For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code. --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ namespace CHV; use G; use Exception; class User { public static function getSingle($var, $by = 'id', $pretty = true) { try { $user_db = DB::get('users', [$by => $var], 'AND', null, 1); if (!$user_db) { return null; } $logins = Login::get(['user_id' => $user_db['user_id']]); $logins_aux = []; foreach ($logins as $k => $v) { $logins_aux[$v['type']][] = $v; } $user_db['user_login'] = $logins_aux; $user_db['user_login_rows'] = count($logins); // Count labels foreach (['user_image_count', 'user_album_count'] as $v) { if (is_null($user_db[$v]) or $user_db[$v] < 0) { $user_db[$v] = 0; } } // Content manager? $user_db['user_is_content_manager'] = $user_db['user_is_admin'] || $user_db['user_is_manager']; if (!array_key_exists('user_following', $user_db)) { $user_db['user_following'] = 0; } if (!array_key_exists('user_followers', $user_db)) { $user_db['user_followers'] = 0; } // Remove any unwanted tag from user_name $user_db['user_name'] = self::sanitizeUserName($user_db['user_name']); if ($pretty) { $user_db = self::formatArray($user_db); } return $user_db; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new UserException($e->getMessage(), 400); } } public static function getPrivate() { return [ 'name' => _s('Private profile'), 'username' => 'private', 'name_short' => _s('Private'), 'url' => G\get_base_url(), 'album_count' => 0, 'image_count' => 0, 'image_count_label' => _n('image', 'images', 0), 'album_count_display' => 0, 'image_count_display' => 0, 'is_private' => true ]; } public static function getAlbums($var) { try { $id = is_array($var) ? $var['id'] : $var; $user_albums = []; // Build the user stream $user_stream = self::getStreamAlbum($var); if (is_array($user_stream)) { $user_albums['stream'] = $user_stream; } $db = DB::getInstance(); $db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . DB::getTable('albums') . ' WHERE album_user_id=:image_user_id ORDER BY album_name ASC'); $db->bind(':image_user_id', $id); $user_albums_db = $db->fetchAll(); if ($user_albums_db) { $user_albums += $user_albums_db; } foreach ($user_albums as $k => &$v) { if ($v['album_image_count'] < 0) { $v['album_image_count'] = 0; } $user_albums[$k] = DB::formatRow($v, 'album'); Album::fill($user_albums[$k]); } return $user_albums; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new UserException($e->getMessage(), 400); } } public static function getStreamAlbum($user) { try { // Need to ask for user? if (!is_array($user)) { $user = self::getSingle($user, 'id', true); } if ($user) { return array( 'album_id' => null, 'album_id_encoded' => null, 'album_name' => _s("%s's images", $user['name_short']), 'album_user_id' => $user['id'], 'album_privacy' => 'public', 'album_url' => $user['url'] ); } } catch (Exception $e) { throw new UserException($e->getMessage(), 400); } } public static function getUrl($handle) { $username = is_array($handle) ? $handle[$handle['user_username'] ? 'user_username' : 'username'] : $handle; $id = is_array($handle) ? $handle[$handle['user_id'] ? 'user_id' : 'id'] : null; $path = getSetting('user_routing') ? null : 'user/'; $url = $path . $username; // Single user mode on if (is_array($handle) and getSetting('website_mode') == 'personal' and $id == getSetting('website_mode_personal_uid')) { $url = getSetting('website_mode_personal_routing') !== '/' ? getSetting('website_mode_personal_routing') : null; } if (getSetting('user_subdomain_wildcard')) { return get_base_url_wildcard(null, $username); } else { return G\get_base_url($url); } } public static function getUrlAlbums($user_url) { return rtrim($user_url, '/') . '/albums'; } /* Insert user * @returns uid */ public static function insert($values) { try { if (!is_array($values)) { throw new DBException('Expecting array values, ' . gettype($values) . ' given in ' . __METHOD__, 100); } // TODO: Role handler (for importer) if (!$values['date']) { $values['date'] = G\datetime(); } if (!$values['date_gmt']) { $values['date_gmt'] = G\datetimegmt(); } if (!$values['language']) { $values['language'] = getSetting('default_language'); } if (!$values['timezone']) { $values['timezone'] = getSetting('default_timezone'); } if (isset($values['name'])) { $values['name'] = self::sanitizeUserName($values['name']); } if (empty($values['registration_ip'])) { $values['registration_ip'] = G\get_client_ip(); } if (!array_key_exists('is_dark_mode', $values)) { $values['is_dark_mode'] = Settings::get('theme_tone') == 'dark'; } // Detect flood (son 48 horas que hay que aprovechar) if (!Login::getUser()['is_admin']) { $db = DB::getInstance(); $db->query('SELECT COUNT(*) c FROM ' . DB::getTable('users') . ' WHERE user_registration_ip=:ip AND user_status != "valid" AND user_date_gmt >= DATE_SUB(UTC_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL 2 DAY)'); $db->bind(':ip', $values['registration_ip']); if ($db->fetchSingle()['c'] > 5) { throw new Exception('Flood detected', 666); } } $user_id = DB::insert('users', $values); // Email notify if (!Login::getUser()['is_admin'] && Settings::get('notify_user_signups')) { $message = implode('
