1006 lines
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1006 lines
45 KiB
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
@author Rodolfo Berrios A. <http://rodolfoberrios.com/>
Copyright (C) Rodolfo Berrios A. All rights reserved.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace CHV;
use G;
use Exception;
use RecursiveDirectoryIterator;
use RecursiveIteratorIterator;
use FilterIterator;
use FilesystemIterator;
use LogicException;
class Import
const DEBUG = 1;
const PATH = G_APP_PATH . 'importer/';
const PATH_JOBS = self::PATH . 'jobs/';
const CHUNK_SIZE = 500; // How many items to iterate (directoryIterator)
const METADATA_KEY_TYPES = ['album' => 'albumData', 'user' => 'userData', 'image' => 'imageData'];
protected static $imageExtensions;
protected static $imageExtensionsRegex;
protected static $max_execution_time;
public $path;
* [root => users] Parse root folders as /user/album?/file.jpg
* [root => albums] Parse root folders as /album/file.jpg
* [root => plain] Don't parse folders /file.jpg
* @var string[]
public $options = ['root' => 'users'];
protected $logFile;
protected $import;
protected $increment;
protected $components;
public function __construct() // $path, $thread=1
if (!isset(static::$max_execution_time)) {
@ini_set('max_execution_time', 60);
static::$max_execution_time = ini_get('max_execution_time');
static::$imageExtensions = Image::getEnabledImageFormats();
static::$imageExtensionsRegex = '/\.(' . implode('|', static::$imageExtensions) . ')$/i';
public static function refresh()
$db = DB::getInstance();
$db->query('UPDATE ' . DB::getTable('imports') . ' SET import_status = "working" WHERE import_continuous = 1 AND DATE_ADD(import_time_updated, INTERVAL 1 MINUTE) <= UTC_TIMESTAMP();');
public static function autoJobs()
return DB::get('imports', ['continuous' => 1, 'status' => 'working'], 'AND', ['field' => 'time_updated', 'order' => 'asc']);
public static function imageExtensionsRegex()
return static::$imageExtensionsRegex;
* @return Array parsedImport
public function get()
if ($this->import = static::getSingle($this->id)) {
$this->path = $this->import['path'];
$this->options = $this->import['options'] ? unserialize($this->import['options']) : null;
$this->parsedImport = array_merge($this->import, ['options' => $this->options]);
return $this->parsedImport;
} else {
throw new Exception('Import ID ' . $this->id . 'not found', 100);
* @return void
public function checkPath()
$this->path = G\sanitize_path_slashes(rtrim($this->path, '/'));
$rootPath = G\sanitize_path_slashes(rtrim(G_ROOT_PATH, '/'));
if (stream_resolve_include_path($this->path) == false) {
throw new Exception("Target path $this->path doesn't exists", 100);
$message = "Target path $this->path can't be used for importing";
if ($this->path == rtrim(CHV_PATH_IMAGES, '/')) {
throw new Exception("$message (image upload path)", 101);
if ($this->path == $rootPath) {
throw new Exception("$message (application root path)", 101);
if (G\starts_with($this->path, $rootPath)) {
throw new Exception("$message (application folder ancestor)", 103);
if (G\starts_with($rootPath . '/importing', $this->path)) {
throw new Exception("$message (automatic importing path)", 104);
public function delete()
$import = static::getSingle($this->id);
if ($import['continuous'] == 1) {
throw new LogicException("Import of type continuous can't be deleted");
DB::delete('importing', ['import_id' => $this->id]);
return DB::delete('imports', ['id' => $this->id]);
* @return import id
public function add()
