Copyright (C) Rodolfo Berrios A. All rights reserved. BY USING THIS SOFTWARE YOU DECLARE TO ACCEPT THE CHEVERETO EULA --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ # This file is used to load G and your G APP # If you need to hook elements to this loader you can add them in loader-hook.php namespace CHV; use G; use Exception; if (!defined('access') or !access) { die('This file cannot be directly accessed.'); } // settings.php workaround if (!is_readable(dirname(__FILE__) . '/settings.php')) { if (!@fopen(dirname(__FILE__) . '/settings.php', 'w')) { die("Chevereto can't create the app/settings.php file. You must manually create this file."); } } // G thing (file_exists(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/lib/G/G.php')) ? require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/lib/G/G.php') : die("Can't find lib/G/G.php"); // Require at least X memory to do the thing $min_memory = '256M'; $memory_limit = ini_get('memory_limit'); $memory_limit_bytes = $memory_limit ? G\get_ini_bytes($memory_limit) : 0; if ($memory_limit_bytes < G\get_ini_bytes($min_memory)) { @ini_set('memory_limit', $min_memory); // Careful with that Axe, Eugene } // CHV\DB instance // CHV\Settings Instance try { if (G\settings_has_db_info()) { DB::getInstance(); } Settings::getInstance(); } catch (Exception $e) { if (access !== 'install') { G\exception_to_error($e); } } // Set some hard constants define('CHV_MAX_INVALID_REQUESTS_PER_DAY', 25); // Folders definitions define('CHV_FOLDER_IMAGES', !is_null(Settings::get('chevereto_version_installed')) ? Settings::get('upload_image_path') : 'images'); // CHV APP path definitions define('CHV_APP_PATH_INSTALL', G_APP_PATH . 'install/'); define('CHV_APP_PATH_CONTENT', G_APP_PATH . 'content/'); define('CHV_APP_PATH_LIB_VENDOR', G_APP_PATH . 'vendor/'); define('CHV_APP_PATH_CONTENT_SYSTEM', CHV_APP_PATH_CONTENT . 'system/'); define('CHV_APP_PATH_CONTENT_LANGUAGES', CHV_APP_PATH_CONTENT . 'languages/'); define('CHV_APP_PATH_CONTENT_LOCKS', CHV_APP_PATH_CONTENT . 'locks/'); // CHV paths define('CHV_PATH_IMAGES', G_ROOT_PATH . CHV_FOLDER_IMAGES . '/'); define('CHV_PATH_CONTENT', G_ROOT_PATH . 'content/'); define('CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_SYSTEM', CHV_PATH_CONTENT . 'images/system/'); define('CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_USERS', CHV_PATH_CONTENT . 'images/users/'); define('CHV_PATH_CONTENT_PAGES', CHV_PATH_CONTENT . 'pages/'); define('CHV_PATH_PEAFOWL', G_ROOT_LIB_PATH . 'Peafowl/'); if (Settings::get('cdn')) { define('CHV_ROOT_CDN_URL', Settings::get('cdn_url')); } define('CHV_ROOT_URL_STATIC', defined('CHV_ROOT_CDN_URL') ? CHV_ROOT_CDN_URL : G_ROOT_URL); // Define the app theme if (!defined('G_APP_PATH_THEME')) { $theme_path = G_APP_PATH_THEMES; if (Settings::get('chevereto_version_installed')) { $theme_path .= Settings::get('theme') . '/'; } if (is_dir($theme_path)) { define('G_APP_PATH_THEME', $theme_path); define('BASE_URL_THEME', G\absolute_to_url(G_APP_PATH_THEME, CHV_ROOT_URL_STATIC)); } else { die(sprintf("Theme path %s doesn't exists.", G\absolute_to_relative($theme_path))); } } // Set some url paths define('CHV_URL_PEAFOWL', G\absolute_to_url(CHV_PATH_PEAFOWL, CHV_ROOT_URL_STATIC)); // Always test the current installation (file_exists(G_APP_PATH_LIB . 'integrity-check.php')) ? require_once G_APP_PATH_LIB . 'integrity-check.php' : die("Can't find app/lib/integrity-check.php"); check_system_integrity(); if (access !== 'install' and Settings::get('chevereto_version_installed')) { // Error reporting by DB config if (Settings::get('error_reporting') === false) { error_reporting(0); } // Set the default timezone by DB config if (G\is_valid_timezone(Settings::get('default_timezone'))) { date_default_timezone_set(Settings::get('default_timezone')); } // Cloudflare REMOTE_ADDR workaround if (Settings::get('cloudflare') or isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'])) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'])) { $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP']; } } // Fix upload_max_filesize_mb if needed $ini_upload_max_filesize = G\get_ini_bytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); $ini_post_max_size = ini_get('post_max_size') == 0 ? $ini_upload_max_filesize : G\get_ini_bytes(ini_get('post_max_size')); Settings::setValue('true_upload_max_filesize', min($ini_upload_max_filesize, $ini_post_max_size)); if (Settings::get('true_upload_max_filesize') < G\get_bytes(Settings::get('upload_max_filesize_mb') . 