1366 lines
46 KiB
1366 lines
46 KiB
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
@author Rodolfo Berrios A. <http://rodolfoberrios.com/>
Copyright (C) Rodolfo Berrios A. All rights reserved.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace CHV;
use G, Exception;
class Image {
static $table_chv_image = [
static $chain_sizes = ['original', 'image', 'medium', 'thumb'];
public static function getSingle($id, $sumview=FALSE, $pretty=FALSE, $requester=NULL) {
$tables = DB::getTables();
$query = 'SELECT * FROM '.$tables['images']."\n";
$joins = [
'LEFT JOIN '.$tables['storages'].' ON '.$tables['images'].'.image_storage_id = '.$tables['storages'].'.storage_id',
'LEFT JOIN '.$tables['storage_apis'].' ON '.$tables['storages'].'.storage_api_id = '.$tables['storage_apis'].'.storage_api_id',
'LEFT JOIN '.$tables['users'].' ON '.$tables['images'].'.image_user_id = '.$tables['users'].'.user_id',
'LEFT JOIN '.$tables['albums'].' ON '.$tables['images'].'.image_album_id = '.$tables['albums'].'.album_id'
$query .= implode("\n", $joins) . "\n";
$query .= 'WHERE image_id=:image_id;'."\n";
if($sumview) {
$query .= 'UPDATE '.$tables['images'].' SET image_views = image_views + 1 WHERE image_id=:image_id';
try {
$db = DB::getInstance();
$db->bind(':image_id', $id);
$image_db = $db->fetchSingle();
if($image_db) {
if($sumview) {
$image_db['image_views'] += 1;
// Track stats
'action' => 'update',
'table' => 'images',
'value' => '+1',
'date_gmt' => $image_db['image_date_gmt'],
'user_id' => $image_db['image_user_id'],
if($requester) {
$image_db['image_liked'] = $image_db['like_user_id'] ? TRUE : FALSE;
$return = $image_db;
$return = $pretty ? self::formatArray($return) : $return;
if(!$return['file_resource']) {
$return['file_resource'] = self::getSrcTargetSingle($image_db, true);
return $return;
} else {
return $image_db;
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw new ImageException($e->getMessage(), 400);
public static function getMultiple($ids, $pretty=FALSE) {
if(!is_array($ids)) {
$ids = func_get_args();
$aux = array();
foreach($ids as $k => $v) {
$aux[] = $v;
$ids = $aux;
if(count($ids) == 0) {
throw new ImageException('Null ids provided in Image::get_multiple', 100);
$tables = DB::getTables();
$query = 'SELECT * FROM '.$tables['images']."\n";
$joins = array(
'LEFT JOIN '.$tables['users'].' ON '.$tables['images'].'.image_user_id = '.$tables['users'].'.user_id',
'LEFT JOIN '.$tables['albums'].' ON '.$tables['images'].'.image_album_id = '.$tables['albums'].'.album_id'
$query .= implode("\n", $joins) . "\n";
$query .= 'WHERE image_id IN ('. join(',', $ids). ')' . "\n";
try {
$db = DB::getInstance();
$images_db = $db->fetchAll();
if($images_db) {
foreach($images_db as $k => $v) {
$images_db[$k] = array_merge($v, self::getSrcTargetSingle($v, true)); // todo
if($pretty) {
$return = [];
foreach($images_db as $k => $v) {
$return[] = self::formatArray($v);
return $return;
return $images_db;
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw new ImageException($e->getMessage(), 400);
public static function getAlbumSlice($image_id, $album_id=NULL, $padding=2) {
$tables = DB::getTables();
if($image_id == NULL) {
throw new ImageException("Image id can't be NULL", 100);
if($album_id == NULL) {
try {
$db = DB::getInstance();
$db->query('SELECT image_album_id FROM '.$tables['images'].' WHERE image_id=:image_id');
$db->bind(':image_id', $image_id);
$image_album_db = $db->fetchSingle();
$album_id = $image_album_db['image_album_id'];
} catch(Excepton $e) {
throw new ImageException($e->getMessage(), 400);
if($album_id == NULL) {
if(!is_numeric($padding)) {
$padding = 2;
//$where_album = $album_id !== NULL ? "image_album_id=:image_album_id" : "image_album_id IS NULL";
try {
$db = DB::getInstance();
$db->query('SELECT * FROM (
(SELECT * FROM '.$tables['images'].' LEFT JOIN '.$tables['storages'].' ON '.$tables['images'].'.image_storage_id = '.$tables['storages'].'.storage_id
WHERE image_album_id=:image_album_id AND image_id <= :image_id ORDER BY image_id DESC LIMIT 0,'.($padding*2 + 1).')
(SELECT * FROM '.$tables['images'].' LEFT JOIN '.$tables['storages'].' ON '.$tables['images'].'.image_storage_id = '.$tables['storages'].'.storage_id
WHERE image_album_id=:image_album_id AND image_id > :image_id ORDER BY image_id ASC LIMIT 0,'.($padding*2).')
