# Chevereto Free Chevereto is an image hosting software that allows you to create a beautiful and full-featured image hosting website on your own server. It's your hosting and your rules, so say goodbye to closures and restrictions. This repo here is Chevereto Free, which is a fork of Chevereto V3 in which only the most essential features are preserved and it is released as Open Source software. ## Building the next-gen Chevereto Chevereto is being modernized by introducing new coding standards and turning towards a common Open Source base. [Read all updates](https://chevereto.com/community/threads/building-the-next-gen-chevereto.11140/) and check my [Chevere + Chevereto V4 Trello board](https://trello.com/b/DCZhECwN/chevere-chevereto-v4). Take [the survey](https://forms.gle/B3tU2V7CSykJCpoA6) and help me to shape a better Chevereto. ## Minimum system requirements Make sure your server meets the minimum system requirements which are: - PHP 7 (PHP 5.6 min) - MySQL 8 / MariaDB 10 (ALL PRIVILEGES) - Apache / NGiNX web server The system has a built-in system check that will tell you right away when you need to fix something on your server. ## Installation Chevereto can be installed in several different ways, it all depends on what suits you best. ### ⚡Install using Installer The [installer](https://github.com/Chevereto/Installer) is a single `.php` file which will download and extract the latest release for you. Automatic database setup for cPanel based web servers. 1. Download the [Chevereto Installer](https://chevereto.com/download/file/installer) 2. Upload the `installer.php` file to your target `public_html` folder. 3. Open your website and follow the steps. ### 🐳Install using Docker Docker allows you to easily install and maintain all the server dependencies with ease by using automated application containers. The ready-to-use Docker images are under [nmtan/chevereto](https://hub.docker.com/r/nmtan/chevereto/) (many thanks to [Tan Nguyen](https://github.com/tanmng)) ### ✨Install using Softaculous/Fantastico If your web hosting includes [Softaculous](https://softaculous.com/)/[Fantastico](https://netenberg.com/fantastico.php), you can install Chevereto Free with just one click. Chevereto Free should be available for one-click install under the "Image Galleries" category. ### 📦Install via zip/tarball 1. Download the [latest release](https://github.com/Chevereto/Chevereto-Free/releases/latest) 2. Upload the contents of your download to your server (usually the `public_html` folder) 3. Go to your website and follow the instructions For additional installation instructions, refer to our [official documentation](https://chevereto.com/docs/install). ## Updates Chevereto has a built-in system that checks for new updates every day via the [Chevereto API](https://chevereto.com/api/get/info/free). The system will notify you when an update is available, and it will guide you through the process. ## Upgrade to paid edition Chevereto Free has the same look and feel of the [paid version](https://chevereto.com). Most likely it will fit all your personal needs. The features removed in this fork are those business-oriented like external storage servers or banner management to name a few. To upgrade to our paid edition, simply navigate to your dashboard panel and click on the `upgrade` button. ## Support Use our [Bug Tracking](https://chevereto.com/bug-tracking) to report bugs and our [Community Support](https://chevereto.com/community-support) forums for any support concern. ## License Copyright [Rodolfo Berríos](http://rodolfoberrios.com) - Released under the AGPLv3 license. ## Warranty This software doesn't include support. It may contain bugs. Use it at your own risk. This software is offered on an “as-is” basis. No warranty, either expressed or implied, is given.