Copyright (C) Rodolfo Berrios A. All rights reserved. BY USING THIS SOFTWARE YOU DECLARE TO ACCEPT THE CHEVERETO EULA --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $route = function ($handler) { try { if ($handler->isRequestLevel(4)) { return $handler->issue404(); } // Allow only 3 levels if (is_null($handler->request[0])) { return $handler->issue404(); } $logged_user = CHV\Login::getUser(); // User status override redirect CHV\User::statusRedirect($logged_user['status']); $id = CHV\getIdFromURL($handler->request[0]); // Session stock viewed albums if (!$_SESSION['album_view_stock']) { $_SESSION['album_view_stock'] = []; } $album = CHV\Album::getSingle($id, !in_array($id, $_SESSION['album_view_stock']), true, $logged_user); if ($album && G\starts_with($album['url'], G\get_current_url()) == false) { if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) { $redirect = rtrim($album['url'], '/') . '/?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } else { $redirect = $album['url']; } G\redirect($redirect); } $handler::setVar('canonical', $_GET['page'] ? null : $album['url']); // No album or belogns to a banned user? $banned = $logged_user['is_content_manager'] ? false : ($album['user']['id'] && $album['user']['status'] !== 'valid'); if ($album == false || $banned) { return $handler->issue404(); } $is_owner = $album['user']['id'] && $album['user']['id'] == $logged_user['id']; // Privacy if (CHV\getSetting('website_privacy_mode') == 'private') { if ($handler::getCond('forced_private_mode')) { $album['privacy'] = CHV\getSetting('website_content_privacy_mode'); } if (!CHV\Login::getUser() && $album['privacy'] != 'private_but_link') { G\redirect('login'); } } // Password protected content if (!($handler::getCond('content_manager') || $is_owner) && $album['privacy'] == 'password' && isset($album['password'])) { $is_error = false; $error_message = null; $failed_access_requests = CHV\Requestlog::getCounts('content-password', 'fail'); if (CHV\is_max_invalid_request($failed_access_requests['day'])) { G\set_status_header(403); $handler->template = 'request-denied'; return; } $captcha_needed = $handler::getCond('captcha_needed'); if ($captcha_needed && $_POST['content-password']) { $captcha = CHV\recaptcha_check(); if (!$captcha->is_valid) { $is_error = true; $error_message = _s('%s says you are a robot', 'reCAPTCHA'); } } if (!$is_error) { if (isset($_POST['content-password']) && CHV\Album::checkPassword($album['password'], $_POST['content-password'])) { CHV\Album::storeUserPasswordHash($album['id'], $_POST['content-password']); } else { if (!CHV\Album::checkSessionPassword($album)) { $is_error = true; if ($_POST['content-password']) { CHV\Requestlog::insert(['type' => 'content-password', 'user_id' => ($logged_user ? $logged_user['id'] : null), 'content_id' => $album['id'], 'result' => 'fail']); $error_message = _s('Invalid password'); } } } } $handler::setCond('error', $is_error); $handler::setVar('error', $error_message); if ($is_error) { if (CHV\getSettings()['recaptcha'] && CHV\must_use_recaptcha($failed_access_requests['day'] + 1)) { $captcha_needed = true; } if ($captcha_needed) { $handler::setCond('captcha_show', true); $handler::setVar(...CHV\Render\get_recaptcha_component()); } $handler::setCond('captcha_needed', $captcha_needed); $handler->template = 'password-gate'; $handler::setVar('pre_doctitle', _s('Password required')); return; } } // Private profile if ($album['user']['is_private'] && !$logged_user['is_content_manager'] && $album["user"]["id"] !== $logged_user['id']) { unset($album['user']); $album['user'] = CHV\User::getPrivate(); } if (!