) images ORDER BY images.image_id ASC');
$db->bind(':image_album_id', $album_id);
$db->bind(':image_id', $image_id);
$image_album_slice_db = $db->fetchAll();
$album_offset = array('top' => 0, 'bottom' => 0);
foreach($image_album_slice_db as $v) {
if($image_id > $v['image_id']) {
if($image_id < $v['image_id']) {
$album_chop_count = count($image_album_slice_db);
$album_iteration_times = $album_chop_count - ($padding*2 + 1);
if($album_chop_count > ($padding*2 + 1)) {
if($album_offset['top'] > $padding && $album_offset['bottom'] > $padding) {
// Cut on top
for($i=0; $i<$album_offset['top']-$padding; $i++) {
// Cut on bottom
for($i=1; $i<=$album_offset['bottom']-$padding; $i++) {
unset($image_album_slice_db[$album_chop_count - $i]);
} else if($album_offset['top'] <= $padding) {
// Cut bottom
for($i=0; $i<$album_iteration_times; $i++) {
unset($image_album_slice_db[$album_chop_count - 1 - $i]);
} else if($album_offset['bottom'] <= $padding) {
// Cut top
for($i=0; $i<$album_iteration_times; $i++) {
// Some cleaning after the unsets
$image_album_slice_db = array_values($image_album_slice_db);
$album_cursor = '';
foreach($image_album_slice_db as $k => $v) {
if($v['image_id'] == $image_id) {
$album_cursor = $k;
$image_album_slice['images'] = array();
foreach($image_album_slice_db as $k => $v) {
$image_album_slice['images'][$k] = self::formatArray($v);
if($image_album_slice['images'][$album_cursor-1]) {
$image_album_slice['prev'] = $image_album_slice['images'][$album_cursor-1];
if($image_album_slice['images'][$album_cursor+1]) {
$image_album_slice['next'] = $image_album_slice['images'][$album_cursor+1];
return array(
'db' => $image_album_slice_db,
'formatted' => $image_album_slice
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw new ImageException($e->getMessage(), 400);
public static function getSrcTargetSingle($filearray, $prefix=true) {
$prefix = $prefix ? 'image_' : NULL;
$folder = CHV_PATH_IMAGES;
$pretty = !isset($filearray['image_id']);
$chain_mask = str_split((string) str_pad(decbin($filearray[$pretty ? 'chain' : 'image_chain']), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT));
$chain_to_sufix = [
//'original' => '.original.',
'image' => '.',
'thumb' => '.th.',
'medium' => '.md.'
if($pretty) {
$type = $filearray['storage']['id'] ? 'url' : 'path';
} else {
$type = $filearray['storage_id'] ? 'url' : 'path';
if($type == 'url') { // URL resource folder
$folder = G\add_ending_slash($pretty ? $filearray['storage']['url'] : $filearray['storage_url']);
switch($filearray[$prefix.'storage_mode']) {
case 'datefolder':
$datetime = $filearray[$prefix.'date'];
$datefolder = preg_replace('/(.*)(\s.*)/', '$1', str_replace('-', '/', $datetime));
$folder .= G\add_ending_slash($datefolder); // Y/m/d/
case 'old':
$folder .= 'old/';
case 'direct':
// use direct $folder
$targets = [
'type' => $type,
'chain' => [
//'original' => NULL,
'image' => NULL,
'thumb' => NULL,
'medium' => NULL
foreach($targets['chain'] as $k => $v) {
$targets['chain'][$k] = $folder.$filearray[$prefix.'name'] . $chain_to_sufix[$k] . $filearray[$prefix.'extension'];
if($type == 'path') {
foreach($targets['chain'] as $k => $v) {
if(!file_exists($v)) {
} else {
foreach($chain_mask as $k => $v) {
if(!(bool) $v) {
return $targets;
public static function getUrlViewer($id_encoded) {
return G\get_base_url(getSetting('route_image') . '/' . $id_encoded);
public static function getAvailableExpirations() {
$string = _s('After %n %t');
return [
NULL => _s("Don't autodelete"),
'PT5M' => strtr($string, ['%n' => 5, '%t' => _n('minute', 'minutes', 5)]),
'PT30M' => strtr($string, ['%n' => 30, '%t' => _n('minute', 'minutes', 30)]),
'PT1H' => strtr($string, ['%n' => 1, '%t' => _n('hour', 'hours', 1)]),
'PT2H' => strtr($string, ['%n' => 2, '%t' => _n('hour', 'hours', 2)]),
'PT6H' => strtr($string, ['%n' => 6, '%t' => _n('hour', 'hours', 6)]),
'PT12H' => strtr($string, ['%n' => 12, '%t' => _n('hour', 'hours', 12)]),
'P1D' => strtr($string, ['%n' => 1, '%t' => _n('day','days', 1)]),
'P2D' => strtr($string, ['%n' => 2, '%t' => _n('day','days', 2)])
public static function watermark($image_path, $options=[]) {
// Watermark options
$options = array_merge([
'ratio' => getSetting('watermark_percentage') / 100,
'position' => explode(' ', getSetting('watermark_position')),
'file' => CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_SYSTEM . getSetting('watermark_image')
], $options);
if(!is_readable($options['file'])) {
throw new Exception("Can't read watermark file", 100);
// Fail-safe ratio
$options['ratio'] = min(1, (!is_numeric($options['ratio']) ? 0.01 : max(0.01, $options['ratio'])));
// Fail-safe positioning
if(!in_array($options['position'][0], ['left', 'center', 'right'])) {
$options['position'][0] = 'right';
if(!in_array($options['position'][1], ['top', 'center', 'bottom'])) {
$options['position'][0] = 'bottom';
// Get source fileinfo
$image_fileinfo = G\get_image_fileinfo($image_path);
// Create working source image
switch($image_fileinfo['extension']) {
case 'gif':
$src = imagecreatefromgif($image_path);
case 'png':
$src = imagecreatefrompng($image_path);
case 'jpg':
$src = imagecreatefromjpeg($image_path);
$src_width = imagesx($src);
$src_height = imagesy($src);
// Create working watermark image
$watermark_fileinfo = G\get_image_fileinfo($options['file']);
$watermark_width = $watermark_fileinfo['width'];
$watermark_height = $watermark_fileinfo['height'];
$watermark_max_upscale = 1.2;
$watermark_max_width = $watermark_fileinfo['width'] * $watermark_max_upscale;
