390 lines
16 KiB
390 lines
16 KiB
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
This file is part of Chevereto Free.
(c) Rodolfo Berrios <rodolfo@chevereto.com>
For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
file that was distributed with this source code.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$route = function ($handler) {
try {
if ($handler->isRequestLevel(3)) {
return $handler->issue404();
} // Allow only 2 levels
if (is_null($handler->request[0])) {
return $handler->issue404();
$logged_user = CHV\Login::getUser();
// User status override redirect
$id = CHV\getIdFromURLComponent($handler->request[0]);
if ($id == false) {
return $handler->issue404();
// Trail this view
$_SESSION['last_viewed_image'] = CHV\encodeId($id);
// Session stock viewed images
if (!$_SESSION['image_view_stock']) {
$_SESSION['image_view_stock'] = [];
// Get image DB
$image = CHV\Image::getSingle($id, !in_array($id, $_SESSION['image_view_stock']), true, $logged_user);
if (!$image['is_approved'] && !($logged_user['is_manager'] || $logged_user['is_admin'])) {
$handler->template = 'request-denied';
if ($image && $image['url_viewer'] != G\get_current_url()) {
$handler::setVar('canonical', $image['url_viewer']);
// No image or belongs to a banned user if exists?
if (!$image || (!$handler::getCond('content_manager') && $image['user']['status'] == 'banned')) {
return $handler->issue404();
// Test local images
if ($image['file_resource']['type'] == 'path') {
if (!$image['file_resource']['chain']['image'] || !file_exists($image['file_resource']['chain']['image'])) {
// return $handler->issue404();
// Update is_animated flag
if (!$image['is_animated'] && G\is_animated_image($image['file_resource']['chain']['image'])) {
CHV\Image::update($id, ['is_animated' => 1]);
$image['is_animated'] = 1;
Note: Remote image testing was removed because of the HUGE number of websites running external containers unaccesible via HTTP.
Remote image test works only if the website can fetch the image URI headers.
Check Chevereto < 3.8.4 for the old remote image tester code
$is_owner = $image['user']['id'] !== null ? ($image['user']['id'] == $logged_user['id']) : false;
// Privacy
if (CHV\getSetting('website_privacy_mode') == 'private') {
if ($handler::getCond('forced_private_mode')) {
$image['album']['privacy'] = CHV\getSetting('website_content_privacy_mode');
if (!CHV\Login::getUser() && $image['album']['privacy'] != 'private_but_link') {
// Password protected content
if (!($handler::getCond('content_manager') || $is_owner) && $image['album']['privacy'] == 'password' && !CHV\Album::checkSessionPassword($image['album'])) {
// Private profile
if ($image['user']['is_private'] && !$handler::getCond('content_manager') && $image['user']['id'] !== $logged_user['id']) {
$image['user'] = CHV\User::getPrivate();
if (!$handler::getCond('content_manager') and in_array($image['album']['privacy'], array('private', 'custom')) and !$is_owner) {
return $handler->issue404();
$db = CHV\DB::getInstance();
// User found
if ($image['user']['id'] !== null) {
// Get user albums
$name_array = explode(' ', $image['user']['name']);
$user_name_short = $name_array[0];
$image['user']['albums'] = [];
// Lets fake the stream as an album
$image['user']['albums']['stream'] = CHV\User::getStreamAlbum($image['user']);
// Get user album list
$image['user']['albums'] += CHV\DB::get('albums', ['user_id' => $image['user']['id']], 'AND', ['field' => 'name', 'order' => 'asc']);
foreach ($image['user']['albums'] as $k => $v) {
$image['user']['albums'][$k] = CHV\DB::formatRow($v, 'album');
// Get the album slice
if ($image['album']['id'] !== null) {
$get_album_slice = CHV\Image::getAlbumSlice($image['id'], $image['album']['id'], 2);
$image_album_slice = array_merge($image['album'], $get_album_slice);
$image_safe_html = G\safe_html($image);
$image['alt'] = $image_safe_html['description'] ?: ($image_safe_html['title'] ?: $image_safe_html['name']);
$pre_doctitle = strip_tags($image['title']) ?: ($image_safe_html['name'] . '.' . $image['extension']) . ' hosted at ' . CHV\getSetting('website_name');
$tabs = [
'label' => _s('About'),
'id' => 'tab-about',
'current' => true,
if (CHV\isShowEmbedContent()) {
$tabs[] = [
'label' => _s('Embed codes'),
'id' => 'tab-codes',
if ($handler::getCond('content_manager')) {
if ($handler::getCond('admin')) {
$tabs[] = [
'label' => _s('Full info'),
'id' => 'tab-full-info',
// Banned uploader IP?
