1131 lines
35 KiB
1131 lines
35 KiB
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
@author Rodolfo Berrios A. <http://rodolfoberrios.com/>
Copyright (C) Rodolfo Berrios A. All rights reserved.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$route = function($handler) {
try {
// CSRF protection
if(!$handler::checkAuthToken($_REQUEST['auth_token'])) {
throw new Exception(_s('Request denied'), 400);
$logged_user = CHV\Login::getUser();
$doing = $_REQUEST['action'];
if($logged_user and $logged_user['status'] !== 'valid') {
$doing = 'deny';
switch($doing) {
case 'deny':
throw new Exception(_s('Request denied'), 403);
case 'upload': // EX 100
// Deny guest uploads if setting is set to false and no user is logged in
if(!CHV\getSetting('guest_uploads') and !$logged_user) {
throw new Exception(_s('Login needed'), 403);
// Deny all uploads if setting is set to true and logged user isn't admin
if(!CHV\getSetting('enable_uploads') and $logged_user['is_admin'] == false) {
throw new Exception(_s('Request denied'), 403);
$source = $_REQUEST['type'] == 'file' ? $_FILES['source'] : $_REQUEST['source'];
$type = $_REQUEST['type'];
$owner_id = !empty($_REQUEST['owner']) ? CHV\decodeID($_REQUEST['owner']) : $logged_user['id'];
if(in_array($_REQUEST['what'], ['avatar', 'background'])) {
if(!$logged_user) {
throw new Exception(_s('Login needed'), 403);
if(!$logged_user['is_admin'] and $owner_id !== $logged_user['id']) {
throw new Exception('Invalid content owner request', 403);
try {
$user_picture_upload = CHV\User::uploadPicture($owner_id == $logged_user['id'] ? $logged_user : $owner_id, $_REQUEST['what'], $source);
$json_array['success'] = ['image' => $user_picture_upload, 'message' => sprintf('%s picture uploaded', ucfirst($type)), 'code' => 200];
// image inside success??
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
// Inject the system level privacy override
if($handler::getCond('forced_private_mode')) {
$_REQUEST['privacy'] = CHV\getSetting('website_content_privacy_mode');
// Fix some values (due to js)
if(intval($_REQUEST['category_id']) == 0) {
$_REQUEST['category_id'] = NULL;
// Upload to website
$uploaded_id = CHV\Image::uploadToWebsite($source, $logged_user, $_REQUEST);
$json_array['status_code'] = 200;
$json_array['success'] = array('message' => 'image uploaded', 'code' => 200);
$json_array['image'] = CHV\Image::formatArray(CHV\Image::getSingle($uploaded_id, false, false), true);
case 'get-album-contents':
case 'list': // EX 200
if($doing == 'get-album-contents') {
if(!$logged_user) {
throw new Exception(_s('Login needed'), 403);
$list_request = 'images';
$aux = $_REQUEST['albumid'];
$_REQUEST = NULL; // We don't need anything else
$_REQUEST['albumid'] = $aux;
} else {
$list_request = $_REQUEST["list"];
if(!in_array($list_request, array('images', 'albums', 'users'))) {
throw new Exception('Invalid list request', 100);
$output_tpl = $list_request;
switch($list_request) {
case 'images':
$binds = array();
$where = '';
if(!empty($_REQUEST['like_user_id'])) {
