578 lines
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578 lines
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/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
This file is part of Chevereto Free.
(c) Rodolfo Berrios <rodolfo@chevereto.com>
For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
file that was distributed with this source code.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace CHV;
use G;
use Exception;
use SEOURLify;
class Album
public static function getSingle($id, $sumview = false, $pretty = true, $requester = null)
$tables = DB::getTables();
$query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $tables['albums'] . "\n";
$joins = [
'LEFT JOIN ' . $tables['users'] . ' ON ' . $tables['albums'] . '.album_user_id = ' . $tables['users'] . '.user_id'
if ($requester) {
if (!is_array($requester)) {
$requester = User::getSingle($requester, 'id');
$query .= implode("\n", $joins) . "\n";
$query .= 'WHERE album_id=:album_id;' . "\n";
if ($sumview) {
$query .= 'UPDATE ' . $tables['albums'] . ' SET album_views = album_views + 1 WHERE album_id=:album_id';
try {
$db = DB::getInstance();
$db->bind(':album_id', $id);
$album_db = $db->fetchSingle();
if (!$album_db) {
return $album_db;
if ($sumview) {
$album_db['album_views'] += 1;
// Track stats
'action' => 'update',
'table' => 'albums',
'value' => '+1',
'user_id' => $album_db['album_user_id'],
if ($requester) {
$album_db['album_liked'] = (bool) $album_db['like_user_id'];
$return = $album_db;
$return = $pretty ? self::formatArray($return) : $return;
return $return;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new AlbumException($e->getMessage(), 400);
public static function getMultiple($ids, $pretty = false)
if (!is_array($ids)) {
throw new AlbumException('Expecting $ids array in ' . __METHOD__, 100);
if (count($ids) == 0) {
throw new AlbumException('Null $ids provided in ' . __METHOD__, 100);
$tables = DB::getTables();
$query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $tables['albums'] . "\n";
$joins = array(
'LEFT JOIN ' . $tables['users'] . ' ON ' . $tables['albums'] . '.album_user_id = ' . $tables['users'] . '.user_id'
$query .= implode("\n", $joins) . "\n";
$query .= 'WHERE album_id IN (' . join(',', $ids) . ')' . "\n";
try {
$db = DB::getInstance();
$db_rows = $db->fetchAll();
if ($pretty) {
$return = [];
foreach ($db_rows as $k => $v) {
$return[$k] = self::formatArray($v);
return $return;
return $db_rows;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new AlbumException($e->getMessage(), 400);
public static function sumView($id, $album = [])
try {
if (!G\is_integer($id)) {
throw new Exception('Invalid $id in ' . __METHOD__);
if ($album['id'] !== $id) {
$album = self::getSingle($id, false);
if (!$album) {
throw new Exception(sprintf('Invalid album %s in ' . __METHOD__, $id));
$increment = '+1';
DB::increment('albums', ['views' => $increment], ['id' => $id]);
'action' => 'update',
'table' => 'albums',
'value' => $increment,
'user_id' => $album['album_user_id'],
$_SESSION['album_view_stock'][] = $id;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new AlbumException($e->getMessage(), 400);
public static function getUrl($album_id, $title = null)
if ($title == null) {
$seo = null;
} else {
$seo = SEOURLify::filter($title);
$url = $seo ? ($seo . '.' . $album_id) : $album_id;
return G\get_base_url(getSetting('route_album') . '/' . $url);
// $name, $user_id = null, $privacy = 'public', $description = '', $password = null
public static function insert($values)
if (!$values['user_id']) {
$values['user_id'] = null;
if (!$values['description']) {
$values['description'] = '';
if (!$values['password']) {
$values['password'] = null;
if ($values['privacy'] == 'password' && !G\check_value($values['password'])) {
throw new AlbumException('Missing album $password', 101);
// Handle flood
$flood = self::handleFlood();
if ($flood) {
throw new AlbumException(
