browse from your computer or add image URLs.'); ?>
take a picture or add image URLs.'); ?>
from your computer or from image URLs.'); ?>
add more images or add image URLs.'); ?>
0 images'); ?> (0% )
public stream. You can create an album or move the images to an existing album.', CHV\Login::getUser()["url"]); ?>
create an account or sign in to save future uploads in your account.', ['%s' => G\get_base_url("signup"), '%l' => G\get_base_url("login")]); ?>
images have been uploaded') ;?>
data-login-needed="true" class="hidden-visibility" type="file" accept="" multiple> data-login-needed="true" class="hidden-visibility" type="file" capture="camera" accept="image/*">
    error report for more information.'); ?>
    $value) { foreach($value['options'] as $k => $v) { echo '
    '."\n"; $i++; } } ?>
    CHV\User::getAlbums(CHV\Login::getUser()), "type" => "albums" ]; ?>