Copyright (C) Rodolfo Berrios A. All rights reserved. BY USING THIS SOFTWARE YOU DECLARE TO ACCEPT THE CHEVERETO EULA --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ namespace CHV; use G; use Exception; class Search { public static $excluded = ['storage', 'ip']; public function __construct() { $this->DBEngine = DB::queryFetchSingle("SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE Name = '".DB::getTable('images')."';")['Engine']; } public function build() { // Validate type if (!in_array($this->type, ['images', 'albums', 'users'])) { throw new SearchException('Invalid search type in '.__METHOD__, 100); } // Advanced search handle $as_handle = ['as_q' => null, 'as_epq' => null, 'as_oq' => null, 'as_eq' => null, 'as_cat' => 'category']; $as_handle_admin = ['as_stor' => 'storage', 'as_ip' => 'ip']; if ($this->requester['is_content_manager']) { $as_handle = array_merge($as_handle, $as_handle_admin); } // Build "command like" q foreach ($as_handle as $k => $v) { if (G\check_value($this->request[$k]) and strpos($this->q, $v) === false) { $this->q .= ' '.(!is_null($v) ? $v.':' : '').$this->request[$k]; } } // Clean q $this->q = trim(preg_replace(['#\"+#', '#\'+#'], ['"', '\''], $this->q)); $search_op = $this->handleSearchOperators($this->q, $this->requester['is_content_manager'] == true); // Make q pretty $this->q = null; foreach ($search_op as $operator) { $this->q .= implode(' ', $operator).' '; } if ($this->q) { $this->q = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', trim($this->q)); } // Get the full text match query $q_match = $this->q; // Note... Why MyISAM has issues with exclusions like -700 ? $seach_binds = []; foreach ($search_op['named'] as $v) { $q_match = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', str_replace($v, '', $q_match))); $op = explode(':', $v); if (!in_array($op[0], ['category', 'ip', 'storage'])) { continue; } switch ($this->type) { case 'images': switch ($op[0]) { case 'category': $search_op_wheres[] = 'category_url_key = :category'; $seach_binds[] = ['param' => ':category', 'value' => $op[1]]; break; case 'ip': $search_op_wheres[] = 'image_uploader_ip LIKE REPLACE(:ip, "*", "%")'; $seach_binds[] = ['param' => ':ip', 'value' => G\str_replace_first('ip:', null, $this->q)]; break; case 'storage': if (!filter_var($op[1], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) and !in_array($op[1], ['local', 'external'])) { break; } $storage_operator_clause = [ $op[1] => '= :storage_id', 'local' => 'IS NULL', 'external' => 'IS NOT NULL', ]; if (filter_var($op[1], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) { $seach_binds[] = ['param' => ':storage_id', 'value' => $op[1]]; } $search_op_wheres[] = 'image_storage_id '.($storage_operator_clause[$op[1]]); break; } break; case 'albums': case 'users': switch ($op[0]) { case 'ip': $seach_binds[] = ['param' => ':ip', 'value' => G\str_replace_first('ip:', null, $this->q)]; break; } break; } } if ($q_match) { $q_value = $q_match; if ($this->DBEngine == 'InnoDB') { $q_value = trim($q_value, '><'); } $seach_binds[] = ['param' => ':q', 'value' => $q_value]; } $this->binds = $seach_binds; $this->op = $search_op; $wheres = null; $q_replacement = $this->DBEngine == 'InnoDB' ? "':q'" : ':q'; switch ($this->type) { case 'images': if ($q_match) { $wheres = 'WHERE MATCH(`image_name`,`image_title`,`image_description`,`image_original_filename`) AGAINST(:q IN BOOLEAN MODE)'; } if (is_array($search_op_wheres) && count($search_op_wheres) > 0) { $wheres .= (is_null($wheres) ? 'WHERE ' : ' AND ').implode(' AND ', $search_op_wheres); } break; case 'albums': if (!$seach_binds) { $wheres = 'WHERE album_id < 0'; } else { $wheres = ($op[0] == 'ip' ? 'album_creation_ip LIKE REPLACE(:ip, "*", "%")' : 'WHERE MATCH(`album_name`,`album_description`) AGAINST(:q)'); } break; case 'users': if (!$seach_binds) { $wheres = 'WHERE user_id < 0'; } else { if ($op[0] == 'ip') { $wheres = 'user_registration_ip LIKE REPLACE(:ip, "*", "%")'; } else { $clauses = [ 'name_username' => 'WHERE MATCH(`user_name`,`user_username`) AGAINST(:q)', 'email' => '`user_email` LIKE CONCAT("%", :q, "%")', ]; if ($this->requester['is_content_manager']) { $pos = strpos($this->q, '@'); if ($pos !== false) { if (preg_match_all('/\s+/', $this->q)) { $wheres = $clauses['name_username']; if ($clauses['email']) { $wheres .= ' OR '.$clauses['email']; } } else { $wheres = $clauses['email']; } } else { $wheres = $clauses['name_username']; } } else { $wheres = $clauses['name_username']; } } } break; } $this->wheres = $wheres; $this->display = [ 'type' => $this->type, 'q' => $this->q, 'd' => strlen($this->q) >= 25 ? (substr($this->q, 0, 22).'...') : $this->q, ]; } protected function handleSearchOperators($q, $full = true) { $return = []; $operators = ['any' => [], 'exact_phrases' => [], 'excluded' => [], 'named' => []]; $raw_ops = []; $raw_regex = [ 'named' => '[\S]+\:[\S]+', // take all the like:this operators 'quoted' => '-*[\"\']+.+[\"\']+', // take all the "quoted stuff" "like" "this, one" 'spaced' => '\S+', // Take all the space separated stuff ]; foreach ($raw_regex as $k => $v) { if ($k == 'spaced') { $q = str_replace(',', '', $q); // Don't need commas } if (preg_match_all('/'.$v.'/', $q, $match)) { $raw_ops[$k] = $match[0]; foreach ($match[0] as $v) { switch ($k) { case 'named': if (!$full) { $named_operator = explode(':', $v); if (in_array($named_operator[0], self::$excluded)) { continue 2; } } $operators[$k][] = $v; break; default: if (0 === strpos($v, '-')) { $operators['excluded'][] = $v; } elseif (0 === strpos($v, '"')) { $operators['exact_phrases'][] = $v; } else { $operators['any'][] = $v; } break; } $q = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', str_replace($v, '', $q))); } } } return $operators; } } class SearchException extends Exception { }