$where .= ($where == '' ? 'WHERE' : ' AND') . ' like_user_id=:image_user_id';
$binds[] = [
'param' => ':image_user_id',
'value' => CHV\decodeID($_REQUEST['like_user_id'])
if(!empty($_REQUEST['follow_user_id'])) {
$where .= ($where == '' ? 'WHERE' : ' AND') . ' follow_user_id=:image_user_id';
$binds[] = [
'param' => ':image_user_id',
'value' => CHV\decodeID($_REQUEST['follow_user_id'])
if(!empty($_REQUEST['userid'])) {
$owner_id = CHV\decodeID($_REQUEST['userid']);
$where .= ($where == '' ? 'WHERE' : ' AND') . ' image_user_id=:image_user_id';
$binds[] = [
'param' => ':image_user_id',
'value' => $owner_id
if(!empty($_REQUEST['albumid'])) {
$album_id = CHV\decodeID($_REQUEST['albumid']);
$where .= ($where == '' ? 'WHERE' : ' AND') . ' image_album_id=:image_album_id';
$binds[] = array(
'param' => ':image_album_id',
'value' => $album_id
$album = CHV\Album::getSingle($album_id);
if($album['user']['id']) {
$owner_id = $album['user']['id'];
if((!$handler::getCond('admin') || $owner_id !== $logged_user['id']) && $album['privacy'] == 'password' && !CHV\Album::checkSessionPassword($album)) {
throw new Exception(_s('Request denied'), 403);
if(!empty($_REQUEST['category_id']) and is_numeric($_REQUEST['category_id'])) {
$category = $_REQUEST['category_id'];
switch($_REQUEST['from']) {
case 'user':
$output_tpl = 'user/images';
case 'album':
$output_tpl = 'album/images';
case 'albums':
$binds = array();
$where = '';
if(!empty($_REQUEST['userid'])) {
$where .= ($where == '' ? 'WHERE' : ' AND') . ' album_user_id=:album_user_id';
$binds[] = array(
'param' => ':album_user_id',
'value' => CHV\decodeID($_REQUEST['userid'])
switch($_REQUEST['from']) {
case 'user':
$output_tpl = 'user/albums';
case 'album':
$output_tpl = 'album';
case 'users':
$where = '';
if(!empty($_REQUEST['q'])) {
// Build search params
$search = new CHV\Search;
$search->q = $_REQUEST['q'];
$search->type = $list_request;
$search->request = $_REQUEST;
$search->requester = CHV\Login::getUser();
if(!G\check_value($search->q)) {
throw new Exception('Missing search term', 400);
$where .= $where == '' ? $search->wheres : preg_replace('/WHERE /', ' AND ', $search->wheres, 1);
$binds = array_merge((array)$binds, $search->binds);
$list_params = CHV\Listing::getParams(TRUE);
if($list_params['sort'][0] == 'likes') {
throw new Exception(_s('Request denied'), 403);
if($doing == 'get-album-contents') {
$album_fetch = min(1000, $album['image_count']);
$list_params = [
'items_per_page' => $album_fetch,
'page' => 0,
'limit' => $album_fetch,
'offset' => 0,
'sort' => ['date', 'desc'],
$list = new CHV\Listing;
$list->setType($list_request); // images | users | albums
$list->setLimit($list_params['limit']); // how many results?
$list->setSortType($list_params['sort'][0]); // date | size | views | likes
$list->setSortOrder($list_params['sort'][1]); // asc | desc
if($category) {
if($list_request == 'images' && !empty($_REQUEST['albumid'])) {
if($handler::getCond('forced_private_mode')) { // Remeber this override...