'MB')) { Settings::update([ 'upload_max_filesize_mb' => G\bytes_to_mb(Settings::get('true_upload_max_filesize')) ]); } } // Proccess queues if (class_exists('CHV\Lock') && array_key_exists('queue', $_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST['r']) { try { $lock = new Lock('storage-delete'); if (!$lock->check() && $lock->create()) { Queue::process(['type' => 'storage-delete']); $lock->destroy(); } Render\displayEmptyPixel(); } catch (Exception $e) { error_log($e); } } // User login handle if (Settings::get('chevereto_version_installed')) { try { if ($_SESSION['login']) { Login::login($_SESSION['login']['id'], $_SESSION['login']['type']); } elseif ($_COOKIE['KEEP_LOGIN']) { Login::loginCookie('internal'); } elseif ($_COOKIE['KEEP_LOGIN_SOCIAL']) { Login::loginCookie('social'); } if (Login::isLoggedUser()) { // Set the timezone for the logged user if (Login::getUser()['timezone'] !== Settings::get('default_timezone') and G\is_valid_timezone(Login::getUser()['timezone'])) { date_default_timezone_set(Login::getUser()['timezone']); } } } catch (Exception $e) { Login::logout(); G\exception_to_error($e); } } // Language localization (file_exists(G_APP_PATH_LIB . 'l10n.php')) ? require_once(G_APP_PATH_LIB . 'l10n.php') : die("Can't find app/lib/l10n.php"); // Not installed if (!Settings::get('chevereto_version_installed')) { new G\Handler([ 'before' => function ($handler) { if ($handler->request_array[0] !== 'install') { G\redirect('install'); } } ]); } // Process showPingPixel (automatic updates check) if (class_exists('CHV\Lock') && Settings::get('enable_automatic_updates_check') && array_key_exists('ping', $_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST['r']) { if (is_null(Settings::get('update_check_datetimegmt')) || G\datetime_add(Settings::get('update_check_datetimegmt'), 'P1D') < G\datetimegmt()) { try { L10n::setLocale(Settings::get('default_language')); // Force system language $lock = new Lock('check-updates'); if (!$lock->check() && $lock->create()) { checkUpdates(); $lock->destroy(); } } catch (Exception $e) { error_log($e); } } Render\displayEmptyPixel(); } // Translate logged user count labels if (Login::isLoggedUser()) { foreach (['image_count_label', 'album_count_label'] as $v) { Login::$logged_user[$v] = _s(Login::$logged_user[$v]); } } // Handle banned IP address if(method_exists('CHV\Ip_ban', 'getSingle')) { $banned_ip = Ip_ban::getSingle(); if ($banned_ip) { if (G\is_url($banned_ip['message'])) { G\redirect($banned_ip['message']); } else { die(empty($banned_ip['message']) ? _s('You have been forbidden to use this website.') : $banned_ip['message']); } } } // Append any app loader hook (user own hooks) if (is_readable(G_APP_PATH . 'chevereto-hook.php')) { require_once(G_APP_PATH . 'chevereto-hook.php'); } // Fix the default system images (must be done here because CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_SYSTEM) foreach ([ 'favicon_image' => 'favicon.png', 'logo_vector' => 'logo.svg', 'logo_image' => 'logo.png', 'watermark_image' => 'watermark.png', 'consent_screen_cover_image' => 'consent-screen_cover.jpg', 'homepage_cover_image' => 'home_cover.jpg', 'logo_vector_homepage' => 'logo_homepage.svg', 'logo_image_homepage' => 'logo_homepage.png' ] as $k => $v) { if ($k == 'homepage_cover_image') { $homepage_cover_image = getSetting('homepage_cover_image'); $homepage_cover_image_default = 'default/' . $v; $homecovers = []; if (!is_null($homepage_cover_image)) { foreach (explode(',', $homepage_cover_image) as $vv) { if (file_exists(CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_SYSTEM . $vv)) { $homecovers[] = [ 'basename' => $vv, 'url' => get_system_image_url($vv) ]; } else { $homepage_cover_image = rtrim(preg_replace('/,+/', ',', str_replace($vv, null, $homepage_cover_image)), ','); } } } if ($homepage_cover_image !