mirror of https://github.com/hashicorp/consul
Load test, upgrade packer version, fix k6s installation (#13382)
- fix sg: need remote access to test server - Give the load generator a name - Update loadtest hcl filename in readme - Add terraform init - Disable access to the server machine by defaultpull/13457/head
@ -7,12 +7,6 @@ provider "aws" {
assume_role {
role_arn = var.role_arn
default_tags {
tags = {
Environment = "ConsulLoadTest"
module "load-test" {
@ -21,6 +15,7 @@ module "load-test" {
vpc_az = ["us-east-2a", "us-east-2b"]
vpc_name = var.vpc_name
vpc_cidr = ""
vpc_allwed_ssh_cidr = ""
public_subnet_cidrs = ["", ""]
private_subnet_cidrs = [""]
test_public_ip = true
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Terraform Consul Load Testing
Packer will output AMI IDs when it completes - save these AMI IDs as Terraform will require them later.
The generated ami will have common tag `Environment = "consul-load-test"`.
==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
@ -12,7 +13,8 @@ us-east-1: ami-19601070
Within the `consul-ami/` directory
1) Retrieve your [Datadog API key]((https://docs.datadoghq.com/account_management/api-app-keys/#api-keys)), set this as an environment variable, ex: `export DD_API_KEY=$YOURDDAPIKEYHERE`
2) Set the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION for Packer, ex: `export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1`
3) Run `packer build consul.json`.
4) Run `packer build consul.pkr.hcl`.
For additional customization you can add [tags](https://docs.datadoghq.com/getting_started/tagging/assigning_tags/?tab=noncontainerizedenvironments) within the `scripts/datadog.yaml` file. An example of a tag could be `"consul_version" : "consulent_175"`. These tags are searchable through the datadog dashboard. Another form of customization is changing the datacenter tag within `scripts/telemetry.json`, however it is defaulted to `us-east-1`.
@ -22,6 +24,6 @@ For additional customization you can add [tags](https://docs.datadoghq.com/getti
Within the `loadtest-ami/` directory
1) Set the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION for Packer, ex: `export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1`
2) Run the command `packer build loadtest.json`
2) Run the command `packer build loadtest.pkr.hcl`
The script that k6 runs is found within `scripts/loadtest.js`. This script can be updated to send requests to more Consul endpoints. For additional information on k6 please check out their [guides](https://k6.io/docs/getting-started/running-k6).
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
"min_packer_version": "1.5.4",
"variables": {
"aws_region": "{{env `AWS_DEFAULT_REGION`}}",
"dd_api_key": "{{env `DD_API_KEY`}}"
"builders": [{
"name": "ubuntu18-ami",
"ami_name": "consul-ubuntu-{{isotime | clean_resource_name}}-{{uuid}}",
"ami_description": "An Ubuntu 18.04 AMI that has Consul installed.",
"instance_type": "t2.micro",
"region": "{{user `aws_region`}}",
"associate_public_ip_address": true,
"type": "amazon-ebs",
"source_ami_filter": {
"filters": {
"virtualization-type": "hvm",
"architecture": "x86_64",
"name": "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-bionic-18.04-amd64-server-*",
"block-device-mapping.volume-type": "gp2",
"root-device-type": "ebs"
"owners": ["099720109477"],
"most_recent": true
"ssh_username": "ubuntu"
"provisioners": [{
"type": "shell",
"inline": ["mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/scripts"]
"type": "file",
"source": "{{template_dir}}/scripts",
"destination": "/home/ubuntu",
"pause_before": "30s"
"type": "shell",
"inline": [
"pause_before": "30s"
"type": "shell",
"inline": [
"DD_AGENT_MAJOR_VERSION=7 DD_API_KEY={{user `dd_api_key`}} bash -c \"$(curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/master/cmd/agent/install_script.sh)\""
"type": "shell",
"execute_command": "sudo sh -c '{{ .Vars }} {{ .Path }}'",
"environment_vars": [
"DD_API_KEY={{user `dd_api_key`}}"
"script": "{{template_dir}}/scripts/move-files.sh"
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
packer {
required_version = ">= 1.5.4"
variable "aws_region" {
type = string
default = "${env("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION")}"
variable "dd_api_key" {
type = string
default = "${env("DD_API_KEY")}"
data "amazon-ami" "autogenerated_1" {
filters = {
architecture = "x86_64"
"block-device-mapping.volume-type" = "gp2"
name = "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-bionic-18.04-amd64-server-*"
root-device-type = "ebs"
virtualization-type = "hvm"
most_recent = true
owners = ["099720109477"]
region = "${var.aws_region}"
source "amazon-ebs" "ubuntu18-ami" {
ami_description = "An Ubuntu 18.04 AMI that has Consul installed."
