_s('User ID'), 'content' => get_user()['id'] . ' ('.get_user()['id_encoded'].')' ], [ 'label' => _s('Images'), 'content' => get_user()['image_count'] ], [ 'label' => _s('Albums'), 'content' => get_user()['album_count'] ], [ 'label' => _s('Register date'), 'content' => get_user()['date'] ], [ 'label' => NULL, 'content' => get_user()['date_gmt'] . ' (GMT)' ] ]; if(get_user()['registration_ip']) { $user_list_values[] = [ 'label' => _s('Registration IP'), 'content' => get_user()['registration_ip'] ]; } foreach($user_list_values as $v) { ?>

" pattern="" rel="tooltip" title='Letters, numbers and "_"', ['%i' => CHV\getSetting('username_min_length'), '%f' => CHV\getSetting('username_max_length')]); ?>' data-tipTip="right" placeholder="" required>
" placeholder="" required>

'image_keep_exif', 'label' => _s('Keep image Exif data on upload', 'href="https://www.google.com/search?q=Exif" target="_blank"'), 'checked' => ((bool)(get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['image_keep_exif'] : get_user()['image_keep_exif'])) ]); ?>
'newsletter_subscribe', 'label' => _s('Send me emails with news about %s', CHV\getSetting('website_name')), 'checked' => ((bool)(get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['newsletter_subscribe'] : get_user()['newsletter_subscribe'])) ]); ?>
'show_nsfw_listings', 'label' => _s('Show not safe content in listings (from others)'), 'checked' => ((bool)(get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['show_nsfw_listings'] : get_user()['show_nsfw_listings'])) ]); ?>

$region) { $show_hide = $user_region == $key ? "" : " soft-hidden"; ?>
" required>
" placeholder="" required>
" pattern="" rel="tooltip" title="" data-tipTip="right" placeholder="" required>
" placeholder="" required> " data-text="">

" pattern="" rel="tooltip" title="" data-tipTip="right" placeholder="" required>
" maxlength="255" placeholder="" required> " data-text="">
'is_private', 'label' => _s('Make my profile and identity totally private'), 'tooltip' => _s('Enable this if you want to act like an anonymous user'), 'checked' => ((bool)(get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['is_private'] : get_user()['is_private'])) ]); ?>
" placeholder="Your real name" required>
" data-validate rel="tooltip" title="" data-tipTip="right" placeholder="">

0) { ?>class="soft-hidden">

'.$connection['resource_name'].')'; ?> $label) { ?>
