Copyright (C) 2013 Rodolfo Berrios A. All rights reserved. BY USING THIS SOFTWARE YOU DECLARE TO ACCEPT THE CHEVERETO EULA --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ namespace CHV; use G; if(!defined('access') or !access) die('This file cannot be directly accessed.'); /** * SYSTEM INTEGRITY CHECK * Welcome to the jungle of non-standard PHP setups * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function check_system_integrity() { $settings = Settings::get(); /*** Check server requirements ***/ // Try to fix session crap setups (OVH) @ini_set('session.gc_divisor', 100); @ini_set('session.gc_probability', TRUE); @ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', FALSE); @ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', TRUE); @ini_set('session.hash_bits_per_character', 4); $missing_tpl = '%n (%f) %t is disabled in this server. This %t must be enabled in your PHP configuration (php.ini) and/or you must add this missing %t.'; if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '<')) { $install_errors[] = 'This server is currently running PHP version '.PHP_VERSION.' and Chevereto needs at least PHP 5.4.0 to run. You need to update PHP in this server.'; } if(ini_get('allow_url_fopen') !== 1 && !function_exists('curl_init')) { $install_errors[] = "cURL isn't installed and allow_url_fopen is disabled. Chevereto needs one of these to perform HTTP requests to remote servers."; } if(preg_match('/apache/i', $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && function_exists('apache_get_modules') && !in_array('mod_rewrite', apache_get_modules())) { $install_errors[] = 'Apache mod_rewrite is not enabled in this server. This must be enabled to run Chevereto.'; } if(!extension_loaded('gd') && !function_exists('gd_info')) { $install_errors[] = 'GD Library is not enabled in this server. GD is needed to perform image handling.'; } else { $imagetype_fail = 'image support is not enabled in your current PHP setup (GD Library).'; if(!imagetypes() & IMG_PNG) $install_errors[] = 'PNG ' . $imagetype_fail; if(!imagetypes() & IMG_GIF) $install_errors[] = 'GIF ' . $imagetype_fail; if(!imagetypes() & IMG_JPG) $install_errors[] = 'JPG ' . $imagetype_fail; if(!imagetypes() & IMG_WBMP) $install_errors[] = 'BMP ' . $imagetype_fail; } foreach([ 'pdo' => [ '%label'=> 'PDO', '%name' => 'PHP Data Objects', '%slug' => 'book.pdo', '%desc' => 'PDO is needed to perform database operations' ], 'pdo_mysql' => [ '%label'=> 'PDO_MYSQL', '%name' => 'PDO MySQL Functions', '%slug' => 'ref.pdo-mysql', '%desc' => 'PDO_MYSQL is needed to work with a MySQL database', ], 'mbstring' => [ '%label'=> 'mbstring', '%name' => 'Multibyte string', '%slug' => 'book.mbstring', '%desc' => 'Mbstring is needed to handle multibyte strings', ] ] as $k => $v) { if(!extension_loaded($k)) { $install_errors[] = strtr('%name (%label) is not loaded in this server. %desc.', $v); } } // Check those bundled classes $disabled_classes = explode(',', preg_replace('/\s+/', '', @ini_get('disable_classes'))); if(!empty($disabled_classes)) { foreach(['DirectoryIterator', 'RegexIterator', 'Pdo', 'Exception'] as $k) { if(in_array($k, $disabled_classes)) { $install_errors[] = strtr(str_replace('%t', 'class', $missing_tpl), ['%n' => $k, '%f' => $k, '%u' => str_replace('_', '-', strtolower($k))]); } } } // Check those missing functions foreach([ 'utf8_encode' => 'UTF-8 encode', 'utf8_decode' => 'UTF-8 decode' ] as $k => $v) { if(!function_exists($k)) { $install_errors[] = strtr(str_replace('%t', 'function', $missing_tpl), ['%n' => $v, '%f' => $k, '%u' => str_replace('_', '-', $k)]); } } /*** Folders check ***/ // Check writtable folders $writting_paths = [CHV_PATH_IMAGES, CHV_PATH_CONTENT, CHV_APP_PATH_CONTENT, CHV_APP_PATH_CONTENT_LOCKS]; foreach($writting_paths as $v) { if(!file_exists($v)) { // Exists? if(!@mkdir($v)) { $install_errors[] = "".G\absolute_to_relative($v)." doesn't exists. Make sure to upload it."; } } else { // Can write? if(!is_writable($v)) { $install_errors[] = 'No write permission in '.G\absolute_to_relative($v).' directory. Chevereto needs to be able to write in this directory.'; } } } /*** System template file check ***/ $system_template = CHV_APP_PATH_CONTENT_SYSTEM . 'template.php'; if(!file_exists($system_template)) { $install_errors[] = "".G\absolute_to_relative($system_template)." doesn't exists. Make sure to upload this."; } /*** License file ***/ $license_file = G_APP_PATH . 'license/check.php'; if(!file_exists($license_file)) { $install_errors[] = "Can't find ".G\absolute_to_relative($license_file)." file. Make sure to upload the app/license folder."; } else { require_once($license_file); } /*** .htaccess checks (only for Apache) ***/ if(G\is_apache()) { // Check for the root .htaccess file if(!file_exists(G_ROOT_PATH . '.htaccess')) { $install_errors[] = "Can't find root .htaccess file. Re-upload this file and take note that in some computers this file could be hidden in your local folder."; } // Check for the other .htaccess files $htaccess_files = array(CHV_PATH_IMAGES, G_APP_PATH); foreach($htaccess_files as $dir) { if(file_exists($dir . '.htaccess')) continue; switch($dir) { case CHV_PATH_IMAGES: $rules = 'static'; break; case G_APP_PATH: $rules = 'deny_php'; break; } $htaccess_file = G\generate_htaccess($rules, $dir, NULL, true); if(!$htaccess_file and $dir == G_APP_PATH) { $install_errors[] = "Can't create " . G\absolute_to_relative($dir) . '.htaccess file. The file must be uploaded manually to this path.
Alternatively you can create the file yourself with this contents:

'; } } } if(is_array($install_errors) && count($install_errors) > 0){ Render\chevereto_die($install_errors); } }