Copyright (C) Rodolfo Berrios A. All rights reserved. BY USING THIS SOFTWARE YOU DECLARE TO ACCEPT THE CHEVERETO EULA --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ namespace CHV; use G; use Exception; class Stat { public static function getTotals() { $totals = DB::queryFetchSingle('SELECT * FROM '.DB::getTable('stats').' WHERE stat_type = "total"'); unset($totals['stat_id'], $totals['stat_type'], $totals['date_gmt']); return DB::formatRow($totals); } public static function track($args=[]) { if (!in_array($args['action'], ['insert', 'update', 'delete'])) { throw new StatException(sprintf('Invalid stat action "%s" in ', $args['action']) . __METHOD__, 100); } $tables = DB::getTables(); // Restrict unknown tables if (!array_key_exists($args['table'], $tables)) { throw new StatException(sprintf('Unknown table "%s" in ' . __METHOD__, $args['table']), 101); } // Restrict tables by stat action switch ($args['action']) { case 'insert': if (!in_array($args['table'], ['albums', 'images', 'likes', 'users'])) { throw new StatException(sprintf('Table "%s" does not bind an stat procedure in ' . __METHOD__, $args['table']), 101); } break; } // Check missing values if ($args['table'] == 'images' and in_array($args['action'], ['insert', 'delete'])) { if (!isset($args['disk_sum'])) { $disk_sum_value = 0; } else { if (preg_match('/^([\+\-]{1})?\s*([\d]+)$/', $args['disk_sum'], $matches)) { $disk_sum_value = $matches[2]; } else { throw new StatException(sprintf('Invalid disk_sum value "%s" in ' . __METHOD__, $args['disk_sum']), 104); } } } // Fix values if (!isset($args['value'])) { $value = 1; } else { if (preg_match('/^([\+\-]{1})?\s*([\d]+)$/', $args['value'], $matches)) { $value = $matches[2]; } else { throw new StatException(sprintf('Invalid value "%s" in ' . __METHOD__, $args['value']), 102); } } if (!isset($args['date_gmt'])) { switch ($args['action']) { case 'insert': case 'update': $args['date_gmt'] = G\datetimegmt(); break; case 'delete': throw new StatException('Missing date_gmt value in ' . __METHOD__, 105); break; } } else { try { $date = new \DateTime($args['date_gmt']); $args['date_gmt'] = $date->format('Y-m-d'); } catch (Exception $e) { //throw new StatException($e); throw new StatException('Invalid date_gmt value in ' . __METHOD__, 106); } } // Get to the choppa switch ($args['action']) { case 'insert': switch ($args['table']) { case 'images': if (!isset($args['disk_sum'])) { throw new StatException('Missing disk_sum value in ' . __METHOD__, 103); } $sql_tpl = 'UPDATE `%table_stats` SET stat_images = stat_images + %value, stat_disk_used = stat_disk_used + %disk_sum WHERE stat_type = "total";' . "\n" . 'INSERT INTO `%table_stats` (stat_type, stat_date_gmt, stat_images, stat_disk_used) VALUES ("date",DATE("%date_gmt"),"%value", "%disk_sum") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE stat_images = stat_images + %value, stat_disk_used = stat_disk_used + %disk_sum;'; break; default: // albums, likes, users $sql_tpl = 'UPDATE `%table_stats` SET stat_%related_table = stat_%related_table + %value WHERE stat_type = "total";' . "\n" . 'INSERT `%table_stats` (stat_type, stat_date_gmt, stat_%related_table) VALUES ("date",DATE("%date_gmt"),"%value") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE stat_%related_table = stat_%related_table + %value;'; break; } break; case 'update': switch ($args['table']) { case 'images': case 'albums': // Track image | album | user views $sql_tpl = 'UPDATE `%table_stats` SET stat_%aux_views = stat_%aux_views + %value WHERE stat_type = "total";' . "\n" . 'INSERT INTO `%table_stats` (stat_type, stat_date_gmt, stat_%aux_views) VALUES ("date",DATE("%date_gmt"),"%value") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE stat_%aux_views = stat_%aux_views + %value;'; if (isset($args['user_id'])) { $sql_tpl .= "\n" . 'UPDATE `%table_users` SET user_content_views = user_content_views + %value WHERE user_id = %user_id;'; } $sql_tpl = strtr($sql_tpl, ['%aux' => DB::getFieldPrefix($args['table'])]); break; } break; case 'delete': switch ($args['table']) { case 'images': $sql_tpl = 'UPDATE `%table_stats` SET stat_images = GREATEST(stat_images - %value, 0) WHERE stat_type = "total";' . "\n" . 