', [ 'A new user has just signed up %user (%edit)', '', 'Username: %username', 'Email: %email', 'Status: %status', 'IP: %registration_ip', 'Date (GMT): %date_gmt', '', 'You can disable these notifications on %configure' ]); foreach (['username', 'email', 'status', 'registration_ip', 'date_gmt'] as $k) { $table['%' . $k] = $values[$k]; } $table['%edit'] = 'edit'; $table['%user'] = '' . $values['username'] . ''; $table['%configure'] = 'dashboard/settings/users'; system_notification_email([ 'subject' => sprintf('New user signup %s', $values['username']), 'message' => strtr($message, $table), ]); } // Track stats Stat::track([ 'action' => 'insert', 'table' => 'users', 'value' => '+1', 'date_gmt' => $values['date_gmt'] ]); return $user_id; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new UserException($e->getMessage(), 400); } } public static function update($id, $values) { try { if (isset($values['name'])) { $values['name'] = self::sanitizeUserName($values['name']); } return DB::update('users', $values, ['id' => $id]); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new UserException($e->getMessage(), 400); } } public static function uploadPicture($user, $type, $source) { $type = strtolower($type); if (!in_array($type, ['background', 'avatar'])) { throw new UserException('unexpected upload value', 403); } if (!is_array($user)) { try { $user = self::getSingle($user, 'id'); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new UserException($e->getMessage(), 400); } } if (!$user) { throw new UserException("target user doesn't exists", 403); } // Upload file try { $user_images_path = CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_USERS . $user['id_encoded']; $image_upload = Image::upload($source, $user_images_path, ($type == 'avatar' ? 'av' : 'bkg') . '_' . strtotime(G\datetimegmt()), ['max_size' => G\get_bytes(Settings::get('user_image_' . $type . '_max_filesize_mb') . ' MB')]); if ($type == 'avatar') { $max_res = ['width' => 160, 'height' => 160]; $must_resize = ($image_upload['uploaded']['fileinfo']['width'] !== $max_res['width'] and $image_upload['uploaded']['fileinfo']['height'] !== $max_res['height']); } else { $max_res = ['width' => 1920]; $must_resize = $image_upload['uploaded']['fileinfo']['width'] > $max_res['width']; // Medium background Image::resize($image_upload['uploaded']['file'], null, $image_upload['uploaded']['name'] . '.md', ['width' => 500]); } if ($must_resize) { $resized = Image::resize($image_upload['uploaded']['file'], null, null, $max_res); } $file_uploaded = $resized ? $resized : $image_upload['uploaded']; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new UserException($e->getMessage(), 400); } if ($file_uploaded) { try { // Ok, now convert this image to compressed JPG $convert = new ImageConvert($file_uploaded['file'], 'jpg', $file_uploaded['file'], 90); $file_uploaded['file'] = $convert->out; // Edit user database $user_edit = self::update($user['id'], [$type . '_filename' => $file_uploaded['filename']]); if ($user_edit) { // delete any old image (silent) if ($user[$type]['url']) { $image_path = G\url_to_absolute($user[$type]['url']); if ($type == 'background') { $pathinfo = pathinfo($image_path); @unlink(str_replace($pathinfo['basename'], $pathinfo['filename'] . '.md.' . $pathinfo['extension'], $image_path)); } @unlink($image_path); } // return the thing return $file_uploaded['fileinfo']; } } catch (Exception $e) { error_log($e); } } } public static function deletePicture($user, $deleting) { $deleting = strtolower($deleting); if (!in_array($deleting, ['background', 'avatar'])) { throw new UserException('Unexpected delete value', 100); } if (!is_array($user)) { $user = self::getSingle($user, 'id', true); } if (!$user) { throw new UserException("Target user doesn't exists", 101); } if (!