@ -151,17 +151,22 @@ will exit with an error at startup.
the use of filesystem locking, meaning some types of mounted folders (e.g. VirtualBox
shared folders) may not be suitable.
* <a name="_datacenter"></a><a href="#_datacenter">`-datacenter`</a> - This flag controls the datacenter in
which the agent is running. If not provided,
it defaults to "dc1". Consul has first-class support for multiple datacenters, but
it relies on proper configuration. Nodes in the same datacenter should be on a single
* <a name="_dev"></a><a href="#_dev">`-dev`</a> - Enable development server
mode. This is useful for quickly starting a Consul agent with all persistence
options turned off, enabling an in-memory server which can be used for rapid
prototyping or developing against the API. This mode is **not** intended for
production use as it does not write any data to disk.
* <a name="_datacenter"></a><a href="#_datacenter">`-datacenter`</a> - This flag controls the datacenter in
which the agent is running. If not provided,
it defaults to "dc1". Consul has first-class support for multiple datacenters, but
it relies on proper configuration. Nodes in the same datacenter should be on a single
* <a name="_disable_host_node_id"></a><a href="#_disable_host_node_id">`-disable-host-node-id`</a> - Setting
this to true will prevent Consul from using information from the host to generate a deterministic node ID,
and will instead generate a random node ID which will be persisted in the data directory. This is useful
when running multiple Consul agents on the same host for testing. This defaults to false.
* <a name="_dns_port"></a><a href="#_dns_port">`-dns-port`</a> - the DNS port to listen on.
This overrides the default port 8600. This is available in Consul 0.7 and later.
@ -295,11 +300,9 @@ will exit with an error at startup.
changes. This must be in the form of a hex string, 36 characters long, such as
`adf4238a-882b-9ddc-4a9d-5b6758e4159e`. If this isn't supplied, which is the most common case, then
the agent will generate an identifier at startup and persist it in the <a href="#_data_dir">data directory</a>
so that it will remain the same across agent restarts. This is currently only exposed via
<a href="/api/agent.html#agent_self">/v1/agent/self</a>,
<a href="/api/catalog.html">/v1/catalog</a>, and
<a href="/api/health.html">/v1/health</a> endpoints, but future versions of
Consul will use this to better manage cluster changes, especially for Consul servers.
so that it will remain the same across agent restarts. Information from the host will be used to
generate a deterministic node ID if possible, unless [`-disable-host-node-id`](#_disable_host_node_id) is
set to true.
* <a name="_node_meta"></a><a href="#_node_meta">`-node-meta`</a> - Available in Consul 0.7.3 and later,
this specifies an arbitrary metadata key/value pair to associate with the node, of the form `key:value`.
@ -636,6 +639,9 @@ Consul will not enable TLS for the HTTP API unless the `https` port has been ass
`disable_anonymous_signature`</a> Disables providing an anonymous signature for de-duplication
with the update check. See [`disable_update_check`](#disable_update_check).
* <a name="disable_host_node_id"></a><a href="#disable_host_node_id">`disable_host_node_id`</a>
Equivalent to the [`-disable-host-node-id` command-line flag](#_disable_host_node_id).
* <a name="disable_remote_exec"></a><a href="#disable_remote_exec">`disable_remote_exec`</a>
Disables support for remote execution. When set to true, the agent will ignore any incoming
remote exec requests. In versions of Consul prior to 0.8, this defaulted to false. In Consul