Copyright (C) Rodolfo Berrios A. All rights reserved. BY USING THIS SOFTWARE YOU DECLARE TO ACCEPT THE CHEVERETO EULA --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ namespace CHV; use G, Exception; if(!defined('access') or !access) die('This file cannot be directly accessed.'); try { if(!is_null(getSetting('chevereto_version_installed')) and !Login::getUser()['is_admin']) { G\set_status_header(403); die('Request denied. You must be an admin to be here.'); } if(!class_exists('ZipArchive')) { throw new Exception("PHP ZipArchive class is not enabled in this server"); } if(!is_writable(G_ROOT_PATH)) { throw new Exception(sprintf("Can't write into root %s path", G\absolute_to_relative(G_ROOT_PATH))); } $update_temp_dir = CHV_APP_PATH_INSTALL . 'update/temp/'; if(!is_writable($update_temp_dir)) { throw new Exception(sprintf("Can't write into %s path", G\absolute_to_relative($update_temp_dir))); } if(!isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { $doctitle = _s('Update in progress'); $system_template = CHV_APP_PATH_CONTENT_SYSTEM . 'template.php'; $update_template = dirname($update_temp_dir) . '/template/update.php'; if(file_exists($update_template)) { ob_start(); require_once($update_template); $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { throw new Exception("Can't find " . G\absolute_to_relative($update_template)); } if(!@require_once($system_template)) { throw new Exception("Can't find " . G\absolute_to_relative($system_template)); } } else { $CHEVERETO = Settings::getChevereto(); set_time_limit(300); // Allow up to five minutes... switch($_REQUEST['action']) { case 'ask': try { $json_array = json_decode(G\fetch_url($CHEVERETO['api']['get']['info'], FALSE, [ CURLOPT_REFERER => G\get_base_url() ]), TRUE); $json_array['success'] = ['message' => 'OK']; // "success" is a Chevereto internal thing } catch(Exception $e) { throw new Exception(sprintf('Fatal error: %s', $e->getMessage()) , 400); } break; case 'download': try { $version = $_REQUEST['version']; $context = stream_context_create([ 'http'=> [ 'method' => 'GET', 'header' => "User-agent: " . G_APP_GITHUB_REPO . "\r\n" ] ]); $download = @file_get_contents('' . G_APP_GITHUB_OWNER . '/' . G_APP_GITHUB_REPO . '/zipball/'.$version, FALSE, $context); if($download === FALSE) { throw new Exception(sprintf("Can't fetch " . G_APP_NAME . " v%s from GitHub", $version), 400); } $github_json = json_decode($download, TRUE); if(json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE) { throw new Exception("Can't proceed with update procedure"); } else { // Get Content-Disposition header from GitHub foreach($http_response_header as $header) { if(preg_match('/^Content-Disposition:.*filename=(.*)$/i', $header, $matches)) { $zip_local_filename = G\str_replace_last('.zip', '_' . G\random_string(24) . '.zip', $matches[1]); break; } } if(!isset($zip_local_filename)) { throw new Exception("Can't grab content-disposition header from GitHub"); } if(file_put_contents($update_temp_dir . $zip_local_filename, $download) === FALSE) { throw new Exception(_s("Can't save file")); } $json_array = [ 'success' => [ 'message' => 'Download completed', 'code' => 200 ], 'download' => [ 'filename' => $zip_local_filename ] ]; } } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception(_s("Can't download %s", $version == 'latest' ? 'Chevereto' : ('v' . $version)) . ' (' . $e->getMessage() . ')'); } break; case 'extract': $zip_file = $update_temp_dir . $_REQUEST['file']; if(FALSE === preg_match('/^Chevereto-Chevereto-Free-([\d.]+)-\d+-g(.*)_.*$/', $_REQUEST['file'], $matches)) { throw new Exception("Can't detect target zip file version"); } $version = $matches[1]; $etag_short = $matches[2]; // Test .zip if(!is_readable($zip_file)) { throw new Exception('Missing '.$zip_file.' file', 400); } // Unzip .zip $zip = new \ZipArchive; if ($zip->open($zip_file) === TRUE) { // At this point we will enter the website in maintenance mode (if needed) try { $toggle_maintenance = !getSetting('maintenance'); if($toggle_maintenance) { DB::update('settings', ['value' => $toggle_maintenance], ['name' => 'maintenance']); } } catch (Exception $e) {} $zip->extractTo($update_temp_dir); $zip->close(); @unlink($zip_file); } else { throw new Exception(_s("Can't extract %s", G\absolute_to_relative($zip_file)), 401); } // Recursive copy UPDATE -> CURRENT $source = $update_temp_dir . G_APP_GITHUB_OWNER . '-' . G_APP_GITHUB_REPO . '-' . $etag_short . '/'; $dest = G_ROOT_PATH; foreach ($iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($source, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST) as $item) { $target = $dest . $iterator->getSubPathName(); $target_visible = G\absolute_to_relative($target); if ($item->isDir()) { if(!file_exists($target) and !@mkdir($target)) { $error = error_get_last(); throw new Exception(_s("Can't create %s directory - %e", [ '%s' => $target_visible, '%e' => $error['message'] ]), 402); } } else { // Touch anything but .htaccess files if(!preg_match('/\.htaccess$/', $item)) { if(!@copy($item, $target)) { $error = error_get_last(); throw new Exception(_s("Can't update %s file - %e", [ '%s' => $target_visible, '%e' => $error['message'] ]), 403); } } unlink($item); // Save some valuable seconds... } } // Remove working copy (UPDATE) $tmp = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($update_temp_dir, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); foreach ($tmp as $fileinfo) { $todo = ($fileinfo->isDir() ? 'rmdir' : 'unlink'); $todo($fileinfo->getRealPath()); } // Turn off maintenance mode (if needed) try { if($toggle_maintenance) { DB::update('settings', ['value' => 0], ['name' => 'maintenance']); } } catch (Exception $e) {} $json_array['success'] = ['message' => 'OK', 'code' => 200]; break; } // Inject any missing status_code if(isset($json_array['success']) and !isset($json_array['status_code'])) { $json_array['status_code'] = 200; } $json_array['request'] = $_REQUEST; G\Render\json_output($json_array); } die(); // Terminate any remaining execution (if any) } catch (Exception $e) { if(!isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { Render\chevereto_die($e->getMessage(), "This installation can't use the automatic update functionality because this server is missing some crucial elements to allow Chevereto to perform the automatic update:", "Can't perform automatic update"); } else { $json_array = G\json_error($e); $json_array['request'] = $_REQUEST; G\Render\json_output($json_array); } }