@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ This is a full list of metrics emitted by Consul.
| `consul.dns.stale_queries` | This increments when an agent serves a query within the allowed stale threshold. | queries | counter |
| `consul.dns.ptr_query.` | This measures the time spent handling a reverse DNS query for the given node. | ms | timer |
| `consul.dns.domain_query.` | This measures the time spent handling a domain query for the given node. | ms | timer |
| `consul.http..` | This tracks how long it takes to service the given HTTP request for the given verb and path. Paths do not include details like service or key names, for these an underscore will be present as a placeholder (eg. `consul.http.GET.v1.kv._`) | ms | timer |
| `consul.http` | This tracks how long it takes to service the given HTTP request for the given verb and path. Paths do not include details like service or key names, for these an underscore will be present as a placeholder (eg. label `path=v1_kv_`) | ms | timer |