$user[$deleting]) { throw new UserException('user ' . $deleting . " doesn't exists", 102); } $image_path = G\url_to_absolute($user[$deleting]['url']); if ($deleting == 'background') { $pathinfo = pathinfo($image_path); @unlink(str_replace($pathinfo['basename'], $pathinfo['filename'] . '.md.' . $pathinfo['extension'], $image_path)); } @unlink($image_path); if (!file_exists($image_path)) { try { $edited_user = self::update($user['id'], [$deleting . '_filename' => null]); } catch (Exception $e) { } // Silence } if (!$edited_user) { throw new UserException("Can't delete " . $deleting . " file", 200); } return true; } public static function delete($user) { try { if (!is_array($user)) { $user = self::getSingle($user, 'id', true); } // Delete content user image folder $user_images_path = CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_USERS . $user['id_encoded']; if (!@unlink($user_images_path)) { $files = glob($user_images_path . '/{,.}*', GLOB_BRACE); foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_file($file)) { @unlink($file); } } } // Delete images from disk $db = DB::getInstance(); $db->query('SELECT image_id FROM ' . DB::getTable('images') . ' WHERE image_user_id=:image_user_id'); $db->bind(':image_user_id', $user['id']); $user_images = $db->fetchAll(); foreach ($user_images as $user_image) { Image::delete($user_image['image_id']); } Stat::track([ 'action' => 'delete', 'table' => 'users', 'value' => '-1', 'user_id' => $user['id'], 'date_gmt' => $user['date_gmt'] ]); // Update affected user_likes count $sql = strtr('UPDATE `%table_users` SET user_likes = user_likes - COALESCE((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `%table_likes` WHERE like_user_id = %user_id AND user_id = like_content_user_id AND like_user_id <> like_content_user_id GROUP BY like_content_user_id),"0");', [ '%table_users' => DB::getTable('users'), '%table_likes' => DB::getTable('likes'), '%user_id' => $user['id'], ]); DB::queryExec($sql); // Update affected user_liked count (users who liked content owner by this user) // --> Should happen in Image::delete() // Update affected user_followers count $sql = strtr('UPDATE `%table_users` SET user_followers = user_followers - COALESCE((SELECT 1 FROM `%table_follows` WHERE follow_user_id = %user_id AND user_id = follow_followed_user_id AND follow_user_id <> follow_followed_user_id GROUP BY follow_followed_user_id),"0");', [ '%table_users' => DB::getTable('users'), '%table_follows' => DB::getTable('follows'), '%user_id' => $user['id'], ]); DB::queryExec($sql); // Update affected user_following count $sql = strtr('UPDATE `%table_users` SET user_following = user_following - COALESCE((SELECT 1 FROM `%table_follows` WHERE follow_followed_user_id = %user_id AND user_id = follow_user_id AND follow_user_id <> follow_followed_user_id GROUP BY follow_user_id),"0");', [ '%table_users' => DB::getTable('users'), '%table_follows' => DB::getTable('follows'), '%user_id' => $user['id'], ]); DB::queryExec($sql); DB::delete('albums', ['user_id' => $user['id']]); // Delete albums DB DB::delete('images', ['user_id' => $user['id']]); // Delete images DB DB::delete('logins', ['user_id' => $user['id']]); // Delete logins DB::delete('likes', ['user_id' => $user['id']]); // Delete user likes DB::delete('follows', ['user_id' => $user['id'], 'followed_user_id' => $user['id']], 'OR'); // Delete user's followers and follows DB::delete('users', ['id' => $user['id']]); // Delete user DB } catch (Exception $e) { throw new UserException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } } public static function statusRedirect($status) { if (isset($status) and $status != null and $status !== 'valid') { if ($status == 'awaiting-email') { $status = 'email-needed'; } G\redirect('account/' . $status); } } /** * Checks if a username string is usable as a valid username or not. */ public static function isValidUsername($string) { $restricted = [ 'tag', 'tags', 'categories', 'profile', 'messages', 'map', 'feed', 'events', 'notifications', 'discover', 'upload', 'following', 'followers', 'flow', 'trending', 'popular', 'fresh', 'upcoming', 'editors', 'profiles', 'activity', 'upgrade', 'account', 'affiliates', 'billing', 'do', 'go', 'redirect', 'api', 'sdk', 'plugin', 'plugins', 'tools', 'external', 'importer', ]; $virtual_routes = ['image', 'album']; foreach ($virtual_routes as $k) { $restricted[] = getSetting('route_' . $k); } return preg_match('/' . getSetting('username_pattern') . '/', $string) && !in_array($string, $restricted) && !G\is_route_available($string) && !file_exists(G_ROOT_PATH . $string); } public static function formatArray($object) { try { if ($object) { $output = DB::formatRow($object); self::fill($output); } return $object ? $output : null; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new UserException($e->getMessage(), 400); } } public static function fill(&$user) { $user['id_encoded'] = encodeID($user['id']); // Abbreviated counts $user['image_count_display'] = $user['image_count'] == false ? 