Copyright (c) Rodolfo Berrios All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ namespace G\Render; use G; /** * INCLUDE TAGS * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function include_theme_file($filename, $args=[]) { $file = G_APP_PATH_THEME . $filename; $override = G_APP_PATH_THEME . 'overrides/' . $filename; if (!file_exists($file)) { $file .= '.php'; $override .= '.php'; } if (file_exists($override)) { $file = $override; } if (file_exists($file)) { $GLOBALS['theme_include_args'] = $args; include($file); unset($GLOBALS['theme_include_args']); } } function include_theme_header() { include_theme_file('header'); } function include_theme_footer() { include_theme_file('footer'); } function get_theme_file_contents($filename) { $file = G_APP_PATH_THEME . $filename; return file_exists($file) ? file_get_contents($file) : null; } /** * THEME DATA FUNCTIONS * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function get_theme_file_url($string) { return BASE_URL_THEME . $string; } /** * ASSETS * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Return app lib file url function get_app_lib_file_url($string) { return (defined('APP_G_APP_LIB_URL') ? APP_G_APP_LIB_URL : G_APP_LIB_URL) . $string; } // Returns the HTML input with the auth token function get_input_auth_token($name='auth_token') { return ''; } /** * NON HTML OUTPUT * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Outputs the REST_API array to xml function xml_output($data=[]) { error_reporting(0); //@ini_set('display_errors', false); if (ob_get_level() === 0 and !ob_start('ob_gzhandler')) { ob_start(); } header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")."GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Content-Type:text/xml; charset=UTF-8"); $out = ''."\n"; if ($data['status_code']) { $out .= "$data[status_code]\n"; if (!$data['status_txt']) { $data['status_txt'] = G\get_set_status_header_desc($data['status_code']); } $out .= "$data[status_txt]\n"; } unset($data['status_code'], $data['status_txt']); if ($data !== []) { foreach ($data as $key => $array) { $out .= "<$key>\n"; foreach ($array as $prop => $value) { $out .= " <$prop>$value\n"; } $out .= "\n"; } } echo $out; die(); } // Procedural function to output an array to json function json_output($data=[], $callback=null) { error_reporting(0); //@ini_set('display_errors', false); if (ob_get_level() === 0 and !ob_start('ob_gzhandler')) { ob_start(); } header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s').'GMT'); header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'); // Invalid json request if (!G\check_value($data) || (G\check_value($callback) and preg_match('/\W/', $callback))) { G\set_status_header(400); $json_fail = [ 'status_code' => 400, 'status_txt' => G\get_set_status_header_desc(400), 'error' => [ 'message' => 'no request data present', 'code' => null ] ]; die(json_encode($json_fail)); } if ($data['status_code'] && !$data['status_txt']) { $data['status_txt'] = G\get_set_status_header_desc($data['status_code']); } $json_encode = json_encode($data); if (!$json_encode) { // Json failed G\set_status_header(500); $json_fail = [ 'status_code' => 500, 'status_txt' => G\get_set_status_header_desc(500), 'error' => [ 'message' => "data couldn't be encoded into json", 'code' => null ] ]; die(json_encode($json_fail)); } G\set_status_header($data['status_code']); if (!is_null($callback)) { print sprintf('%s(%s);', $callback, $json_encode); } else { print $json_encode; } die(); }