Copyright (c) Rodolfo Berrios All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * class.handler.php * This class does all the route handling process of the G\ app */ namespace G; use Exception; class Handler { public static $route, $route_request, $route_name, $base_request, $doctitle, $vars, $conds, $routes, $template_used, $prevented_route, $mapped_args; /** * Build a valid request */ function __construct($hook=[]) { if(!defined('G_APP_PATH_THEME')) { throw new HandlerException('G_APP_PATH_THEME is not defined', 100); } // Parse the definitions to this object.. This is not necessary but in case of changes... $this->relative_root = G_ROOT_PATH_RELATIVE; // nota: realmente necesitamos estos this? $this->base_url = G_ROOT_URL; $this->path_theme = G_APP_PATH_THEME; // Parse the request $this->request_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $this->script_name = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $query_string = '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if(!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $this->request_uri = str_replace($query_string, '/', $this->request_uri); } $this->valid_request = '/' . ltrim(rtrim(sanitize_path_slashes($this->request_uri), '/'), '/'); if(!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $this->request_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $this->valid_request .= '/' . $query_string; } // Store the canonical request, useful for redirect to a valid request $this->canonical_request = $this->valid_request; if(is_dir(G_ROOT_PATH . $this->valid_request) && $this->valid_request !== '/') { $this->canonical_request .= '/'; } $this->handled_request = strtok($this->relative_root == '/' ? $this->valid_request : preg_replace('#' . $this->relative_root . '#', '/', $this->request_uri, 1),'?'); $this->request_array = explode('/', rtrim(str_replace('//', '/', ltrim($this->handled_request, '/')), '/')); // Index request if($this->request_array[0] == '') { $this->request_array[0] = '/'; } $this->request_array = array_values(array_filter($this->request_array, 'strlen')); self::$base_request = $this->request_array[0]; // Reserved route (index) if(self::$base_request == 'index') { redirect('/', 301); } // Fix the canonical request /something?q= to /something/?q= if(self::$base_request !== '' && !empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $path_request = add_trailing_slashes(rtrim(str_replace($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '', $this->canonical_request), '?')); $fixed_qs_request = $path_request.'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $this->canonical_request = $fixed_qs_request; } // No /index.php request if(self::$base_request == 'index.php') { $this->canonical_request = rtrim($this->canonical_request, '/'); redirect((sanitize_path_slashes(str_replace('index.php', '', $this->canonical_request))), 301); } // If the request is invalid we make a 301 redirection to the canonical url. if($this->relative_root !== $this->request_uri and $this->canonical_request !== $this->request_uri) { $this->baseRedirection($this->canonical_request); } if(in_array(self::$base_request, ['', 'index.php', '/'])) { self::$base_request = 'index'; } $this->template = self::$base_request; $this->request = $this->request_array; self::$route_request = $this->request_array; self::$route = $this->template !== 404 ? $this->request_array[0] == '/' ? 'index' : $this->request_array : 404; unset($this->request[0]); $this->request = array_values($this->request); // Hook a fn BEFORE the process if(is_array($hook) and is_callable($hook['before'])) { $hook['before']($this); } // It is a valid request on index.php? if($this->isIndex()) $this->processRequest(); // Hook a fn AFTER the process if(is_array($hook) and is_callable($hook['after'])) { $hook['after']($this); } // Auto-bind the route vars if(is_array(self::$vars)) { foreach(self::$vars as $k => $v) { $this->bindGetFn($k, $v); } } // Auto-bind the route conditionals if(is_array(self::$conds)) { foreach(self::$conds as $k => $v) { $this->bindIsFn($k, $v); } } $this->loadTemplate(); } /** * Iterate over the route app folder * This populates Handler::$routes with all the valid routes */ private static function routeIterator($path) { if(!file_exists($path)) return; foreach(new \DirectoryIterator($path) as $fileInfo) { if($fileInfo->isDot() or $fileInfo->isDir()) continue; $route_file = $path . $fileInfo->getFilename(); $route_override = $path . 