$watermark_max_height = $watermark_fileinfo['height'] * $watermark_max_upscale;
$watermark_area = $image_fileinfo['width'] * $image_fileinfo['height'] * $options['ratio'];
$watermark_image_ratio = $watermark_fileinfo['ratio'];
$watermark_new_height = round(sqrt($watermark_area/$watermark_image_ratio), 0);
if($watermark_new_height > $watermark_max_height) { // Set a max cap
$watermark_new_height = $watermark_max_height;
// To legit to quit
if($watermark_new_height > $src_height) {
$watermark_new_height = $src_height;
// Fix watermark margin issues on height
if(getSetting('watermark_margin') and $options['position'][1] !== 'center' and $watermark_new_height + getSetting('watermark_margin') > $src_height) {
$watermark_new_height -= $watermark_new_height + 2*getSetting('watermark_margin') - $src_height;
$watermark_new_width = round($watermark_image_ratio * $watermark_new_height, 0);
// To legit to quit yo
if($watermark_new_width > $src_width) {
$watermark_new_width = $src_width;
// Fix watermark margin issues on width
if(getSetting('watermark_margin') and $options['position'][0] !== 'center' and $watermark_new_width + getSetting('watermark_margin') > $src_width) {
$watermark_new_width -= $watermark_new_width + 2*getSetting('watermark_margin') - $src_width;
$watermark_new_height = $watermark_new_width / $watermark_image_ratio;
if($watermark_new_height <= $watermark_max_height or $watermark_new_width <= $watermark_fileinfo['width']*2) {
// Resizable watermark image
try {
$watermark_tempnam = @tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'chvtemp');
if(!$watermark_tempnam) {
$watermark_tempnam = @tempnam(dirname($image_path), 'chvtemp');
if(!$watermark_tempnam) {
throw new Exception("Can't tempnam a watermak file", 400);
self::resize($options['file'], dirname($watermark_tempnam), basename($watermark_tempnam), ['width' => $watermark_new_width]);
$watermark_temp = $watermark_tempnam . '.png';
$watermark_src = imagecreatefrompng($watermark_temp);
$watermark_width = imagesx($watermark_src);
$watermark_height = imagesy($watermark_src);
} catch(Exception $e) {
} // Silence
} else {
// Watermark "as is"
$watermark_src = imagecreatefrompng($options['file']);
// Calculate the watermark position
switch($options['position'][0]) {
case 'left':
$watermark_x = getSetting('watermark_margin');
case 'center':
$watermark_x = $src_width/2 - $watermark_width/2;
case 'right':
$watermark_x = $src_width - $watermark_width - getSetting('watermark_margin');
switch($options['position'][1]) {
case 'top':
$watermark_y = getSetting('watermark_margin');
case 'center':
$watermark_y = $src_height/2 - $watermark_height/2;
case 'bottom':
$watermark_y = $src_height - $watermark_height - getSetting('watermark_margin');
// Watermark has the same or greater size of the image ?
// --> Center the watermark
if($watermark_width == $src_width && $watermark_height == $src_height) {
$watermark_x = $src_width/2 - $watermark_width/2;
$watermark_y = $src_height/2 - $watermark_height/2;
// Watermark is too big ?
// --> Fit the watermark on the image
if($watermark_width > $src_width || $watermark_height > $src_height) {
// Watermark is wider than the image
if($watermark_width > $src_width) {
$watermark_new_width = $src_width;
$watermark_new_height = $src_width * $watermark_height / $watermark_width;
if($watermark_new_height > $src_height) {
$watermark_new_width = $src_height * $watermark_width / $watermark_height;
$watermark_new_height = $src_height;
} else {
$watermark_new_width = $src_height * $watermark_width / $watermark_height;
$watermark_new_height = $src_height;
try {
$watermark_temp = @tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'chvtemp');
self::resize($options['file'], $watermark_temp, ['width' => $watermark_new_width]);
$watermark_width = $watermark_new_width;
$watermark_height = $watermark_new_height;
$watermark_src = imagecreatefrompng($watermark_temp);
$watermark_x = $src_width/2 - $watermark_width/2;
$watermark_y = $src_height/2 - $watermark_height/2;
} catch(Exception $e) {} // Silence
// Apply and save the watermark
G\imagecopymerge_alpha($src, $watermark_src, $watermark_x, $watermark_y, 0, 0, $watermark_width, $watermark_height, getSetting('watermark_opacity'), $image_fileinfo['extension']);
switch($image_fileinfo['extension']) {
case 'gif': // Cast gif as png (gif has very poor quality)
imagegif($src, $image_path);
case 'png':
imagepng($src, $image_path);
case 'jpg':
imagejpeg($src, $image_path, 90);
return true;
public static function upload($source, $destination, $filename=NULL, $options=[], $storage_id=NULL) {
$default_options = array(
'max_size' => G\get_bytes('2 MB'),
'filenaming' => 'original',
'exif' => TRUE,
$options = array_merge($default_options, $options);
if(!is_null($filename) and !$options['filenaming']) {
$options['filenaming'] = 'original';
try {
$upload = new Upload;
if(!is_null($storage_id)) {
if(!is_null($filename)) {
$original_md5 = $upload->uploaded['fileinfo']['md5'];
$is_animated_image = ($upload->uploaded['fileinfo']['extension'] == 'gif' and G\is_animated_image($upload->uploaded['file']));
$apply_watermark = ($options['watermark'] and !$is_animated_image);
// Disable animated image watermark
if($is_animated_image) {
$apply_watermark = FALSE;
if($apply_watermark) {
// Detect watermark min image requirement
foreach(['width', 'height'] as $k) {
$min_value = getSetting('watermark_target_min_' . $k);
if($min_value == 0) { // Skip on zero
$apply_watermark = $upload->uploaded['fileinfo'][$k] >= $min_value;
// Disable on GIF image?
