diff --git a/website/source/api/index.html.md b/website/source/api/index.html.md
index 0740fe3364..aea0c3e750 100644
--- a/website/source/api/index.html.md
+++ b/website/source/api/index.html.md
@@ -77,6 +77,51 @@ to the supplied maximum `wait` time to spread out the wake up time of any
concurrent requests. This adds up to `wait / 16` additional time to the maximum
+### Implementation Details
+While the mechanism is relatively simple to work with, there are a few edge
+cases that must be handled correctly.
+ * **Reset the index if it goes backwards**. While indexes in general are
+ monotonically increasing(i.e. they should only ever increase as time passes),
+ there are several real-world scenarios in
+ which they can go backwards for a given query. Implementations must check
+ to see if a returned index is lower than the previous value,
+ and if it is, should reset index to `0` - effectively restarting their blocking loop.
+ Failure to do so may cause the client to miss future updates for an unbounded
+ time, or to use an invalid index value that causes no blocking and increases
+ load on the servers. Cases where this can occur include:
+ * If a raft snapshot is restored on the servers with older version of the data.
+ * KV list operations where an item with the highest index is removed.
+ * A Consul upgrade changes the way watches work to optimize them with more
+ granular indexes.
+ * **Sanity check index is greater than zero**. After the initial request (or a
+ reset as above) the `X-Consul-Index` returned _should_ always be greater than zero. It
+ is a bug in Consul if it is not, however this has happened a few times and can
+ still be triggered on some older Consul versions. It's especially bad because it
+ causes blocking clients that are not aware to enter a busy loop, using excessive
+ client CPU and causing high load on servers. It is _always_ safe to use an
+ index of `1` to wait for updates when the data being requested doesn't exist
+ yet, so clients _should_ sanity check that their index is at least 1 after
+ each blocking response is handled to be sure they actually block on the next
+ request.
+ * **Rate limit**. The blocking query mechanism is reasonably efficient when updates
+ are relatively rare (order of tens of seconds to minutes between updates). In cases
+ where a result gets updated very fast however - possibly during an outage or incident
+ with a badly behaved client - blocking query loops degrade into busy loops that
+ consume excessive client CPU and cause high server load. While it's possible to just add a sleep
+ to every iteration of the loop, this is **not** recommended since it causes update
+ delivery to be delayed in the happy case, and it can exacerbate the problem since
+ it increases the chance that the index has changed on the next request. Clients
+ _should_ instead rate limit the loop so that in the happy case they proceed without
+ waiting, but when values start to churn quickly they degrade into polling at a
+ reasonable rate (say every 15 seconds). Ideally this is done with an algorithm that
+ allows a couple of quick successive deliveries before it starts to limit rate - a
+ [token bucket](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Token_bucket) with burst of 2 is a simple
+ way to achieve this.
### Hash-based Blocking Queries
A limited number of agent endpoints also support blocking however because the