
598 lines
17 KiB

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
G\ library
@author Rodolfo Berrios A. <>
Copyright (c) Rodolfo Berrios <> All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT license
--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* This class uses code that belongs or was taken from the following:
* David Soria Parra <>
* Jyxo, s.r.o.
* WordPress
* class.gettext.php
* This class is a stand-alone implementation of gettext.
* It works with .po and .mo files and saves the result in a cached static file (by default)
namespace G;
use Exception;
class Gettext {
// Magic words in the MO header
const MO_MAGIC_1 = -569244523; //0xde120495
const MO_MAGIC_2 = -1794895138; //0x950412de
// Cache stuff
const CACHE_FILE_SUFFIX = '.cache.php';
protected static $default_options = ['cache' => TRUE, 'cache_type' => 'file', 'cache_filepath' => NULL, 'cache_header' => TRUE];
protected $source_file;
protected $parsed = FALSE;
public $translation_table = [];
public $translation_plural = NULL;
public $translation_header = NULL;
public function __construct($options=[]) {
$this->options = array_merge(static::$default_options, (array)$options);
$this->source_file = $this->options['file'];
if(!@is_readable($this->source_file)) {
throw new GettextException("Can't read source file", 100);
$file_extension = pathinfo($this->source_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
// Only allow MO and PO
if(!in_array($file_extension, ['mo', 'po'])) {
throw new GettextException('Invalid file source. This only works with .mo and .po files', 101);
$this->parse_method = strtoupper($file_extension);
if($this->options['cache']) {
if($this->options['cache_filepath']) {
// Custom whatever filepath cache
$this->cache_file = $this->options['cache_filepath'];
} else {
// Default cache filepath.cache.php
$this->cache_file = $this->source_file . self::CACHE_FILE_SUFFIX;
if(!$this->getCache()) { // No cache was found
} else {
* Return a translated string
* If the translation is not found, the original message will be returned.
* @param String $msg The message to search for
* @return translated string
public function gettext($msg) {
if(empty($msg)) return NULL;
if(!$this->parsed) $this->parseFile();
if($this->mustFixQuotes()) {
$msg = $this->fixQuotes($msg, 'escape');
$translated = $msg;
if(array_key_exists($msg, $this->translation_table)) {
$translated = $this->translation_table[$msg][0];
$translated = !empty($translated) ? $translated : $msg;
if($this->mustFixQuotes()) {
$translated = $this->fixQuotes($translated, 'unescape');
return $translated;
* Return a translated string in it's plural form
* Returns the given $count (e.g second, third,...) plural form of the
* given string. If the id is not found and $num == 1 $msg is returned,
* otherwise $msg_plural
* @param String $msg The message to search for
* @param String $msg_plural A fallback plural form
* @param Integer $count Which plural form
* @return translated string
public function ngettext($msg, $msg_plural, $count=0) {
if(empty($msg) or empty($msg_plural) or !is_numeric($count)) {
return $msg;
if(!$this->parsed) $this->parseFile();
if($this->mustFixQuotes()) {
$msg = $this->fixQuotes($msg, 'escape');
$msg_plural = $this->fixQuotes($msg_plural, 'escape');
$translated = $count == 1 ? $msg : $msg_plural; // Failover
if(array_key_exists($msg, $this->translation_table)) {
$plural_index = $this->getPluralIndex($count);
$index_id = $plural_index !== FALSE ? $plural_index : ($count - 1);
$table = $this->translation_table[$msg];
if(array_key_exists($index_id, $table)) {
$translated = $table[$index_id];
if($this->mustFixQuotes()) {
$translated = $this->fixQuotes($translated, 'unescape');
return $translated;
* Parse the source file
* If cache is enabled it will try to cache the result
private function parseFile() {
$parseFn = 'parse' . $this->parse_method . 'File';
try {
$this->parsed = TRUE;
if($this->options['cache']) {
try {
} catch(Exception $e) {
error_log($e); // Don't scream for cache issues
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw $e;
* Parse the MO file header and returns the table
* offsets as described in the file header.
* If an exception occurred, null is returned. This is intentionally
* as we need to get close to ext/gettext behaviour.
* @param resource $fp The open file handler to the MO file
* @return array offset
private function parseMOHeader($fp) {
$data = fread($fp, 8);
if(!$data) {
throw new GettextException("Can't fread(8) file for reading", 202);
$header = unpack('lmagic/lrevision', $data);
if(self::MO_MAGIC_1 != $header['magic'] && self::MO_MAGIC_2 != $header['magic']) {
return NULL;
if(0 != $header['revision']) {
return NULL;
$data = fread($fp, 4 * 5);
if(!$data) {
throw new GettextException("Can't fread(4 * 5) file for reading", 203);
$offsets = unpack('lnum_strings/lorig_offset/' . 'ltrans_offset/lhash_size/lhash_offset', $data);
return $offsets;
* Parse and returns the string offsets in a a table. Two table can be found in
* a mo file. The table with the translations and the table with the original
* strings. Both contain offsets to the strings in the file.
* If an exception occurred, null is returned. This is intentionally
* as we need to get close to ext/gettext behaviour.