'overrides/' . $fileInfo->getFilename(); if(file_exists($route_override)) { $route_file = $route_override; } if(file_exists($route_file)) { require_once($route_file); $route = array(substr(substr($fileInfo->getFilename(), 0, -4), 6) => $route); self::$routes += $route; } } } /** * Stock (save) the valid routes of the G\ app * This method is optional because the routeIterator takes some memory */ public static function stockRoutes() { self::$routes = []; self::routeIterator(G_APP_PATH_ROUTES); self::routeIterator(G_APP_PATH_ROUTES_OVERRIDES); } /** * Process the dynamic request */ private function processRequest() { if(is_null(self::$routes)) { // Route array is not set $route = $this->getRouteFn(self::$base_request); if(is_callable($route)) { $routes[self::$base_request] = $route; // Build a single $routes array } } else { $routes = self::$routes; } if(is_array($routes) and array_key_exists(self::$base_request, $routes)) { // Autoset some magic $magic = array( 'post' => $_POST ? $_POST : NULL, 'get' => $_GET ? $_GET : NULL, 'request' => $_REQUEST ? $_REQUEST : NULL, 'safe_post' => $_POST ? safe_html($_POST) : NULL, 'safe_get' => $_GET ? safe_html($_GET) : NULL, 'safe_request' => $_REQUEST ? safe_html($_REQUEST) : NULL, 'auth_token' => self::getAuthToken() ); if(self::$vars && count(self::$vars) > 0) { self::$vars = array_merge(self::$vars, $magic); } else { self::$vars = $magic; } // Only call a valid route fn if(!self::$prevented_route and is_callable($routes[self::$base_request])) { $routes[self::$base_request]($this); } } else { $this->issue404(); $this->request = $this->request_array; } if($this->template == 404) { self::$route = 404; } self::setCond('404', $this->template == 404); // is_404 binding if(self::$vars['pre_doctitle']) { $stock_doctitle = self::$vars['doctitle']; self::$vars['doctitle'] = self::$vars['pre_doctitle']; if($stock_doctitle) { self::$vars['doctitle'] .= ' - ' . $stock_doctitle; } } self::$template_used = $this->template; } /** * Bind route var to global functions */ public function bindGetFn($var, $value) { $fn_name = strtolower(str_replace('-', '_', $var)); if(!function_exists('get_' . $fn_name)) { eval('function get_' . $fn_name . '(){ return G\Handler::$vars["' . $var . '"]; }'); } } /** * Bind route conditional to global functions */ public function bindIsFn($var, $value) { $fn_name = strtolower(str_replace('-', '_', $var)); if(!function_exists('is_' . $fn_name)) { eval('function is_' . $fn_name . '(){ return G\Handler::$conds["' . $var . '"]; }'); } } /** * Inject the 404 page */ public function issue404() { set_status_header(404); if($this->getCond('mapped_route')) { self::$base_request = self::$route_request[0]; self::$route_name = 404; } $this->template = 404; } /** * Prevent the rest of the execution loading the target view */ public function preventRoute($tpl=NULL) { if($tpl) { $this->template = $tpl; } self::$prevented_route = true; } /** * Get the route fn for a given route * If the route doesn't exists it will add it to the routes stack */ public function getRouteFn($route_name) { // Route is already in the stack if(is_array(self::$routes) and array_key_exists($route_name, Handler::$routes)) { return self::$routes[$route_name]; } // Route doesn't exists in the stack $filename = 'route.' . $route_name . '.php'; $route_file = G_APP_PATH_ROUTES . $filename; $route_override_file = G_APP_PATH_ROUTES_OVERRIDES . $filename; if(file_exists($route_override_file)) { $route_file = $route_override_file; } if(file_exists($route_file)) { require($route_file); // Append this new route fn to the Handler::$routes stack self::$routes[$route_name] = $route; self::$route_name = $route_name; return $route; } else { return false; } } /** * Maps the current route which is useful to make route aliases */ public function mapRoute($route_name, $args=NULL) { $this->template = $route_name; self::$base_request = $route_name; self::setCond('mapped_route', true); if(!is_null($args)) { self::$mapped_args = $args; } return $this->getRouteFn($route_name); } /** * Return (bool) the request level of the current request */ public function isRequestLevel($level) { return isset($this->request_array[$level - 1]); } /** * Redirect to the base url/request */ public function baseRedirection($request) { $request = trim(sanitize_path_slashes($request), '/'); $url = preg_replace('{'.$this->relative_root.'