if (!(new FilesystemIterator($this->path))->valid()) {
throw new Exception("$this->path is empty", 101);
if ($get = static::getSingle($this->path, 'path')) {
throw new Exception('Import ID ' . $get['id'] . ' is blocking the addition of a new importer job under the ' . $this->path . ' path', 102);
$this->id = DB::insert('imports', [
'time_created' => G\datetimegmt(),
'path' => $this->path,
'options' => $this->options ? serialize($this->options) : null,
'status' => 'queued',
return $this->id;
* Static aux helper for get stuff
public static function getSingle($var, $by = 'id')
$db = DB::getInstance();
switch ($by) {
case 'id':
$where = 'import_id=:var';
case 'path':
$where = "import_path=:var AND import_status NOT IN ('completed', 'canceled')";
$db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::getTable('imports') . " WHERE $where LIMIT 1;");
$db->bind(':var', $var);
if ($import = $db->fetchSingle()) {
return DB::formatRows($import);
public static function getContinuous()
if ($all = DB::get('imports', ['continuous' => 1])) {
$format = DB::formatRows($all);
foreach ($format as &$v) {
$v['options'] = $v['options'] ? unserialize($v['options']) : null;
return $format;
public static function getOneTime()
if ($all = DB::get('imports', ['continuous' => 0])) {
$format = DB::formatRows($all);
foreach ($format as &$v) {
$v['options'] = $v['options'] ? unserialize($v['options']) : null;
return $format;
public function edit($values = null)
if (isset($values['options'])) {
$values['options'] = serialize($values['options']);
$values['time_updated'] = G\datetimegmt();
DB::update('imports', $values, ['id' => $this->id]);
protected function getImportingLock($pathName)
$this->logProcess("About to get DB importing lock for $pathName");
if ($importing = DB::get('importing', ['path' => $pathName])[0]) {
return DB::formatRows($importing);
private function getLogPath()
return static::PATH_JOBS . $this->id . '/';
public function reset()
'status' => 'working',
'users' => '0',
'images' => '0',
'albums' => '0',
'errors' => '0',
'started' => '0',
foreach (['errors', 'process'] as $type) {
$filename = $this->getLogPath() . $type . '.txt';
if (!file_exists($filename)) {
if (!@unlink($filename)) {
throw new Exception('File ' . $filename . " can't be removed", 100);
public function resume()
if (!$this->import['continuous']) {
throw new Exception('Only continuous importing can be resumed', 100);
$this->edit(['status' => 'working']);
* Logger helper
* Writes logs in importer/jobs/<id> with filenames like error.2.txt for
* errors being catched by the thread id "2"
protected function log($message, $type)
$logPath = $this->getLogPath();
if (stream_resolve_include_path($logPath) == false) {
@mkdir($logPath, 0755, true);
// $logFile = $logPath . $type . '.' . $this->thread . '.txt';
$logFile = $logPath . $type . '.txt';
$message = time() . ' - ' . '[Thread #' . $this->thread . '] ' . $message;
$fpc = file_put_contents($logFile, $message . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
return $fpc !== false;
* Log process action, useful for debugging
public function logProcess($message, $logError = false)
if ($logError) {
$this->log($message, 'errors');
$this->log($message, 'process');
* Log error
public function logError($message)
if ($this->import['errors'] == 0) {
$this->logProcess('Adding "errors" flag to import row');
$this->edit(['errors' => 1]);
return $this->log($message, 'errors');
* Issue or resume a target import job
public function process()
// only paused and queued reach here...