== getSetting('homepage_cover_image')) { Settings::update(['homepage_cover_image' => $homepage_cover_image]); } if (empty($homecovers) || is_null($homepage_cover_image)) { $homecovers[] = [ 'basename' => $homepage_cover_image_default, 'url' => get_system_image_url($homepage_cover_image_default) ]; } Settings::setValue('homepage_cover_images', $homecovers); shuffle($homecovers); Settings::setValue('homepage_cover_images_shuffled', $homecovers); continue; } if (!G\check_value(Settings::get($k)) || !is_readable(CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_SYSTEM . Settings::get($k))) { $value = 'default/' . $v; if (in_array($k, ['logo_vector_homepage', 'logo_image_homepage'])) { $no_homepage_value = Settings::get(G\str_replace_last('_homepage', null, $k)); if (!G\starts_with('default/', $no_homepage_value)) { $value = $no_homepage_value; } } Settings::setValue($k, $value); } } // Let's try this one out... Why not? register_shutdown_function(function () { if(class_exists('CHV\Lock')) { // Delete expired images if (method_exists('CHV\Image', 'deleteExpired')) { try { $lock = new Lock('delete-expired-images'); if (!$lock->check() && $lock->create()) { Image::deleteExpired(50); $lock->destroy(); } } catch (Exception $e) { error_log($e); } } // Handle invalid user accounts if (method_exists('CHV\User', 'cleanUnconfirmed')) { try { $lock = new Lock('clean-unconfirmed-users'); if (!$lock->check() && $lock->create()) { User::cleanUnconfirmed(5); $lock->destroy(); } } catch (Exception $e) { error_log($e); } } if (array_key_exists('deletions', DB::getTables())) { try { $lock = new Lock('remove-delete-log'); if (!$lock->check() && $lock->create()) { $db = DB::getInstance(); $db->query('DELETE FROM ' . DB::getTable('deletions') . ' WHERE deleted_date_gmt <= :time;'); $db->bind(':time', G\datetime_sub(G\datetimegmt(), 'P3M')); $db->exec(); $lock->destroy(); } } catch (Exception $e) { error_log($e); } } } }); // We're getting fancy try { if (!isset($hook_before)) { $hook_before = function ($handler) { $time = G\get_execution_time(); // Handle agree consent stuff if (array_key_exists('agree-consent', $_GET)) { setcookie('AGREE_CONSENT', 1, time()+(60*60*24*30), G_ROOT_PATH_RELATIVE); // 30-day cookie $_SESSION['agree-consent'] = true; G\redirect(preg_replace('/([&\?]agree-consent)/', null, G\get_current_url())); } $base = $handler::$base_request; // Parse this sh*t right away parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $querystr); // Inject some global stuff $handler::setVar('auth_token', $handler::getAuthToken()); $handler::setVar('doctitle', getSetting('website_name')); $handler::setVar('meta_description', getSetting('website_description')); $handler::setVar('logged_user', Login::getUser()); $handler::setVar('failed_access_requests', 0); // Init $handler::setVar('header_logo_link', G\get_base_url()); $handler::setCond('admin', Login::isAdmin()); $handler::setCond('maintenance', getSetting('maintenance') and !Login::isAdmin()); $handler::setCond('show_consent_screen', $base !== 'api' && (getSetting('enable_consent_screen') ? !(Login::getUser() or isset($_SESSION['agree-consent']) or isset($_COOKIE['AGREE_CONSENT'])) : false)); $handler::setCond('captcha_needed', getSetting('recaptcha') and getSetting('recaptcha_threshold') == 0); $handler::setCond('show_header', !($handler::getCond('maintenance') or $handler::getCond('show_consent_screen'))); $handler::setCond('show_notifications', FALSE); $handler::setCond('allowed_to_delete_content', Login::isAdmin() || getSetting('enable_user_content_delete')); // Login if maintenance /dashboard if ($handler::getCond('maintenance') && $handler->request_array[0] == 'dashboard') { G\redirect('login'); } // Consent screen "accept" URL if ($handler::getCond('show_consent_screen')) { $handler::setVar('consent_accept_url', G\get_current_url() . (parse_url(G\get_current_url(), PHP_URL_QUERY) ? '&' : '/?') . 'agree-consent'); } if (!Login::getUser()) { $failed_access_requests = Requestlog::getCounts(['login', 'signup'], 'fail'); // reCaptcha thing (only non logged users) if (getSetting('recaptcha') && $failed_access_requests['day'] > getSetting('recaptcha_threshold')) { $handler::setCond('captcha_needed', true); } $handler::setVar('failed_access_requests', $failed_access_requests); } if ($handler::getCond('captcha_needed')) { $handler::setVar('recaptcha_html', Render\get_recaptcha_html()); } // Personal mode if (getSetting('website_mode') == 'personal') { // Disable some stuff for the rest of the mortals if (!