$album['privacy'] = CHV\getSetting('website_content_privacy_mode');
if(is_array($binds)) {
foreach($binds as $bind) {
$list->bind($bind['param'], $bind['value']);
$json_array['status_code'] = 200;
if($doing == 'get-album-contents') {
$json_array['album'] = G\array_filter_array($album, ['id', 'creation_ip', 'password', 'user', 'privacy_extra', 'privacy_notes'], 'rest');
$contents = [];
foreach($list->output_assoc as $v) {
$contents[] = G\array_filter_array($v, ['id_encoded', 'url', 'url_viewer', 'filename', 'medium', 'thumb'], 'exclusion');
$json_array['is_output_truncated'] = $album['image_count'] > $album_fetch ? 1 : 0;
$json_array['contents'] = $contents;
} else {
$json_array['html'] = $list->htmlOutput($output_tpl);
case 'edit': // EX 3X
if(!$logged_user) {
throw new Exception(_s('Login needed'), 403);
$editing = $_REQUEST['editing'];
$type = $_REQUEST['edit'];
$owner_id = !empty($_REQUEST['owner']) ? CHV\decodeID($_REQUEST['owner']) : $logged_user['id'];
if(!in_array($type, ['image', 'album', 'images', 'albums', 'category', 'ip_ban'])) {
throw new Exception('Invalid edit request', 100);
if(is_null($editing['id'])) {
throw new Exception('Missing edit target id', 100);
} else {
$id = CHV\decodeID($editing['id']);
$editing['new_album'] = $editing['new_album'] == 'true';
$allowed_to_edit = [
'image' => ['name', 'category_id', 'title', 'description', 'album_id', 'nsfw'],
'album' => ['name', 'privacy', 'album_id', 'description', 'password'],
'category' => ['name', 'description', 'url_key'],
'ip_ban' => ['ip', 'expires', 'message']
$allowed_to_edit['images'] = $allowed_to_edit['image'];
$allowed_to_edit['albums'] = $allowed_to_edit['album'];
if($editing['new_album']) {
$new_album = ['new_album', 'album_name', 'album_privacy', 'album_password', 'album_description'];
$allowed_to_edit['image'] = array_merge($allowed_to_edit['image'], $new_album);
$allowed_to_edit['album'] = array_merge($allowed_to_edit['album'], $new_album);
$editing = G\array_filter_array($editing, $allowed_to_edit[$type], 'exclusion');
// Inject the system level privacy override
if($handler::getCond('forced_private_mode') and in_array($type, ['album', 'image'])) {
$editing[$type == 'album' ? 'privacy' : 'album_privacy'] = CHV\getSetting('website_content_privacy_mode');
if(count($editing) == 0) {
throw new Exception('Invalid edit request', 403);
if(!is_null($editing['album_id'])) {
$editing['album_id'] = CHV\decodeID($editing['album_id']);
switch($type) {
// Single image/album edit
case 'image':
$source_image_db = CHV\Image::getSingle($id, false, false);
if(!$source_image_db) {
throw new Exception("Image doesn't exists", 100);
if(!$logged_user['is_admin'] and $source_image_db['image_user_id'] !== $logged_user['id']) {
throw new Exception('Invalid content owner request', 101);
if($editing['new_album']) {
$inserted_album = CHV\Album::insert($editing['album_name'], $source_image_db['image_user_id'], $editing['album_privacy'], $editing['album_description'], $editing['album_password']);
$editing['album_id'] = $inserted_album;
// Validate category
if(!empty($editing['category_id']) and !array_key_exists($editing['category_id'], $handler::getVar('categories'))) {
throw new Exception("Invalid category", 102);
unset($editing['album_privacy'], $editing['new_album'], $editing['album_name']);
// Submit image DB edit
CHV\Image::update($id, $editing);
// Get the edited image
$image_edit_db = CHV\Image::getSingle($id, false, false);
// Changed album, get the slice
if($source_image_db['image_album_id'] !== $image_edit_db['image_album_id'] && $image_edit_db['image_album_id']) {
global $image_album_slice, $image_id;
$image_album_slice = CHV\Image::getAlbumSlice($id, $image_edit_db['image_album_id'], 2)['formatted'];
$image_id = $image_edit_db['image_id'];
$album_id = $image_edit_db['image_album_id'];
$json_array['status_code'] = 200;
$json_array['success'] = ['message' => 'Image edited', 'code' => 200];
// Editing response
$json_array['editing'] = $editing;
$json_array['image'] = CHV\Image::formatArray($image_edit_db, true); // Safe formatted image
// Append the HTML slice
if($image_album_slice) {
// Add the album URL to the slice
$image_album_slice['url'] = CHV\Album::getUrl(CHV\encodeID($album_id));
$html = ob_get_contents();
$json_array['image']['album']['slice'] = array(
'next' => $image_album_slice['next']['url_viewer'],
'prev' => $image_album_slice['prev']['url_viewer'],
'html' => $html
} else {
$json_array['image']['album']['slice'] = null;
case 'album':
if($id) {
$source_album_db = CHV\Album::getSingle($id, false);
if(!$source_album_db) {
throw new Exception("Album doesn't exists", 100);
if(!$logged_user['is_admin'] and $source_album_db['album_user_id'] !== $logged_user['id']) {
throw new Exception('Invalid content owner request', 101);
// We want to move contents or edit?
