2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< ? php if ( ! defined ( 'access' ) or ! access ) die ( 'This file cannot be directly accessed.' ); ?>
< ? php G\Render\include_theme_header (); ?>
< div class = " content-width " >
< div class = " form-content " >
< div class = " header header-tabs " >
< h1 >< ? php _se ( 'Dashboard' ); ?> </h1>
< ? php G\Render\include_theme_file ( " snippets/tabs " ); ?>
</ div >
< ? php
switch ( get_dashboard ()) {
case 'stats' :
< div class = " dashboard-group " >
< div class = " overflow-auto text-align-center margin-top-20 " >
< a href = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url('dashboard/images'); ?> " class = " stats-block c6 fluid-column display-inline-block " < ? php if ( get_totals ()[ 'images' ] > 999999 ) { echo ' rel="tooltip" data-tipTip="top" title="' . number_format ( get_totals ()[ 'images' ]) . '"' ; } ?> >
< span class = " stats-big-number " >
< strong class = " number " >< ? php echo get_totals ()[ 'images' ] > 999999 ? get_totals_display ()[ 'images' ] : number_format ( get_totals ()[ 'images' ]); ?> </strong>
< span class = " label " >< ? php _ne ( 'Image' , 'Images' , get_totals ()[ 'images' ]); ?> </span>
</ span >
</ a >
< a href = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url('dashboard/albums'); ?> " class = " stats-block c6 fluid-column display-inline-block " < ? php if ( get_totals ()[ 'albums' ] > 999999 ) { echo ' rel="tooltip" data-tipTip="top" title="' . number_format ( get_totals ()[ 'albums' ]) . '"' ; } ?> >
< span class = " stats-big-number " >
< strong class = " number " >< ? php echo get_totals ()[ 'albums' ] > 999999 ? get_totals_display ()[ 'albums' ] : number_format ( get_totals ()[ 'albums' ]); ?> </strong>
< span class = " label " >< ? php _ne ( 'Album' , 'Albums' , get_totals ()[ 'albums' ]); ?> </span>
</ span >
</ a >
< a href = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url('dashboard/users'); ?> " class = " stats-block c6 fluid-column display-inline-block " < ? php if ( get_totals ()[ 'users' ] > 999999 ) { echo ' rel="tooltip" data-tipTip="top" title="' . number_format ( get_totals ()[ 'users' ]) . '"' ; } ?> >
< span class = " stats-big-number " >
< strong class = " number " >< ? php echo get_totals ()[ 'users' ] > 999999 ? get_totals_display ()[ 'users' ] : number_format ( get_totals ()[ 'users' ]); ?> </strong>
< span class = " label " >< ? php _ne ( 'User' , 'Users' , get_totals ()[ 'users' ]); ?> </span>
</ span >
</ a >
< div class = " stats-block c6 fluid-column display-inline-block " >
< div class = " stats-big-number " >
< strong class = " number " >< ? php echo get_totals_display ()[ 'disk' ][ 'used' ]; ?> <span><?php echo get_totals_display()['disk']['unit']; ?></span></strong>
< span class = " label " >< ? php _se ( 'Disk used' ); ?> </span>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< ul class = " tabbed-content-list table-li margin-top-20 " >
< ? php
foreach ( get_system_values () as $v ) {
< li >< span class = " c6 display-table-cell padding-right-10 " >< ? php echo $v [ 'label' ]; ?> </span> <span class="display-table-cell"><?php echo $v['content']; ?></span></li>
< ? php
</ ul >
</ div >
< ? php
break ;
case 'images' :
case 'albums' :
case 'users' :
global $tabs ;
$tabs = get_sub_tabs ();
< div class = " header header-tabs margin-bottom-10 follow-scroll " >
< ? php G\Render\include_theme_file ( " snippets/tabs " ); ?>
< ? php
global $user_items_editor ;
$user_items_editor = false ;
G\Render\include_theme_file ( " snippets/user_items_editor " );
< div class = " header-content-right phone-float-none " >
< ? php G\Render\include_theme_file ( " snippets/listing_tools_editor " ); ?>
</ div >
< ? php if ( get_dashboard () == 'users' ) { ?>
< div class = " header-content-right phone-float-none " >
< div class = " list-selection " >
< a class = " header-link " data - modal = " form " data - target = " modal-add-user " >< ? php _se ( 'Add user' ); ?> </a>
</ div >
</ div >
< div data - modal = " modal-add-user " class = " hidden " data - submit - fn = " CHV.fn.user.add.submit " data - ajax - deferred = " CHV.fn.user.add.complete " >
< span class = " modal-box-title " >< ? php _se ( 'Add user' ); ?> </span>
< div class = " modal-form " >
< div class = " input-label c7 " >
< label for = " form-role " >< ? php _se ( 'Role' ); ?> </label>
< select name = " form-role " id = " form-role " class = " text-input " >
< option value = " admin " >< ? php _se ( 'Administrator' ); ?> </option>
< option value = " user " selected >< ? php _se ( 'User' ); ?> </option>
</ select >
</ div >
< div class = " input-label c11 " >
< label for = " username " >< ? php _se ( 'Username' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " text " name = " form-username " id = " form-username " class = " text-input " maxlength = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('username_max_length'); ?> " rel = " tooltip " data - tipTip = " right " pattern = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('username_pattern'); ?> " rel = " tooltip " data - title = '<?php echo strtr(' % i to % f characters < br > Letters , numbers and " _ " ', [' % i ' => CHV\Settings::get(' username_min_length '), ' % f ' => CHV\Settings::get(' username_max_length ')]); ?>' maxlength = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('username_max_length'); ?> " placeholder = " <?php _se('Username'); ?> " required >
< span class = " input-warning red-warning " ></ span >