'Flooding detected. You can only upload %limit% %content% per %time%',
'%content%' => _n('album', 'albums', $flood['limit']),
'%limit%' => $flood['limit'],
'%time%' => $flood['by']
if (!$values['name']) {
$values['name'] = _s('Untitled') . ' ' . G\datetime();
$privacyOpts = ['public', 'password', 'private_but_link'];
if (Login::isLoggedUser()) {
$privacyOpts[] = 'private';
if (in_array($values['privacy'], $privacyOpts) == false) {
$values['privacy'] = 'public';
if (empty($values['creation_ip'])) {
$values['creation_ip'] = G\get_client_ip();
$album_array = [
'name' => $values['name'],
'user_id' => $values['user_id'],
'date' => G\datetime(),
'date_gmt' => G\datetimegmt(),
'privacy' => $values['privacy'],
'password' => $values['privacy'] == 'password' ? $values['password'] : null,
'description' => $values['description'],
'creation_ip' => $values['creation_ip']
try {
$insert = DB::insert('albums', $album_array);
// +1 on user
if (Login::isLoggedUser()) {
DB::increment('users', ['album_count' => '+1'], ['id' => $values['user_id']]);
} else {
// Save this upload into "session" record
if (!isset($_SESSION['guest_albums'])) {
$_SESSION['guest_albums'] = [];
$_SESSION['guest_albums'][] = $insert;
// Track stats
'action' => 'insert',
'table' => 'albums',
'value' => '+1',
'date_gmt' => $album_array['date_gmt']
return $insert;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new AlbumException($e->getMessage(), 400);
// Move contents $from albums to another album
public static function moveContents($from, $to)
if (!$from) { // Could be int or array (multiple)
throw new AlbumException('Expecting first parameter, ' . gettype($from) . ' given in ' . __METHOD__, 100);
if (!$to) {
$to = null;
$ids = is_array($from) ? $from : array($from);
try {
$db = DB::getInstance();
$db->query('UPDATE ' . DB::getTable('images') . ' SET image_album_id=:image_album_id WHERE image_album_id IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ')');
$db->bind(':image_album_id', $to);
$images = $db->exec();
if ($images) {
$images_affected = $db->rowCount();
// Update the old and new albums to +ids
'UPDATE ' . DB::getTable('albums') . ' SET album_image_count = 0 WHERE album_id IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ');' .
'UPDATE ' . DB::getTable('albums') . ' SET album_image_count = album_image_count + ' . $images_affected . ' WHERE album_id=:album_id;'
$db->bind(':album_id', $to);
} else {
return false;
return true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new AlbumException($e->getMessage(), 400);
public static function addImage($album_id, $id)
return self::addImages($album_id, array($id));
public static function addImages($album_id, $ids)
// $album_id can be null.. Remember the user stream
if (!is_array($ids) or count($ids) == 0) {
throw new AlbumException('Expecting array values, ' . gettype($values) . ' given in ' . __METHOD__, 100);
try {
// Get the images
$images = Image::getMultiple($ids, true);
// Get the albums
$albums = [];
foreach ($images as $k => $v) {
if ($v['album']['id'] and $v['album']['id'] !== $album_id) {
$album_k = $v['album']['id'];
if (!array_key_exists($album_k, $albums)) {
$albums[$album_k] = [];
$albums[$album_k][] = $v['id'];
$db = DB::getInstance();
$db->query('UPDATE `' . DB::getTable('images') . '` SET `image_album_id`=:image_album_id WHERE `image_id` IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ')');
$db->bind(':image_album_id', $album_id);
$exec = $db->exec();
if ($exec and $db->rowCount() > 0) {
// Update the new album
if (!is_null($album_id)) {
self::updateImageCount($album_id, $db->rowCount());
// Update the old albums
if (count($albums) > 0) {
$album_query = '';
$album_query_tpl = 'UPDATE `' . DB::getTable('albums') . '` SET `album_image_count` = GREATEST(`album_image_count` - :counter, 0) WHERE `album_id` = :album_id;';
foreach ($albums as $k => $v) {
$album_query .= strtr($album_query_tpl, [':counter' => count($v), ':album_id' => $k]);
