# Chevereto Free Chevereto Free is an image hosting software that allows you to create a beautiful and full-featured image hosting website on your own server. It's your hosting and your rules, so say goodbye to closures and restrictions. ## It's a fork Chevereto Free is a fork of Chevereto V3 in which only the essential features are preserved and released as Open Source software. This fork **doesn't include**: - Social network login - External storage support - Likes + Followers - Manage banners The support response time is currently about ~1-2 weeks. Users helping each other is highly welcome. > 👍🏾 Consider [purchasing](https://chevereto.com/pricing) a license to get the entire pack of features, an extra layer of support, and to sustain the development of this software. ## Known issues ### Can't write into `/app/install/update/temp/` path Older releases (`1.2.0` and below) are missing the temp folder required for the one-click update process. Simply create the folder for the `www-data` user: ```sh sudo -u www-data mkdir /var/www/html/app/install/update/temp/ ``` ## 🤯 Next-gen in the works Chevereto is being modernized by updating its stack and turning towards Open Source. [Read all updates](https://chevereto.com/community/threads/building-the-next-gen-chevereto.11140/) and check the [Chevere Framework](https://chevere.org/). ## Documentation Documentation can be found at [v3-docs.chevereto.com](https://v3-docs.chevereto.com/) > 📝 Contributing for a better documentation is highly appreciated ## Support Use our [Bug Tracking](https://chevereto.com/bug-tracking) to report bugs and our [Community Support](https://chevereto.com/community-support) forums for any support-related concern. Please **don't** open issues here unless is code related. ## License Copyright [Rodolfo Berríos](http://rodolfoberrios.com) - Released under the AGPLv3 license. ## Warranty This software doesn't include support. It may contain bugs. Use it at your own risk. This software is offered on an “as-is” basis. No warranty, either expressed or implied, is given.