~> **Note:** † Envoy versions lower than 1.9.1 are vulnerable to
~> † Envoy versions lower than 1.9.1 are vulnerable to
[CVE-2019-9900](https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/6434) and
[CVE-2019-9901](https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/6435). Both are
related to HTTP request parsing and so only affect Consul Connect users if they
have configured HTTP routing rules via the ["escape
hatch"](#escape-hatch-overrides). Still, we recommend that you use the most
recent supported Envoy for your Consul version where possible.
- Envoy 1.10.0 requires setting [`-envoy-version`](/docs/commands/connect/envoy#envoy-version) in the `consul connect envoy` command. This was introduced in Consul 1.7.0.
recent supported Envoy for your Consul version where possible.<br/><br/>\* Envoy 1.10.0 requires setting [`-envoy-version`](/docs/commands/connect/envoy#envoy-version) in the `consul connect envoy` command. This was introduced in Consul 1.7.0.