Copyright (C) Rodolfo Berrios A. All rights reserved. BY USING THIS SOFTWARE YOU DECLARE TO ACCEPT THE CHEVERETO EULA --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $route = function($handler) { try { // 0 -> username // 1 -> ?QS | albums | search // 2 -> albums/?QS | search/?QS if($handler->isRequestLevel($handler::getCond('mapped_route') ? 4 : 5)) return $handler->issue404(); // Allow only N levels // Handle the request for /user and /username routing $request_handle = $handler::getCond('mapped_route') ? $handler->request_array : $handler->request; // Handle the request for /album or /search (personal mode ON + '/' routing) if(CHV\getSetting('website_mode') == 'personal' and CHV\getSetting('website_mode_personal_routing') == '/' and in_array($request_handle[0], ['albums', 'search', 'following', 'followers'])) { $request_handle = [1 => $request_handle[0]]; } // Username handle $username = $request_handle[0]; // Detect mapped args if($handler::getCond('mapped_route') and $handler::$mapped_args) { $mapped_args = $handler::$mapped_args; } if($mapped_args['id']) { $id = $handler::$mapped_args['id']; } if(is_null($username) and is_null($id)) { return $handler->issue404(); } // User routing redirect if(CHV\getSetting('user_routing') and $handler->request_array[0] == 'user') { G\redirect(preg_replace('#/user/#', '/', G\get_current_url(), 1)); } $logged_user = CHV\Login::getUser(); // Logged user status override redirect CHV\User::statusRedirect($logged_user['status']); $userhandle = is_null($id) ? 'username' : 'id'; $user = CHV\User::getSingle($$userhandle, $userhandle); $is_owner = $user['id'] == $logged_user['id']; // No user or invalid status if(!$user OR $user['status'] !== 'valid' AND (!$logged_user OR !$logged_user['is_admin'])) { return $handler->issue404(); } // Single user mode redirect if(CHV\getSetting('website_mode') == 'personal' and $user['id'] == CHV\getSetting('website_mode_personal_uid') and $handler->request_array[0] == 'user') { G\redirect(CHV\getSetting('website_mode_personal_routing')); } // Private gate if(!($is_owner || $logged_user['is_admin']) && $user['is_private']) { return $handler->issue404(); } $user_routes = []; $user_views = [ 'images' => [ 'title' => _s("%s's Images"), 'title_short' => _s("Images"), 'doctitle' => '', ], 'albums' => [ 'title' => _s("%s's Albums"), 'title_short' => _s("Albums"), 'doctitle' => '', ], 'search' => [ 'title' => _s('Results for'), 'title_short' => '', 'doctitle' => '', ], ]; foreach($user_views as $k => $v) { // Need to use $k => $v to fetch array key easily array_push($user_routes, $k == 'images' ? $username : $k); } foreach($user_views as $k => $v) { $user_views[$k]['current'] = FALSE; } if($request_handle[1]) { // Sub path user if($request_handle[1] !== $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) { if(!in_array($request_handle[1], $user_routes)) { return $handler->issue404(); } } // Search in user if($request_handle[1] == 'search') { if(!$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) { return $handler->issue404(); } // Invalid list request? if(!empty($_REQUEST['list']) and !in_array($_REQUEST['list'], ['images', 'albums', 'users'])) { return $handler->issue404(); } } } else { $user_views['images']['current'] = TRUE; } $user['followed'] = FALSE; $show_follow_button = FALSE; $handler::setCond('show_follow_button', $show_follow_button); $albums = CHV\User::getAlbums($user["id"]); $pre_doctitle = $user['name']; if(CHV\getSetting('website_mode') == 'community' or $user['id'] !== CHV\getSetting('website_mode_personal_uid')) { $pre_doctitle .= ' ('.$user['username'].')'; } $handler::setVar('pre_doctitle', $pre_doctitle); if(array_key_exists($request_handle[1], $user_views)) { $user_views[$request_handle[1]]['current'] = TRUE; } if($request_handle[1] == 'search') { if(!$_REQUEST['q']) { G\redirect($user['url']); } $user['search'] = [ 'type' => empty($_REQUEST['list']) ? 'images' : $_REQUEST['list'], 'q' => $_REQUEST['q'], 'd' => strlen($_REQUEST['q']) >= 25 ? (substr($_REQUEST['q'], 0, 22) . '...') : $_REQUEST['q'] ]; } // Tabs $base_user_url = $user['url']; foreach($user_views as $k => $v) { $handler::setCond('user_' . $k, $v['current']); if($v['current']) { $current_view = $k; if($current_view !== 'images') { $base_user_url .= '/' . $k; } } } $safe_html_user = G\safe_html($user); switch($current_view) { case 'images': case 'liked': $type = "images"; $tools = $is_owner || $logged_user['is_admin']; $current = FALSE; if($current_view == 'liked') { $tools_available = $handler::getCond('admin') ? ['delete', 'category', 'flag'] : ['embed']; } break; case 'following': case 'followers': $type = 'users'; $tools = FALSE; $params_hidden = [$current_view . '_user_id' => $user['id_encoded']]; $params_remove_keys = ['list']; break; case 'albums': $type = "albums"; $tools = TRUE; break; case 'search': $type = $user['search']['type']; $tabs = [ [ 'type' => 'images', 'label' => _n('Image', 'Images', 2), 'id' => 'list-user-images', 'current' => $_REQUEST['list'] == 'images' || !