if (in_array($this->import['status'], ['paused', 'canceled', 'completed'])) {
throw new Exception('Import job ID ' . $this->id . ' is ' . $this->import['status'], 900);
$values = [];
$this->metadata = [];
$this->parsed = [];
$this->logProcess('Import process started (job ID ' . $this->id . ')');
$this->logProcess(str_repeat('=', 80));
if ($this->import['started'] == 0) {
$values['started'] = 1;
$this->logProcess('Import row has been updated adding the "started" flag');
if ($this->import['status'] != 'working') {
$values['status'] = 'working';
if ($values) {
$killed = false;
$i = 0;
$parsedItems = 0;
$cwd = null; // Current Working Directory
$pwd = null; // Previous Working Directory
foreach ($this->getItems() as $fileinfo) {
if (in_array($this->import['status'], ['queued', 'working']) == false) {
throw new Exception('Import job ID ' . $this->id . ' is ' . $this->import['status'], 900);
if ($i > 0) {
$this->logProcess(str_repeat('-', 80));
// Refresh $import on each loop, needed for hot editing
if ($parsedItems > static::CHUNK_SIZE - 1 || isSafeToExecute(static::$max_execution_time) == false) {
$abortMessage = ($parsedItems > static::CHUNK_SIZE - 1) ? 'Chunk limit reached (' . static::CHUNK_SIZE . ')' : 'About to run out of time';
$this->logProcess("$abortMessage, breaking iteration now");
$killed = true;
$pathHandle = null;
$insertId = null;
$parsed = false;
$pathName = $fileinfo->getPathName();
$this->logProcess("Current iteration: $pathName");
if (!file_exists($pathName)) {
$this->logProcess("PathName is gone, continue iteration");
if ($fileinfo->isFile()) {
// File already locked
if ($lock = static::getImportingLock($pathName)) {
$this->logProcess("Concurrency: $pathName is locked by another process, continue iteration");
} else {
if ($fileinfo->isWritable()) {
// Insert DB lock
try {
DB::insert('importing', [
'import_id' => $this->id,
'path' => $pathName,
'content_type' => 'image',
'content_id' => 0,
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->logProcess("Unable to insert DB lock for $pathName: " . $e->getMessage() . ', breaking iteration');
$killed = true;
if (!file_exists($pathName)) {
$this->logProcess("PathName is gone!, continue iteration");
if (!$fileinfo->isWritable()) {
$this->logProcess("Path $pathName is not writable, the job #" . $this->id ." must be canceled", true);
$this->edit(['status' => 'canceled', 'errors' => '1']);
$this->logProcess('Updating importing status to canceled (the error must be addressed)');
$killed = true;
$component = $this->getComponent($fileinfo);
if ($this->parse == null) {
$this->logProcess('No parse applicable, continue iteration');
// For images, we remove the file.ext part
if ($fileinfo->isFile() && is_array($this->components)) {
// Analyze $cwd (at this point, containing previous scanned dir)
if ($cwd !== null) {
$pwd = $cwd;
$this->logProcess("Previous working directory is: $pwd");
if ($fileinfo->isDir()) {
$cwd = $pathName;
} else {
$cwd = $fileinfo->getPath(); // no filename
$this->logProcess("Current working directory is: $cwd");
* On directory change, check and delete the already parsed directories
if ($pwd && $pwd != $cwd) {
$this->logProcess('Directory changed, about to detect if the previous directory should be removed or not');
$delete_dir = null;
// Detect kind of jump
$pwd_explode = explode('/', ltrim($pwd, '/'));
$cwd_explode = explode('/', ltrim($cwd, '/'));
$cnt_pwd = count($pwd_explode);
$cnt_cwd = count($cwd_explode);
switch (true) {
case $cnt_pwd > $cnt_cwd:
$delete_dir = $pwd;
$this->logProcess("$delete_dir should be removed");
case $cnt_pwd < $cnt_cwd:
$this->logProcess('Entering sub-directory, nothing to remove yet');
case $cnt_pwd == $cnt_cwd && $pwd != $cwd:
$this->logProcess("Entering sibling directory, $pwd should be removed");
$delete_dir = $pwd;
if ($delete_dir) {
* Flatenize deeps, used to ignore sub-directories beyond the base
* structure.
if ($this->options['root'] == 'plain') {
$pathHandle = null;
} else {
$pathHandle = rtrim($this->path, '/') . '/'; // The actual path used for lock, relative to importing path
if (strpos($component, '/') !== false) { // /some/dir/
// /0/1/2/3/n...
switch ($this->options['root']) {
case 'users': // /0:user/1:album/<ignore>
if ($this->components[2] == null) {
$pathHandle .= implode('/', $this->components);
} else {
$pathHandle .= $this->components[0] . '/' . $this->components[1];
$this->logProcess("Extra sub-directory structure detected, path handle has been capped to 2 levels");
case 'albums':
$pathHandle .= $this->components[0];
$this->logProcess("Extra sub-directory structure detected, path handle has been capped to 1 level");
} else { // No sub-dirs here, just files in /
$this->logProcess("Plain directory structure detected in component");
if ($fileinfo->isFile()) {
$pathHandle = null; // file.ext -> null
// Why this??