$banned_ip = CHV\Ip_ban::getSingle(['ip' => $image['uploader_ip']]);
// Admin list values
$image_admin_list_values = [
'label' => _s('Image ID'),
'content' => $image['id'] . ' (' . $image['id_encoded'] . ')',
'label' => _s('Uploader IP'),
'content' => sprintf(str_replace('%IP', '%1$s', '<a href="' . CHV\getSetting('ip_whois_url') . '" target="_blank">%IP</a> · <a href="' . G\get_base_url('search/images/?q=ip:%IP') . '">' . _s('search content') . '</a> · ' . (!$banned_ip ? ('<a data-modal="form" data-args="%IP" data-target="modal-add-ip_ban" data-options=\'{"forced": true}\' data-content="ban_ip">' . _s('Ban IP') . '</a>') : null) . '<span class="' . ($banned_ip ? null : 'soft-hidden') . '" data-content="banned_ip">' . _s('IP already banned') . '</span>'), $image['uploader_ip']),
'label' => _s('Upload date'),
'content' => $image['date'],
'label' => '',
'content' => $image['date_gmt'] . ' (GMT)',
$handler::setVar('content_ip', $image['uploader_ip']);
$handler::setVar('image_admin_list_values', $image_admin_list_values);
$handler::setCond('banned_ip', (bool) $banned_ip);
foreach ($tabs as $tab) {
if ($tab['current'] === true) {
$handler::setVar('current_tab', G\str_replace_first('tab-', null, $tab['id']));
$handler::setCond('owner', $is_owner);
$handler::setVar('pre_doctitle', $pre_doctitle);
$handler::setVar('image', $image);
$handler::setVar('image_safe_html', $image_safe_html);
$handler::setVar('image_album_slice', G\safe_html($image_album_slice));
$handler::setVar('tabs', $tabs);
$handler::setVar('owner', $image['user']);
// Populate the image meta description
if ($image['description']) {
$meta_description = $image['description'];
} else {
$image_tr = [
'%i' => $image[is_null($image['title']) ? 'filename' : 'title'],
'%a' => $image['album']['name'],
'%w' => CHV\getSetting('website_name'),
'%c' => $image['category']['name'],
if ($image['album']['id'] || (!$image['user']['is_private'] && $image['album']['name'])) {
$meta_description = _s('Image %i in %a album', $image_tr);
} elseif ($image['category']['id']) {
$meta_description = _s('Image %i in %c category', $image_tr);
} else {
$meta_description = _s('Image %i hosted in %w', $image_tr);
$handler::setVar('meta_description', htmlspecialchars($meta_description));
if ($handler::getCond('content_manager') or $is_owner) {
$handler::setVar('user_items_editor', [
'user_albums' => $image['user']['albums'],
'type' => 'image',
'album' => $image['album'],
'category_id' => $image['category_id'],
// Share thing
$share_element = [
'referer' => G\get_base_url(),
'url' => $image['url_short'],
'image' => $image['url'],
'title' => $handler::getVar('pre_doctitle'),
$share_element['HTML'] = '<a href="' . $share_element['url'] . '" title="' . $share_element['title'] . '"><img src="' . $share_element['image'] . '" /></a>';
$share_links_array = CHV\render\get_share_links($share_element);
$handler::setVar('share_links_array', $share_links_array);
// Share modal
$handler::setVar('share_modal', [
'type' => 'image',
'url' => $image['url_short'],
'links_array' => $share_links_array,
'privacy' => $image['album']['privacy'],
'privacy_notes' => $image['album']['privacy_notes'],
// Embed codes