* @param resource $fp The open file handler to the MO file
* @param int $offset The offset to the table that should be parsed
* @param int $num The number of strings to parse
* @return Array of offsets
private function parseMOTableOffset($fp, $offset, $num) {
if(fseek($fp, $offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
return NULL;
$table = [];
for($i=0; $i<$num; $i++) {
$data = fread($fp, 8);
$table[] = unpack('lsize/loffset', $data);
return $table;
* Parse a string as referenced by an table. Returns an
* array with the actual string.
* @param resource $fp The open file handler to the MO fie
* @param array $entry The entry as parsed by parseMOTableOffset()
* @return Parsed string
private function parseMOEntry($fp, $entry) {
if(fseek($fp, $entry['offset'], SEEK_SET) < 0) {
return NULL;
if($entry['size'] > 0) {
return fread($fp, $entry['size']);
return NULL;
* Parse the plural data found in the language
* @param string $header with nplurals and plural declaration
private function parsePluralData($header) {
// Detect plural data. If nothing found then use general plural handling
if(preg_match('/\s*nplurals\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*;\s*plural\s*=\s*(\({0,1}.*\){0,1})\s*;/', $header, $matches)) {
$plurals = [(int)$matches[1], $matches[2]];
} else {
$plurals = [2, '(n != 1)']; // Base english-like plural languages
list($nplurals, $formula) = $plurals;
// Fix the plural formula
$formula = $this->parenthesizePluralFormula($formula);
// Generate the translation_plural array
$formula = str_replace('n', '$n', $formula);
$function = "\$index = (int)($formula); return (\$index < $nplurals) ? \$index : $nplurals - 1;";
// Stock everything
$this->translation_plural = [
'nplurals' => $nplurals,
'plural' => $plurals[1],
'formula' => $formula,
'function' => $function,
* Adds parentheses to the inner parts of ternary operators in
* plural formulas, because PHP evaluates ternary operators from left to right
* @param string $formula the expression without parentheses
* @return string the formula with parentheses added
private function parenthesizePluralFormula($formula) {
$formula .= ';';
$return = '';
$depth = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($formula); ++$i) {
$char = $formula[$i];
switch($char) {
case '?':
$return .= ' ? (';
case ':':
$return .= ') : (';
case ';':
$return .= str_repeat(')', $depth) . ';';
$depth = 0;
$return .= $char;
$return = trim(rtrim($return, ';')); // Cleaning
$return = preg_replace('/\s+/S', ' ', $return); // Extra spaces
$return = str_replace('( ', '(', str_replace(' )', ')', $return)); // Remove extra space around ()
return $return;
* Get plural index
* @param int msg count
* @return int plural index
function getPluralIndex($count) {
// Detect if function exists (raw)
if(!array_key_exists('function', $this->translation_plural)) {
return FALSE;
// Detect if callable function has been already created
if(!array_key_exists('callable', $this->translation_plural)) {
$this->translation_plural['callable'] = create_function('$n', $this->translation_plural['function']);
return call_user_func($this->translation_plural['callable'], $count);
private function parseHeader($header) {
$headerTable = [];
$lines = array_map('trim', explode("\n", $header));
foreach($lines as $line) {
if(starts_with('msgid', $line) or starts_with('msgstr', $line)) continue;
$line = preg_replace('#\"(.*)\"#', '$1', $line);
$line = rtrim($line, '\n');
$parts = explode(':', $line, 2);
if(!isset($parts[1])) continue; // Skip empty keys
$headerTable[trim($parts[0])] = trim($parts[1]);
return $headerTable;
* Parse a PO entry chunk
* @param Array $chunk
* @return Array of translation table
private function parsePOEntry($chunk) {
$chunks = explode("\n", $chunk);
foreach($chunks as $chunk) {
// Skip #: and empty chunks
if(starts_with('#', $chunk) or is_null($chunk)) {
// Parse the plural forms
if(is_null($this->translation_plural) and starts_with('"Plural-Forms:', $chunk)) {
// Nasty regexes
if(preg_match('/^msgid "(.*)"/', $chunk, $matches)) {
$msgid = $matches[1];
} elseif(preg_match('/^msgstr "(.*)"/', $chunk, $matches)) {
$msgstr = $matches[1];
} elseif(preg_match('/^#~ msgid "(.*)"/', $chunk, $matches)) {
//$obsolete = TRUE;
$msgid = $matches[1];
} elseif(preg_match('/^#~ msgstr "(.*)"/', $chunk, $matches)) {
//$obsolete = TRUE;
$msgstr = $matches[1];
} elseif(preg_match('/^(#: .+)$/', $chunk, $matches)) {
$location .= $matches[1];
} elseif(preg_match('/^#, fuzzy/', $chunk)) {
$fuzzy = TRUE;
} elseif(preg_match('/^msgid_plural "(.*)"/', $chunk, $matches)) {
$plural = $matches[1];
//$msgstr = [];
