Copyright (c) Rodolfo Berrios All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ namespace G; if(!defined('access') or !access) die("This file cannot be directly accessed."); define('G_VERSION', '1.0.32'); // Error reporting setup @ini_set('log_errors', TRUE); error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); // Set the encoding to UTF-8 @ini_set('default_charset', 'utf-8'); // Can work with sessions? if(!@session_start()) die("G\: This server can't work with sessions."); // Are sessions working properly? $_SESSION['G'] = TRUE; if(!$_SESSION['G']) die("G\: Sessions are not working properly. Check for any conflicting server setting."); // Set the starting execution time define('G_APP_TIME_EXECUTION_START', microtime(true)); // Include G\ core functions (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/functions.php')) ? require_once(__DIR__ . '/functions.php') : die("G\: Can't find " . __DIR__ . '/functions.php' . '. Make sure that this file exists.'); if(file_exists(__DIR__ . '/functions.render.php')) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/functions.render.php'); } // Set G\ paths and files define('G_ROOT_PATH', rtrim(forward_slash(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))), '/') . '/'); define('G_ROOT_PATH_RELATIVE', rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '\/') . '/'); define('G_ROOT_LIB_PATH', G_ROOT_PATH . 'lib/'); define('G_PATH', G_ROOT_LIB_PATH . 'G/'); define('G_PATH_CLASSES', G_PATH . 'classes/'); define('G_FILE_FUNCTIONS', G_PATH . 'functions.php'); define('G_FILE_FUNCTIONS_RENDER', G_PATH . 'functions.render.php'); // Set app paths define('G_APP_PATH', rtrim(forward_slash(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))), '/') . '/app/'); define('G_APP_PATH_LIB', G_APP_PATH . 'lib/'); define('G_APP_PATH_ROUTES', G_APP_PATH . 'routes/'); define('G_APP_PATH_ROUTES_OVERRIDES', G_APP_PATH_ROUTES . 'overrides/'); define('G_APP_PATH_CLASSES', G_APP_PATH_LIB . 'classes/'); define('G_APP_FILE_FUNCTIONS', G_APP_PATH_LIB . 'functions.php'); define('G_APP_FILE_FUNCTIONS_RENDER', G_APP_PATH_LIB . 'functions.render.php'); define('G_APP_SETTINGS_FILE_ERROR', '
There are errors in the %%FILE%% file. Change the encodig to "UTF-8 without BOM" using Notepad++ or any similar code editor and remove any character before <?php'); // Include the static app config file (file_exists(G_APP_PATH . 'settings.php')) ? require_once(G_APP_PATH . 'settings.php') : die("G\: Can't find app/settings.php"); if(headers_sent()) die(str_replace('%%FILE%%', 'app/settings.php', G_APP_SETTINGS_FILE_ERROR)); // Stop on premature headers if(isset($settings) and $settings['error_reporting'] === false) { error_reporting(0); } // Set the default timezone if(isset($settings['default_timezone']) and is_valid_timezone($settings['default_timezone'])) { date_default_timezone_set($settings['default_timezone']); } // Set the system environment if(isset($settings['environment'])) { define('G_APP_ENV', $settings['environment']); } // Set the HTTP definitions define('G_HTTP_HOST', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); define('G_HTTP_PROTOCOL', ((!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) and strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on' ) or $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https') ? 'https' : 'http'); // Fix some $_SERVER vars $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = forward_slash($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = forward_slash($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); // Fix CloudFlare REMOTE_ADDR if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'])) { $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP']; } // Inherit application definitions if(file_exists(G_APP_PATH . 'app.php')) { require_once(G_APP_PATH . 'app.php'); } // Set the DB constants foreach(['host', 'port', 'name', 'user', 'pass', 'driver', 'pdo_attrs'] as $k) { define('G_APP_DB_' . strtoupper($k), isset($settings['db_' . $k]) ? $settings['db_' . $k] : NULL); } // Include app functions (file_exists(G_APP_FILE_FUNCTIONS)) ? require_once(G_APP_FILE_FUNCTIONS) : die("G\: Can't find " . G_APP_FILE_FUNCTIONS . '. Make sure that this file exists.'); if(file_exists(G_APP_FILE_FUNCTIONS_RENDER)) { require_once(G_APP_FILE_FUNCTIONS_RENDER); } // Set the URLs define("G_ROOT_URL", G_HTTP_PROTOCOL . "://".G_HTTP_HOST . G_ROOT_PATH_RELATIVE); // http(s):// define("G_ROOT_LIB_URL", absolute_to_url(G_ROOT_LIB_PATH)); define("G_APP_LIB_URL", absolute_to_url(G_APP_PATH_LIB)); // Define the app theme define('G_APP_PATH_THEMES', G_APP_PATH . 'themes/'); if(!file_exists(G_APP_PATH_THEMES)) { die("G\: Theme path doesn't exists!"); } if(isset($settings['theme']) and file_exists(G_APP_PATH_THEMES . $settings['theme'])) { define('G_APP_PATH_THEME', G_APP_PATH_THEMES . $settings['theme'].'/'); define('BASE_URL_THEME', absolute_to_url(G_APP_PATH_THEME)); }