if($apply_watermark and $upload->uploaded['fileinfo']['extension'] == 'gif' and !$options['watermark_gif']) {
$apply_watermark = FALSE;
if($apply_watermark && self::watermark($upload->uploaded['file'])) {
$upload->uploaded['fileinfo'] = G\get_image_fileinfo($upload->uploaded['file']); // Remake the fileinfo array, new full array file info (todo: faster!)
$upload->uploaded['fileinfo']['md5'] = $original_md5; // Preserve original MD5 for watermarked images
return [
'uploaded' => $upload->uploaded,
'source' => $upload->source
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw new UploadException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
// Mostly for people uploading two times the same image to test or just bug you
public static function isDuplicatedUpload($md5_file, $time_frame='P1D') {
$db = DB::getInstance();
$db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . DB::getTable('images') . ' WHERE image_md5=:md5 AND image_uploader_ip=:ip AND image_date_gmt > :date_gmt');
$db->bind(':md5', $md5_file);
$db->bind(':ip', G\get_client_ip());
$db->bind(':date_gmt', G\datetime_sub(G\datetimegmt(), $time_frame));
return $db->fetchColumn();
public static function uploadToWebsite($source, $user=NULL, $params=[]) {
try {
// Get user
if($user) {
switch(gettype($user)) {
case 'string':
$user = User::getSingle($user, 'username');
case 'integer':
$user = User::getSingle($user);
// Detect duplicated uploads (local) by IP + MD5 (first layer)
if(!getSetting('enable_duplicate_uploads') && is_array($source) && array_key_exists('tmp_name', $source) && !$user['is_admin']) {
$md5_file = md5_file($source['tmp_name']);
if($md5_file && self::isDuplicatedUpload($md5_file)) {
throw new Exception(_s('Duplicated upload'), 100);
$storage_mode = getSetting('upload_storage_mode');
$datefolder = date('Y/m/d/');
switch($storage_mode) {
case 'direct':
$upload_path = CHV_PATH_IMAGES;
case 'datefolder':
$upload_path = CHV_PATH_IMAGES . $datefolder;
$filenaming = getSetting('upload_filenaming');
if($filenaming !== 'id' and in_array($params['privacy'], ['password', 'private', 'private_but_link']) ) {
$filenaming = 'random';
$upload_options = [
'max_size' => G\get_bytes(getSetting('upload_max_filesize_mb') . ' MB'),
'watermark' => getSetting('watermark_enable'),
'exif' => (getSetting('upload_image_exif_user_setting') && $user) ? $user['image_keep_exif'] : getSetting('upload_image_exif'),
// Reserve this ID
if($filenaming == 'id') {
$AUTO_INCREMENT = DB::queryFetchSingle("SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = '" . DB::getTable('images') . "' AND table_schema = DATABASE();")['AUTO_INCREMENT'];
$target_id = $AUTO_INCREMENT;
// Wipe any garbage
/*$db = DB::getInstance();
$db->query("DELETE FROM `" . DB::getTable('id_reservations') . "` WHERE");
$last_reservation = DB::queryFetchSingle("SELECT * FROM `" . DB::getTable('id_reservations') . "` ORDER BY `id_reservation_id` DESC LIMIT 0,1");
if($last_reservation && $last_reservation['id_reservation_next_id'] > $target_id) {
$target_id = $last_reservation['id_reservation_next_id'];
$reserve = [
'reserved_id' => $target_id,
'date_gmt' => G\datetimegmt(),
'next_id' => $target_id + 1
try {
$reserved_id = DB::insert('id_reservations', $reserve);
} catch(Exception $e) {
$filenaming = 'original'; // fallback
// Workaround watermark by user group
if($upload_options['watermark']) {
$watermark_enable = [];
$watermark_user = $user ? ($user['is_admin'] ? 'admin' : 'user') : 'guest';
$upload_options['watermark'] = getSetting('watermark_enable_' . $watermark_user);
// Watermark by filetype
$upload_options['watermark_gif'] = (bool) getSetting('watermark_enable_file_gif');
// Filenaming
$upload_options['filenaming'] = $filenaming;
$image_upload = self::upload($source, $upload_path, $filenaming == 'id' ? encodeID($target_id) : NULL, $upload_options, $storage_id);
$chain_mask = [0, 1, 0, 1]; // original image medium thumb
$chain_array = [];
// Detect duplicated uploads (all) by IP + MD5 (second layer)
if(!getSetting('enable_duplicate_uploads') && $image_upload['uploaded']['fileinfo']['md5'] && !$user['is_admin']) {
if(self::isDuplicatedUpload($image_upload['uploaded']['fileinfo']['md5'])) {
throw new Exception(_s('Duplicated upload'), 100);
// Handle resizing KEEP 'source', change 'uploaded'
$must_resize = FALSE;
foreach(['width', 'height'] as $k) {
if(!isset($params[$k]) or !is_numeric($params[$k])) continue;
if($params[$k] != $image_upload['uploaded']['fileinfo'][$k]) {
$must_resize = TRUE;
// Disable resize for animated images (for now)
if(G\is_animated_image($image_upload['uploaded']['file'])) {
$must_resize = FALSE;
if($must_resize) {
$image_ratio = $image_upload['uploaded']['fileinfo']['width'] / $image_upload['uploaded']['fileinfo']['height'];
