527 lines
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Executable File
527 lines
17 KiB
Executable File
namespace TijsVerkoyen\Akismet;
* Akismet class
* @author Tijs Verkoyen <php-akismet@verkoyen.eu>
* @version 1.1.0
* @copyright Copyright (c) Tijs Verkoyen. All rights reserved.
* @license BSD License
class Akismet
// internal constant to enable/disable debugging
const DEBUG = false;
// url for the api
const API_URL = 'http://rest.akismet.com';
// port for the api
const API_PORT = 80;
// version of the api
const API_VERSION = '1.1';
// current version
const VERSION = '1.1.0';
* The key for the API
* @var string
private $apiKey;
* The timeout
* @var int
private $timeOut = 60;
* The user agent
* @var string
private $userAgent;
* The url
* @var string
private $url;
// class methods
* Default constructor
* Creates an instance of the Akismet Class.
* @param string $apiKey API key being verified for use with the API.
* @param string $url The front page or home URL of the instance making
* the request. For a blog or wiki this would be the
* front page. Note: Must be a full URI, including
* http://.
public function __construct($apiKey, $url)
* Make the call
* @param string $url URL to call.
* @param array[optional] $aParameters The parameters to pass.
* @param bool[optional] $authenticate Should we authenticate?
* @return string
private function doCall($url, $aParameters = array(), $authenticate = true)
// redefine
$url = (string) $url;
$aParameters = (array) $aParameters;
$authenticate = (bool) $authenticate;
// build url
$url = self::API_URL . '/' . self::API_VERSION . '/' . $url;
// add key in front of url
if ($authenticate) {
// get api key
$apiKey = $this->getApiKey();
// validate apiKey
if ($apiKey == '') throw new Exception('Invalid API-key');
// prepend key
$url = str_replace('http://', 'http://' . $apiKey . '.', $url);
// add url into the parameters
$aParameters['blog'] = $this->getUrl();
// set options
$options[CURLOPT_URL] = $url;
$options[CURLOPT_PORT] = self::API_PORT;
$options[CURLOPT_USERAGENT] = $this->getUserAgent();
if (ini_get('open_basedir') == '' && ini_get('safe_mode' == 'Off')) {
$options[CURLOPT_TIMEOUT] = (int) $this->getTimeOut();
$options[CURLOPT_POST] = true;
$options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $aParameters;
// speed up things, use HTTP 1.0
// init
$curl = curl_init();
// set options
curl_setopt_array($curl, $options);
// execute
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$headers = curl_getinfo($curl);
// fetch errors
$errorNumber = curl_errno($curl);
$errorMessage = curl_error($curl);
// close
// invalid headers
if (!in_array($headers['http_code'], array(0, 200))) {
// should we provide debug information
if (self::DEBUG) {
// make it output proper
echo '<pre>';
// dump the header-information
// dump the raw response
// end proper format
echo '</pre>';
// stop the script
// throw error
throw new Exception(null, (int) $headers['http_code']);
// error?
if ($errorNumber != '') throw new Exception($errorMessage, $errorNumber);
// return
return $response;
* Get the API-key that will be used
* @return string
private function getApiKey()
return (string) $this->apiKey;
* Get the timeout that will be used
* @return int
public function getTimeOut()
return (int) $this->timeOut;
* Get the url of the instance making the request
* @return string
public function getUrl()
return (string) $this->url;
* Get the useragent that will be used.
* Our version will be prepended to yours. It will look like:
* "PHP Akismet/<version> <your-user-agent>"
* @return string
public function getUserAgent()
return (string) 'PHP Akismet/' . self::VERSION . ' ' . $this->userAgent;
* Set API key that has to be used
* @param string $apiKey API key to use.
private function setApiKey($apiKey)
$this->apiKey = (string) $apiKey;
* Set the timeout
* After this time the request will stop. You should handle any errors
* triggered by this.