$db = DB::getInstance();
return $exec;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new AlbumException($e->getMessage(), 400);
public static function update($id, $values)
if (array_key_exists('description', $values)) {
try {
return DB::update('albums', $values, ['id' => $id]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new AlbumException($e->getMessage(), 400);
// Delete album, return the number of deleted images
public static function delete($id)
try {
// Get the user id
$user_id = DB::get('albums', ['id' => $id])[0]['album_user_id'];
// Get album
$album = self::getSingle($id);
if (!$album) {
return false;
// Delete album, the easy part
$delete = DB::delete('albums', ['id' => $id]);
if (!$delete) {
return false;
// Delete album images
$db = DB::getInstance();
$db->query('SELECT image_id FROM ' . DB::getTable('images') . ' WHERE image_album_id=:image_album_id');
$db->bind(':image_album_id', $id);
$album_image_ids = $db->fetchAll();
// Delete the files
$images_deleted = 0;
foreach ($album_image_ids as $k => $v) {
if (Image::delete($v['image_id'], false)) { // We will update the user counts (image + album) at once
// Update user
if ($user_id) {
$user = User::getSingle($user_id, 'id');
$user_updated_counts = [
'album_count' => '-1',
'image_count' => '-' . $images_deleted
DB::increment('users', $user_updated_counts, ['id' => $user_id]);
// Track stats
'action' => 'delete',
'table' => 'albums',
'value' => '-1',
'date_gmt' => $album['date_gmt']
return $images_deleted;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new AlbumException($e->getMessage(), 400);
public static function deleteMultiple($ids)
if (!is_array($ids)) {
throw new AlbumException('Expecting array argument, ' . gettype($ids) . ' given in ' . __METHOD__, 100);
$affected = 0;
foreach ($ids as $id) {
$affected += self::delete($id);
return $affected;
public static function updateImageCount($id, $counter = 1, $operator = '+')
try {
$query = 'UPDATE `' . DB::getTable('albums') . '` SET `album_image_count` = ';
if (in_array($operator, ['+', '-'])) {
$query .= 'GREATEST(`album_image_count` ' . $operator . ' ' . $counter . ', 0)';
} else {
$query .= $counter;
$query .= ' WHERE `album_id` = :album_id';
$db = DB::getInstance();
$db->bind(':album_id', $id);
$exec = $db->exec();
return $exec;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new AlbumException($e->getMessage(), 400);
public static function fill(&$album, &$user = [])
$album['id_encoded'] = $album['id'] ? encodeID($album['id']) : null;
if ($album['name'] == null && $user['id']) {
$album['name'] = _s("%s's images", $user['name_short']);
if ($album['id'] == null) {
$album['url'] = $user ? User::getUrl($user['username']) : null;
$album['url_short'] = $album['url'];
} else {
$album['url'] = self::getUrl($album['id_encoded'], getSetting('seo_album_urls') ? $album['name'] : '');
$album['url_short'] = self::getUrl($album['id_encoded'], '');
$album['name_html'] = G\safe_html($album['name']);
if ($album['privacy'] == null) {
$album['privacy'] = "public";
switch ($album['privacy']) {
case 'private_but_link':
$album['privacy_notes'] = _s('Note: This content is private but anyone with the link will be able to see this.');
case 'password':
$album['privacy_notes'] = _s('Note: This content is password protected. Remember to pass the content password to share.');
case 'private':
$album['privacy_notes'] = _s('Note: This content is private. Change privacy to "public" to share.');
$album['privacy_notes'] = null;
$private_str = _s('Private');
$privacy_to_label = [
'public' => _s('Public'),
'private' => $private_str . '/' . _s('Me'),
'private_but_link' => $private_str . '/' . _s('Link'),
'password' => $private_str . '/' . _s('Password'),
$album['privacy_readable'] = $privacy_to_label[$album['privacy']];
$album['name_with_privacy_readable'] = $album['name'] . ' (' . $album['privacy_readable'] . ')';
$album['name_with_privacy_readable_html'] = G\safe_html($album['name_with_privacy_readable']);