$handler::getVar('logged_user')['is_admin']) { //Settings::setValue('website_explore_page', FALSE); //Settings::setValue('website_search', FALSE); } // Keep ?random & ?lang when route is / if ($handler->request_array[0] == '/' and getSetting('website_mode_personal_routing') == '/' and in_array(key($querystr), ['random', 'lang'])) { $handler->mapRoute('index'); // Keep /search/something (global search) when route is / } elseif ($handler->request_array[0] == 'search' and in_array($handler->request_array[1], ['images', 'albums', 'users'])) { $handler->mapRoute('search'); // Map user for base routing + sub-routes } elseif ($handler->request_array[0] == getSetting('website_mode_personal_routing') or (getSetting('website_mode_personal_routing') == '/' and in_array($handler->request_array[0], ['albums', 'search']))) { $handler->mapRoute('user', [ 'id' => getSetting('website_mode_personal_uid') ]); } // Inject some stuff for the index page if ($handler->request_array[0] == '/' and !in_array(key($querystr), ['random', 'lang']) and !$handler::getCond('mapped_route')) { $personal_mode_user = User::getSingle(getSetting('website_mode_personal_uid')); if (Settings::get('homepage_title_html') == null) { Settings::setValue('homepage_title_html', $personal_mode_user['name']); } if (Settings::get('homepage_paragraph_html') == null) { Settings::setValue('homepage_paragraph_html', _s('Feel free to browse and discover all my shared images and albums.')); } if (Settings::get('homepage_cta_html') == null) { Settings::setValue('homepage_cta_html', _s('View all my images')); } if (Settings::get('homepage_cta_fn') !== 'cta-link') { Settings::setValue('homepage_cta_fn', 'cta-link'); Settings::setValue('homepage_cta_fn_extra', $personal_mode_user['url']); } if ($personal_mode_user['background']['url']) { Settings::setValue('homepage_cover_image', $personal_mode_user['background']['url']); } } } else { // Community mode if ($base !== 'index' and !G\is_route_available($handler->request_array[0])) { if (getSetting('user_routing')) { $handler->mapRoute('user'); } else { $image_id = decodeID($base); $image = Image::getSingle($image_id, false, true); if ($image) { G\redirect($image['url_viewer'], 301); } } } } // Virtual routes galore $virtualizable_routes = ['image', 'album']; // Redirect from real route to virtual route (only if needed) if (in_array($handler->request_array[0], $virtualizable_routes)) { $virtual_route = getSetting('route_' . $handler->request_array[0]); if ($handler->request_array[0] !== $virtual_route) { $virtualized_url = str_replace(G\get_base_url($handler->request_array[0]), G\get_base_url($virtual_route), G\get_current_url()); return G\redirect($virtualized_url); } } // Virtual route mapping if ($base !== 'index' && !G\is_route_available($handler->request_array[0])) { foreach ($virtualizable_routes as $k) { if ($handler->request_array[0] == getSetting('route_' . $k)) { $handler->mapRoute($k); } } } // Website privacy mode if (getSetting('website_privacy_mode') == 'private' && !Login::getUser()) { $allowed_requests = ['api', 'login', 'logout', 'image', 'album', 'page', 'account', 'connect', 'json']; // json allows endless scrolling for privacy link if (getSetting('enable_signups')) { $allowed_requests[] = 'signup'; } if (!in_array($handler->request_array[0], $allowed_requests)) { G\redirect('login'); } } // Private gate $handler::setCond('private_gate', getSetting('website_privacy_mode') == 'private' and !Login::getUser()); // Forced privacy $handler::setCond('forced_private_mode', (getSetting('website_privacy_mode') == 'private' and getSetting('website_content_privacy_mode') !