}', '/', $this->base_url, 1) . $request; redirect($url, 301); } /** * Return (bool) if the request is handled by index.php */ private function isIndex() { return preg_match('{/index.php$}', $this->script_name); } /** * Hook code for loadTemplate() * @args ['code' => '', 'where' => 'before|after'] */ public function hookTemplate($args=[]) { if(in_array($args['where'], ['before', 'after']) and $args['code']) { if(!isset($this->hook_template)) { $this->hook_template = []; } $this->hook_template[$args['where']] = $args['code']; } } /** * load the setted (or argument) template view */ private function loadTemplate($template=NULL) { if(!is_null($template)) { $this->template = $template; } /** Overrides are loaded from highest to lowest priority **/ $functions_basename = 'functions.php'; $template_functions = [ $this->path_theme . 'overrides/' . $functions_basename, $this->path_theme . $functions_basename ]; foreach($template_functions as $file) { if(file_exists($file)) { require_once($file); break; } } $view_basename = $this->template; $view_extension = get_file_extension($this->template); if(!$view_extension) { $view_extension = 'php'; $view_basename .= '.php'; } $template_file = [ $this->path_theme . 'overrides/views/' . $view_basename, $this->path_theme . 'overrides/' . $view_basename, $this->path_theme . 'views/'. $view_basename, $this->path_theme . $view_basename, ]; foreach($template_file as $file) { if(file_exists($file)) { if($view_extension == 'html') { Render\include_theme_header(); } if($this->hook_template['before']) { echo $this->hook_template['before']; } if($view_extension == 'php') { require_once($file); } else { echo file_get_contents($file); } if($this->hook_template['after']) { echo $this->hook_template['after']; } if($view_extension == 'html') { Render\include_theme_footer(); } return; } } $end = end($template_file); $key = key($template_file); throw new HandlerException('Missing ' . absolute_to_relative($template_file[$key]) . ' template file', 400); } /** * Returns the 40 char length safe request token */ public static function getAuthToken() { $token = isset($_SESSION['G_auth_token']) ? $_SESSION['G_auth_token'] : random_string(40); $_SESSION['G_auth_token'] = $token; return $token; } /** * Checks the integrity and validation of the given request token */ public static function checkAuthToken($token) { if(strlen($token) < 40) return false; return timing_safe_compare($_SESSION['G_auth_token'], $token); } /** * Sets a Handler::$var > get_var() binding */ public static function setVar($var, $value) { self::$vars[$var] = $value; } /** * Sets a multiple Handler::$var > get_var() binding */ public static function setVars($array) { foreach((array)$array as $var => $value) { self::$vars[$var] = $value; } } /** * Sets a Handler::$conds -> is_cond() binding */ public static function setCond($conds, $bool) { self::$conds[$conds] = !$bool ? false : true; } /** * Sets a multiple Handler::$conds -> is_cond() binding */ public static function setConds($array=[]) { foreach((array)$array as $conds => $bool) { self::$conds[$conds] = !$bool ? false : true; } } /** * Get a Handler::$vars[var] */ public static function getVar($var) { return self::getVars()[$var]; } /** * Get all Handler::$vars */ public static function getVars() { return self::$vars; } /** * Get a Handler::$condss[cond] */ public static function getCond($cond) { return self::getConds()[$cond]; } /** * Get all Handler::$conds */ public static function getConds() { return self::$conds; } /** * Smart update a Handler::$vars */ public static function updateVar($var, $value) { if(is_array(self::$vars[$var]) and is_array($value)) { //self::$vars[$var] = array_merge(self::$vars[$var], $value); $value += self::$vars[$var]; // replacement + replaced ksort($value); } self::$vars[$var] = $value; } /** * Unset a given var */ public static function unsetVar($var) { unset(self::$vars[$var]); } /** * Get the template file basename used */ public static function getTemplateUsed() { return self::$template_used; } /** * Get the current route path * @args $full (bool true) outputs the full route 'like/this' or 'this' */ public static function getRoutePath($full=true) { if(is_array(self::$route)) { return $full ? implode('/', self::$route) : self::$route[0]; } else { return self::$route; } } /** * Get the current route name from */ public static function getRouteName() { return self::$route_name; } } class HandlerException extends Exception {}