ports.RPC
if b.Ports.SerfLan != 0 {
result.Ports.SerfLan = b.Ports.SerfLan
if b.Ports.SerfWan != 0 {
result.Ports.SerfWan = b.Ports.SerfWan
if b.Ports.Server != 0 {
result.Ports.Server = b.Ports.Server
return &result