0 : G\abbreviate_number($user['image_count']); $user['album_count_display'] = $user['album_count'] == false ? 0 : G\abbreviate_number($user['album_count']); // Populate user URLs $user['url'] = self::getUrl($user); $user['url_albums'] = self::getUrlAlbums($user['url']); $user['url_liked'] = $user['url'] . '/liked'; $user['url_following'] = $user['url'] . '/following'; $user['url_followers'] = $user['url'] . '/followers'; if (!filter_var($user['website'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { unset($user['website']); } // Do some safe cleaning if (isset($user['website'])) { $user['website_safe_html'] = G\safe_html($user['website']); $user['website_display'] = $user['is_admin'] ? $user['website_safe_html'] : get_redirect_url($user['website_safe_html']); } if (isset($user['bio'])) { $user['bio_safe_html'] = G\safe_html($user['bio']); $user['bio_linkify'] = $user['is_admin'] ? G\linkify($user['bio_safe_html'], ['attr' => ['target' => '_blank']]) : linkify_redirector($user['bio_safe_html']); } if (empty($user['name'])) { $user['name'] = ucfirst($user['username']); } foreach (['image_count', 'album_count'] as $v) { $single = $v == 'image_count' ? 'image' : 'album'; $plural = $v == 'image_count' ? 'images' : 'albums'; if (is_callable('_n')) { $user[$v . '_label'] = _n($single, $plural, $user[$v]); } else { $user[$v . '_label'] = $user[$v] == 1 ? $single : $plural; } } // Get first name like "Rodolfo" from "Rodolfo Berrios" $name_array = explode(' ', $user['name']); $user['firstname'] = mb_strlen($name_array[0]) > 20 ? trim(mb_substr($name_array[0], 0, 20, 'UTF-8')) : $name_array[0]; $user['firstname_html'] = G\safe_html(strip_tags($user['firstname'])); // Get short name like Rodolfoverylong Berr from "Rodolfoverylong Berrios" $user['name_short'] = mb_strlen($user['name']) > 20 ? $user['firstname'] : $user['name']; $user['name_short_html'] = G\safe_html(strip_tags($user['name_short'])); if ($user['avatar_filename']) { $avatar_file = $user['id_encoded'] . '/' . $user['avatar_filename']; $avatar_path = CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_USERS . $avatar_file; if (file_exists($avatar_path)) { $user['avatar'] = array( 'filename' => $user['avatar_filename'], 'url' => get_users_image_url($avatar_file) ); } } unset($user['avatar_filename']); if ($user['background_filename']) { $background_file = $user['id_encoded'] . '/' . $user['background_filename']; $background_path = CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_USERS . $background_file; $pathinfo = pathinfo($background_path); $background_md_file = $user['id_encoded'] . '/' . $pathinfo['filename'] . '.md.' . $pathinfo['extension']; if (file_exists($background_path)) { $user['background'] = array( 'filename' => $user['background_filename'], 'url' => get_users_image_url($user['id_encoded'] . '/' . $user['background_filename']), 'medium' => [ 'filename' => $pathinfo['basename'], 'url' => get_users_image_url($background_md_file) ] ); } } unset($user['background_filename']); unset($user['facebook_username']); if ($user['twitter_username']) { $user['twitter'] = array( 'username' => $user['twitter_username'], 'url' => '' . $user['twitter_username'] ); } unset($user['twitter_username']); $user['notifications_unread_display'] = $user['notifications_unread'] > 10 ? '+10' : $user['notifications_unread']; } public static function sanitizeUserName($name) { return preg_replace('#<|>#', '', $name); } // Clean unconfirmed accounts public static function cleanUnconfirmed($limit = null) { $db = DB::getInstance(); $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB::getTable('users') . ' WHERE user_status IN ("awaiting-confirmation", "awaiting-email") AND user_date_gmt <= DATE_SUB(UTC_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL 2 DAY) ORDER BY user_id DESC'; if (is_int($limit)) { $query .= ' LIMIT ' . $limit; } $db->query($query); $users = $db->fetchAll(); foreach ($users as $user) { $user = self::formatArray($user); self::delete($user); } } } class UserException extends Exception { }