ami_name = "consul-ubuntu-${ formatdate("YYYY-MM-DD", timestamp()) }T${ formatdate("hh-mm", timestamp()) }-{{uuid}}"
associate_public_ip_address = true
instance_type = "t2.micro"
region = "${var.aws_region}"
source_ami = "${data.amazon-ami.autogenerated_1.id}"
ssh_username = "ubuntu"
tags = {
Environment = "consul-load-test"
build {
sources = ["source.amazon-ebs.ubuntu18-ami"]
provisioner "shell" {
inline = ["mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/scripts"]
provisioner "file" {
destination = "/home/ubuntu"
pause_before = "30s"
source = "${path.root}/scripts"
provisioner "shell" {
inline = ["/home/ubuntu/scripts/setup-systemd-resolved"]
pause_before = "30s"
provisioner "shell" {
inline = ["DD_AGENT_MAJOR_VERSION=7 DD_API_KEY=${var.dd_api_key} bash -c \"$(curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/master/cmd/agent/install_script.sh)\""]
provisioner "shell" {
environment_vars = ["DD_API_KEY=${var.dd_api_key}"]
execute_command = "sudo sh -c '{{ .Vars }} {{ .Path }}'"
script = "${path.root}/scripts/move-files.sh"
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
"min_packer_version": "1.5.4",
"variables": {
"aws_region": "{{env `AWS_DEFAULT_REGION`}}"
"builders": [{
"name": "ubuntu18-ami",
"ami_name": "consul-test-{{isotime | clean_resource_name}}-{{uuid}}",
"ami_description": "An Ubuntu 18.04 AMI that has hey installed.",
"instance_type": "t2.micro",
"region": "{{user `aws_region`}}",
"associate_public_ip_address": true,
"type": "amazon-ebs",
"source_ami_filter": {
"filters": {
"virtualization-type": "hvm",
"architecture": "x86_64",
"name": "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-bionic-18.04-amd64-server-*",
"block-device-mapping.volume-type": "gp2",
"root-device-type": "ebs"
"owners": ["099720109477"],
"most_recent": true
"ssh_username": "ubuntu"
"provisioners": [{
"type": "shell",
"inline": ["mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/scripts/"]
"type": "file",
"source": "{{template_dir}}/scripts",
"destination": "/home/ubuntu",
"pause_before": "30s"
"type": "shell",
"execute_command": "sudo -S sh -c '{{ .Vars }} {{ .Path }}'",
"script": "./scripts/install-k6.sh"
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
packer {
required_version = ">= 1.5.4"
variable "aws_region" {
type = string
default = "${env("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION")}"
data "amazon-ami" "autogenerated_1" {
filters = {
architecture = "x86_64"
"block-device-mapping.volume-type" = "gp2"
name = "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-bionic-18.04-amd64-server-*"
root-device-type = "ebs"
virtualization-type = "hvm"
most_recent = true
owners = ["099720109477"]
region = "${var.aws_region}"
source "amazon-ebs" "ubuntu18-ami" {
ami_description = "An Ubuntu 18.04 AMI that has hey installed."
