logging: improve tests

Standardize naming
Use stricter assertions and reduce boilerplate to make the intent of the tests more obvious.

Also explicitly sort the filenames so that the correct files are pruned,
and so that the tests can not flake.
Daniel Nephin 2020-10-22 14:53:32 -04:00
parent 2dcc6966fe
commit 752e3ec0b1
2 changed files with 65 additions and 76 deletions

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ func (l *LogFile) pruneFiles() error {
return nil
last := len(matches) - l.MaxFiles
return removeFiles(matches[:last])

View File

@ -2,135 +2,122 @@ package logging
import (
const (
testFileName = "Consul.log"
testDuration = 50 * time.Millisecond
testBytes = 10
func TestLogFile_timeRotation(t *testing.T) {
tempDir := testutil.TempDir(t, "LogWriterTime")
func TestLogFile_Rotation_MaxDuration(t *testing.T) {
tempDir := testutil.TempDir(t, "")
logFile := LogFile{
fileName: testFileName,
fileName: "consul.log",
logPath: tempDir,
duration: testDuration,
duration: 50 * time.Millisecond,
logFile.Write([]byte("Hello World"))
time.Sleep(3 * testDuration)
time.Sleep(3 * logFile.duration)
logFile.Write([]byte("Second File"))
want := 2
if got, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(tempDir); len(got) != want {
t.Errorf("Expected %d files, got %v file(s)", want, len(got))
require.Len(t, listDir(t, tempDir), 2)
func TestLogFile_openNew(t *testing.T) {
tempDir := testutil.TempDir(t, "LogWriterOpen")
logFile := LogFile{fileName: testFileName, logPath: tempDir, duration: testDuration}
if err := logFile.openNew(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected open file %s, got an error (%s)", testFileName, err)
logFile := LogFile{
fileName: "consul.log",
logPath: testutil.TempDir(t, ""),
duration: defaultRotateDuration,
err := logFile.openNew()
require.NoError(t, err)
if _, err := ioutil.ReadFile(logFile.FileInfo.Name()); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected readable file %s, got an error (%s)", logFile.FileInfo.Name(), err)
msg := "[INFO] Something"
_, err = logFile.Write([]byte(msg))
require.NoError(t, err)
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(logFile.FileInfo.Name())
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Contains(t, string(content), msg)
func TestLogFile_byteRotation(t *testing.T) {
func TestLogFile_Rotation_MaxBytes(t *testing.T) {
tempDir := testutil.TempDir(t, "LogWriterBytes")
logFile := LogFile{
fileName: testFileName,
fileName: "somefile.log",
logPath: tempDir,
MaxBytes: testBytes,
duration: 24 * time.Hour,
MaxBytes: 10,
duration: defaultRotateDuration,
logFile.Write([]byte("Hello World"))
logFile.Write([]byte("Second File"))
want := 2
tempFiles, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(tempDir)
if got := tempFiles; len(got) != want {
t.Errorf("Expected %d files, got %v file(s)", want, len(got))
require.Len(t, listDir(t, tempDir), 2)
func TestLogFile_deleteArchives(t *testing.T) {
tempDir := testutil.TempDir(t, "LogWriteDeleteArchives")
func TestLogFile_PruneFiles(t *testing.T) {
tempDir := testutil.TempDir(t, t.Name())
logFile := LogFile{
fileName: testFileName,
fileName: "consul.log",
logPath: tempDir,
MaxBytes: testBytes,
duration: 24 * time.Hour,
MaxBytes: 10,
duration: defaultRotateDuration,
MaxFiles: 1,
logFile.Write([]byte("[INFO] Hello World"))
logFile.Write([]byte("[INFO] Second File"))
logFile.Write([]byte("[INFO] Third File"))
want := 2
tempFiles, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(tempDir)
if got := tempFiles; len(got) != want {
t.Errorf("Expected %d files, got %v file(s)", want, len(got))
for _, tempFile := range tempFiles {
var bytes []byte
var err error
path := filepath.Join(tempDir, tempFile.Name())
if bytes, err = ioutil.ReadFile(path); err != nil {
contents := string(bytes)
if contents == "[INFO] Hello World" {
t.Errorf("Should have deleted the eldest log file")
logFiles := listDir(t, tempDir)
require.Len(t, logFiles, 2)
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tempDir, logFiles[0]))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Contains(t, string(content), "Second File")
content, err = ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tempDir, logFiles[1]))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Contains(t, string(content), "Third File")
func TestLogFile_deleteArchivesDisabled(t *testing.T) {
func TestLogFile_PruneFiles_Disabled(t *testing.T) {
tempDir := testutil.TempDir(t, t.Name())
logFile := LogFile{
fileName: testFileName,
fileName: "somename.log",
logPath: tempDir,
MaxBytes: testBytes,
duration: 24 * time.Hour,
MaxBytes: 10,
duration: defaultRotateDuration,
MaxFiles: 0,
logFile.Write([]byte("[INFO] Hello World"))
logFile.Write([]byte("[INFO] Second File"))
logFile.Write([]byte("[INFO] Third File"))
want := 3
tempFiles, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(tempDir)
if got := tempFiles; len(got) != want {
t.Errorf("Expected %d files, got %v file(s)", want, len(got))
require.Len(t, listDir(t, tempDir), 3)
func TestLogFile_rotationDisabled(t *testing.T) {
func TestLogFile_FileRotation_Disabled(t *testing.T) {
tempDir := testutil.TempDir(t, t.Name())
logFile := LogFile{
fileName: testFileName,
fileName: "consul.log",
logPath: tempDir,
MaxBytes: testBytes,
duration: 24 * time.Hour,
MaxBytes: 10,
MaxFiles: -1,
logFile.Write([]byte("[INFO] Hello World"))
logFile.Write([]byte("[INFO] Second File"))
logFile.Write([]byte("[INFO] Third File"))
want := 1
tempFiles, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(tempDir)
if got := tempFiles; len(got) != want {
t.Errorf("Expected %d files, got %v file(s)", want, len(got))
require.Len(t, listDir(t, tempDir), 1)
func listDir(t *testing.T, name string) []string {
fh, err := os.Open(name)
require.NoError(t, err)
files, err := fh.Readdirnames(100)
require.NoError(t, err)
return files