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Feature: dc / peers / delete: Deleting items with confirmations, success and error notifications
Given 1 datacenter model with the value "datacenter"
Scenario: Deleting a peer model from the listing page
Given 1 peer model from yaml
Name: peer-name
When I visit the peers page for yaml
dc: datacenter
And I click actions on the peers
And I click delete on the peers
And I click confirmDelete on the peers
Then a DELETE request was made to "/v1/peering/peer-name"
And "[data-notification]" has the "hds-toast" class
And "[data-notification]" has the "hds-alert--color-success" class
Scenario: Deleting a peer from the peer listing page with error
Given 1 peer model from yaml
Name: peer-name
When I visit the peers page for yaml
dc: datacenter
Given the url "/v1/peering/peer-name" responds with a 500 status
And I click actions on the peers
And I click delete on the peers
And I click confirmDelete on the peers
And "[data-notification]" has the "hds-toast" class
And "[data-notification]" has the "hds-alert--color-critical" class
Scenario: A Peer currently deleting cannot be deleted
Given 1 peer model from yaml
Name: peer-name
When I visit the peers page for yaml
dc: datacenter
And I don't see actions on the peers