Copyright (C) Rodolfo Berrios A. All rights reserved. BY USING THIS SOFTWARE YOU DECLARE TO ACCEPT THE CHEVERETO EULA --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $route = function ($handler) { try { if ($_POST and !$handler::checkAuthToken($_REQUEST['auth_token'])) { $handler->template = 'request-denied'; return; } $logged_user = CHV\Login::getUser(); if (!$logged_user) { G\redirect('login'); } // User status override redirect CHV\User::statusRedirect($logged_user['status']); // Dashboard hack $handler->template = 'settings'; $is_dashboard_user = $handler::getCond('dashboard_user'); // Request log if (!$is_dashboard_user) { $request_log = CHV\Requestlog::getCounts('account-edit', 'fail'); } // Editable values $allowed_to_edit = ['name', 'username', 'email', 'avatar_filename', 'website', 'background_filename', 'timezone', 'language', 'status', 'is_admin', 'image_keep_exif', 'image_expiration', 'newsletter_subscribe', 'bio', 'show_nsfw_listings', 'is_private']; if (CHV\getSetting('enable_expirable_uploads')) { unset($allowed_to_edit['image_expiration']); } // User handle $user = $is_dashboard_user ? CHV\User::getSingle($handler->request[1], 'id') : $logged_user; $is_owner = $user['id'] == CHV\Login::getUser()['id']; // Update the lang displayed on change if (in_array('language', $allowed_to_edit) and isset($_POST['language']) and $logged_user['language'] !== $_POST['language'] and $logged_user['id'] == $user['id'] and array_key_exists($_POST['language'], CHV\L10n::getEnabledLanguages())) { CHV\L10n::processTranslation($_POST['language']); } // Settings routes $routes = [ 'account' => _s('Account'), 'profile' => _s('Profile'), 'password' => _s('Password'), 'homepage' => _s('Homepage') ]; $default_route = 'account'; if (CHV\getSetting('website_mode') == 'personal' and CHV\getSetting('website_mode_personal_routing') !== '/' and $logged_user['id'] == CHV\getSetting('website_mode_personal_uid')) { $route_homepage = true; } $is_email_required = CHV\getSetting('require_user_email_confirmation'); // Don't require email for admin when editing users if ($handler::getCond('admin') && $is_owner == false) { $is_email_required = false; } // Don't require email for admin when editing users if($handler::getCond('admin') AND !$is_owner) { $is_email_required = FALSE; } $doing_level = $is_dashboard_user ? 2 : 0; $doing = $handler->request[$doing_level]; if (!$user or $handler->request[$doing_level+1] or (!is_null($doing) and !array_key_exists($doing, $routes))) { return $handler->issue404(); } if ($doing == '') { $doing = $default_route; } // Populate the routes foreach ($routes as $route => $label) { $aux = str_replace('_', '-', $route); $handler::setCond('settings_'.$aux, $doing == $aux); if ($handler::getCond('settings_'.$aux)) { $handler::setVar('setting', $aux); } if ($aux == 'homepage' and !$route_homepage) { continue; } $settings_menu[$aux] = array( 'label' => $label, 'url' => G\get_base_url(($is_dashboard_user ? ('dashboard/user/' . $user['id']) : 'settings') . ($route == $default_route ? '' : '/'.$route)), 'current' => $handler::getCond('settings_'.$aux) ); } $handler::setVar('settings_menu', $settings_menu); if (!array_key_exists($doing, $routes)) { return $handler->issue404(); } // Safe print $_POST $SAFE_POST = $handler::getVar('safe_post'); // conds $is_error = false; $is_changed = false; $captcha_needed = false; // vars $input_errors = []; $error_message = null; $changed_email_message = null; if ($_POST) { $field_limits = 255; foreach ($allowed_to_edit as $k) { if ($_POST[$k]) { $_POST[$k] = substr($_POST[$k], 0, $field_limits); } } // Input validations switch ($doing) { case null: case 'account': $checkboxes = ['upload_image_exif', 'newsletter_subscribe', 'show_nsfw_listings', 'is_private']; foreach ($checkboxes as $k) { if (!isset($_POST[$k])) { continue; } $_POST[$k] = in_array($_POST[$k], ['On', 1]) ? 1 : 0; } G\nullify_string($_POST['image_expiration']); $__post = []; $__safe_post = []; foreach (['username', 'email'] as $v) { if (isset($_POST[$v])) { $_POST[$v] = $v == 'email' ? trim($_POST[$v]) : strtolower(trim($_POST[$v])); $__post[$v] = $_POST[$v]; $__safe_post[$v] = G\safe_html($_POST[$v]); } } $handler::updateVar('post', $__post); $handler::updateVar('safe_post', $__safe_post); if (!CHV\User::isValidUsername($_POST['username'])) { $input_errors['username'] = _s('Invalid username'); } if ($is_email_required and !filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $input_errors['email'] = _s('Invalid email'); } if (CHV\getSetting('enable_expirable_uploads')) { // Image expire time if ($_POST['image_expiration'] !