$_REQUEST['list'], ], [ 'type' => 'albums', 'label' => _n('Album', 'Albums', 2), 'id' => 'list-user-albums', 'current' => $_REQUEST['list'] == 'albums', ] ]; foreach($tabs as $k => $v) { $params = [ 'list' => $v['type'], 'q' => $safe_html_user['search']['q'], 'sort' => 'date_desc', 'page' => '1', ]; $tabs[$k]['params'] = http_build_query($params); $tabs[$k]['url'] = $base_user_url . '/?' . $tabs[$k]['params']; } break; } if($user_views['albums']['current']) { $params_hidden['list'] = 'albums'; } $params_hidden['userid'] = $user['id_encoded']; $params_hidden['from'] = 'user'; if(!$tabs) { $tabs = CHV\Listing::getTabs([ 'listing' => $type, 'basename' => $base_user_url, 'tools' => $tools, 'tools_available' => $tools_available, 'params_hidden' => $params_hidden, 'params_remove_keys'=> $params_remove_keys, ]); } foreach($tabs as $k => &$v) { if($params_hidden && !array_key_exists('params_hidden', $tabs)) { $tabs[$k]['params_hidden'] = http_build_query($params_hidden); } $v['disabled'] = $user[($user_views['images']['current'] ? 'image' : 'album') . '_count'] == 0 ? !$v['current'] : FALSE; } // Listings if($user["image_count"] > 0 OR $user["album_count"] > 0 OR in_array($current_view, ['liked', 'following', 'followers'])) { $list_params = CHV\Listing::getParams(); // Use CHV magic params if($list_params['sort'][0] == 'likes') { $handler->issue404(); } $tpl = $type; switch($current_view) { case 'liked': $where = 'WHERE like_user_id=:user_id'; $tpl = 'liked'; break; case 'following': $where = 'WHERE follow_user_id=:user_id'; break; case 'followers': $where = 'WHERE follow_followed_user_id=:user_id'; break; default: $where = $type == 'images' ? 'WHERE image_user_id=:user_id' : 'WHERE album_user_id=:user_id'; break; } $output_tpl = 'user/' . $tpl; if($user_views['search']['current']) { $type = $user["search"]["type"]; $where = $user["search"]["type"] == "images" ? "WHERE image_user_id=:user_id AND MATCH(image_name, image_title, image_description, image_original_filename) AGAINST(:q)" : "WHERE album_user_id=:user_id AND MATCH(album_name, album_description) AGAINST(:q)"; } $show_user_items_editor = CHV\Login::getUser() ? TRUE : FALSE; if($type == 'albums') { $show_user_items_editor = FALSE; } try { $list = new CHV\Listing; $list->setType($type); // images | users | albums $list->setOffset($list_params['offset']); $list->setLimit($list_params['limit']); // how many results? $list->setItemsPerPage($list_params['items_per_page']); // must $list->setSortType($list_params['sort'][0]); // date | size | views | likes $list->setSortOrder($list_params['sort'][1]); // asc | desc $list->setWhere($where); $list->setOwner($user["id"]); $list->setRequester(CHV\Login::getUser()); if($is_owner or $logged_user['is_admin']) { if($type == 'users') { $list->setTools(FALSE); $show_user_items_editor = FALSE; } else { if($current_view == 'liked') { $list->setTools($user['id'] == $logged_user['id'] ? ['embed'] : []); } else { $list->setTools(TRUE); } } } $list->bind(":user_id", $user["id"]); if($user_views['search']['current'] AND !empty($user['search']['q'])) { $list->bind(':q', $q ?: $user['search']['q']); } $list->output_tpl = $output_tpl; $list->exec(); } catch(Exception $e) {} // Silence to avoid wrong input queries } $title = sprintf($user_views[$current_view]['title'], $user['firstname_html']); $title_short = sprintf($user_views[$current_view]['title_short'], $user['firstname_html']); $handler::setCond('owner', $is_owner); $handler::setCond('show_user_items_editor', $show_user_items_editor); $handler::setVar('user', $user); $handler::setVar('safe_html_user', $safe_html_user); $handler::setVar('title', $title); $handler::setVar('title_short', $title_short); $handler::setVar('tabs', $tabs); $handler::setVar('list', $list); // Note, _s must be call like this to bind the PO crawler if($user_views['albums']['current']) { $meta_description = _s('%n (%u) albums on %w'); } else { if($user['bio']) { $meta_description = $safe_html_user['bio']; } else { $meta_description = _s('%n (%u) on %w'); } } $handler::setVar('meta_description', strtr($meta_description, ['%n' => $user['name'], '%u' => $user['username'], '%w' => CHV\getSetting('website_name')])); if($handler::getCond('admin') or $is_owner) { $handler::setVar('user_items_editor', [ "user_albums" => CHV\User::getAlbums($user["id"]), "type" => $user_views['albums']['current'] ? "albums": "images" ]); } } catch(Exception $e) { G\exception_to_error($e); } };