* @param int $seconds The timeout in seconds.
public function setTimeOut($seconds)
$this->timeOut = (int) $seconds;
* Set the url of the instance making the request
* @param string $url The URL making the request.
private function setUrl($url)
$this->url = (string) $url;
* Set the user-agent for you application
* It will be appended to ours, the result will look like:
* "PHP Akismet/<version> <your-user-agent>"
* @param string $userAgent The user-agent, it should look like:
* <app-name>/<app-version>.
public function setUserAgent($userAgent)
$this->userAgent = (string) $userAgent;
// api methods
* Verifies the key
* @return bool if the key is valid it will return true, otherwise false
* will be returned.
public function verifyKey()
// possible answers
$aPossibleResponses = array('valid', 'invalid');
// build parameters
$aParameters['key'] = $this->getApiKey();
// make the call
$response = $this->doCall('verify-key', $aParameters, false);
// validate response
if (!in_array($response, $aPossibleResponses)) {
throw new Exception($response, 400);
// valid key
if ($response == 'valid') return true;
// fallback
return false;
* Check if the comment is spam or not
* This is basically the core of everything. This call takes a number of
* arguments and characteristics about the submitted content and then
* returns a thumbs up or thumbs down.
* Almost everything is optional, but performance can drop dramatically if
* you exclude certain elements.
* REMARK: If you are having trouble triggering you can send
* "viagra-test-123" as the author and it will trigger a true response,
* always.
* @param string[optional] $content The content that was submitted.
* @param string[optional] $author The name.
* @param string[optional] $email The email address.
* @param string[optional] $url The URL.
* @param string[optional] $permalink The permanent location of the entry
* the comment was submitted to.
* @param string[optional] $type The type, can be blank, comment,
* trackback, pingback, or a made up
* value like "registration".
* @return bool If the comment is spam true will be
* returned, otherwise false.
public function isSpam(
$author = null,
$email = null,
$url = null,
$permalink = null,
$type = null
// possible answers
$aPossibleResponses = array('true', 'false');
// redefine
$content = (string) $content;
$author = (string) $author;
$email = (string) $email;
$url = (string) $url;
$permalink = (string) $permalink;
$type = (string) $type;
// get stuff from the $_SERVER-array
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
} else $ip = '';
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
$userAgent = (string) $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
} else $userAgent = '';
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
$referrer = (string) $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
} else $referrer = '';
// build parameters
$aParameters['user_ip'] = $ip;
$aParameters['user_agent'] = $userAgent;
if ($referrer != '') $aParameters['referrer'] = $referrer;
if ($permalink != '') $aParameters['permalink'] = $permalink;
if ($type != '') $aParameters['comment_type'] = $type;
if ($author != '') $aParameters['comment_author'] = $author;
if ($email != '') $aParameters['comment_author_email'] = $email;
if ($url != '') $aParameters['comment_author_url'] = $url;
$aParameters['comment_content'] = $content;
// add all stuff from $_SERVER
foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value) {
// keys to ignore
$aKeysToIgnore = array(
'SERVER_ADMIN', 'QUERY_STRING', 'PHP_SELF', 'argv', 'argc',
// add to parameters if not in ignore list
if (!in_array($key, $aKeysToIgnore)) $aParameters[$key] = $value;
// make the call
$response = $this->doCall('comment-check', $aParameters);
// validate response
if (!in_array($response, $aPossibleResponses)) {
throw new Exception($response, 400);
// process response
if ($response == 'true') return true;
// fallback
return false;
* Submit ham to Akismet
* This call is intended for the marking of false positives, things that
* were incorrectly marked as spam.
* @param string $userIp The address of the comment submitter.
* @param string $userAgent The agent information.
* @param string[optional] $content The content that was submitted.
* @param string[optional] $author The name of the author.
* @param string[optional] $email The email address.
* @param string[optional] $url The URL.