ami_name = "consul-test-${ formatdate("YYYY-MM-DD", timestamp()) }T${ formatdate("hh-mm", timestamp()) }-{{uuid}}"
associate_public_ip_address = true
instance_type = "t2.micro"
region = "${var.aws_region}"
source_ami = "${data.amazon-ami.autogenerated_1.id}"
ssh_username = "ubuntu"
build {
sources = ["source.amazon-ebs.ubuntu18-ami"]
provisioner "shell" {
inline = ["mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/scripts/"]
provisioner "file" {
destination = "/home/ubuntu"
pause_before = "30s"
source = "${path.root}/scripts"
provisioner "shell" {
execute_command = "sudo -S sh -c '{{ .Vars }} {{ .Path }}'"
script = "./scripts/install-k6.sh"
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ ulimit -Sn 100000
sysctl -p
# download k6
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 379CE192D401AB61
echo "deb https://dl.bintray.com/loadimpact/deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/k6-archive-keyring.gpg --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys C5AD17C747E3415A3642D57D77C6C491D6AC1D69
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/k6-archive-keyring.gpg] https://dl.k6.io/deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/k6.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install k6
@ -6,14 +6,16 @@
to pulling from latest.
4. Set either `consul_version` or `consul_download_url`. If neither is set it will default to utilizing Consul 1.9.0
5. AWS Variables are set off of environment variables. Make sure to export necessary variables [shown here](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs#environment-variables).
6. Run `terraform plan -var-file=vars.tfvars`, and then `terraform apply -var-file=vars.tfvars` when ready.
7. Upon completion k6 should run and push metrics to the desired Datadog dashboard.
6. Run `terraform init` once to setup the working directory.
7. Run `terraform plan -var-file=vars.tfvars`, and then `terraform apply -var-file=vars.tfvars` when ready.
8. Upon completion k6 should run and push metrics to the desired Datadog dashboard.
An example of a `vars.tfvars` :
vpc_name = "consul-test-vpc"
vpc_cidr = ""
vpc_allwed_ssh_cidr = ""
public_subnet_cidrs = ["", ""]
private_subnet_cidrs = [""]
vpc_az = ["us-east-2a", "us-east-2b"]
@ -26,6 +28,9 @@ ami_owners = ["******"]
consul_ami_id = "ami-016d80ff5472346f0"
Note that `vpc_allwed_ssh_cidr` must be set to allowed the test server to be accessible from the
machine running the load test, e.g., "" (It is disabled by default).
## Customization
All customization for infrastructure that is available can be found by looking through the `variables.tf` file.
@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ resource "aws_security_group" "test-servers" {
from_port = 22
to_port = 22
protocol = "6"
cidr_blocks = [var.vpc_cidr]
cidr_blocks = [var.vpc_allwed_ssh_cidr]
egress {
from_port = 0
to_port = 0
protocol = "-1"
cidr_blocks = [var.vpc_cidr]
cidr_blocks = [""]
@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ resource "aws_instance" "test-server" {
vpc_security_group_ids = toset([aws_security_group.test-servers.id])
associate_public_ip_address = var.test_public_ip
subnet_id = (module.vpc.public_subnets)[0]
tags = {
Name = "consul-load-generator-server-${local.random_name}"
provisioner "remote-exec" {
inline = [
"export LB_ENDPOINT=${module.alb.this_lb_dns_name}",
@ -59,6 +59,11 @@ variable "vpc_cidr" {
description = "List of CIDR blocks for the VPC module"
variable "vpc_allwed_ssh_cidr" {
description = "List of CIDR blocks allowed to ssh to the test server; set to to allow access from anywhere"
default = ""
variable "public_subnet_cidrs" {
type = list(string)
description = "CIDR Block for the Public Subnet, must be within VPC CIDR range"
Reference in New Issue