if ($fileinfo->isDir()) {
$pathHandle .= $component; // /dir
$this->logProcess('Path handle is: ' . ($pathHandle ?: 'null'));
* If we are handling a folder, check for any locks preventing dir
* parsing
if ($pathHandle) {
if ($lock = static::getImportingLock($pathHandle)) {
$this->logProcess("Path handle $pathHandle is already locked in DB");
* No content id: The lock is being created. Terminate.
if ($lock['content_id'] == 0) {
$this->logProcess("Content id has not been set, another process is working in this same path, delaying operation");
* Content id: This folder has been parsed. Get the content
* id + type associated to this dir
$content_id = $lock['content_id'];
$content_type = $lock['content_type'];
$this->logProcess("Content ID ($content_type): $content_id (taken from DB lock)");
} else {
* Note: No image should be here anyway...
if ($this->parse == 'image') {
$this->logProcess("This shouldn't be loged!!!!! PANIC!");
* Try to create the lock AND parse path contents
try {
$this->logProcess("Path handle $pathHandle is not locked, about to create DB lock for it");
// Insert DB lock
$lockId = DB::insert('importing', [
'import_id' => $this->id,
'path' => $pathHandle,
'content_type' => $this->parse,
'content_id' => 0, // dummy
$this->logProcess('DB lock inserted (' . $lockId . '), about to parse directory as ' . $this->parse);
$this->parseMetadata($cwd . '/metadata.json');
// TODO: Always parse metadata updates (if needed)
// Switch depending on dir kind
switch ($this->parse) {
case 'user':
// By default we look for matching users...
$userLookup = true;
$username = basename($pathHandle);
$username_max_length = Settings::get('username_max_length');
$username_min_length = Settings::get('username_min_length');
// Replace spaces
$usernameClean = preg_replace('/\s+/', '_', $username);
// Get only \w
$usernameClean = preg_replace('/\W/', null, $usernameClean);
// Make sure to fullfill the limit
$usernameClean = substr($usernameClean, 0, $username_max_length);
// Add some padding
if (strlen($usernameClean) < $username_min_length) {
$usernameClean .= '_' . G\random_string($username_min_length - $usernameClean);
// Folder name doesn't satisfy a valid username string
if ($username != $usernameClean) {
$this->logProcess("Username $username is invalid username string, switching to $usernameClean");
// Don't look, just create a new user
$userLookup = false;
$parsed = array_merge([
'username' => $username,
'registration_ip' => '',
], $this->parsed);
// If username exists, assing its $content_id
if ($userLookup && $user = User::getSingle($username, 'username')) {
$this->logProcess("Username $username already exists");
$insertId = $user['id'];
if ($this->parsed !== []) {
$this->logProcess("About to update $username ($insertId) with parsed data " . var_export($this->parsed, true));
User::update($insertId, $this->parsed);
$this->logProcess("Updated parsed user metadata");
} else {
// Make sure to insert a new user
$u = 0;
while (User::getSingle($usernameClean, 'username')) {
$this->logProcess("Must try a different username as $usernameClean already exists");
// It strips the number previously appended, so we get user1, user2, and so on.