if(isset($editing['album_id']) or $editing['new_album']) {
$album_move = true;
if($editing['new_album']) {
$editing['album_id'] = CHV\Album::insert($editing['album_name'], $source_album_db['album_user_id'], $editing['album_privacy'], $editing['album_description'], $editing['album_password']);
$album_move_contents = CHV\Album::moveContents($id, $editing['album_id']);
} else {
unset($editing['album_privacy'], $editing['new_album'], $editing['album_name']);
$album_edit = CHV\Album::update($id, $editing);
// Get the edited album
$album_edited = CHV\Album::getSingle($editing['album_id'] ? $editing['album_id'] : $id);
if(!$album_edited) {
throw new Exception("Edited album doesn't exists", 100);
$json_array['status_code'] = 200;
$json_array['success'] = ['message' => 'Album edited', 'code' => 200];
// New moved album or current edited album
$json_array['album'] = $album_edited;
if($album_move) {
$json_array['old_album'] = CHV\Album::formatArray(CHV\Album::getSingle($id, false), true); // Safe formatted album
$json_array['album']['html'] = CHV\Listing::getAlbumHtml($album_edited['id']);
$json_array['old_album']['html'] = CHV\Listing::getAlbumHtml($id);
case 'category':
if(!$logged_user['is_admin']) {
throw new Exception('Invalid content owner request', 403);
// Validate ID
$id = $_REQUEST['editing']['id'];
if(!array_key_exists($id, $handler::getVar('categories'))) {
throw new Exception('Invalid target category', 100);
// Validate name
if(!$editing['name']) {
throw new Exception('Invalid category name', 101);
// Validate URL key
if(!preg_match('/^[-\w]+$/', $editing['url_key'])) {
throw new Exception('Invalid category URL key', 102);
// Category URL key being used?
if($handler::getVar('categories')) {
foreach($handler::getVar('categories') as $v) {
if($v['id'] == $id) continue;
if($v['url_key'] == $editing['url_key']) {
$category_error = true;
if($category_error) {
throw new Exception('Category URL key already being used.', 103);
$update_category = CHV\DB::update('categories', $editing, ['id' => $id]);
if(!$update_category) {
throw new Exception('Failed to edit category', 400);
$category = CHV\DB::get('categories', ['id' => $id])[0];
$category['category_url'] = G\get_base_url('category/' . $category['category_url_key']);
$category = CHV\DB::formatRow($category);
$json_array['status_code'] = 200;
$json_array['success'] = ['message' => 'Category edited', 'code' => 200];
$json_array['category'] = $category;
case 'ip_ban':
if(!CHV\Login::isAdmin()) {
throw new Exception('Invalid content owner request', 403);
$id = $_REQUEST['editing']['id'];
// Validate IP
if(!G\is_valid_ip($editing['ip'])) {
throw new Exception('Invalid IP address', 101);
// Validate expiration
if(!empty($editing['expires']) and !preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/', $editing['expires'])) {
throw new Exception('Invalid expiration date format', 102);
try {
// Already banned?