== null && (!G\dateinterval($_POST['image_expiration']) || !array_key_exists($_POST['image_expiration'], CHV\Image::getAvailableExpirations()))) { $input_errors['image_expiration'] = _s('Invalid image expiration: %s', $_POST['image_expiration']); } } if (!array_key_exists($_POST['language'], CHV\get_available_languages())) { $_POST['language'] = CHV\getSetting('default_language'); } if (!in_array($_POST['timezone'], timezone_identifiers_list())) { $_POST['timezone'] = date_default_timezone_get(); } if (is_array($input_errors) && count($input_errors) > 0) { $is_error = true; } if (!$is_error) { $user_db = CHV\DB::get('users', ['username' => $_POST['username'], 'email' => $_POST['email']], 'OR', null); if ($user_db) { foreach ($user_db as $row) { if ($row['user_id'] == $user['id']) { continue; } // Same guy? // Invalid user, check the time if (!in_array($row['user_status'], ['valid', 'banned'])) { // Don't touch the valid and banned users $must_delete_old_user = false; $confirmation_db = CHV\Confirmation::get(['user_id' => $row['user_id']]); if ($confirmation_db) { // 24x2 = 48 tic tac tic tac if (G\datetime_diff($confirmation_db['confirmation_date_gmt'], null, 'h') > 48) { CHV\Confirmation::delete(['id' => $confirmation_db['confirmation_id']]); $must_delete_old_user = true; } } else { $must_delete_old_user = true; } // Delete any old un-validated / un-banned user and allow use his things if ($must_delete_old_user) { CHV\DB::delete('users', ['id' => $row['user_id']]); continue; } } // Username taken? if (G\timing_safe_compare($row['user_username'], $_POST['username']) and $user['username'] !== $row['user_username']) { $input_errors['username'] = 'Username already being used'; } // Email taken? if (!empty($_POST['email']) && G\timing_safe_compare($row['user_email'], $_POST['email']) && $user['email'] !== $row['user_email']) { $input_errors['email'] = _s('Email already being used'); } } if (count($input_errors) > 0) { $is_error = true; } } } // Email MUST be validated (two steps) if (!$is_error && $is_email_required && !empty($_POST['email']) && !G\timing_safe_compare($user['email'], $_POST['email'])) { // Delete any old confirmation CHV\Confirmation::delete(['type' => 'account-change-email', 'user_id' => $user['id']]); // Generate the thing $hashed_token = CHV\generate_hashed_token($user['id']); $insert_email_confirm = CHV\Confirmation::insert([ 'type' => 'account-change-email', 'user_id' => $user['id'], 'token_hash' => $hashed_token['hash'], 'status' => 'active', 'extra' => $_POST['email'] ]); $email_confirm_link = G\get_base_url('account/change-email-confirm/?token='.$hashed_token['public_token_format']); $changed_email_message = _s('An email has been sent to %s with instructions to activate this email', $SAFE_POST['email']); // Build the mail global global $theme_mail; $theme_mail = [ 'user' => $user, 'link' => $email_confirm_link ]; ob_start(); require_once(G_APP_PATH_THEME . 'mails/account-change-email.php'); $mail_body = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $mail['subject'] = _s('Confirmation required at %s', CHV\getSettings()['website_name']); $mail['message'] = $mail_body; try { if (CHV\send_mail($_POST['email'], $mail['subject'], $mail['message'])) { //$is_changed = true; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo($e->getMessage()); } unset($_POST['email']); } break; case 'profile': if (!preg_match('/^.{1,60}$/', $_POST['name'])) { $input_errors['name'] = _s('Invalid name'); } if ($_POST['website'] and !filter_var($_POST['website'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $input_errors['website'] = _s('Invalid website'); } break; case 'password': if (!$is_dashboard_user) { if ($user['login']['password'] && !password_verify($_POST['current-password'], $user['login']['password']['secret'])) { $input_errors['current-password'] = _s('Wrong password'); } else { if ($_POST['current-password'] == $_POST['new-password']) { $input_errors['new-password'] = _s('Use a new password'); $handler::updateVar('safe_post', ['current-password' => null]); } } } if (!preg_match('/'.CHV\getSetting('user_password_pattern').'/', $_POST['new-password'])) { $input_errors['new-password'] = _s('Invalid password'); } if ($_POST['new-password'] !