$embed = [];
$embed['direct-links'] = [
'label' => _s('Direct links'),
'entries' => [
'label' => _s('Image link'),
'value' => $image['url_short'],
'label' => _s('Image URL'),
'value' => $image['url'],
'label' => _s('Thumbnail URL'),
'value' => $image['thumb']['url'],
if ($image['medium']) {
$embed['direct-links']['entries'][] = [
'label' => _s('Medium URL'),
'value' => $image['medium']['url'],
$image_full = [
'html' => '<img src="' . $image['url'] . '" alt="' . $image['filename'] . '" border="0" />',
'markdown' => '![' . $image['filename'] . '](' . $image['url'] . ')',
$image_full['bbcode'] = G\html_to_bbcode($image_full['html']);
$embed['full-image'] = [
'label' => _s('Full image'),
'entries' => [
'label' => 'HTML',
'value' => htmlentities($image_full['html']),
'label' => 'BBCode',
'value' => $image_full['bbcode'],
'label' => 'Markdown',
'value' => $image_full['markdown'],
$embed_full_linked['html'] = '<a href="' . $image['url_short'] . '">' . $image_full['html'] . '</a>';
$embed_full_linked['bbcode'] = G\html_to_bbcode($embed_full_linked['html']);
$embed_full_linked['markdown'] = '[![' . $image['filename'] . '](' . $image['url'] . ')](' . $image['url_short'] . ')';
$embed['full-linked'] = [
'label' => _s('Full image (linked)'),
'entries' => [
'label' => 'HTML',
'value' => htmlentities($embed_full_linked['html']),
'label' => 'BBCode',
'value' => $embed_full_linked['bbcode'],
'label' => 'Markdown',
'value' => $embed_full_linked['markdown'],
if ($image['medium']) {
$embed_medium_linked = array(
'html' => '<a href="' . $image['url_short'] . '"><img src="' . $image['medium']['url'] . '" alt="' . $image['filename'] . '" border="0" /></a>',
$embed_medium_linked['bbcode'] = G\html_to_bbcode($embed_medium_linked['html']);
$embed_medium_linked['markdown'] = '[![' . $image['medium']['filename'] . '](' . $image['medium']['url'] . ')](' . $image['url_short'] . ')';
$embed['medium-linked'] = [
'label' => _s('Medium image (linked)'),
'entries' => [
'label' => 'HTML',
'value' => htmlentities($embed_medium_linked['html']),
'label' => 'BBCode',
'value' => $embed_medium_linked['bbcode'],
'label' => 'Markdown',
'value' => $embed_medium_linked['markdown'],
$embed_thumb_linked = [
'html' => '<a href="' . $image['url_short'] . '"><img src="' . $image['thumb']['url'] . '" alt="' . $image['filename'] . '" border="0" /></a>',
$embed_thumb_linked['bbcode'] = G\html_to_bbcode($embed_thumb_linked['html']);
$embed_thumb_linked['markdown'] = '[![' . $image['thumb']['filename'] . '](' . $image['thumb']['url'] . ')](' . $image['url_short'] . ')';
$embed['thumb-linked'] = [
'label' => _s('Thumbnail image (linked)'),
'entries' => [
'label' => 'HTML',
'value' => htmlentities($embed_thumb_linked['html']),
'label' => 'BBCode',
'value' => $embed_thumb_linked['bbcode'],
'label' => 'Markdown',
'value' => $embed_thumb_linked['markdown'],
// Insert an embed id for each entry (for the cliboard.js bind)
$embed_id = 1;
foreach ($embed as &$v) {
foreach ($v['entries'] as &$entry) {
$entry['id'] = 'embed-code-' . $embed_id;
$handler::setVar('embed', $embed);
// Stock this image view
$_SESSION['image_view_stock'][] = $id;
} catch (Exception $e) {