$album['name_truncated'] = G\truncate($album['name'], 28);
$album['name_truncated_html'] = G\safe_html($album['name_truncated']);
if (!empty($user)) {
public static function formatArray($dbrow, $safe = false)
try {
$output = DB::formatRow($dbrow);
self::fill($output, $output['user']);
$output['views_label'] = _n('view', 'views', $output['views']);
$output['how_long_ago'] = time_elapsed_string($output['date_gmt']);
if ($output['images_slice']) {
foreach ($output['images_slice'] as $k => $v) {
$output['images_slice'][$k] = Image::formatArray($output['images_slice'][$k]);
$output['images_slice'][$k]['flag'] = $output['images_slice'][$k]['nsfw'] ? 'unsafe' : 'safe';
if ($safe) {
unset($output['id'], $output['privacy_extra']);
return $output;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new ImageException($e->getMessage(), 400);
public static function checkPassword($password, $user_password)
return G\timing_safe_compare($password, $user_password);
public static function storeUserPasswordHash($album_id, $user_password)
$_SESSION['password']['album'][$album_id] = password_hash($user_password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
public static function checkSessionPassword($album = [])
$user_password_hash = $_SESSION['password']['album'][$album['id']];
if (!isset($user_password_hash) || !password_verify($album['password'], $user_password_hash)) {
return false;
return true;
// Handle album creation flood
protected static function handleFlood()
$logged_user = Login::getUser();
if (!$logged_user or $logged_user['is_admin']) {
return false;
$flood_limit = [
'minute' => 20,
'hour' => 200,
'day' => 400,
'week' => 2000,
'month' => 10000
try {
$db = DB::getInstance();
$flood_db = $db->queryFetchSingle(
COUNT(IF(album_date_gmt >= DATE_SUB(UTC_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL 1 MINUTE), 1, NULL)) AS minute,
COUNT(IF(album_date_gmt >= DATE_SUB(UTC_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR), 1, NULL)) AS hour,
COUNT(IF(album_date_gmt >= DATE_SUB(UTC_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL 1 DAY), 1, NULL)) AS day,
COUNT(IF(album_date_gmt >= DATE_SUB(UTC_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL 1 WEEK), 1, NULL)) AS week,
COUNT(IF(album_date_gmt >= DATE_SUB(UTC_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH), 1, NULL)) AS month
FROM " . DB::getTable('albums') . " WHERE album_creation_ip='" . G\get_client_ip() . "' AND album_date_gmt >= DATE_SUB(UTC_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)"
} catch (Exception $e) {
} // Silence
$is_flood = false;
$flood_by = '';
foreach (['minute', 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month'] as $v) {
if ($flood_limit[$v] > 0 and $flood_db[$v] >= $flood_limit[$v]) {
$flood_by = $v;
$is_flood = true;
if ($is_flood) {
if (!$_SESSION['flood_albums_notify'][$flood_by]) {
try {
$message_report = '<html><body>' . "\n";
$message_report .= strtr('Flooding IP <a href="' . G\get_base_url('search/images/?q=ip:%ip') . '">%ip</a>', ['%ip' => G\get_client_ip()]) . '<br>';
$message_report .= 'User <a href="' . $logged_user['url'] . '">' . $logged_user['name'] . '</a><br>';
$message_report .= '<br>';
$message_report .= '<b>Albums per time period</b>' . "<br>";
$message_report .= 'Minute: ' . $flood_db['minute'] . "<br>";
$message_report .= 'Hour: ' . $flood_db['hour'] . "<br>";
$message_report .= 'Week: ' . $flood_db['day'] . "<br>";
$message_report .= 'Month: ' . $flood_db['week'] . "<br>";
$message_report .= '</body></html>';
send_mail(getSetting('email_incoming_email'), 'Flood report user ID ' . $logged_user['id'], $message_report);
$_SESSION['flood_albums_notify'][$flood_by] = true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
} // Silence
return ['flood' => true, 'limit' => $flood_limit[$flood_by], 'count' => $flood_db[$flood_by], 'by' => $flood_by];
return false;
class AlbumException extends Exception