if($image_ratio == $params['width']/$params['height']) {
$image_resize_options = [
'width' => $params['width'],
'height' => $params['height']
} else {
$image_resize_options = ['width' => $params['width']];
$image_upload['uploaded'] = self::resize($image_upload['uploaded']['file'], dirname($image_upload['uploaded']['file']), NULL, $image_resize_options);
// Try to generate the thumb
$image_thumb_options = [
'width' => getSetting('upload_thumb_width'),
'height' => getSetting('upload_thumb_height')
// Try to generate the medium
$medium_size = getSetting('upload_medium_size');
$medium_fixed_dimension = getSetting('upload_medium_fixed_dimension');
$is_animated_image = $image_upload['uploaded']['fileinfo']['extension'] == 'gif' && G\is_animated_image($image_upload['uploaded']['file']);
// Medium sized image
if($image_upload['uploaded']['fileinfo'][$medium_fixed_dimension] > $medium_size or $is_animated_image) {
$image_medium_options = [];
$image_medium_options[$medium_fixed_dimension] = $medium_size;
if($is_animated_image) {
$image_medium_options['forced'] = true;
$image_medium_options[$medium_fixed_dimension] = min($image_medium_options[$medium_fixed_dimension], $image_upload['uploaded']['fileinfo'][$medium_fixed_dimension]);
$image_medium = self::resize($image_upload['uploaded']['file'], dirname($image_upload['uploaded']['file']), $image_upload['uploaded']['name'] . '.md', $image_medium_options);
$chain_mask[2] = 1;
// Thumb sized image
$image_thumb = self::resize($image_upload['uploaded']['file'], dirname($image_upload['uploaded']['file']), $image_upload['uploaded']['name'] . '.th', $image_thumb_options);
// Image chain (binary)
$chain_value = bindec((int)implode('', $chain_mask));
$disk_space_needed = $image_upload['uploaded']['fileinfo']['size'] + $image_thumb['fileinfo']['size'] + ($image_medium['fileinfo']['size'] ?: 0);
// Can the storage allocate all the files?
if($storage_id and !empty($storage['capacity']) and $disk_space_needed > ($storage['capacity'] - $storage['space_used'])) {
if(count($active_storages) > 0) { // Moar
$capable_storages = [];
foreach($active_storages as $k => $v) {
if($v['id'] == $storage_id or $disk_space_needed > ($v['capacity'] - $v['space_used'])) continue;
$capable_storages[] = $v['id'];
if(count($capable_storages) == 0) {
$switch_to_local = true;
} else {
$storage_id = $capable_storages[0];
$storage = $active_storages[$storage_id];
} else {
$switch_to_local = true;
// Switch to local storage
if($switch_to_local) {
$storage_id = NULL;
$downstream = $image_upload['uploaded']['file'];
$fixed_filename = $image_upload['uploaded']['filename'];
$uploaded_file = G\name_unique_file($upload_path, $upload_options['filenaming'], $fixed_filename);
if(!@rename($downstream, $uploaded_file)) {
throw new Exception("Can't re-allocate image to local storage", 500);
// Re-build the uploaded array
$image_upload['uploaded'] = [
'file' => $uploaded_file,
'filename' => G\get_filename($uploaded_file),
'name' => G\get_filename_without_extension($uploaded_file),
'fileinfo' => G\get_image_fileinfo($uploaded_file)
// ...And re-build all the chain
$chain_props = [
'thumb' => ['suffix' => 'th'],
'medium' => ['suffix' => 'md']
if(!$image_medium) unset($chain_props['medium']);
foreach($chain_props as $k => $v) {
$chain_file = G\add_ending_slash(dirname($image_upload['uploaded']['file'])) . $image_upload['uploaded']['name'] . '.'.$v['suffix'].'.' . ${"image_$k"}['fileinfo']['extension'];
if(!@rename(${"image_$k"}['file'], $chain_file)) {
throw new Exception("Can't re-allocate image ".$k." to local storage", 500);
${"image_$k"} = [
'file' => $chain_file,
'filename' => G\get_filename($chain_file),
'name' => G\get_filename_without_extension($chain_file),
'fileinfo' => G\get_image_fileinfo($chain_file)
$image_insert_values = [
'storage_mode' => $storage_mode,
'storage_id' => $storage_id,
'user_id' => $user['id'],
'album_id' => $params['album_id'],
'nsfw' => $params['nsfw'],
'category_id' => $params['category_id'],
'title' => $params['title'],
'description' => $params['description'],
'chain' => $chain_value,
'thumb_size' => $image_thumb['fileinfo']['size'],
'medium_size' => $image_medium['fileinfo']['size'] ?: 0,
'is_animated' => $is_animated_image
// Expirable upload
if(getSetting('enable_expirable_uploads')) {
// Inject user's default expiration date
if(!isset($params['expiration']) and !is_null($user['image_expiration'])) {
$params['expiration'] = $user['image_expiration'];
try {
// Handle image expire time (source comes as DateInterval string)
if(!empty($params['expiration'])) {
$params['expiration_date_gmt'] = G\datetime_add(G\datetimegmt(), strtoupper($params['expiration']));
// Image expirable handling
