@ -1042,6 +1042,72 @@ func TestCacheGet_expireResetGet(t *testing.T) {
// Test that entries reset their TTL on Get even when the value isn't changing
func TestCacheGet_expireResetGetNoChange(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
// Create a closer so we can tell if the entry gets evicted.
closer := &testCloser{}
typ := &MockType{}
LastGetTTL: 150 * time.Millisecond,
SupportsBlocking: true,
Refresh: true,
typ.On("Fetch", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).
Return(func(o FetchOptions, r Request) FetchResult {
if o.MinIndex == 10 {
// Simulate a very fast timeout from the backend. This must be shorter
// than the TTL above (as it would be in real life) so that fetch returns
// a few times with the same value which _should_ cause the blocking watch
// to go round the Get loop and so keep the cache entry from being
// evicted.
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
return FetchResult{Value: 42, Index: 10, State: closer}
}, func(o FetchOptions, r Request) error {
return nil
defer typ.AssertExpectations(t)
c := New(Options{})
// Register the type with a timeout
c.RegisterType("t", typ)
// Get, should fetch
req := TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello"})
result, meta, err := c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(42, result)
require.Equal(uint64(10), meta.Index)
// Do a blocking watch of the value that won't time out until after the TTL.
start := time.Now()
req = TestRequest(t, RequestInfo{Key: "hello", MinIndex: 10, Timeout: 300 * time.Millisecond})
result, meta, err = c.Get(context.Background(), "t", req)
require.Equal(42, result)
require.Equal(uint64(10), meta.Index)
require.GreaterOrEqual(time.Since(start).Milliseconds(), int64(300))
// This is the point of this test! Even though we waited for a change for
// longer than the TTL, we should have been updating the TTL so that the cache
// entry should not have been evicted. We can't verify that with meta.Hit
// since that is not set for blocking Get calls but we can assert that the
// entry was never closed (which assuming the test for eviction closing is
// also passing is a reliable signal).
require.False(closer.isClosed(), "cache entry should not have been evicted")
// Sleep a tiny bit just to let maybe some background calls happen
// then verify that we still only got the one call
time.Sleep(20 * time.Millisecond)
// Test that entries with state that satisfies io.Closer get cleaned up
func TestCacheGet_expireClose(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {