2173 lines
59 KiB
2173 lines
59 KiB
$translation_header = array (
'Project-Id-Version' => 'VERSION',
'POT-Creation-Date' => '2016-04-16 16:12+0000',
'PO-Revision-Date' => '2016-04-16 16:12+0000',
'Last-Translator' => 'FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>',
'Language' => 'id',
'MIME-Version' => '1.0',
'Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8',
'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => '8bit',
'Plural-Forms' => 'nplurals=1; plural=0;',
$translation_plural = array (
'nplurals' => 1,
'plural' => '0',
'formula' => '0',
'function' => '$index = (int)(0); return ($index < 1) ? $index : 1 - 1;',
$translation_table = [
"Invalid email" => [
0 => "Email salah",
"Invalid username" => [
0 => "Username salah",
"Invalid password" => [
0 => "Password salah",
"Invalid website mode" => [
0 => "Mode website salah",
"From email address" => [
0 => "Dari alamat email",
"Sender email for emails sent to users." => [
0 => "Pengiriman email untuk semua email dikirim oleh user.",
"Incoming email address" => [
0 => "Alamat email masuk",
"Recipient for contact form and system alerts." => [
0 => "Penerima untuk halaman kontak dan peringatan sistem.",
"Website mode" => [
0 => "Mode website",
"You can switch the website mode anytime." => [
0 => "Ada dapat mengubah mode website kapanpun.",
"Community" => [
0 => "Komunitas",
"Personal" => [
0 => "perseorangan",
"Update in progress" => [
0 => "Pembaharuan sedang berlangsung",
"An error occurred. Please try again later." => [
0 => "Terjadi sebuah kesalahan. Harap coba lagi lain kali.",
"Missing %s file" => [
0 => "File %s hilang",
"Invalid license info" => [
0 => "info lisensi tidak valid",
"Invalid license key" => [
0 => "kunci lisensi tidak valid",
"Can't save file" => [
0 => "Tidak dapat menyimpan file",
"Can't download %s" => [
0 => "Tidak dapat mengunduh %s",
"Can't extract %s" => [
0 => "Tidak dapat mengekstrak %s",
"Can't create %s directory - %e" => [
0 => "Tidak dapat membuat direktori %s - %e",
"Can't update %s file - %e" => [
0 => "Tidak dapat memperbarui berkas %s - %e",
"Untitled" => [
0 => "Tidak berjudul",
"%s's images" => [
0 => "%s foto",
"Don't autodelete" => [
0 => "Jangan hapus otomatis",
"After %s minutes" => [
0 => "Setelah %s menit",
"After %s hour" => [
0 => "Setelah %s jam",
"After %s hours" => [
0 => "Setelah %s jam",
"After %s day" => [
0 => "Setelah %s hari",
"After %s days" => [
0 => "Setelah %s hari",
"Duplicated upload" => [
0 => "Gandakan unggahan",
"Error storing file in external storage server" => [
0 => "Kesalahan menyimpan berkas di server penyimpanan eksternal",
"External storage has failed" => [
0 => "Penyimpanan eksternal gagal",
"Private upload" => [
0 => "Unggahan pribadi",
"Upload switched to local storage" => [
0 => "Pengunggahan dialihkan ke penyimpanan lokal",
"System has switched to local storage due to not enough disk capacity (%c) in the external storage server(s). The image %s has been allocated to local storage." => [
0 => "Sistem telah beralih ke penyimpanan lokal dikarenakan kapasitas disk tidak mencukupi (%c) di server penyimpanan eksternal. Gambar %s telah dialokasikan ke penyimpanan lokal.",
"view" => [
0 => "dilihat",
"like" => [
0 => "suka",
"image" => [
0 => "foto",
"%u liked your %t %c" => [
0 => "%u menyukai %t %c anda",
"%u is now following you" => [
0 => "%u kini mengikuti anda",
"Can't create %s destination dir" => [
0 => "Tidak dapat membuat direktori tujuan %s",
"Can't open %s for writing" => [
0 => "Tidak dapat membuka %s untuk ditulis",
"Internal" => [
0 => "Internal",
"Link" => [
0 => "Sambungan",
"Can't insert storage." => [
0 => "Tidak dapat menyisipkan penyimpanan.",
"Storage capacity can't be lower than its current usage (%s)." => [
0 => "Kapasitas penyimpanan tidak bisa lebih rendah dari penggunaan sekarang (%s).",
"Can't update storage details." => [
0 => "Tidak dapat memperbarui detail penyimpanan.",
"Unlimited" => [
0 => "Tanpa batasan",
"used" => [
0 => "digunakan",
"year" => [
0 => "tahun",
"month" => [
0 => "bulan",
"week" => [
0 => "minggu",
"day" => [
0 => "hari",
"hour" => [
0 => "jam",
"minute" => [
0 => "menit",
"second" => [
0 => "detik",
"%s ago" => [
0 => "%s yang lalu",
"moments ago" => [
0 => "beberapa waktu lalu",
"System notification" => [
0 => "Notifikasi sistem",
"System database is outdated. You need to run the <a href=\"%s\">update</a> tool." => [
0 => "Sistem database sudah kadaluarsa. Anda perlu untuk menjalankan menu <a href=\"%s\">update</a>",
"Website is in maintenance mode. To revert this setting go to <a href=\"%s\">Dashboard > Settings</a>." => [
0 => "Website sedang dalam perbaikan. Untuk merubah setting ini kunjungi <a href=\"%s\">Menu Utama > Pengaturan</a>",
"You should disable PHP error reporting for production enviroment. Go to <a href='%s'>System settings</a> to revert this setting." => [
0 => "Anda harus menonaktifkan pelaporan kesalahan PHP untuk lingkungan produksi. Pergi ke <a href='%s'>Pengaturan sistem</a> untuk mengembalikan pengaturan ini.",
"You haven't changed the default email settings. Go to <a href='%s'>Email settings</a> to fix this." => [
0 => "Anda belum mengubah pengaturan email bawaan. Pergi ke <a href='%s'>Pengaturan Email</a> untuk memperbaiki hal ini.",
"We use our own and third party cookies to improve your browsing experience and our services. If you continue using our website is understood that you accept this cookie policy." => [
0 => "Kami menggunakan kuki sendiri dan pihak ke tiga untuk meningkatkan pengalaman pencarian dan layanan kami. Jika anda melanjutkan menggunakan website kami, berarti anda menyetujui kebijakan kuki ini.",
"You have been forbidden to use this website." => [
0 => "Anda telah diblokir dari website ini.",
"Feel free to browse and discover all my shared images and albums." => [
0 => "Anda bebas mencari dan menemukan semua gambar dan album yang saya bagikan/",
"View all my images" => [
0 => "Tampilkan semua gambarku",
"That page doesn't exist" => [
0 => "Halaman tersebut tidak tersedia.",
"Forgot password?" => [
0 => "Lupa password anda?",
"Reset password" => [
0 => "atur ulang password",
"Resend account activation" => [
0 => "Kirim kembali kode aktivasi",
"Add your email address" => [
0 => "Masukkan alamat email anda",
"Email changed" => [
0 => "Email telah berubah",
"The reCAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly" => [
0 => "Kode reCAPTCHA salah",
"Invalid Username/Email" => [
0 => "Username/Email tidak sah",
"User doesn't have an email." => [
0 => "Pengguna tidak memiliki email",
"Request denied" => [
0 => "Permintaan ditolak",
"Account needs to be activated to use this feature" => [
0 => "Akun perlu untuk diaktivasi agar bisa menggunakan fitur ini",
"Account already activated" => [
0 => "Akun telah diaktivasi",
"Allow up to 15 minutes for the email. You can try again later." => [
0 => "Tunggu sampai 15 menit untuk email. Anda bisa mencoba lagi nanti.",
"Reset your password at %s" => [
0 => "Reset password anda di %s",
"Confirmation required at %s" => [
0 => "Konfirmasi diperlukan di %s",
"Welcome to %s" => [
0 => "Selamat datang di %s",
"Passwords don't match" => [
0 => "Password tidak cocok",
"Email already being used" => [
0 => "Email telah digunakan",
"Check the errors in the form to continue." => [
0 => "Periksa kesalahan pada kotak isian untuk melanjutkan",
"Most recent" => [
0 => "Terbaru",
"Oldest" => [
0 => "Terlama",
"Most viewed" => [
0 => "Paling dilihat",
"Most liked" => [
0 => "Paling disukai",
"Share" => [
0 => "Bagikan",
"Full info" => [
0 => "Informasi lengkap",
"%a album hosted in %w" => [
0 => "%a album disimpan di %w",
"Stats" => [
0 => "Status",
"Images" => [
0 => "Foto",
"Albums" => [
0 => "Album",
"Users" => [
0 => "Pengguna",
"Settings" => [
0 => "Pengaturan",
"Chevereto version" => [
0 => "Versi Chevereto",
"install update" => [
0 => "Pasang pembaharuan",
"check for updates" => [
0 => "Cek pembaharuan",
"PHP version" => [
0 => "Versi PHP",
"Server" => [
0 => "Server",
"MySQL version" => [
0 => "Versi MySQL",
"MySQL server info" => [
0 => "Informasi server MySQL",
"GD Library" => [
0 => "Perpustakaan GD",
"File uploads" => [
0 => "Mengunggah berkas",
"Enabled" => [
0 => "Diaktifkan",
"Disabled" => [
0 => "Dipasifkan",
"Max. upload size" => [
0 => "Ukuran maks. pengunggahan",
"Max. post size" => [
0 => "Ukuran maks. penulisan",
"Max. execution time" => [
0 => "Waktu maks. eksekusi",
"%d second" => [
0 => "%d detik",
"Memory limit" => [
0 => "Batas memori",
"Website" => [
0 => "Website",
"Content" => [
0 => "Isi",
"Pages" => [
0 => "Laman",
"Listings" => [
0 => "Daftar",
"Image upload" => [
0 => "Foto diunggah",
"Categories" => [
0 => "Kategori",
"Consent screen" => [
0 => "Layar kesepakatan",
"Flood protection" => [
0 => "Anti penggembosan",
"Theme" => [
0 => "Tema",
"Homepage" => [
0 => "Halaman muka",
"Banners" => [
0 => "banner",
"System" => [
0 => "sistem",
"Languages" => [
0 => "Bahasa",
"External storage" => [
0 => "Penyimpanan tambahan",
"Email" => [
0 => "Surel",
"Social networks" => [
0 => "Media sosial",
"External services" => [
0 => "Layanan tambahan",
"IP bans" => [
0 => "Blokir IP",
"Additional settings" => [
0 => "Pengaturan tambahan",
"Tools" => [
0 => "Alat-alat",
"Local" => [
0 => "Lokal",
"External" => [
0 => "Tambahan",
"All" => [
0 => "Semua",
"search content" => [
0 => "cari konten",
"Add page" => [
0 => "Tambah laman",
"Edit page ID %s" => [
0 => "Ubah halaman ID %s",
"The page has been added successfully." => [
0 => "Halaman telah berhasil ditambahkan.",
"The page has been deleted." => [
0 => "Halaman telah dihapus.",
"Before cover (homepage)" => [
0 => "Sampul sebelumnya (halaman muka)",
"After cover (homepage)" => [
0 => "Setelah sampul(halaman depan)",
"After listing (homepage)" => [
0 => "Setelah pendaftaran (beranda)",
"Before pagination" => [
0 => "Sebelum nomor halaman",
"After pagination" => [
0 => "Setelah nomor halaman",
"Content (image and album)" => [
0 => "Konten (gambar dan album)",
"Tab about column" => [
0 => "Kolom tab tentang",
"Before comments" => [
0 => "Sebelum komentar",
"Image page" => [
0 => "Halaman gambar",
"Inside viewer top (image page)" => [
0 => "Didalam atas penonton (halaman gambar)",
"Expected banner size 728x90" => [
0 => "Ukuran banner diharapkan 728x90",
"Inside viewer foot (image page)" => [
0 => "Didalam kaki penonton (halaman gambar)",
"After image viewer (image page)" => [
0 => "Setelah penampil gambar (halaman gambar)",
"Before header (image page)" => [
0 => "Sebelum judul (halaman gambar)",
"After header (image page)" => [
0 => "Setelah judul (halaman gambar)",
"Footer (image page)" => [
0 => "Kaki (halaman gambar)",
"Album page" => [
0 => "Laman album",
"Before header (album page)" => [
0 => "Sebelum Judul (halaman album)",
"After header (album page)" => [
0 => "Setelah judul (halaman album)",
"User profile page" => [
0 => "Halaman profil pengguna",
"After top (user profile)" => [
0 => "Setelah teratas (profil pengguna)",
"Before listing (user profile)" => [
0 => "Sebelum pendaftaran (profil pengguna)",
"Explore page" => [
0 => "Jelajahi halaman",
"After top (explore page)" => [
0 => "Setelah teratas (halaman jelajahi)",
"NSFW" => [
0 => "NSFW",
"Invalid website name" => [
0 => "Nama website tidak sah",
"Invalid language" => [
0 => "Bahasa tidak sah",
"Invalid timezone" => [
0 => "Zona waktu tidak sah",
"Invalid value" => [
0 => "Isi tidak sah",
"Invalid upload storage mode" => [
0 => "Mode penyimpanan upload tidak valid",
"Invalid upload filenaming" => [
0 => "Unggah penamaan tidak valid",
"Invalid thumb width" => [
0 => "lebar gambar kecil tidak valid",
"Invalid thumb height" => [
0 => "Tinggi gambar kecil tidak valid",
"Invalid medium size" => [
0 => "Ukuran medium tidak valid",
"Invalid watermark percentage" => [
0 => "Presentasi tanda air tidak valid",
"Invalid watermark opacity" => [
0 => "Kegelapan tanda air tidak valid",
"Invalid theme" => [
0 => "Tema tidak sah",
"Invalid theme tone" => [
0 => "Suasana tema tidak valid",
"Invalid theme main color" => [
0 => "Warna utama tema tidak valid",
"Invalid theme top bar color" => [
0 => "Warna batang atas tema tidak valid",
"Invalid theme top bar button color" => [
0 => "Warna batang bawah tema tidak valid",
"Invalid theme image listing size" => [
0 => "Ukuran tema pendaftaran gambar tidak valid",
"Invalid user id" => [
0 => "Id user salah",
"Invalid email mode" => [
0 => "Mode email tidak benar",
"Invalid SMTP port" => [
0 => "Port SMTP salah",
"Invalid SMTP security" => [
0 => "Pengaman SMTP salah",
"Invalid personal mode user ID" => [
0 => "Mode pribadi ID pengguna tidak valid",
"Invalid or reserved route" => [
0 => "Tidak valid atau dilindungi",
"Invalid website privacy mode" => [
0 => "mode privasi website tidak valid",
"Invalid website content privacy mode" => [
0 => "Mode privasi konten website tidak valid",
"Invalid homepage style" => [
0 => "gaya beranda tidak valid",
"Invalid homepage call to action button color" => [
0 => "Panggilan beranda untuk warna tombol aksi tidak valid",
"Invalid title" => [
0 => "Judul tidak valid",
"Invalid status" => [
0 => "Status tidak valid",
"Invalid type" => [
0 => "Tipe tidak valid",
"Invalid visibility" => [
0 => "Visibilitas tidak valid",
"Invalid target attribute" => [
0 => "Atribut sasaran tidak valid",
"Invalid rel attribute" => [
0 => "Atribut rel tidak valid",
"Invalid icon" => [
0 => "Ikon tidak valid",
"Invalid URL key" => [
0 => "Kunci URL tidak valid",
"Invalid file path" => [
0 => "Jalur file tidak valid",
"Invalid link URL" => [
0 => "Link URL tidak valid",
"Invalid user minimum age" => [
0 => "Usia minimal pengguna tidak valid",
"Invalid upload image path" => [
0 => "Jalur upload gambar tidak valid",
"Invalid call to action URL" => [
0 => "Panggilan tidak valid untuk aksi URL",
"Max. allowed %s" => [
0 => "Maks. diperbolehkan %s",
"Invalid SMTP server" => [
0 => "Server SMTP tidak valid",
"Invalid SMTP username" => [
0 => "username SMTP tidak valid",
"Invalid URL" => [
0 => "URL tidak valid",
"This URL key is already being used by another page (ID %s)" => [
0 => "Kunci URL ini telah digunakan oleh halaman lainnya (ID %s)",
"This file path is already being used by another page (ID %s)" => [
0 => "Jalur file ini telah digunakan oleh halaman lainnya (ID %s)",
"Can't save page contents: %s." => [
0 => "Tidak dapat menyimpan isi halaman: %s",
"Top users" => [
0 => "Pengguna teratas",
"Dashboard" => [
0 => "Beranda",
"Explore" => [
0 => "Jelajahi",
"Following" => [
0 => "Mengikuti",
"About" => [
0 => "Tentang",
"Embed codes" => [
0 => "Kode cantumkan",
"Image ID" => [
0 => "ID Gambar",
"Uploader IP" => [
0 => "IP Pengunggah",
"Ban IP" => [
0 => "Blokir IP",
"IP already banned" => [
0 => "IP telah diblokir",
"Upload date" => [
0 => "Tanggal uplad",
"%s images" => [
0 => "%s gambar",
"Image %i in %a album" => [
0 => "Gambar %i di album %a",
"Image %i in %c category" => [
0 => "Gambar %i di Kategori %c",
"Image %i hosted in %w" => [
0 => "Gambar %i tersimpan di %w",
"Direct links" => [
0 => "Tautan langsung",
"Image URL" => [
0 => "URL gambar",
"Image link" => [
0 => "Tautan gambar",
"Thumbnail URL" => [
0 => "URL sketsa",
"Medium URL" => [
0 => "URL sedang",
"Full image" => [
0 => "Gambar penuh",
"Full image (linked)" => [
0 => "Gambar penuh (terhubung)",
"Medium image (linked)" => [
0 => "Gambar medium (terhubung)",
"Thumbnail image (linked)" => [
0 => "Gambar kecil (terhubung)",
"Login needed" => [
0 => "Login dibutuhkan",
"IP address already banned" => [
0 => "Alamat IP telah di blokir",
"Missing values" => [
0 => "Nilai yang hilang",
"Invalid role" => [
0 => "Peran tidak valid",
"Username already being used" => [
0 => "Username talah digunakan",
"Add a password or another social connection before deleting %s" => [
0 => "Tambahkan sebuah kata sandi atau sambungan sosial lainnya sebelum menghapus %s",
"Add an email or another social connection before deleting %s" => [
0 => "Tambakan sebuah email atau atau sambungan sosial lainnya sebelum menghapus %s",
"%s has been disconnected." => [
0 => "%s telah terputus.",
"Test email from %s @ %t" => [
0 => "Email percobaan dari %s @%t",
"This is just a test" => [
0 => "Ini hanya sebuah percobaan",
"Test email sent to %s." => [
0 => "Email percobaan telah terkirim ke %s.",
"User %s followed" => [
0 => "Pengguna %s diikuti",
"User %s unfollowed" => [
0 => "Pengguna %s batal mengikuti",
"Content liked" => [
0 => "Konten disukai",
"Content disliked" => [
0 => "Konten tidak disukai",
"Wrong Username/Email password combination" => [
0 => "Kombinasi Username/password email salah",
"Sign in" => [
0 => "Masuk",
"Logged out" => [
0 => "Keluar",
"General questions/comments" => [
0 => "Pertanyaan/komentar umum",
"DMCA complaint" => [
0 => "Pengaduan DCMA",
"Invalid name" => [
0 => "Nama tidak valid",
"Invalid message" => [
0 => "Pesan tidak valid",
"Invalid subject" => [
0 => "Judul tidak valid",
"Invalid reCAPTCHA" => [
0 => "reCAPTCHA tidak valid",
"Can't submit the form: %s" => [
0 => "Tidak dapat mengirim formulir: %s",
"Message sent. We will get in contact soon." => [
0 => "Pesan terkirim. Kami akan menghubungi segera.",
"Mail error" => [
0 => "Pos galat",
"Image search results for %s" => [
0 => "Hasil pencarian gambar %s",
"Album search results for %s" => [
0 => "Hasil pencarian album %s",
"User search results for %s" => [
0 => "Hasil pencarian user %s",
"Search" => [
0 => "Cari",
"Account" => [
0 => "Akun",
"Profile" => [
0 => "Profil",
"Password" => [
0 => "Kata sandi",
"Linked accounts" => [
0 => "Akun terhubung",
"Invalid image expiration" => [
0 => "Kadaluarsa gambar tidak valid",
"An email has been sent to %s with instructions to activate this email" => [
0 => "Sebuah email telah terrkirim ke %s dengan instruksi untuk mengaktifkan email ini",
"Invalid website" => [
0 => "Website tidak valid",
"Wrong password" => [
0 => "Kata sandi salah",
"Use a new password" => [
0 => "Gunakan password baru",
"Changes have been saved." => [
0 => "Perubahan telah disimpan.",
"Password has been changed" => [
0 => "Kata sandi telah diubah",
"Password has been created." => [
0 => "Password telah dibuat",
"Wrong Username/Email values" => [
0 => "Nilai Nama pengguna/Email salah",
"Settings for %s" => [
0 => "Pengaturan untuk %s",
"You must be at least %s years old to use this website." => [
0 => "Anda paling tidak harus berumur %s tahun untuk bisa menggunakan website ini.",
"Create account" => [
0 => "Buat akun",
"%s's Images" => [
0 => "Gambar %s",
"%s's Albums" => [
0 => "Album %s",
"Results for" => [
0 => "Hasil untuk",
"Liked by %s" => [
0 => "Disukai oleh %s",
"Liked" => [
0 => "Disukai",
"Followers" => [
0 => "Pengikut",
"%n (%u) albums on %w" => [
0 => "%n (%u) album pada %w",
"%n (%u) on %w" => [
0 => "%n (%u) pada %w",
"Close" => [
0 => "Tutup",
"Advanced search" => [
0 => "Pencarian lanjutan",
"Random" => [
0 => "Acak",
"Notices (%s)" => [
0 => "Pemberitahuan (%s)",
"Upload" => [
0 => "Unggah",
"Sign in with another account" => [
0 => "Masuk dengan akun lain",
"or" => [
0 => "atau",
"Username or Email address" => [
0 => "Username atau alamat email",
"Keep me logged in" => [
0 => "Biarkan saya tetap masuk",
"Don't have an account? <a href='%s'>Sign up</a> now." => [
0 => "Tidak memiliki sebuah akun? <a href='%s'>Daftar</a> Sekarang.",
"Sign up with another account" => [
0 => "Daftar menggunakan akun lain",
"Email address" => [
0 => "Alamat surel",
"Username" => [
0 => "Nama pengguna",
"I'm at least %s years old" => [
0 => "Saya telah berumur %s tahun",
"By signing up you agree to our <a href=\"%s\">Terms of service</a>" => [
0 => "Dengan mendaftar, berarti anda menyetujui <a href=\"%s\">Persyaratan layanan</a> Kami",
"Notifications" => [
0 => "Notifikasi",
"loading" => [
0 => "menunggu",
"You don't have notifications" => [
0 => "Anda tidak memiliki notifikasi",
"My Profile" => [
0 => "Profil ku",
"Sign out" => [
0 => "Keluar",
"We received a request to change the email of your <a href=\"%u\">%n</a> account at %w." => [
0 => "Kami menerima sebuah permintaan untuk mengganti email dari <a href=\"%u\">%n</a> akun pada %w",
"To complete the process you must <a href=\"%s\">activate your email</a>." => [
0 => "Untuk menyelesaikan langkah anda harus <a href=\"%s\">mengaktivasi email anda</a>.",
"Alternatively you can copy and paste the URL into your browser: <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>" => [
0 => "Atau anda dapat menyalin dan menempel URL ke browser anda: <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>",
"If you didn't intend this just ignore this message." => [
0 => "Jika anda tidak melakukan hal ini abaikan pesan ini.",
"This request was made from IP: %s" => [
0 => "Permintaan ini diminta dari IP: %s",
"We received a request to register the %n account at %w." => [
0 => "Kami menerima sebuah permintaan pendaftaran akun %n pada %w.",
"To complete the process you must <a href=\"%s\">activate your account</a>." => [
0 => "Untuk menyelesaikan langkah anda harus <a href=\"%s\">mengaktivasi email anda</a>.",
"We received a request to reset the password for your <a href=\"%u\">%n</a> account." => [
0 => "Kami menerima sebuah permintaan untuk mengganti kata sandi untuk <a href=\"%u\">%n</a> akun anda.",
"To reset your password <a href=\"%s\">follow this link</a>." => [
0 => "Untuk mengganti kata sandi <a href=\"%s\">ikuti link ini</a>.",
"Hi %n, welcome to %w" => [
0 => "Hi %n, Selamat datang ke %w",
"Now that your account is ready you can enjoy uploading your images, creating albums and setting the privacy of your content as well as many more cool things that you will discover." => [
0 => "Akun anda kini telah siap anda dapat mengunggah gambar, membuat album tan mengatur privasi dari akun anda sebaik banyak hal yang akan ada temukan.",
"By the way, here is you very own awesome profile page: <a href=\"%u\">%n</a>. Go ahead and customize it, its yours!." => [
0 => "Ngomong-ngomong, ini merupakan halaman profil anda yang mengagumkan: <a href=\"%u\">%n</a>. Lanjutkan dan sesuaikan, Itu milik anda!.",
"Thank you for joining" => [
0 => "Terima kasih telah bergaung",
"This email was sent from %w %u" => [
0 => "Email ini dikirm dari %w %u",
"Drag and drop or paste images here to upload" => [
0 => "Tarik dan lepas atau tempel gambar disini untuk mengunggah",
"Select the images to upload" => [
0 => "Pilih gambar untuk mengunggah",
"You can also <a data-trigger=\"anywhere-upload-input\">browse from your computer</a> or <a data-modal=\"form\" data-target=\"anywhere-upload-paste-url\">add image URLs</a>." => [
0 => "Anda juga dapat <a data-trigger=\"anywhere-upload-input\">Cari dari komputer anda</a>atau <a data-modal=\"form\" data-target=\"anywhere-upload-paste-url\">Tambah URL gambar</a>.",
"You can also <a data-trigger=\"anywhere-upload-input-camera\">take a picture</a> or <a data-modal=\"form\" data-target=\"anywhere-upload-paste-url\">add image URLs</a>." => [
0 => "Anda juga dapat <a data-trigger=\"anywhere-upload-input-camera\">Ambil sebuah gambar</a> atau <a data-modal=\"form\" data-target=\"anywhere-upload-paste-url\">Tambahkan URL gambar</a>.",
"Edit or resize an image by clicking the image preview" => [
0 => "Edit atau ukur ulang sebuah gambar dengan menekan pra tampil gambar",
"Edit or resize an image by touching the image preview" => [
0 => "Edit atau ukur ulang sebuah gambar dengan menyentuh pra tinjau gambar",
"You can add more images <a data-trigger=\"anywhere-upload-input\">from your computer</a> or <a data-modal=\"form\" data-target=\"anywhere-upload-paste-url\">from image URLs</a>." => [
0 => "Anda dapat menambahkan lebih banyak gambar <a data-trigger=\"anywhere-upload-input\">dari komputer anda</a> atau <a data-modal=\"form\" data-target=\"anywhere-upload-paste-url\">dari URL gambar</a>.",
"You can <a data-trigger=\"anywhere-upload-input\">add more images</a> or <a data-modal=\"form\" data-target=\"anywhere-upload-paste-url\">add image URLs</a>." => [
0 => "Anda dapat <a data-trigger=\"anywhere-upload-input\">menambahkan lebih banyak gambar</a> atau <a data-modal=\"form\" data-target=\"anywhere-upload-paste-url\">dari URL gambar</a>.",
"Uploading <span data-text=\"queue-size\">0</span> <span data-text=\"queue-objects\">images</span>" => [
0 => "Mengunggah <span data-text=\"queue-size\">0</span> <span data-text=\"queue-objects\">gambar</span>",
"complete" => [
0 => "selesai",
"The queue is being uploaded. It will take just a few seconds to complete." => [
0 => "Antiran sedang diunggah. Hal tersebut membutuhkan waktu untuk menyelesaikan.",
"Upload complete" => [
0 => "Upload selesai",
"Content added to <a data-text=\"upload-target\" data-link=\"upload-target\" href=\"%s\">public stream</a>. You can <a data-modal=\"form\" data-target=\"form-uploaded-create-album\">create an album</a> or <a data-modal=\"form\" data-target=\"form-uploaded-move-album\">move the <span data-text=\"queue-objects\">images</span></a> to an existing album." => [
0 => "Konten ditambahkan ke <a data-text=\"upload-target\" data-link=\"upload-target\" href=\"%s\">saluran umum</a>. Anda dapat <a data-modal=\"form\" data-target=\"form-uploaded-create-album\">membuat sebuah album</a> atau <a data-modal=\"form\" data-target=\"form-uploaded-move-album\">memindah <span data-text=\"queue-objects\">gambar</span></a> ke album yang ada.",
"You can <a href=\"%s\">create an account</a> or <a href=\"%l\">sign in</a> to save future uploads in your account." => [
0 => "Anda dapat <a href=\"%s\">membuat sebuah akun</a> atau <a href=\"%l\">masuk</a> untuk menyimpan unggahan selanjutnya ke akun anda.",
"No <span data-text=\"queue-objects\">images</span> have been uploaded" => [
0 => "Tidak ada <span data-text=\"queue-objects\">gambar</span> yang telah terunggah",
"Some errors have occured and the system couldn't process your request." => [
0 => "Beberapa kesalahan terjadi dan sistem tidak dapat memproses permintaan anda.",
"Select category" => [
0 => "Pilih kategori",
"Change upload privacy" => [
0 => "Ubah privasi unggahan",
"cancel" => [
0 => "batal",
"Mark this if the upload is not family safe" => [
0 => "Tandai ini jika upload tidak aman untuk keluarga",
"Not family safe upload" => [
0 => "Upload tidak aman untuk keluarga",
"Uploading" => [
0 => "mengunggah",
"cancel remaining" => [
0 => "batalkan sisanya",
"Note: Some images couldn't be uploaded." => [
0 => "Catatan: Beberapa gambar tidak dapat diunggah.",
"learn more" => [
0 => "pelajari lebih banyak",
"Check the <a data-modal=\"simple\" data-target=\"failed-upload-result\">error report</a> for more information." => [
0 => "Periksa <a data-modal=\"simple\" data-target=\"failed-upload-result\">laporan kesalahan</a> untuk informasi lebih lanjut.",
"max" => [
0 => "maks",
"close" => [
0 => "tutup",
"copy" => [
0 => "salin",
"Edit" => [
0 => "Edit",
"Remove" => [
0 => "Hapus",
"Edit image" => [
0 => "Edit gambar",
"Title" => [
0 => "Judul",
"optional" => [
0 => "pilihan",
"Resize image" => [
0 => "Ubah ukuran gambar",
"Width" => [
0 => "Lebar",
"Height" => [
0 => "Tinggi",
"Note: Animated GIF images won't be resized." => [
0 => "Catatan: Gambar animasi GIF tidak bisa di ubah ukuran.",
"Auto delete image" => [
0 => "Hapus otomatis gambar",
"Mark this if the image is not family safe" => [
0 => "Tandai ini jika gambar tidak aman untuk keluarga",
"Flag as unsafe" => [
0 => "Tandai sebagai tidak aman",
"Description" => [
0 => "Deskripsi",
"Brief description of this image" => [
0 => "Deskripsi singkat gambar ini",
"Add image URLs" => [
0 => "Tambahkan URL gambar",
"Add the image URLs here" => [
0 => "Tambahkan URL gambar disini",
"Create album" => [
0 => "Buat album",
"The uploaded content will be moved to this newly created album. You can also move the content to an <a class=\"modal-switch\" data-switch=\"move-existing-album\">existing album</a>." => [
0 => "Konten yang terupload akan dipindahkan ke album baru yang terbuat. Anda juga dapan memindah kontek ke <a class=\"modal-switch\" data-switch=\"move-existing-album\">album yang telah ada</a>.",
"Move to album" => [
0 => "Pindahkan ke album",
"Select an existing album to move the uploaded content. You can also <a class=\"modal-switch\" data-switch=\"move-new-album\">create a new album</a> and move the content there." => [
0 => "Pilih sebuah album yang ada untuk memindah konten yang telah diupload Anda juga dapat <a class=\"modal-switch\" data-switch=\"move-new-album\">membuat sebuah album baru</a> dan memindahkan konten kesana.",
"Error report" => [
0 => "Laporan error",
"album" => [
0 => "album",
"Links" => [
0 => "Tautan",
"Viewer links" => [
0 => "Penonton tautan",
"HTML Codes" => [
0 => "Kode HTML",
"HTML image" => [
0 => "Gambar HTML",
"HTML full linked" => [
0 => "Tautan penuh HTML",
"HTML medium linked" => [
0 => "Tautan medium HTML",
"HTML thumbnail linked" => [
0 => "Tautan gambar kecil HTML",
"BBCodes" => [
0 => "BBcode",
"BBCode full" => [
0 => "BBcode penuh",
"BBCode full linked" => [
0 => "Tautan BBcode penuh",
"BBCode medium linked" => [
0 => "Tautan BBcode sedang",
"BBCode thumbnail linked" => [
0 => "Tautan BBcode gambar kecil",
"Markdown full" => [
0 => "Markdown penuh",
"Markdown full linked" => [
0 => "Markdown penuh terhubung",
"Markdown medium linked" => [
0 => "Markdown sedang terhubung",
"Markdown thumbnail linked" => [
0 => "Thumbnail Markdown ditambahkan",
"All these words" => [
0 => "Semua kata ini",
"Type the important words: tri-colour rat terrier" => [
0 => "Ketik kata-kata penting: tri-warna tikus terrier",
"This exact word or phrase" => [
0 => "Kata atau farsa tertentu ini",
"Put exact words in quotes: \"rat terrier\"" => [
0 => "Berikan kata yang tepat dalam tanda kutip: \"sejenis tikus\"",
"None of these words" => [
0 => "Tak satu pun dari kata-kata ini",
"Put a minus sign just before words you don't want: -rodent -\"Jack Russell\"" => [
0 => "Berikan tanda minus sebelum kata yang tidak anda inginkan: -hewan pengerat -\"Jack Russell\"",
"Category" => [
0 => "Kategori",
"Storage" => [
0 => "Penyimpanan",
"IP address" => [
0 => "Alamat IP",
"Album name" => [
0 => "Nama Album",
"move to existing album" => [
0 => "pindahkan ke album yang ada",
"Album description" => [
0 => "Deskripsi Album",
"Brief description of this album" => [
0 => "Deskripsi singkat album ini",
"Album Privacy" => [
0 => "Privasi Album",
"Who can view this content" => [
0 => "Siapa yang bisa melihat konten ini",
"Public" => [
0 => "Umum",
"Private (just me)" => [
0 => "Pribadi (hanya saya)",
"Private (anyone with the link)" => [
0 => "Pribadi (siapapun yang memiliki tautan)",
"No category" => [
0 => "Tidak ada kategori",
"Name" => [
0 => "Nama",
"Category name" => [
0 => "Nama kategori",
"URL key" => [
0 => "Kunci URL",
"Category URL key" => [
0 => "Kunci kategori URL",
"Only letters, numbers, and hyphens" => [
0 => "hanya huruf, nomor dan tanda hubung",
"Brief description of this category" => [
0 => "Deskripsi singkat dari kategori ini",
"Untitled image" => [
0 => "gambar belum berjudul",
"Expiration date" => [
0 => "Tanggal kadaluarsa",
"Example" => [
0 => "Contoh",
"Until which date this IP address will be banned? Leave it empty for no expiration." => [
0 => "Sampai kapan alamat IP ini diblokir? Biarkon kosong jika tidak ada kadaluarsa",
"Message" => [
0 => "Pesan",
"Text message, HTML or a redirect URL" => [
0 => "Pesan teks, HTML atau sebuah URL pengarahan",
"Existing album" => [
0 => "Album yang telah ada",
"Album" => [
0 => "Album",
"private" => [
0 => "pribadi",
"create new album" => [
0 => "buat album baru",
"Storage name" => [
0 => "Nama penyimpanan",
"API" => [
0 => "API",
"Region" => [
0 => "Region",
"Storage bucket" => [
0 => "Keranjang penyimpanan",
"Key" => [
0 => "Kunci",
"Storage key" => [
0 => "Kunci penyimpanan",
"Secret" => [
0 => "Rahasia",
"Storage secret" => [
0 => "Rahasia Penyimpanan",
"Client email" => [
0 => "Email klien",
"Google Cloud client email" => [
0 => "klien email google cloud",
"You will need a <a %s>service account</a> for this." => [
0 => "Anda memerlukan sebuah <a %s>layanan akun</a> untuk hal ini.",
"Private key" => [
0 => "Kunci pribadi",
"Google Cloud JSON key" => [
0 => "Kunci JSON Google Cloud",
"Identity URL" => [
0 => "Identitas URL",
"Storage region" => [
0 => "Region Penyimpanan",
"Container" => [
0 => "Isi",
"Storage container" => [
0 => "Isi penyimpanan",
"Tenant id" => [
0 => "ID Penyewa",
"Tenant id (account id)" => [
0 => "ID Penyewa (id akun)",
"Tenant name" => [
0 => "Nama Penyewa",
"Tenant name (account name)" => [
0 => "Nama Penyewa (nama akun)",
"Hostname or IP of the storage server" => [
0 => "Hostname atau IP server penyimpanan",
"Path" => [
0 => "Jalur",
"Server path" => [
0 => "Jalur server",
"Server path where the files will be stored" => [
0 => "Jalur server dimana berkas akan disimpan",
"Server username" => [
0 => "Nama pengguna Server",
"Server password" => [
0 => "Kata sandi Server",
"Storage capacity" => [
0 => "Ukuran penyimpanan",
"Example: 20 GB, 1 TB, etc." => [
0 => "Contoh: 20 GB, 1 TB, dll.",
"This storage will be disabled when it reach this capacity. Leave it blank or zero for no limit." => [
0 => "Penyimpanan ini akan dinonaktifkan ketika telah menyampai kapasitas ini. Biarkan kosong atau nol untuk tidak membatasi.",
"Storage URL" => [
0 => "URL penyimpanan",
"The system will map the images of this storage to this URL." => [
0 => "Sistem akan memetakan gambar ke penyimnanan ini untuk URL ini.",
"view more" => [
0 => "tampilkan lebih banyak",
"Load more" => [
0 => "Muat lebih banyak",
"Previous" => [
0 => "Sebelumnya",
"Next" => [
0 => "Berikutnya",
"Select all" => [
0 => "Pilih Semua",
"Clear selection" => [
0 => "Hapus pilihan",
"Selection" => [
0 => "Pilihan",
"Action" => [
0 => "Tindakan",
"Get embed codes" => [
0 => "Dapatkan kode sematkan",
"Assign category" => [
0 => "Tetapkan kategori",
"Flag as safe" => [
0 => "Tandai aman",
"Delete" => [
0 => "Hapus",
"To use all the features of this site you must be logged in. If you don't have an account you can <a href=\"%s\">sign up</a> right now." => [
0 => "Untuk menggunakan semua fitur dari situs ini anda harus masuk. Jika tidak memiliki akun anda dapat <a href=\"%s\">mendaftar</a> sekarang.",
"Note: This content is private. Change privacy to \"public\" to share." => [
0 => "Catatan: Ini konten pribadi. Ubah privasi ke \"Umum\" untuk membagikan.",
"There's nothing to show here." => [
0 => "Tidak ada yang ditampilkan disini.",
"Edit image details" => [
0 => "Edit detail gambar",
"Edit album details" => [
0 => "Edit detail album",
"All the images will be moved to this newly created album. You can also move the images to an <a class=\"modal-switch\" data-switch=\"move-existing-album\">existing album</a>." => [
0 => "Semua gambar akan dipindahkan ke album yang baru dibuat ini. Abda juga dapat memindah gambar ke <a class=\"modal-switch\" data-switch=\"move-existing-album\">album yang ada</a>.",
"Select an existing album to move the image. You can also <a class=\"modal-switch\" data-switch=\"move-new-album\">create a new album</a> and move the image there." => [
0 => "Pilih sebuah album yang ada untuk memindahkan gambar. Anda juga dapat <a class=\"modal-switch\" data-switch=\"move-new-album\">membuat album baru</a> dan memindahkan gambar kesana.",
"Select an existing album to move the album contents. You can also <a class=\"modal-switch\" data-switch=\"move-new-album\">create a new album</a> and move the album contents there." => [
0 => "Pilih sebuah album untuk memindahkan isi album. Anda juga dapat <a class=\"modal-switch\" data-switch=\"move-new-album\">membuat album baru</a> dan memindahkan isi album kesana.",
"Select an existing album to move the images. You can also <a class=\"modal-switch\" data-switch=\"move-new-album\">create a new album</a> and move the images there." => [
0 => "Pilih sebuah album yang ada untuk memindahkan gambar. Anda juga dapat <a class=\"modal-switch\" data-switch=\"move-new-album\">membuat album baru</a> dan memindahkan gambar kesana.",
"All the selected images will be assigned to this category." => [
0 => "Semua gambar yang dipilih akan di tempatkan ke kategori ini.",
"There is no categories." => [
0 => "Tidak ada kategori.",
"Confirm deletion" => [
0 => "Konfirmasi penghapusan",
"Do you really want to remove this content? This can't be undone." => [
0 => "Apakah anda benar-benar ingin menghapus konten ini? Hal ini tidak dapat dibatalkan.",
"Do you really want to remove all the selected content? This can't be undone." => [
0 => "Apakah anda benar-benar ingin menghapus semua konten yang dipilih? Hal ini tidak dapat dibatalkan",
"Uploaded by guest to Public" => [
0 => "Diunggah oleh pengunjung ke Publik",
"From %s" => [
0 => "Dari %s",
"by %u" => [
0 => "oleh %u",
"Select" => [
0 => "Pilih",
"The requested page was not found." => [
0 => "Halaman yang diminta tidak ditemukan",
"Search something else" => [
0 => "Cari sesuatu yang lain",
"The user has been deleted" => [
0 => "Pengguna telah dihapus",
"The content has been deleted." => [
0 => "Konten telah dihapus.",
"Your account is almost ready" => [
0 => "Akun anda hampir siap",
"An email to %s has been sent with instructions to activate your account. The activation link is only valid for 48 hours. If you don't receive the instructions try checking your junk or spam filters." => [
0 => "Sebuah email ke %s telah dikirim dengan instruksi untuk mengaktifkan akun. Tautan aktivasi hanya berlaku untuk 48 jam. Jika anda tidak menerima instruksi coba periksa sampah atau penyaring spam anda.",
"Go to homepage" => [
0 => "Pergi ke beranda",
"Resend activation" => [
0 => "Kirim ulang aktivasi",
"You have successfully changed your account email to %s" => [
0 => "Anda telah berhasil mengubah email aktivasi anda ke %s",
"Go to my profile" => [
0 => "Pergi ke profil ku",
"A confirmation link will be sent to this email with details to activate your account." => [
0 => "Sebuah tautan konfirmasi akan dikirim ke email ini dengan detail untuk mengaktifkan akun anda.",
"Your email address" => [
0 => "Alamat email anda",
"Add email" => [
0 => "Tambahkan email",
"An email with instructions to reset your password has been sent to the registered email address. If you don't receive the instructions try checking your junk or spam filters." => [
0 => "Sebuah email dengan instruksi mengatur ulang kata sandi anda telah dikirim ke email yang terdaftar. Jika anda tidak menerima instruksi cobalah periksa sampah atau penyaring spam.",
"Resend instructions" => [
0 => "Kirim ulang instruksi",
"A previous email has been sent with instructions to reset your password. If you did not receive the instructions try checking your junk or spam filters." => [
0 => "Email sebelumnya telah dikirim dengan instruksi untuk mengubah kata sandi anda. Jika anda tidak menerima instruksi cobalah periksa sampah atau penyaring spam.",
"Enter your username or the email address that you used to create your account." => [
0 => "Masukkan username atau alamat email yang anda gunakan untuk membuat akun anda.",
"Submit" => [
0 => "Kirimkan",
"Your password has been changed. You can now try logging in using your new password." => [
0 => "Kata sandi anda telah diubah. Kini anda dapat mencoba masuk dengan kata sandi baru anda.",
"Login now" => [
0 => "Masuk sekarang",
"Enter the new password that you want to use." => [
0 => "Masukkan kata sandi yang ingin anda gukanan.",
"New Password" => [
0 => "Kata sandi baru",
"%d characters min" => [
0 => "Min. %d karakter",
"Enter your new password" => [
0 => "Masukkan kata sandi baru anda",
"Confirm password" => [
0 => "Konfirmasi kata sandi",
"Re-enter your new password" => [
0 => "Masukkan kembali kata sandi baru anda",
"An email to %s has been sent with instructions to activate your account. If you don't receive the instructions try checking your junk or spam filters." => [
0 => "Sebuah email ke %s telah dikirimkan dengan instruksi untuk mengaktifkan akun. Jika anda tidak menerima instruksi cobalah periksa sampah atau penyaring spam anda.",
"Enter the username or email address that you used to create your account to continue." => [
0 => "Masukkan username atau alamat email yang anda pakai untuk mendaftar untuk melanjutkan.",
"This content is private" => [
0 => "Ini konten pribadi",
"Do you really want to delete this album and all of its images? This can't be undone." => [
0 => "Apakah anda benar-benar ingin menghapus album ini dan semua gambarnya? Hal ini tidak dapat dibatalkan",
"Delete album" => [
0 => "Hapus album",
"Album link" => [
0 => "Tautan album",
"Please read and comply with the following conditions before you continue:" => [
0 => "Harap baca dan patuhi kondisi berikut ini sebelum anda melanjutkan:",
"By clicking in \"I Agree\" you declare that you have read and understood all the conditions mentioned above." => [
0 => "Dengan mengklik di \"Saya Setuju\" nda menyatakan bahwa Anda telah membaca dan memahami semua kondisi yang disebutkan di atas.",
"I Agree" => [
0 => "Saya Setuju",
"Image" => [
0 => "Gambar",
"User" => [
0 => "Pengguna",
"Disk used" => [
0 => "Ruang disk digunakan",
"Add user" => [
0 => "Tambahkan pengguna",
"Role" => [
0 => "Peran",
"Administrator" => [
0 => "Administrator",
"This setting is always diabled when using personal website mode." => [
0 => "Pengaturan ini akan selalu dinonaktifkan ketika menggunakan mode website pribadi.",
"Add category" => [
0 => "Tambah kategori",
"Add storage" => [
0 => "Tambahkan penyimpanan",
"Return to pages" => [
0 => "Kembali ke halaman",
"Website name" => [
0 => "Nama website",
"Website doctitle" => [
0 => "Doctitle website",
"Website description" => [
0 => "Deskripsi website",
"Website keywords" => [
0 => "Kata kunci website",
"Default time zone" => [
0 => "Zona waktu default",
"Select region" => [
0 => "Pilih region",
"Enables to browse images randomly." => [
0 => "Aktifkan mencari gambar secara acak.",
"Likes" => [
0 => "Suka",
"User ID" => [
0 => "ID pengguna",
"Watermark image" => [
0 => "Gambar stempel",
"Watermark position" => [
0 => "Posisi stempel",
"left top" => [
0 => "kiri atas",
"left center" => [
0 => "kiri ke tengah",
"left bottom" => [
0 => "kiri bawah",
"center top" => [
0 => "tengah atas",
"center center" => [
0 => "pas tengah",
"center bottom" => [
0 => "tengah bawah",
"right top" => [
0 => "kanan atas",
"right center" => [
0 => "kanan tengah",
"right bottom" => [
0 => "kanan bawah",
"Relative position of the watermark image. First horizontal align then vertical align." => [
0 => "Penyesuaian posisi stempel. Pertama mendatar selanjutnya tegak lurus.",
"Watermark margin" => [
0 => "Jarak stempel",
"Notify to email" => [
0 => "Beritahu lewat surel",
"Minute limit" => [
0 => "Batas menitan",
"Hourly limit" => [
0 => "Batas jam-jam an",
"Daily limit" => [
0 => "Batas harian",
"Weekly limit" => [
0 => "Batas mingguan",
"Monthly limit" => [
0 => "Batas bulanan",
"Show not safe content in listings" => [
0 => "Perlihatkan isi yang tidak aman",
"You need a <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">reCAPTCHA key</a> for this." => [
0 => "Anda memerlukan sebuah <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"> kunci reCAPTCHA</a> untuk hal ini.",
"reCAPTCHA public key" => [
0 => "reCAPTCHA key umum",
"reCAPTCHA private key" => [
0 => "reCAPTCHA key pribadi",
"reCAPTCHA threshold" => [
0 => "batas reCAPTCHA",
"How many failed attempts are needed to ask for reCAPTCHA? Use zero (0) to always show reCAPTCHA." => [
0 => "Berapa kali percobaan yang diperbolehkan untuk meminta reCAPTCHA? Gunakan Nol (0) untuk selalu memperlihatkan reCAPTCHA.",
"Comment code" => [
0 => "Kode komentar",
"Disqus, Facebook or anything you want. It will be used in image view." => [
0 => "Disqus, Facebook atau apa pun yang Anda inginkan. Ini akan digunakan dalam tampilan gambar.",
"Analytics code" => [
0 => "Kode analitik",
"Google Analytics or anything you want. It will be added to the theme footer." => [
0 => "Google Analytics atau apa pun yang Anda inginkan. Ini akan ditambahkan dengan tema footer.",
"For documentation about the API check the <a %s>API documentation</a>" => [
0 => "Untuk dokumentasi mengenai API periksa <a %s>Dokumentasi API</a>",
"API v1 key" => [
0 => "Kunci API V1",
"Use this key when using the <a %s>API v1</a>." => [
0 => "Gunakan kunci ini ketika menggunakan <a %s>API v1</a>.",
"Cookie law compliance" => [
0 => "Kesesuaian aturan kuki",
"Enable this to display a message that complies with the EU Cookie law requirements. Note: You only need this if your website is hosted in the EU and if you add tracking cookies." => [
0 => "Aktifkan ini untuk menampilkan sebuah pesan yang sesuai dengan persyaratan hukum kuki Uni Eropa. Catatan: Anda hanya memerlukan hal ini jika website anda tersimpan di Uni Eropa dan jika anda menambahkan kuki pelacakan.",
"Save changes" => [
0 => "Simpan perubahan",
"Check the errors to proceed." => [
0 => "Periksa kesalahan untuk meneruskan proses.",
"Guest" => [
0 => "Tamu",
"Do you really want to delete this image? This can't be undone." => [
0 => "Apakah anda yakin ingin menghapus gambar ini? Hal ini tidak dapat dimundurkan.",
"Delete image" => [
0 => "Menghapus gambar",
"Added to %a and categorized in %c" => [
0 => "Ditambahkan ke %a dan dikategorikan kedalam %c",
"Added to %s" => [
0 => "Ditambahkan ke %s",
"Uploaded to %s" => [
0 => "Diunggah ke %s",
"Uploaded %s" => [
0 => "Terunggah %s",
"Less Exif data" => [
0 => "Lihat sedikit data Exif",
"More Exif data" => [
0 => "Lihat banyak data Exif",
"Share image" => [
0 => "Bagikan gambar",
"Album ID" => [
0 => "ID album",
"In this album" => [
0 => "Di album ini",
"Upload and share your images." => [
0 => "Unggah dan bagikan gambar anda.",
"Drag and drop anywhere you want and start uploading your images now. %s limit. Direct image links, BBCode and HTML thumbnails." => [
0 => "Tarik dan taruh dimanapun dan mulai unggah gambar anda sekarang. %s tersisa. Tautan gambar langsung, BBCode and sketsa HTML.",
"Start uploading" => [
0 => "Mulai mengunggah",
"Fill this section uploading pictures to %s account.<br>You can edit the target user in your dashboard settings." => [
0 => "Isi sesi pengunggahan gambar ini ke akun %s .<br>Anda dapat mengubah target pengguna di ruang kontrol.",
"Sign up to unlock all the features" => [
0 => "Daftarlah untuk mendapatkan semua kelebihan yang ada",
"Manage your content, create private albums, customize your profile and more." => [
0 => "Mengelola konten Anda, membuat album pribadi, menyesuaikan profil Anda dan banyak lagi.",
"Enter your password" => [
0 => "Masukkan password anda",
"You have been logged off %s. Hope to see you soon." => [
0 => "Anda telah keluar %s. Sampai bertemu kembali.",
"Website under maintenance" => [
0 => "Website dalam perbaikan",
"We're performing scheduled maintenance tasks in the website. Please come back in a few minutes." => [
0 => "Kami sedang melakukan perawatan rutin. Silakan kembali dalam beberapa menit lagi.",
"You either don't have permission to access this page or the link has expired." => [
0 => "Anda tidak diperkenankan memasuki halaman ini atau tautan telah tidak berlaku.",
"Do you really want to delete this user? This can't be undone." => [
0 => "Apakah anda yakin akan menghapus pengguna ini? Hal ini tidak dapat dimundurkan.",
"Delete user" => [
0 => "Menghapus pengguna",
"Register date" => [
0 => "Tanggal pendaftaran",
"Status" => [
0 => "Status",
"Valid" => [
0 => "Benar",
"Banned" => [
0 => "Diblokir",
"Awaiting email" => [
0 => "Menunggu email",
"Awaiting confirmation" => [
0 => "Menunggu konfirmasi",
"%i to %f characters<br>Letters, numbers and \"_\"" => [
0 => "%i sampai %f karankter<br>Huruf, angka dan \"_\"",
"Auto delete uploads" => [
0 => "Hapus otomatis unggahan",
"This setting will apply to all your image uploads by default. You can override this setting on each upload." => [
0 => "Pengaturan ini akan diterapkan ke semua gambar yang telah anda unggah secara default. Anda dapat mengubah pengaturan ini di setiap unggahan.",
"Keep image <a %s>Exif data</a> on upload" => [
0 => "Biarkan <a %s>Exif data</a> gambar ketika upload",
"Newsletter" => [
0 => "Langganan berita",
"Send me emails with news about %s" => [
0 => "Kirimi saya email berita tentang %s",
"Content settings" => [
0 => "Pengaturan isi",
"Show not safe content in listings (from others)" => [
0 => "Perlihatkan berkas dewasa di daftar (dari yang lain)",
"Language" => [
0 => "Bahasa",
"Timezone" => [
0 => "Zona waktu",
"Current password" => [
0 => "Password saat ini",
"Enter your current password" => [
0 => "Masukkan password saat ini",
"New password" => [
0 => "Password baru",
"Confirm new password" => [
0 => "Konfirmasi password baru",
"Add a password to be able to login using your username or email." => [