if(!empty($params['expiration_date_gmt'])) {
$expirable_diff = G\datetime_diff(G\datetimegmt(), $params['expiration_date_gmt'], 'm');
// 5 minutes minimum
$image_insert_values['expiration_date_gmt'] = $expirable_diff < 5 ? G\datetime_modify(G\datetimegmt(), '+5 minutes') : $params['expiration_date_gmt'];
} catch(Exception $e) {} // Silence
// Inject image title
if(!array_key_exists('title', $params)) {
// From Exif
$title_from_exif = $image_upload['source']['image_exif']['ImageDescription'] ? trim($image_upload['source']['image_exif']['ImageDescription']) : NULL;
if($title_from_exif) {
// Get rid of any unicode stuff
$title_from_exif = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/', '', $title_from_exif);
$image_title = $title_from_exif;
} else {
// From filename
$title_from_filename = preg_replace('/[-_\s]+/', ' ', trim($image_upload['source']['name']));
$image_title = $title_from_filename;
$image_insert_values['title'] = $image_title;
if($filenaming == 'id' and $target_id) { // Insert as a reserved ID
$image_insert_values['id'] = $target_id;
// Trim image_title to the actual DB limit
$image_insert_values['title'] = mb_substr($image_insert_values['title'], 0, 100, 'UTF-8');
$uploaded_id = self::insert($image_upload, $image_insert_values);
if($filenaming == 'id') {
DB::delete('id_reservations', ['id' => $reserved_id]);
if($toStorage) {
foreach($toStorage as $k => $v) {
@unlink($v['file']); // Remove the source image
if($image_insert_values['album_id']) {
$album = Album::getSingle($image_insert_values['album_id']);
} else {
$album = NULL;
// Private upload? Create a private album then (if needed)
if(in_array($params['privacy'], ['private', 'private_but_link'])) {
if(is_null($album) or !in_array($album['privacy'], ['private', 'private_but_link'])) {
$upload_timestamp = $params['timestamp'] ?: time();
$session_handle = 'upload_'.$upload_timestamp;
// Get timestamp based album
if(isset($_SESSION[$session_handle])) {
$album = Album::getSingle(decodeID($_SESSION[$session_handle]));
} else {
$album = NULL;
// Test that...
if(!$album or !in_array($album['privacy'], ['private', 'private_but_link'])) {
$inserted_album = Album::insert(_s('Private upload').' '.G\datetime('Y-m-d'), $user['id'], $params['privacy']);
$_SESSION[$session_handle] = encodeID($inserted_album);
$image_insert_values['album_id'] = $inserted_album;
} else {
$image_insert_values['album_id'] = $album['id'];
// Update album (if any)
if(isset($image_insert_values['album_id'])) {
Album::addImage($image_insert_values['album_id'], $uploaded_id);
// Update user (if any)
if($user) {
DB::increment('users', ['image_count' => '+1'], ['id' => $user['id']]);
} else {
// Save this upload into "session" record
if(!isset($_SESSION['guest_uploads'])) {
$_SESSION['guest_uploads'] = [];
$_SESSION['guest_uploads'][] = $uploaded_id;
if($switch_to_local) {
$image_viewer = self::getUrlViewer(encodeID($uploaded_id));
// NOTIFY > External storage switched to local storage
system_notification_email(['subject' => _s('Upload switched to local storage'), 'message' => _s('System has switched to local storage due to not enough disk capacity (%c) in the external storage server(s). The image %s has been allocated to local storage.', ['%c' => $disk_space_needed . ' B', '%s' => '<a href="'.$image_viewer.'">'.$image_viewer.'</a>'])]);
return $uploaded_id;
} catch(Exception $e) {
if($filenaming == 'id' and $reserved_id) { // Remove any garbage
try {
DB::delete('id_reservations', ['id' => $reserved_id]);
} catch(Exception $e) {} // Silence
throw $e;
public static function resize($source, $destination, $filename=NULL, $options=[]) {
try {
$resize = new Imageresize;
if($filename) {
if($options['width']) {
if($options['height']) {
if($options['width'] == $options['height']) {
if($options['forced']) {
$resize->setOption('forced', true);
return $resize->resized;
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw new ImageException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
public static function insert($image_upload, $values=[]) {
try {
$table_chv_image = self::$table_chv_image;
foreach($table_chv_image as $k => $v) {
$table_chv_image[$k] = 'image_' . $v;
// Remove eternal/useless Exif MakerNote
if($image_upload['source']['image_exif']['MakerNote']) {
$original_exifdata = $image_upload['source']['image_exif'] ? json_encode(G\array_utf8encode($image_upload['source']['image_exif'])) : NULL;
// Fix some values
$values['nsfw'] = in_array(strval($values['nsfw']), ['0','1']) ? $values['nsfw'] : 0;
$populate_values = [
'date' => G\datetime(),
'date_gmt' => G\datetimegmt(),
'uploader_ip' => G\get_client_ip(),
'md5' => $image_upload['uploaded']['fileinfo']['md5'],