$ip_already_banned = CHV\Ip_ban::getSingle(['ip' => $editing['ip']]);
if($ip_already_banned and $ip_already_banned['id'] !== $id) {
throw new Exception(_s('IP address already banned'), 103);
// Fix expiration
if(empty($editing['expires'])) {
$editing['expires'] = NULL;
// OK to go
$editing = array_merge($editing, ['expires_gmt' => is_null($editing['expires']) ? NULL : gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($editing['expires']) )]);
if(!CHV\Ip_ban::update(['id' => $id], $editing)) {
throw new Exception('Failed to edit IP ban', 400);
$json_array['status_code'] = 200;
$json_array['success'] = array('message' => 'IP ban edited', 'code' => 200);
$json_array['ip_ban'] = CHV\Ip_ban::getSingle(['id' => $id]);
} catch(Exception $e) {
$json_array = [
'status_code' => 403,
'error' => ['message' => $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()]
case 'add-user':
// Must be admin
if(!$logged_user['is_admin']) {
throw new Exception(_s('Request denied'), 403);
$user = $_REQUEST['user'];
foreach(['username', 'email', 'password', 'role'] as $v) {
if($user[$v] == '') {
throw new Exception(_s('Missing values'), 100);
// Validate username
if(!CHV\User::isValidUsername($user['username'])) {
throw new Exception(_s('Invalid username'), 101);
// Validate email
if(!filter_var($user['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
throw new Exception(_s('Invalid email'), 102);
// Validate password
if(!preg_match('/'.CHV\getSetting('user_password_pattern').'/', $user['password'])) {
throw new Exception(_s('Invalid password'), 103);;
// Validate role
if(!in_array($user['role'], ['admin', 'user'])) {
throw new Exception(_s('Invalid role'), 104);
// Username already being used?
if(CHV\DB::get('users', ['username' => $user['username']])) {
throw new Exception(_s('Username already being used'), 200);
// Email already being used?
if(CHV\DB::get('users', ['email' => $user['email']])) {
throw new Exception(_s('Email already being used'), 200);
// Ok to create user
$add_user = CHV\User::insert([
'username' => $user['username'],
'email' => $user['email'],
'is_admin' => $user['role'] == 'admin' ? 1 : 0
// Add the password
if($add_user) {
CHV\Login::addPassword($add_user, $user['password'], false);
$json_array['status_code'] = 200;
$json_array['success'] = ['message' => 'User added', 'code' => 200];
case 'add-category':
// Must be admin
if(!$logged_user['is_admin']) {
throw new Exception(_s('Request denied'), 403);
$category = $_REQUEST['category'];
foreach(['name', 'url_key'] as $v) {
if($category[$v] == '') {
throw new Exception(_s('Missing values'), 100);
// Validate URL key
if(!preg_match('/^[-\w]+$/', $category['url_key'])) {
throw new Exception('Invalid category URL key', 102);
// Category URL key being used?
if($handler::getVar('categories')) {
foreach($handler::getVar('categories') as $v) {
if($v['url_key'] == $category['url_key']) {
$category_error = true;
if($category_error) {
throw new Exception('Category URL key already being used.', 103);
$category = G\array_filter_array($category, ['name', 'url_key', 'description'], 'exclusion');
// Ok to add category
$add_category = CHV\DB::insert('categories', $category);
$category = CHV\DB::get('categories', ['id' => $add_category])[0];
$category['category_url'] = G\get_base_url('category/' . $category['category_url_key']);
$category = CHV\DB::formatRow($category);
$json_array['status_code'] = 200;
$json_array['success'] = ['message' => 'Category added', 'code' => 200];
$json_array['category'] = $category;
case 'add-ip_ban':
// Must be admin
if(!CHV\Login::isAdmin()) {
throw new Exception(_s('Request denied'), 403);
$ip_ban = G\array_filter_array($_REQUEST['ip_ban'], ['ip', 'expires', 'message'], 'exclusion');
// Validate IP
if(!G\is_valid_ip($ip_ban['ip'])) {
throw new Exception('Invalid IP address', 101);
// Validate expiration
if(!empty($ip_ban['expires']) and !preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/', $ip_ban['expires'])) {
throw new Exception('Invalid expiration date format', 102);
try {
// Already banned?