* @param string[optional] $permalink The permanent location of the entry
* the comment was submitted to.
* @param string[optional] $type The type, can be blank, comment,
* trackback, pingback, or a made up
* value like "registration".
* @param string[optional] $referrer The content of the HTTP_REFERER
* header should be sent here.
* @param array[optional] $others Extra data (the variables from
* $_SERVER).
* @return bool If everything went fine true will be
* returned, otherwise an exception
* will be triggered.
public function submitHam(
$author = null,
$email = null,
$url = null,
$permalink = null,
$type = null,
$referrer = null,
$others = null
// possible answers
$aPossibleResponses = array('Thanks for making the web a better place.');
// redefine
$userIp = (string) $userIp;
$userAgent = (string) $userAgent;
$content = (string) $content;
$author = (string) $author;
$email = (string) $email;
$url = (string) $url;
$permalink = (string) $permalink;
$type = (string) $type;
$referrer = (string) $referrer;
$others = (array) $others;
// build parameters
$aParameters['user_ip'] = $userIp;
$aParameters['user_agent'] = $userAgent;
if ($referrer != '') $aParameters['referrer'] = $referrer;
if ($permalink != '') $aParameters['permalink'] = $permalink;
if ($type != '') $aParameters['comment_type'] = $type;
if ($author != '') $aParameters['comment_author'] = $author;
if ($email != '') $aParameters['comment_author_email'] = $email;
if ($url != '') $aParameters['comment_author_url'] = $url;
$aParameters['comment_content'] = $content;
// add other parameters
foreach ($others as $key => $value) $aParameters[$key] = $value;
// make the call
$response = $this->doCall('submit-ham', $aParameters);
// validate response
if (in_array($response, $aPossibleResponses)) return true;
// fallback
throw new Exception($response);
* Submit spam to Akismet
* This call is for submitting comments that weren't marked as spam but
* should have been.
* @param string $userIp The address of the comment submitter.
* @param string $userAgent The agent information.
* @param string[optional] $content The content that was submitted.
* @param string[optional] $author The name of the author.
* @param string[optional] $email The email address.
* @param string[optional] $url The URL.
* @param string[optional] $permalink The permanent location of the entry
* the comment was submitted to.
* @param string[optional] $type The type, can be blank, comment,
* trackback, pingback, or a made up
* value like "registration".
* @param string[optional] $referrer The content of the HTTP_REFERER
* header should be sent here.
* @param array[optional] $others Extra data (the variables from
* $_SERVER).
* @return bool If everything went fine true will be
* returned, otherwise an exception
* will be triggered.
public function submitSpam(
$author = null,
$email = null,
$url = null,
$permalink = null,
$type = null,
$referrer = null,
$others = null
// possible answers
$aPossibleResponses = array('Thanks for making the web a better place.');
// redefine
$userIp = (string) $userIp;
$userAgent = (string) $userAgent;
$content = (string) $content;
$author = (string) $author;
$email = (string) $email;
$url = (string) $url;
$permalink = (string) $permalink;
$type = (string) $type;
$referrer = (string) $referrer;
$others = (array) $others;
// build parameters
$aParameters['user_ip'] = $userIp;
$aParameters['user_agent'] = $userAgent;
if ($referrer != '') $aParameters['referrer'] = $referrer;
if ($permalink != '') $aParameters['permalink'] = $permalink;
if ($type != '') $aParameters['comment_type'] = $type;
if ($author != '') $aParameters['comment_author'] = $author;
if ($email != '') $aParameters['comment_author_email'] = $email;
if ($url != '') $aParameters['comment_author_url'] = $url;
$aParameters['comment_content'] = $content;
// add other parameters
foreach ($others as $key => $value) $aParameters[$key] = $value;
// make the call
$response = $this->doCall('submit-spam', $aParameters);
// validate response
if (in_array($response, $aPossibleResponses)) return true;
// fallback
throw new Exception($response);