if ($u > 0) {
$usernameClean = G\str_replace_last($u, null, $usernameClean);
// Soon as this gets too big, we trim the last $usernameClean char
if (strlen($usernameClean . $u) > $username_max_length) {
$usernameClean = substr($usernameClean, 0, -1);
$usernameClean .= $u;
$parsed['username'] = $usernameClean;
$this->logProcess("About to insert user $usernameClean");
$insertId = User::insert($parsed);
$this->logProcess("Username $usernameClean (id $insertId) inserted");
$user = User::getSingle($insertId, 'id');
if ($user && $this->metadata['profileImages']) {
try {
// Insert user assets (profile images)
foreach ($this->metadata['profileImages'] as $k => $v) {
$userAsset = [
'name' => 'asset.jpg',
'type' => 'image/jpeg', // dummy
'tmp_name' => $pathName . '/.assets/' . $v,
'error' => 0,
'size' => 1,
$this->logProcess("Uploading user $k image");
User::uploadPicture($user, $k, $userAsset);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->logProcess("Failed to upload user $k: " . $e->getMessage());
case 'album':
$albumName = ltrim(basename($pathHandle), '/');
// Username = Album parent dir
$user_lock = static::getImportingLock(dirname($pathHandle));
$user_id = $user_lock ? $user_lock['content_id'] : null;
$db = DB::getInstance();
$query = 'SELECT album_id FROM ' . DB::getTable('albums') . ' WHERE album_name = :name AND ';
if ($user_id) {
$query .= 'album_user_id = :user_id';
} else {
$query .= 'album_user_id IS NULL';
$query .= ' ORDER BY album_id DESC;';
$db->bind(':name', $albumName);
if ($user_id) {
$db->bind(':user_id', $user_id);
$album = $db->fetchSingle();
if ($album) {
$insertId = $album['album_id'];
$this->logProcess("Album $albumName already exists (id $insertId)");
// Album::update($insertId, $this->parsed);
$this->logProcess("Updated parsed album metadata");
} else {
$parsed = array_merge([
'name' => $albumName,
'user_id' => $user_id,
'privacy' => 'public',
'description' => '',
'password' => null,
'creation_ip' => ''
], $this->parsed);
$this->logProcess('About to insert album "' . $parsed['name'] . '" under user_id ' . ($user_id ?: 'guest'));
$insertId = Album::insert($parsed);
$this->logProcess("Album $username inserted (id $insertId)");
// Update lock content_id
$this->logProcess("About to update importing table (current job)");
DB::update('importing', ['content_id' => $insertId], ['id' => $lockId]);
$this->logProcess("Importing table updated");
// continue;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->logProcess("Process interrupted when parsing $pathHandle, check the error log");
$this->logError('Exception ' . $e->getMessage() . ' thrown when parsing directory ' . $pathHandle);
// If $lockId == insertion failed (user or album)
if ($lockId) {
$this->logProcess("Unable to parse directory, about to release DB lock ($lockId)");
DB::delete('importing', ['id' => $lockId]);
$this->logProcess("DB lock ($lockId) released");
} else {
$this->logProcess("Unable to insert DB lock for $pathHandle: " . $e->getMessage() . ', continue iteration');
* Image parsing goes now...
if ($this->parse == 'image') {
$this->logProcess('About to parse image: ' . $pathName);
// Forged $_FILES for Image::uploadToWebsite()
$parsed = [
'name' => $fileinfo->getFilename(),
'type' => 'image/jpeg', // dummy
'tmp_name' => $pathName,
'error' => 0,
'size' => 1, // $fileinfo->getSize() sometimes fails...
$user_id = null;
$params = [];
// Has a parent context (user, user/album OR album)
// Note: $content_id has being set from DB lock data.
if ($pathHandle && $content_type && $content_id) {
$this->logProcess("Using DB lock for content context data (id and type)");
if ($content_type == 'user') {
$user_id = $content_id;
} else {
$params['album_id'] = $content_id;
$album = Album::getSingle($content_id, false, false);
if ($album['user_id']) {
$user_id = $album['user_id'];
try {
$insertId = Image::uploadToWebsite($parsed, $user_id, $params, false, '');
$this->logProcess("Image ID $insertId inserted");
// Parse image date only after image insert
$this->parseMetadata(G\change_pathname_extension($pathName, 'json'));
// $this->metadata contains categoryId // category {}
if ($this->parsed['category_id'] == false) {
$this->logProcess("No implicit categoryId property found, about to check category metadata object");
if ($urlKey = $this->metadata['category']['urlKey']) {
$this->logProcess("Explicit urlKey property declared, determine its category ID (create if doesn't exists)");
if ($categoryId = DB::get('categories', ['url_key' => $this->metadata['category']['urlKey']])[0]['category_id']) {
$this->logProcess("Category ID set: $categoryId");
} else {
$category = [
'url_key' => $urlKey,
'name' => $this->metadata['category']['name'] ?: $urlKey,
'description' => $this->metadata['category']['description'] ?: null
try {
$categoryId = DB::insert('categories', $category);
$this->logProcess("Category ID: $categoryId created");
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->logProcess("Unable to create category $urlKey: " . $e->getMessage(), true);