'original_filename' => $image_upload['source']['filename'],
'original_exifdata' => $original_exifdata
// Populate values with fileinfo + populate_values
$values = array_merge($image_upload['uploaded']['fileinfo'], $populate_values, $values);
foreach(['title', 'description', 'category_id'] as $v) {
// Now use only the values accepted by the table
foreach($values as $k => $v) {
if(!in_array('image_' . $k, $table_chv_image)) {
// Insert image
$insert = DB::insert('images', $values);
$disk_space_used = $values['size'] + $values['thumb_size'] + $values['medium_size'];
// Track stats
'action' => 'insert',
'table' => 'images',
'value' => '+1',
'date_gmt' => $values['date_gmt'],
'disk_sum' => $disk_space_used,
// Update album count
if(!is_null($values['album_id']) and $insert) {
Album::updateImageCount($values['album_id'], 1);
return $insert;
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw new ImageException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
public static function update($id, $values) {
try {
$values = G\array_filter_array($values, self::$table_chv_image, 'exclusion');
foreach(['title', 'description', 'category_id'] as $v) {
if(!array_key_exists($v, $values)) continue;
if(isset($values['album_id'])) {
$image_db = self::getSingle($id, FALSE, FALSE);
$old_album = $image_db['image_album_id'];
$new_album = $values['album_id'];
$update = DB::update('images', $values, ['id' => $id]);
if($update and $old_album !== $new_album) {
if(!is_null($old_album)) { // Update the old album
Album::updateImageCount($old_album, 1, '-');
if(!is_null($new_album)) { // Update the new album
Album::updateImageCount($new_album, 1);
return $update;
} else {
return DB::update('images', $values, ['id' => $id]);
} catch(Excepton $e) {
throw new ImageException($e->getMessage(), 400);
public static function delete($id, $update_user=TRUE) {
try {
$image = self::getSingle($id, FALSE, TRUE);
$disk_space_used = $image['size'] + $image['thumb']['size'] + $image['medium']['size'];
foreach($image['file_resource']['chain'] as $file_delete) {
if(file_exists($file_delete) and !@unlink($file_delete)) {
throw new ImageException("Can't delete file", 200);
if($update_user and isset($image['user']['id'])) {
DB::increment('users', ['image_count' => '-1'], ['id' => $image['user']['id']]);
// Update album count
if($image['album']['id'] > 0) {
Album::updateImageCount($image['album']['id'], 1, '-');
// Track stats
'action' => 'delete',
'table' => 'images',
'value' => '-1',
'date_gmt' => $image['date_gmt'],
'disk_sum' => $disk_space_used,
'likes' => $image['likes'],
// Remove "liked" counter for each user who liked this image
DB::queryExec('UPDATE '.DB::getTable('users').' INNER JOIN '.DB::getTable('likes').' ON user_id = like_user_id AND like_content_type = "image" AND like_content_id = '.$image['id'].' SET user_liked = GREATEST(cast(user_liked AS SIGNED) - 1, 0);');
if(isset($image['user']['id'])) {
// Detect autolike
$autoliked = DB::get('likes', ['user_id' => $image['user']['id'], 'content_type' => 'image', 'content_id' => $image['id']])[0];
$likes_counter = $image['likes'];
if($autoliked) {
$likes_counter -= 1;
// Update user "likes" counter
DB::increment('users', ['likes' => '-' . $likes_counter], ['id' => $image['user']['id']]);
// Remove notifications related to this image (owner notifications)
'table' => 'images',
'image_id' => $image['id'],
'user_id' => $image['user']['id'],
// Remove image likes
DB::delete('likes', ['content_type' => 'image', 'content_id' => $image['id']]);
// Log image deletion
DB::insert('deletions', [
'date_gmt' => G\datetimegmt(),
'content_id' => $image['id'],
'content_date_gmt' => $image['date_gmt'],
'content_user_id' => $image['user']['id'],
'content_ip' => $image['uploader_ip'],
'content_views' => $image['views'],
'content_md5' => $image['md5'],
'content_likes' => $image['likes'],
'content_original_filename' => $image['original_filename'],
return DB::delete('images', ['id' => $id]);
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw new ImageException($e->getMessage(), 400);
public static function deleteMultiple($ids) {
if(!is_array($ids)) {
throw new ImageException('Expecting array argument, '.gettype($ids).' given in '. __METHOD__, 100);
try {
$affected = 0;
foreach($ids as $id) {
if(self::delete($id)) {
$affected += 1;
return $affected;
} catch(Excepton $e) {
throw new ImageException($e->getMessage(), 400);
public static function deleteExpired() {
try {
$db = DB::getInstance();
$db->query('SELECT image_id FROM ' . DB::getTable('images') . ' WHERE image_expiration_date_gmt IS NOT NULL AND image_expiration_date_gmt < :datetimegmt ORDER BY image_expiration_date_gmt DESC LIMIT 50;'); // Just 50 files per request to prevent CPU meltdown or something like that