} elseif(preg_match('/^msgstr\[([0-9])+\] "(.*)"/', $chunk, $matches)) {
if($matches[2] == '') continue;
if(!is_array($msgstr)) {
$msgstr = [];
$msgstr[$matches[1]] = $matches[2];
if($msgstr == '') $msgstr = NULL;
if(empty($msgid)) {
return NULL;
} else {
return [
'msgid' => $msgid,
'msgstr'=> is_null($msgstr) ? NULL : (array)$msgstr
* Parse binary .mo file
private function parseMOFile() {
$filesize = filesize($this->source_file);
if($filesize < 4 * 7) {
$fp = @fopen($this->source_file, 'rb');
if(!$fp) {
throw new GettextException("Can't fopen file for reading", 200);
$offsets = $this->parseMOHeader($fp);
if(NULL == $offsets || $filesize < 4 * ($offsets['num_strings'] + 7)) {
$transTable = array();
$table = $this->parseMOTableOffset($fp, $offsets['trans_offset'], $offsets['num_strings']);
if(NULL == $table) {
foreach($table as $idx => $entry) {
$transTable[$idx] = $this->parseMOEntry($fp, $entry);
$this->translation_header = $this->parseHeader(reset($transTable));
// Parse plural data
$table = $this->parseMOTableOffset($fp, $offsets['orig_offset'], $offsets['num_strings']);
foreach($table as $idx => $entry) {
$entry = $this->parseMOEntry($fp, $entry);
$formes = explode(chr(0), $entry);
$translation = explode(chr(0), $transTable[$idx]);
foreach($formes as $form) {
if(empty($form)) continue;
$this->translation_table[$form] = $translation;
* Parse text based .po file
private function parsePOFile() {
$linenumber = 0;
$chunks = [];
$file = file($this->source_file);
if(!$file) {
throw new GettextException("Can't read file into an array", 204);
foreach($file as $line) {
if($line == "\n" or $line == "\r\n") {
} else {
if(!array_key_exists($linenumber, $chunks)) {
$chunks[$linenumber] = '';
$chunks[$linenumber] .= $line;
$this->translation_header = $this->parseHeader(reset($chunks));
foreach($chunks as $chunk) {
$entry = $this->parsePOEntry($chunk);
if(!$entry['msgid'] or is_null($entry['msgstr'])) continue;
$this->translation_table[$entry['msgid']] = $entry['msgstr'];
* Get cached results (cached file)
* @return bool cache status
private function getCache() {
if(@is_readable($this->cache_file)) {
// Outdated cache?
$source_mtime = filemtime($this->source_file);
$cache_mtime = filemtime($this->cache_file);
if($source_mtime and $cache_mtime and $source_mtime > $cache_mtime) {
return FALSE;
if(!@include_once($this->cache_file)) {
return FALSE;
if(is_array($translation_table)) {
$this->translation_table = $translation_table;
if(is_array($translation_plural)) {
$this->translation_plural = $translation_plural;
if(is_array($translation_header)) {
$this->translation_header = $translation_header;
$this->is_cached = TRUE;
$this->parsed = TRUE;
return TRUE;
$this->is_cached = FALSE;
return FALSE;
* Cache the translation results into a file
private function cache() {
if(!@is_dir(dirname($this->cache_file))) {
throw new GettextException("Target cache dir doesn't exists", 400);
if(($fh = @fopen($this->cache_file, 'w')) === FALSE) {
throw new GettextException("Can't fopen cache file for writing", 401);
// Cache contents, closer as possible to the mo/po scheme
$contents = '<?php' . "\n";
if($this->options['cache_header']) {
if(!is_null($this->translation_header)) {
$contents .= '$translation_header = ' . var_export($this->translation_header, TRUE) . ';' . "\n";
if(!is_null($this->translation_plural)) {
$translation_plural = $this->translation_plural;
unset($translation_plural['callable']); // Don't cache the callable reference
$contents .= '$translation_plural = ' . var_export($this->translation_plural, TRUE) . ';' . "\n";
// Note that we keep the same "quotes" used by the PO file scheme
$contents .= '$translation_table = [';
foreach($this->translation_table as $k => $v) {
$k = $this->parse_method == 'PO' ? $k : $this->fixQuotes($k, 'escape');
$contents .= "\n" . ' "' . $k . '" => [';
foreach($v as $kk => $vv) {
$kk = $this->parse_method == 'PO' ? $kk : $this->fixQuotes($kk, 'escape');
$vv = $this->parse_method == 'PO' ? $vv : $this->fixQuotes($vv, 'escape');
$contents .= "\n" . ' ' . $kk . ' => "' . $vv . '",';
$contents .= "\n". ' ],';
$contents .= "\n" . '];' . "\n" . '?>';
if(!fwrite($fh, $contents)) {
throw new GettextException("Can't save translation results to cache file", 402);
@touch($this->source_file); // Make sure to use the correct filemtime next time
private function fixQuotes($msg, $action=NULL) {
if($this->is_cached) return $msg;
switch($action) {
case 'escape':
$msg = str_replace('"', '\"', $msg);
case 'unescape':
$msg = str_replace('\"', '"', $msg);
return $msg;
private function mustFixQuotes() {
return $this->is_cached or $this->parse_method == 'PO';
class GettextException extends Exception {}