0 => "Ketik password untuk masuk menggunakan username atau email.",
"This user doesn't have a password. Add one using this form." => [
0 => "Pengguna ini tidak memiliki password. Tambahkan melalui form berikut.",
"Re-enter your password" => [
0 => "Ketik ulang password",
"Upload new image" => [
0 => "Unggah gambar baru",
"Delete existing image" => [
0 => "Hapus gambar sekarang",
"This is your real name, not your username." => [
0 => "Ini adalah nama anda bukan username.",
"http://yourwebsite.com" => [
0 => "http://websitekamu.com",
"Bio" => [
0 => "Bio",
"Tell us a little bit about you" => [
0 => "Ceritakan sedikit mengenai anda",
"User has no connections." => [
0 => "Pengguna tidak mempunyai koneksi.",
"Link your account to external services to be able to login and share content." => [
0 => "Sambungkan akun ke layanan luar untuk dapat masuk dan berbagi konten.",
"Do you really want to disconnect %s from this account?" => [
0 => "Apakah anda yakin ingin diskonek %s dari akun ini?",
"This account is connected to %s" => [
0 => "Akun ini terhubung dengan %s",
"Do you really want to disconnect your %s account?" => [
0 => "Apakah anda yakin ingin memutuskan hubungan dengan akun %s ?",
"You will be logged out and you won't be able to login to your account using this %s account." => [
0 => "Anda akan keluar dan tidak dapat masuk kembali ke akun anda menggunakan akun %s ini.",
"Your account is connected to %s" => [
0 => "Akun anda terhubung dengan %s",
"disconnect" => [
0 => "terputus",
"Connect %s" => [
0 => "Menghubungkan dengan %s",
"Button" => [
0 => "Tombol",
"resend account activation" => [
0 => "Kirim ulang aktivasi akun",
"If you have already signed up maybe you need to request to %s" => [
0 => "Jika anda telah terdaftar mungkin anda perlu meminta ke %s",
"Upload profile background" => [
0 => "Unggah latar belakang untuk profil anda",
"Change background" => [
0 => "Ubah latar belakang",
"The profile background image will be deleted. This can't be undone. Are you sure that you want to delete the profile background image?" => [
0 => "Latar belakang profil akan dihapus. Tidak dapat dimundurkan. Apakah anda yakin untuk menghapus gambar latar belakang dari profil?",
"Delete background" => [
0 => "Menghapus latar belakang",
"Edit profile" => [
0 => "Ubah profil",
"Message sent" => [
0 => "Pesan terkirim",
"Contact" => [
0 => "Kontak",
"We will be in touch soon." => [
0 => "Akan kami hubungi segera.",
"If you want to send a message fill the form below." => [
0 => "Jika anda ingin mengirimkan sebuah pesan, isilah formulir dibawah ini.",
"Your name" => [
0 => "Nama anda",
"Subject" => [
0 => "Judul",
"Send message" => [
0 => "Kirim pesan",
"Installed version is v%s" => [
0 => "Versi terpasang ialah v%s",
"Can't connect to %s" => [
0 => "Tidak dapat terhubung ke %s",
"Last available release is v%s" => [
0 => "Rilis terakhir yang tersedia ialah v%s",
"Update needed, proceeding to download" => [
0 => "Pembaruan diperlukan, melanjutkan untuk mengunduh",
"No update needed" => [
0 => "Pembaruan tidak diperlukan",
"System files already up to date" => [
0 => "Sistem file telah terbaru",
"Starting v%s download" => [
0 => "Memulai unduhan v%s",
"Downloaded v%s, proceeding to extraction" => [
0 => "v%s terunduh, melanjutkan ekstraksi",
"Attempting to extract v%s" => [
0 => "Mencoba mengekstrak v%s",
"Extraction completed" => [
0 => "Ekstraksi selesai",
"Proceding to install the update" => [
0 => "Melanjutkan pemasangan pembaruan",
"Update failed" => [
0 => "Pembaruan gagal",
"Please provide a valid email address" => [
0 => "Harap sertakan email yang berlaku",
"You must enter the album name." => [
0 => "Anada harus mengisi nama album.",
"Confirm" => [
0 => "Konfirmasi",
"Select existing album" => [
0 => "Pilih album yang telah ada",
"Please select a valid image file type." => [
0 => "Silakan pilih tipe berkas yang benar.",
"Please select a picture of at most %s size." => [
0 => "Silakan pilih gambar dengan ukuran %s .",
"Profile image updated." => [
0 => "Gambar profil baru saja diperbaharui.",
"Profile background image updated." => [
0 => "Gambar latar belakang baru saja diperbaharui.",
"Profile background image deleted." => [
0 => "Gambar latar belakang baru saja dihapus.",
"Error deleting profile background image." => [
0 => "Gagal menghapus gambar latar belakang di profil.",
"Update available v%s" => [
0 => "Pembaruan yang tersedia v%s",
"There is an update available for your system. You can automatic download and install this update or go to %s to proceed to download the file." => [
0 => "Terdapat pembaruan untuk sistem anda. Anda dapat mengunduh otomatis dan memasang pembaruan ini atau pergi ke %s untuk melanjutkan mengunduh file.",
"The release notes for this update are:" => [
0 => "Catatan rilis untuk pembaruan ini diantaranya:",
"Update now" => [
0 => "Perbarui sekarang",
"Your website is running the latest version of Chevereto." => [
0 => "Website anda berjalan di atas sistem Chevereto terbaru.",
"Clipboard image" => [
0 => "Gambar papan klip",
"File too big." => [
0 => "Berkas terlalu besar.",
"Some files couldn't be added" => [
0 => "Beberapa berkas tidak dapat ditambahkan.",
"Image edited successfully." => [
0 => "Gambar berhasil diubah.",
"Album edited successfully." => [
0 => "Album berhasil diubah.",
"Invalid URL key." => [
0 => "URL key tidak benar.",
"Category URL key already being used." => [
0 => "Kategori URL key telah digunakan.",
"Category successfully deleted." => [
0 => "Kategori berhasil dihapus.",
"Category %s added." => [
0 => "Kategori %s telah ditambahkan.",
"Invalid expiration date." => [
0 => "Tanggal kadaluarsa tidak benar.",
"IP %s already banned." => [
0 => "IP %s telah diblokir.",
"IP %s banned." => [
0 => "IP %s diblokir.",
"IP ban successfully deleted." => [
0 => "Larangan terhadap IP telah dihapus dari daftar.",
"Please fill all the required fields." => [
0 => "Silakan isi semua kolom yang dibutuhkan.",
"Invalid storage capacity value. Make sure to use a valid format." => [
0 => "Kapasitas penyimpanan tidak benar. Pastikan menggunakan bentuk yang baku.",
"Invalid URL." => [
0 => "URL tidak benar.",
"Storage successfully edited." => [
0 => "Kapasitas penyimpanan berhasil diubah.",
"User added successfully." => [
0 => "Nama pengguna berhasil ditambahkan.",
"The content has been moved." => [
0 => "Isi telah dipindahkan.",
"Unselect" => [
0 => "Buang seleksi",
"The content has been edited." => [
0 => "Isi telah diubah.",
"All the changes that you have made will be lost if you continue." => [
0 => "Semua perubahan yang dibuat akan hilang jika anda teruskan tindakan ini",
"Changes saved successfully." => [
0 => "Perubahan telah disimpan",
"Go back to form" => [
0 => "Kembali ke formulir",
"continue anyway" => [
0 => "lanjutkan saja",
"Saving" => [
0 => "Sedang menyimpan",
"Sending" => [
0 => "Sedang mengirim",
"Confirm action" => [
0 => "Konfirmasi tindakan",
"information" => [
0 => "informasi",