$handler::getCond('content_manager') && in_array($album['privacy'], array('private', 'custom')) and !$is_owner) { return $handler->issue404(); } $safe_html_album = G\safe_html($album); $safe_html_album['description'] = preg_replace('/[ \t]+/', ' ', preg_replace('/\s*$^\s*/m', "\n", $safe_html_album['description'])); // List $list_params = CHV\Listing::getParams(); // Use CHV magic params $handler::setVar('list_params', $list_params); $type = 'images'; $where = 'WHERE image_album_id=:image_album_id'; $list = new CHV\Listing; $list->setType($type); // images | users | albums $list->setReverse($list_params['reverse']); $list->setSeek($list_params['seek']); $list->setOffset($list_params['offset']); $list->setLimit($list_params['limit']); // how many results? $list->setItemsPerPage($list_params['items_per_page']); // must $list->setSortType($list_params['sort'][0]); // date | size | views $list->setSortOrder($list_params['sort'][1]); // asc | desc $list->setOwner($album["user"]["id"]); $list->setRequester(CHV\Login::getUser()); $list->setWhere($where); $list->setPrivacy($album["privacy"]); $list->bind(":image_album_id", $album["id"]); $list->output_tpl = 'album/image'; if ($is_owner or $logged_user['is_content_manager']) { $list->setTools(true); } $list->exec(); // Tabs $tabs = CHV\Listing::getTabs([ 'listing' => 'images', 'basename' => G\get_route_name() . '/' . $album['id_encoded'], 'params_hidden' => ['list' => 'images', 'from' => 'album', 'albumid' => $album['id_encoded']], 'tools_available' => $album['user']['id'] ? [] : ['album' => false] ]); if (CHV\getSetting('theme_show_social_share')) { $tabs[] = [ 'list' => false, 'tools' => false, 'label' => _s('Share'), 'id' => 'tab-share', ]; } if (CHV\isShowEmbedContent()) { $tabs[] = [ 'list' => false, 'tools' => false, 'label' => _s('Embed codes'), 'id' => 'tab-codes', ]; } if ($logged_user['is_admin']) { $tabs[] = [ 'list' => false, 'tools' => false, 'label' => _s('Full info'), 'id' => 'tab-full-info', ]; } foreach ($tabs as $k => &$v) { if (!isset($v['params'])) { continue; } $class_tabs[$k]['disabled'] = $album['image_count'] == 0 ? !$v['current'] : false; } $handler::setCond('owner', $is_owner); $handler::setVars([ 'pre_doctitle' => G\safe_html($album['name'], ENT_NOQUOTES), 'album' => $album, 'album_safe_html' => $safe_html_album, 'tabs' => $tabs, 'list' => $list, 'owner' => $album['user'] ]); // Populate the album meta description if ($album['description']) { $meta_description = $album['description']; } else { $meta_description = _s('%a album hosted in %w', ['%a' => $album['name'], '%w' => CHV\getSetting('website_name')]); } $handler::setVar('meta_description', htmlspecialchars($meta_description)); // Items editor if ($handler::getCond('content_manager') or $is_owner) { $handler::setVar('user_items_editor', [ "user_albums" => CHV\User::getAlbums($album["user"]["id"]), "type" => "images" ]); } // Sharing $share_element = array( "referer" => G\get_base_url(), "url" => $album["url"], "title" => $safe_html_album["name"] ); $share_element["HTML"] = '' . $safe_html_album["name"] . ' (' . $album['image_count'] . ' ' . _n('image', 'images', $album['user']['image_count']) . ')'; $share_links_array = CHV\render\get_share_links($share_element); $handler::setVar('share_links_array', $share_links_array); // Share modal $handler::setVar('share_modal', [ 'type' => 'album', 'url' => $album['url'], 'links_array' => $share_links_array, 'privacy' => $album['privacy'], 'privacy_notes' => $album['privacy_notes'], ]); // Stock this album view $_SESSION['album_view_stock'][] = $id; } catch (Exception $e) { G\exception_to_error($e); } };