$db->bind(':datetimegmt', G\datetimegmt());
$expired_db = $db->fetchAll();
if($expired_db) {
$expired = [];
foreach($expired_db as $k => $v) {
$expired[] = $v['image_id'];
} else {
return NULL;
return $return ? $return['image_id'] : FALSE;
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw new ImageException($e->getMessage(), 400);
public static function fill(&$image) {
$image['id_encoded'] = encodeID($image['id']);
$targets = self::getSrcTargetSingle($image, false);
if($targets['type'] == 'path') {
// Re-create missing stuff
if($image['size'] == 0) {
$get_image_fileinfo = G\get_image_fileinfo($targets['chain']['image']);
$update_missing_values = [
'width' => $get_image_fileinfo['width'],
'height' => $get_image_fileinfo['height'],
'size' => $get_image_fileinfo['size'],
foreach(['thumb', 'medium'] as $k) {
if(!array_key_exists($k, $targets['chain'])) {
if($image[$k . '_size'] == 0) {
$update_missing_values[$k . '_size'] = intval(filesize(G\get_image_fileinfo($targets['chain'][$k])));
self::update($image['id'], $update_missing_values);
$image = array_merge($image, $update_missing_values);
$is_animated = $image['extension'] == 'gif' && G\is_animated_image($targets['chain']['image']);
// Recreate thumb
if(count($targets['chain']) > 0 && !$targets['chain']['thumb']) {
try {
$thumb_options = [
'width' => getSetting('upload_thumb_width'),
'height' => getSetting('upload_thumb_height'),
'forced' => $image['extension'] == 'gif' && $is_animated
$targets['chain']['thumb'] = self::resize($targets['chain']['image'], pathinfo($targets['chain']['image'], PATHINFO_DIRNAME), $image['name'] . '.th', $thumb_options)['file'];
} catch(Exception $e) {}
// Recreate medium
$medium_size = getSetting('upload_medium_size');
$medium_fixed_dimension = getSetting('upload_medium_fixed_dimension');
if($image[$medium_fixed_dimension] > $medium_size && count($targets['chain']) > 0 && !$targets['chain']['medium']) {
try {
$medium_options = [
$medium_fixed_dimension => $medium_size,
'forced' => $image['extension'] == 'gif' && $is_animated
$targets['chain']['medium'] = self::resize($targets['chain']['image'], pathinfo($targets['chain']['image'], PATHINFO_DIRNAME), $image['name'] . '.md', $medium_options)['file'];
} catch(Exception $e) {}
if(count($targets['chain']) > 0) {
$original_md5 = $image['md5'];
$image = array_merge($image, (array) @get_image_fileinfo($targets['chain']['image'])); // Never do an array merge over an empty thing!
$image['md5'] = $original_md5;
// Update is_animated flag
if($is_animated && !$image['is_animated']) {
self::update($image['id'], ['is_animated' => 1]);
$image['is_animated'] = 1;
} else {
$image_fileinfo = [
'ratio' => $image['width'] / $image['height'],
'size' => intval($image['size']),
'size_formatted' => G\format_bytes($image['size'])
$image = array_merge($image, get_image_fileinfo($targets['chain']['image']), $image_fileinfo);
$image['file_resource'] = $targets;
$image['url_viewer'] = self::getUrlViewer($image['id_encoded']);
foreach($targets['chain'] as $k => $v) {
if($targets['type'] == 'path') {
$image[$k] = file_exists($v) ? get_image_fileinfo($v) : NULL;
} else {
$image[$k] = get_image_fileinfo($v);
$image[$k]['size'] = $image[($k == 'image' ? '' : $k . '_') . 'size'];
$display = $image['medium'] !== NULL ? $image['medium'] : ($image['size'] < G\get_bytes('500 KB') ? $image : $image['thumb']);
$display_thumb = $display == $image['thumb'];
$image['size_formatted'] = G\format_bytes($image['size']);
$image['display_url'] = $display['url'];
$image['display_width'] = $display_thumb ? getSetting('upload_thumb_width') : $image['width'];
$image['display_height'] = $display_thumb ? getSetting('upload_thumb_height') : $image['height'];
$image['views_label'] = _n('view', 'views', $image['views']);
$image['likes_label'] = _n('like', 'likes', $image['likes']);
$image['how_long_ago'] = time_elapsed_string($image['date_gmt']);
$image['date_fixed_peer'] = Login::getUser() ? G\datetimegmt_convert_tz($image['date_gmt'], Login::getUser()['timezone']) : $image['date_gmt'];
$image['title_truncated'] = G\truncate($image['title'], 28);
$image['title_truncated_html'] = G\safe_html($image['title_truncated']);
public static function formatArray($dbrow, $safe=false) {
try {
$output = DB::formatRow($dbrow);
if(!is_null($output['user']['id'])) {
} else {
if(!is_null($output['album']['id']) or !is_null($output['user']['id'])) {
Album::fill($output['album'], $output['user']);
} else {
if($safe) {
unset($output['id'], $output['path'], $output['uploader_ip']);
unset($output['album']['id'], $output['album']['privacy_extra']);
return $output;
} catch(Excepton $e) {
throw new ImageException($e->getMessage(), 400);
class ImageException extends Exception {} |