if(CHV\Ip_ban::getSingle(['ip' => $ip_ban['ip']])) {
throw new Exception(_s('IP address already banned'), 103);
// Fix expiration
if(empty($ip_ban['expires'])) {
$ip_ban['expires'] = NULL;
// OK to go
$ip_ban = array_merge($ip_ban, ['date' => G\datetime(), 'date_gmt' => G\datetimegmt(), 'expires_gmt' => is_null($ip_ban['expires']) ? NULL : gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($ip_ban['expires']) )]);
$add_ip_ban = CHV\Ip_ban::insert($ip_ban);
} catch(Exception $e) {
$json_array = [
'status_code' => 403,
'error' => ['message' => $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()]
$json_array['status_code'] = 200;
$json_array['success'] = ['message' => 'IP ban added', 'code' => 200];
$json_array['ip_ban'] = CHV\Ip_ban::getSingle(['id' => $add_ip_ban]);
case 'edit-category':
case 'flag-safe':
case 'flag-unsafe':
if(!$logged_user) {
throw new Exception(_s('Login needed'), 403);
$editing = $_REQUEST['editing'];
$owner_id = $logged_user['id'];
// Admin
if(!$logged_user['is_admin'] and $owner_id !== $logged_user['id']) {
throw new Exception('Invalid content owner request', 403);
$ids = array();
foreach($editing['ids'] as $id) {
$ids[] = CHV\decodeID($id);
$images = CHV\Image::getMultiple($ids);
$images_ids = [];
foreach($images as $image) {
if(!$logged_user['is_admin'] and $image['image_user_id'] != $logged_user['id']) {
$images_ids[] = $image['image_id'];
if(!$images_ids) {
throw new Exception('Invalid content owner request', 101);
// There is no CHV\Image::editMultiple, so we must cast manually the editing
switch($doing) {
case 'flag-safe':
case 'flag-unsafe':
$query_field = 'nsfw';
$prop = $editing['nsfw'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
$msg = 'Content flag changed';
case 'edit-category':
$query_field = 'category_id';
$prop = $editing['category_id'] ?: NULL;
$msg = 'Content category edited';
$db = CHV\DB::getInstance();
$db->query('UPDATE `' . CHV\DB::getTable('images') . '` SET `image_'.$query_field.'`=:prop WHERE `image_id` IN ('.implode(',', $images_ids).')');
$db->bind(':prop', $prop);
$json_array['status_code'] = 200;
$json_array['success'] = ['message' => $msg, 'code' => 200];
if($query_field == 'category_id') {
$json_array['category_id'] = $prop;
case 'move':
case 'create-album':
if(!$logged_user) {
throw new Exception(_s('Login needed'), 403);
$type = $_REQUEST['type'];
if(!in_array($type, array('images', 'album', 'albums'))) {
throw new Exception('Invalid album ' . ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'move' ? 'move' : 'create') . ' request', 100);
$album = $_REQUEST['album'];
$album['new'] = $album['new'] == 'true';
$owner_id = !empty($_REQUEST['owner']) ? CHV\decodeID($_REQUEST['owner']) : $logged_user['id'];
if(!$logged_user['is_admin'] and $owner_id !== $logged_user['id']) {
throw new Exception('Invalid content owner request', 403);
// Inject the system level privacy override
if($handler::getCond('forced_private_mode')) {
$album['privacy'] = CHV\getSetting('website_content_privacy_mode');
// Had to create an album ?