} // sshhh
if ($categoryId) {
$this->parsed['category_id'] = $categoryId;
if ($this->parsed) {
Image::update($insertId, $this->parsed);
$this->logProcess("Image updated with parsed metadata");
// $this->parse updates image info
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($e->getCode() == 666) {
} else {
$this->logProcess('Failed to insert image, exception thrown: ' . $e->getMessage());
$this->logError("Image insertion failed for $pathName: " . $e->getMessage());
if (stream_resolve_include_path($pathName) && @unlink($pathName) == false) {
$this->logProcess("Failed to remove $pathName from importing path", true);
$this->logProcess("Image $pathName removed from importing path", true);
if ($insertId) {
$this->logProcess('Inserted content, items++');
DB::increment('imports', [$this->parseGroup => '+1'], ['id' => $this->id]);
$this->edit(); // updates timestamp
} // foreach ($this->getItems() as $fileinfo) {
// Nothing left to parse, complete the process and wipe the path
if ($killed == false && ($i == 0 || $parsedItems == 0)) {
$this->logProcess('Nothing parsed in ' . $this->path);
try {
$this->edit(['status' => 'completed']);
DB::delete('importing', ['import_id' => $this->id]);
$this->logProcess('DB status changed to completed');
if ($this->import['continuous']) {
$this->logProcess('DB status should be changed to "working" to keep this job alive');
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->logProcess('Error updating DB: ' . $e->getMessage(), true);
if ($this->import['continuous']) {
if ($this->removeDir($this->path, false) == false) {
$this->logProcess('Unable to remove ' . $this->path . ' contents', true);
} else {
if ($this->removeDir($this->path) == false) {
$this->logProcess('Unable to remove ' . $this->path, true);
$this->logProcess('Chunked process ended' . ($killed ? ' (killed)' : null));
$this->logProcess(str_repeat('=', 80));
public function getItems($path = null)
if ($path == null) {
$path = $this->path;
$iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path);
return new ImporterFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST));
protected function setParse($parse)
$this->parse = $parse;
$this->parseGroup = $parse == null ? null : ($this->parse . 's');
if ($parse !== null) {
$this->logProcess("Parse has been set to: $parse");
* Determine the item compontent
* @param $filepath string Filepath
public function getComponent($filepath)
$component = G\str_replace_first($this->path, null, (string) $filepath);
$return = ltrim(rtrim($component, '/'), '/');
$this->logProcess("Component is: $return");
return $return;
* Parse path component
* @param string $component Path section (without the $importer path)
public function parseComponent($component)
$this->logProcess("About to parse component for $component (root: " . $this->options['root'] . ')');
$this->components = explode('/', $component); // /0/1/2/3/n...
if (preg_match(static::$imageExtensionsRegex, $component) == true) {
$component_cnt = count($this->components);
switch ($this->options['root']) {
case 'users':
switch ($component_cnt) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 'albums':
switch ($component_cnt) {
case 1:
if ($this->parse == null) {
$this->logProcess("Parse is null");
* Recursive directory remove (files and folders)
* @param string $dir Directory to wipe
* @return mixed TRUE if the directory was wiped *or empty. Array of items
* failed to delete
protected function removeDir($dir, $removeSelf = true)
$contents = !$removeSelf ? ' contents' : '';
$failed = [];
$this->logProcess("About to remove $dir directory$contents (recursively)...");
if (stream_resolve_include_path($dir) == false) {
$this->logProcess("The directory doesn't exists, no need to remove it");
return true;
$isDirEmpty = !(new FilesystemIterator($dir))->valid();
if ($isDirEmpty) {
$this->logProcess("The directory is already empty, no need to iterate its contents");
if ($removeSelf) {
$res = @rmdir($dir);
} else {
$res = true;
} else {
$this->logProcess("The directory is not empty, prepate to iterate and remove its contents");
$files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS),
foreach ($files as $fileinfo) {
$filepath = $fileinfo->getRealPath();
$todo = $fileinfo->isDir() ? 'rmdir' : 'unlink';
$type = $fileinfo->isDir() ? ('directory' . $contents) : 'file';
$this->logProcess("Loop: Removing $type $filepath ($todo)");
$res = @$todo($filepath);
if ($res == false) {
$this->logProcess("Unable to remove $filepath", true);
$failed[] = ['filepath' => $filepath, 'isDir' => $fileinfo->isDir()];
if ($removeSelf) {
$res = @rmdir($dir);
} else {
$res = true;
if ($res == true) {
$this->logProcess("Directory $dir$contents removed");
return true;
return $failed;
* Metadata parsing, used to inject user, album and image data
public function parseMetadata($filename, $type = null)
$this->metadata = [];
$this->parsed = [];
if (stream_resolve_include_path($filename) == false) {
// Nothing to do here!