== 'default')); // show explorer? $handler::setCond('explore_enabled', Login::isAdmin() ?: getSetting('website_explore_page') ? (Login::getUser() ?: getSetting('website_explore_page_guest')) : false); // Categories $categories = []; if ($handler::getCond('explore_enabled') || $base == 'dashboard') { try { $categories_db = DB::queryFetchAll('SELECT * FROM ' . DB::getTable('categories') . ' ORDER BY category_name ASC;'); if (count($categories_db) > 0) { foreach ($categories_db as $k => $v) { $key = $v['category_id']; $categories[$key] = $v; $categories[$key]['category_url'] = G\get_base_url('category/' . $v['category_url_key']); $categories[$key] = DB::formatRow($categories[$key]); } } } catch (Exception $e) { } } $handler::setVar('categories', $categories); $explore_semantics = [ 'recent' => [ 'label' => _s('Recent'), 'icon' => 'icon-ccw', ], 'trending' => [ 'label' => _s('Trending'), 'icon' => 'icon-fire', ], 'animated' => [ 'label' => _s('Animated'), 'icon' => 'icon-play4', ], ]; if (!getSetting('enable_likes')) { unset($explore_semantics['popular']); } if (!in_array('gif', Image::getEnabledImageFormats())) { unset($explore_semantics['animated']); } foreach ($explore_semantics as $k => &$v) { $v['url'] = G\get_base_url('explore/' . $k); } unset($v); $handler::setVar('explore_semantics', $explore_semantics); // Get active AND visible pages $pages_visible_db = Page::getAll(['is_active' => 1, 'is_link_visible' => 1], ['field' => 'sort_display', 'order' => 'ASC']); $handler::setVar('page_tos', Page::getSingle('tos')); $handler::setVar('page_privacy', Page::getSingle('privacy')); $pages_visible = []; if ($pages_visible_db) { foreach ($pages_visible_db as $k => $v) { if (!$v['is_active'] && !$v['is_link_visible']) { continue; } $pages_visible[$v['id']] = $v; } } if (getSetting('enable_plugin_route')) { $plugin_page = [ 'type' => 'link', 'link_url' => G\get_base_url('plugin'), 'icon' => 'icon-code2', 'title' => _s('Plugin'), 'is_active' => 1, 'is_link_visible' => 1, ]; Page::fill($plugin_page); array_unshift($pages_visible, $plugin_page); } $handler::setVar('pages_link_visible', $pages_visible); // Allowed/Enabled upload conditional $upload_enabled = Login::isAdmin() ? true : getSetting('enable_uploads'); $upload_allowed = $upload_enabled; if (!Login::getUser()) { if (!getSetting('guest_uploads') || getSetting('website_privacy_mode') == 'private' || $handler::getCond('maintenance')) { $upload_allowed = false; } } elseif (!Login::isAdmin() && getSetting('website_mode') == 'personal' && getSetting('website_mode_personal_uid') !== Login::getUser()['id']) { $upload_allowed = false; } // Guest upload limit, sets local value if (!Login::getUser() && $upload_allowed && getSetting('upload_max_filesize_mb_guest')) { Settings::setValue('upload_max_filesize_mb_bak', getSetting('upload_max_filesize_mb')); Settings::setValue('upload_max_filesize_mb', getSetting('upload_max_filesize_mb_guest')); } $handler::setCond('upload_enabled', $upload_enabled); // System allows to upload? $handler::setCond('upload_allowed', $upload_allowed); // Target peer can upload? // Maintenance mode + Consent screen if ($handler::getCond('maintenance') || $handler::getCond('show_consent_screen')) { $handler::setCond('private_gate', true); $allowed_requests = ['login', 'account', 'connect']; if (!in_array($handler->request_array[0], $allowed_requests)) { $handler->preventRoute($handler::getCond('show_consent_screen') ? 'consent-screen' : 'maintenance'); } } // Inject system notices $handler::setVar('system_notices', Login::isAdmin() ? getSystemNotices() : null); if (!in_array($handler->request_array[0], ['login', 'signup', 'account', 'connect', 'logout', 'json', 'api'])) { $_SESSION['last_url'] = G\get_current_url(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['is_mobile_device'])) { $_SESSION['is_mobile_device'] = false; if (@require_once CHV_APP_PATH_LIB_VENDOR . '/serbanghita/Mobile_Detect.php') { $detect = new \Mobile_Detect; $_SESSION['is_mobile_device'] = $detect->isMobile(); } } $handler::setCond('mobile_device', isset($_SESSION['is_mobile_device']) ? $_SESSION['is_mobile_device'] : null); $handler::setCond('show_viewer_zero', false); }; // hook } // hook before? if (!isset($hook_after)) { $hook_after = function ($handler) { if ($handler->template == 404) { unset($_SESSION['last_url']); $handler::setVar('doctitle', _s("That page doesn't exist") . ' (404) - ' . getSetting('website_name')); } }; } new G\Handler(['before' => $hook_before, 'after' => $hook_after]); $_SESSION['REQUEST_REFERER'] = G\get_current_url(); // Save in session the current internal request } catch (Exception $e) { G\exception_to_error($e); }