$album_id = $album['new'] ? CHV\Album::insert($album['name'], $owner_id, $album['privacy'], $album['description'], $album['password']) : CHV\decodeID($album['id']);
$album_db = CHV\Album::getSingle($album_id, false);
if(!is_array($album['ids']) && count($album['ids']) == 0) {
throw new Exception('Invalid source album ids' . ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'move' ? 'move' : 'create') . ' request', 100);
$ids = array();
foreach($album['ids'] as $id) {
$ids[] = CHV\decodeID($id);
// Move by type
if($type == 'images') {
$images = CHV\Image::getMultiple($ids);
$images_ids = [];
foreach($images as $image) {
if(!$logged_user['is_admin'] and $image['image_user_id'] != $logged_user['id']) {
$images_ids[] = $image['image_id'];
if(!$images_ids) {
throw new Exception('Invalid content owner request', 101);
$album_add = CHV\Album::addImages($album_db['album_id'], $images_ids);
} else {
$album_move = true;
$albums = CHV\Album::getMultiple($ids);
$albums_ids = array();
foreach($albums as $album) {
if(!$logged_user['is_admin'] and $album['album_user_id'] != $logged_user['id']) {
$albums_ids[] = $album['album_id'];
if(!$albums_ids) {
throw new Exception('Invalid content owner request', 101);
$album_to_album = CHV\Album::moveContents($albums_ids, $album_id);
$album_move_db = $album_db['album_id'] ? CHV\Album::getSingle($album_db['album_id'], false) : CHV\User::getStreamAlbum($owner_id);
$json_array['status_code'] = 200;
$json_array['success'] = ['message' => 'Content added to album', 'code' => 200];
// Moving to album
if($album_move_db) {
$json_array['album'] = CHV\Album::formatArray($album_move_db, true);
$json_array['album']['html'] = CHV\Listing::getAlbumHtml($album_move_db['album_id']);
// Add the old albums to the object
if($type == 'albums') {
$json_array['albums_old'] = [];
foreach($ids as $album_id) {
$album_item = CHV\Album::formatArray(CHV\Album::getSingle($album_id, false), true);
$album_item['html'] = CHV\Listing::getAlbumHtml($album_id);
$json_array['albums_old'][] = $album_item;
case 'delete':
if(!$logged_user) {
throw new Exception(_s('Login needed'), 403);
$deleting = $_REQUEST['deleting'];
$type = $_REQUEST['delete'];
$owner_id = $_REQUEST['owner'] != NULL ? CHV\decodeID($_REQUEST['owner']) : $logged_user['id'];
$multiple = $_REQUEST['multiple'] == 'true';
$single = $_REQUEST['single'] == 'true';
if(!$multiple) $single = TRUE;
// Admin
if(in_array($type, ['avatar', 'background', 'user', 'category', 'ip_ban']) and !CHV\Login::isAdmin() and $owner_id !== $logged_user['id']) {
throw new Exception('Invalid content owner request', 403);
if(in_array($type, ['avatar', 'background'])) {
try {
CHV\User::deletePicture($owner_id == $logged_user['id'] ? $logged_user : $owner_id, $type);
$json_array['status_code'] = 200;
$json_array['success'] = ['message' => 'Profile background deleted', 'code' => 200];
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
if($type == 'user') {
CHV\User::delete($owner_id == $logged_user['id'] ? $logged_user : $owner_id);
if($single) {
if(is_null($deleting['id'])) {
throw new Exception('Missing delete target id', 100);
} else {
if(count($deleting['ids']) == 0) {
throw new Exception('Missing delete target ids', 100);
if($type == 'category') {
if(!array_key_exists($deleting['id'], $handler::getVar('categories'))) {
throw new Exception('Invalid target category', 100);
$delete_category = CHV\DB::delete('categories', ['id' => $deleting['id']]);
if($delete_category) {
$update_images = CHV\DB::update('images', ['category_id' => NULL], ['category_id' => $deleting['id']]);
} else {
throw new Exception('Error deleting category', 400);
if($type == 'ip_ban') {
if(!CHV\Ip_ban::delete(['id' => $deleting['id']])) {
throw new Exception('Error deleting IP ban', 400);
if(!in_array($type, ['image', 'album', 'images', 'albums'])) {
throw new Exception('Invalid delete request', 100);
$db_field_prefix = in_array($type, array('image', 'images')) ? 'image' : 'album';
switch($type) {
case 'image':
case 'images':
$Class_fn = 'CHV\\Image';
case 'album':
case 'albums':