if ($type == null) {
$type = $this->parse;
if (array_key_exists($type, static::METADATA_KEY_TYPES) == false) {
$this->logProcess("Error: Invalid type $type metadata key", true);
} else {
$metadataKey = static::METADATA_KEY_TYPES[$type];
if (is_readable($filename) == false) {
$this->logProcess("File reading error: $filename is not readable", true);
if ($contents = @file_get_contents($filename)) {
$this->logProcess("$filename readed");
$metadata = json_decode($contents, true);
if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
$this->logProcess("File format error: $filename contains invalid JSON", true);
$metadata = null;
} else {
$this->logProcess("Unable to read $filename", true);
if ($metadata = $metadata[$metadataKey]) {
// [0 => 'TYPE', keys] Wow, such typing. Very modern.
switch ($type) {
case 'album':
$tr = [
'name' => [0 => 'string', 'title'],
'description' => [0 => 'string', 'description'],
'privacy' => [0 => 'string', ['privacy', 'type']],
'password' => [0 => 'string', ['privacy', 'password']],
case 'user':
$tr = [
'name' => [0 => 'string', 'name'],
'email' => [0 => 'string', 'email'],
'website' => [0 => 'string', 'website'],
'bio' => [0 => 'string', 'bio'],
'facebook_username' => [0 => 'string', ['networks', 'facebook']],
'twitter_username' => [0 => 'string', ['networks', 'twitter']],
'timezone' => [0 => 'string', 'timezone'],
'language' => [0 => 'string', 'language'],
'is_private' => [0 => 'boolean', 'is_private'],
'is_manager' => [0 => 'boolean', 'is_manager'],
'is_admin' => [0 => 'boolean', 'is_admin'],
case 'image':
$tr = [
'title' => [0 => 'string', 'title'],
'description' => [0 => 'string', 'description'],
'category_id' => [0 => 'integer', 'categoryId'],
'nsfw' => [0 => 'boolean', 'nsfw'],
$parsed = [];
// date->timestamp must be handled as date + date_gmt
// Assing the parse props based on the $tr array
foreach ($tr as $metaProp => $metaValue) {
$propValue = null;
$propType = $metaValue[0];
$val = $metaValue[1];
if ($propValue = $metadata[is_array($val) ? $val[0] : $val]) {
if (is_array($val) && is_array($propValue)) {
unset($val[0]); // Get rid of the parent (already taken just above)
foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
if ($propValue[$v] == false) {
$propValue = $propValue[$v];
if ($propValue) {
$gettype = gettype($propValue);
if ($gettype != $propType) {
$this->logProcess("Metadata error: Type $gettype provided, expected $propType for $metaProp");
$parsed[$metaProp] = $propValue;
$this->metadata = $metadata;
$this->parsed = $parsed;
} else {
$this->logProcess("Metadata error: Missing metakey $metadataKey");
// Accept images + folders
class ImporterFilterIterator extends FilterIterator
protected $fileinfo;
public function accept()
$this->fileinfo = $this->getInnerIterator()->current();
if ($this->fileinfo->isFile() && (preg_match(Import::imageExtensionsRegex(), $this->fileinfo) == false || $this->filterAssets())) {
return false;
if ($this->fileinfo->isDir() && $this->filterAssets()) {
return false;
return true;
protected function filterAssets()
return $this->fileinfo->getBasename() == '.assets' || basename($this->fileinfo->getPath()) == '.assets';