== $_POST['new-password-confirm']) { $input_errors['new-password-confirm'] = _s("Passwords don't match"); } break; case 'homepage': if (!array_key_exists($doing, $routes)) { // Nope $handler->issue404(); } $allowed_to_edit = ['homepage_title_html', 'homepage_paragraph_html', 'homepage_cta_html']; // Protect editing $editing_array = G\array_filter_array($_POST, $allowed_to_edit, 'exclusion'); $update_settings = []; foreach ($allowed_to_edit as $k) { if (!array_key_exists($k, CHV\Settings::get()) or CHV\Settings::get($k) == $editing_array[$k]) { continue; } $update_settings[$k] = $editing_array[$k]; } // Update settings (if any) if ($update_settings) { $db = CHV\DB::getInstance(); $db->beginTransaction(); $db->query('UPDATE ' . CHV\DB::getTable('settings') . ' SET setting_value = :value WHERE setting_name = :name;'); foreach ($update_settings as $k => $v) { $db->bind(':name', $k); $db->bind(':value', $v); $db->exec(); } if ($db->endTransaction()) { $is_changed = true; foreach ($update_settings as $k => $v) { CHV\Settings::setValue($k, $v); } } } break; default: $handler->issue404(); break; } if (is_array($input_errors) && count($input_errors) > 0) { $is_error = true; } if (!$is_error) { // Account and profile changes if (in_array($doing, [null, 'account', 'profile'])) { // Detect changes foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { if ($user[$k] !== $v) { $is_changed = true; } } if ($is_changed) { // Protect editing $editing_array = G\array_filter_array($_POST, $allowed_to_edit, 'exclusion'); if (!$is_dashboard_user) { unset($editing_array['status'], $editing_array['is_admin']); } else { if (!in_array($editing_array['status'], ['valid', 'banned', 'awaiting-confirmation', 'awaiting-email'])) { unset($editing_array['status']); } if ($_POST['role']) { $editing_array['is_admin'] = $_POST['role'] == 'admin' ? 1 : 0; if ($_POST['is_admin']) { $editing_array['status'] = 'valid'; } unset($_POST['role']); } } if (empty($_POST['email'])) { unset($editing_array['email']); } if (CHV\User::update($user['id'], $editing_array)) { $user = array_merge($user, $editing_array); // 'name' gets sanitized on User::update, this update safe_post to reflect the actual value $handler::updateVar('safe_post', [ 'name' => G\safe_html($user['name']), ]); } if (!$is_dashboard_user) { $logged_user = CHV\Login::login($user['id'], $_SESSION['login']['type']); } else { $user = CHV\User::getSingle($user['id'], 'id'); } $changed_message = _s('Changes have been saved.'); } } // Update/create password if ($doing == 'password') { if ($user['login']['password']) { // Delete any old cookie/session login for this user CHV\Login::delete(['type' => 'cookie', 'user_id' => $user['id']]); CHV\Login::delete(['type' => 'session', 'user_id' => $user['id']]); // Insert the new login DB if needed if (!$is_dashboard_user and $_COOKIE['KEEP_LOGIN']) { CHV\Login::insert(['type' => 'cookie', 'user_id' => $user['id']]); } $is_changed = CHV\Login::changePassword($user['id'], $_POST['new-password']); // This inserts the session login $changed_message = _s('Password has been changed'); } else { // Insert $is_changed = CHV\Login::addPassword($user['id'], $_POST['new-password']); $changed_message = _s('Password has been created.'); if (!$is_dashboard_user or $logged_user['id'] == $user['id']) { $logged_user = CHV\Login::login($user['id'], 'password'); } } $unsets = array('current-password', 'new-password', 'new-password-confirm'); foreach ($unsets as $unset) { $handler::updateVar('safe_post', [$unset => null]); } } } else { if (in_array($doing, array('', 'account')) and !$is_dashboard_user) { CHV\Requestlog::insert(array('type' => 'account-edit', 'result' => 'fail')); $error_message = _s('Wrong Username/Email values'); } } } $handler::setCond('settings_linked_accounts', FALSE); $handler::setCond('owner', $is_owner); $handler::setCond('error', $is_error); $handler::setCond('changed', $is_changed); $handler::setCond('captcha_needed', $captcha_needed); $handler::setCond('dashboard_user', $is_dashboard_user); $handler::setCond('email_required', $is_email_required); if ($captcha_needed and !$handler::getVar('recaptcha_html')) { $handler::setVar('recaptcha_html', CHV\Render\get_recaptcha_html()); } $handler::setVar('pre_doctitle', $is_dashboard_user ? _s('Settings for %s', $user['username']) : _s('Settings')); $handler::setVar('error', $error_message); $handler::setVar('input_errors', $input_errors); $handler::setVar('changed_message', $changed_message); $handler::setVar('changed_email_message', $changed_email_message); $handler::setVar('user', $is_dashboard_user ? $user : $logged_user); $handler::setVar('safe_html_user', G\safe_html($handler::getVar('user'))); } catch (Exception $e) { G\exception_to_error($e); } };