$Class_fn = 'CHV\\Album';
if($single) {
if(is_null($deleting['id'])) {
throw new Exception('Missing delete target id', 100);
} else {
$id = CHV\decodeID($deleting['id']);
$content_db = $Class_fn::getSingle($id, false, false);
if($content_db) {
if(!$logged_user['is_admin'] and $content_db[$db_field_prefix . '_user_id'] !== $logged_user['id']) {
throw new Exception('Invalid content owner request', 403);
$delete = $Class_fn::delete($id);
} else {
throw new Exception("Content doesn't exists", 100);
$affected = $delete;
} else {
if(count($deleting['ids']) > 0) {
$ids = array();
foreach($deleting['ids'] as $id) {
$ids[] = CHV\decodeID($id);
if(!is_array($deleting['ids'])) {
throw new Exception('Expecting ids array values, '.gettype($deleting['ids']).' given', 100);
$contents_db = $Class_fn::getMultiple($ids);
$owned_ids = [];
foreach($contents_db as $content_db) {
if(!$logged_user['is_admin'] and $content_db[$db_field_prefix . '_user_id'] != $logged_user['id']) {
$owned_ids[] = $content_db[$db_field_prefix . '_id'];
if(!$owned_ids) {
throw new Exception('Invalid content owner request', 101);
$delete = $Class_fn::deleteMultiple($owned_ids);
$affected = $delete;
$json_array['success'] = [
'message' => ucfirst($type) . ' deleted',
'code' => 200,
'affected' => $affected
case 'test':
if(!$logged_user['is_admin']) {
throw new Exception('Invalid request', 403);
switch($_REQUEST['test']['object']) {
case 'email':
// Validate email
if(!filter_var($_REQUEST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
throw new Exception(_s('Invalid email'), 100);
CHV\send_mail($_REQUEST['email'], _s('Test email from %s @ %t', ['%s' => CHV\getSetting('website_name'), '%t' => G\datetime()]), _s('This is just a test'));
$json_array['success'] = ['message' => _s('Test email sent to %s.', $_REQUEST['email']), 'code' => 200];
case 'notifications':
if(!$logged_user) {
throw new Exception('Invalid request', 403);
$notification_array = [
'user_id' => $logged_user['id']
$notifications = CHV\Notification::get($notification_array);
$json_array['status_code'] = 200;
if($notifications) {
$json_array['html'] = '';
$template = '<li%class>%avatar<span class="notification-text">%message</span><span class="how-long-ago">%how_long_ago</span></li>';
$avatar_src_tpl = [
0 => '<span class="user-image default-user-image"><span class="icon icon-user"></span></span>',
1 => '<img class="user-image" src="%user_avatar_url" alt="%user_name_short_html">'
$avatar_tpl = [
0 => $avatar_src_tpl[0],
1 => '<a href="%user_url">%user_avatar</a>'
foreach($notifications as $k => $v) {
switch($v['type']) {
case 'like':
$message = _s('%u liked your %t %c', [
'%t' => _s($v['content_type']),
'%c' => '<a href="'.$v['image']['url_viewer'].'">'.$v['image']['title_truncated_html'].'</a>'
case 'follow':
$message = _s('%u is now following you');
$v['message'] = strtr($message, [
'%u' => $v['user']['is_private'] ? _s('A private user') : ('<a href="'.$v['user']['url'].'">'.$v['user']['name_short_html'].'</a>'),
if($v['user']['is_private']) {
$avatar = $avatar_tpl[0];
} else {
$avatar = strtr($avatar_tpl[1], [
'%user_url' => $v['user']['url'],
'%user_avatar' => strtr($avatar_src_tpl[isset($v['user']['avatar']) ? 1 : 0], [
'%user_avatar_url' => $v['user']['avatar']['url'],
'%user_name_short_html' => $v['user']['name_short_html'],
$json_array['html'] .= strtr($template, [
'%class' => !$v['is_read'] ? ' class="new"' : NULL,
'%avatar' => $avatar,
'%user_url' => $v['user']['url'],
'%message' => $v['message'],
'%how_long_ago' => CHV\time_elapsed_string($v['date_gmt']),
} else {
$json_array['html'] = NULL;
default: // EX X
throw new Exception(!G\check_value($_REQUEST['action']) ? 'empty action' : 'invalid action', !G\check_value($_REQUEST['action']) ? 0 : 1);
// Inject any missing status_code
if(isset($json_array['success']) and !isset($json_array['status_code'])) {
$json_array['status_code'] = 200;
$json_array['request'] = $_REQUEST;
} catch(Exception $e) {
if($_REQUEST['action'] == 'upload') {
$json_array = G\json_error($e);
$json_array['request'] = $_REQUEST;
}; |