'UPDATE `%table_stats` SET stat_images = GREATEST(stat_images - %value, 0) WHERE stat_type = "date" AND stat_date_gmt = DATE("%date_gmt");' . "\n" . 'UPDATE `%table_stats` SET stat_image_likes = GREATEST(stat_image_likes - %likes, 0) WHERE stat_type = "total";' . "\n" . 'UPDATE `%table_stats` SET stat_image_likes = GREATEST(stat_image_likes - %likes, 0) WHERE stat_type = "date" AND stat_date_gmt = DATE("%date_gmt");' . "\n" . 'UPDATE `%table_stats` SET stat_disk_used = GREATEST(stat_disk_used - %disk_sum, 0) WHERE stat_type = "total";' . "\n" . 'UPDATE `%table_stats` SET stat_disk_used = GREATEST(stat_disk_used - %disk_sum, 0) WHERE stat_type = "date" AND stat_date_gmt = DATE("%date_gmt");'; break; default: // albums, likes, users $sql_tpl = 'UPDATE `%table_stats` SET stat_%related_table = GREATEST(stat_%related_table - %value, 0) WHERE stat_type = "total";' . "\n" . 'UPDATE `%table_stats` SET stat_%related_table = GREATEST(stat_%related_table - %value, 0) WHERE stat_type = "date" AND stat_date_gmt = DATE("%date_gmt");'; if ($args['table'] == 'users') { $sql_tpl .= // Update likes stats related to this deleted user 'UPDATE IGNORE `%table_stats` AS S INNER JOIN ( SELECT DATE(like_date_gmt) AS like_date_gmt, COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM `%table_likes` WHERE like_user_id = %user_id GROUP BY DATE(like_date_gmt) ) AS L ON S.stat_date_gmt = L.like_date_gmt SET S.stat_image_likes = GREATEST(S.stat_image_likes - COALESCE(L.cnt, "0"), 0) WHERE stat_type = "date"; UPDATE IGNORE `%table_stats` SET stat_image_likes = GREATEST(stat_image_likes - COALESCE((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `%table_likes` WHERE like_user_id = %user_id), "0"), 0) WHERE stat_type = "total";' . "\n" . // Update album stats related to this deleted user 'UPDATE IGNORE `%table_stats` AS S INNER JOIN ( SELECT DATE(album_date_gmt) AS album_date_gmt, COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM `%table_albums` WHERE album_user_id = %user_id GROUP BY DATE(album_date_gmt) ) AS A ON S.stat_date_gmt = A.album_date_gmt SET S.stat_albums = GREATEST(S.stat_albums - COALESCE(A.cnt, "0"), 0) WHERE stat_type = "date"; UPDATE IGNORE `%table_stats` SET stat_albums = GREATEST(stat_albums - COALESCE((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `%table_albums` WHERE album_user_id = %user_id), "0"), 0) WHERE stat_type = "total";'; } break; } break; } $sql = strtr($sql_tpl, [ '%table_stats' => $tables['stats'], '%table_users' => $tables['users'], '%table_likes' => $tables['likes'], '%table_albums' => $tables['albums'], '%related_table' => (isset($args['content_type']) ? ($args['content_type'] . '_') : null) . $args['table'], '%value' => $value, '%date_gmt' => $args['date_gmt'], '%user_id' => $args['user_id'], '%disk_sum' => $disk_sum_value, '%likes' => $args['likes'], ]); try { DB::queryExec($sql); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new StatException($e->getMessage(), 400); } } public static function rebuildTotals() { $query = 'TRUNCATE TABLE `%table_prefix%stats`; INSERT INTO `%table_prefix%stats` (stat_id, stat_date_gmt, stat_type) VALUES ("1", NULL, "total") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE stat_type=stat_type; UPDATE `%table_prefix%stats` SET stat_images = (SELECT IFNULL(COUNT(*),0) FROM `%table_prefix%images`), stat_albums = (SELECT IFNULL(COUNT(*),0) FROM `%table_prefix%albums`), stat_users = (SELECT IFNULL(COUNT(*),0) FROM `%table_prefix%users`), stat_image_views = (SELECT IFNULL(SUM(image_views),0) FROM `%table_prefix%images`), stat_disk_used = (SELECT IFNULL(SUM(image_size) + SUM(image_thumb_size) + SUM(image_medium_size),0) FROM `%table_prefix%images`) WHERE stat_type = "total";'; $sql = strtr($query, [ '%table_prefix%' => G\get_app_setting('db_table_prefix'), ]); $db = DB::getInstance(); $db->query($sql); $db->exec(); } } class StatException extends Exception { }