</ div >
< div class = " input-label c11 " >
< label for = " form-name " >< ? php _se ( 'Email' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " email " name = " form-email " id = " form-email " class = " text-input " placeholder = " <?php _se('Email address'); ?> " required >
< span class = " input-warning red-warning " ></ span >
</ div >
< div class = " input-label c11 " >
< label for = " form-name " >< ? php _se ( 'Password' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " password " name = " form-password " id = " form-password " class = " text-input " title = " <?php _se('%d characters min', CHV \ Settings::get('user_password_min_length')); ?> " pattern = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('user_password_pattern'); ?> " rel = " tooltip " data - tipTip = " right " placeholder = " <?php _se('Password'); ?> " required >
< span class = " input-warning red-warning " ></ span >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
</ div >
< div id = " content-listing-tabs " class = " tabbed-listing " >
< div id = " tabbed-content-group " >
< ? php
G\Render\include_theme_file ( " snippets/listing " );
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php
break ;
case 'settings' :
function personal_mode_warning () {
if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'website_mode' ) == 'personal' ) {
echo '<div class="input-below"><span class="icon icon-info color-red"></span> ' . _s ( 'This setting is always diabled when using personal website mode.' ) . '</div>' ;
2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
function read_the_docs ( $args = []) {
return _s ( 'Learn more about %s at our %d.' , [
'%s' => $args [ '%s' ],
'%d' => '<a href="https://chevereto.com/docs/' . $args [ '%k' ] . '" target="_blank">' . _s ( 'documentation' ) . '</a>'
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
function free_version_waring ( $wrap = TRUE ) {
$message = _s ( " This functionality is not part of Chevereto Free. %s to obtain this feature. " , [ '%s' => '<a href="https://chevereto.com/pricing" target="_blank">' . _s ( 'Upgrade to paid version' ) . '</a>' ]);
echo ( $wrap ? ( '<div class="input-below">' . $message . '</div>' ) : $message );
< form id = " dashboard-settings " method = " post " data - type = " <?php echo get_dashboard(); ?> " data - action = " validate " enctype = " multipart/form-data " >
< ? php echo G\Render\get_input_auth_token (); ?>
< div class = " header default-margin-bottom " >
< h1 >
< span class = " icon icon-cog phablet-hide tablet-hide laptop-hide desktop-hide " ></ span >
< span class = " phone-hide " >< ? php echo get_dashboard_menu ()[ get_dashboard ()][ 'label' ]; ?> </span>
</ h1 >
< div data - content = " pop-selection " class = " pop-btn header-link float-left margin-left-10 " data - action = " settings-switch " >
< span class = " pop-btn-text margin-left-5 " >< ? php echo get_settings ()[ 'label' ]; ?> <span class="arrow-down"></span></span>
< div class = " pop-box pbcols3 anchor-left arrow-box arrow-box-top " >
< div class = " pop-box-inner pop-box-menu pop-box-menucols " >
< ul >
< ? php
foreach ( get_settings_menu () as $item ) {
< li < ? php if ( $item [ " current " ]) echo ' class="current"' ; ?> ><a href="<?php echo $item["url"]; ?>"><?php echo $item["label"]; ?></a></li>
< ? php
</ ul >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'categories' ) { ?>
< div class = " header-content-right phone-float-none " >
< div class = " list-selection " >
< a class = " header-link " data - modal = " form " data - target = " modal-add-category " >< ? php _se ( 'Add category' ); ?> </a>
</ div >
</ div >
< div data - modal = " modal-add-category " class = " hidden " data - submit - fn = " CHV.fn.category.add.submit " data - before - fn = " CHV.fn.category.add.before " data - ajax - deferred = " CHV.fn.category.add.complete " >
< span class = " modal-box-title " >< ? php _se ( 'Add category' ); ?> </span>
< div class = " modal-form " >
< ? php G\Render\include_theme_file ( 'snippets/form_category_edit' ); ?>
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'ip-bans' ) { ?>
< div class = " header-content-right phone-float-none " >
< div class = " list-selection " >
< a class = " header-link " data - modal = " form " data - target = " modal-add-ip_ban " >< ? php _se ( 'Add IP ban' ); ?> </a>
</ div >
</ div >
< div data - modal = " modal-add-ip_ban " class = " hidden " data - submit - fn = " CHV.fn.ip_ban.add.submit " data - before - fn = " CHV.fn.ip_ban.add.before " data - ajax - deferred = " CHV.fn.ip_ban.add.complete " >
< span class = " modal-box-title " >< ? php _se ( 'Add IP ban' ); ?> </span>
< div class = " modal-form " >
< ? php G\Render\include_theme_file ( 'snippets/form_ip_ban_edit' ); ?>
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php
if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'pages' ) {
switch ( get_settings_pages ()[ 'doing' ]) {
case 'add' :
case 'edit' :
$pages_top_link = [
'href' => 'dashboard/settings/pages' ,
'text' => _s ( 'Return to pages' )
break ;
default :
$pages_top_link = [
'href' => 'dashboard/settings/pages/add' ,
'text' => _s ( 'Add page' )
break ;
< div class = " header-content-right phone-hide " >
< div class = " list-selection " >
< a class = " header-link " href = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url( $pages_top_link['href'] ); ?> " >< ? php echo $pages_top_link [ 'text' ]; ?> </a>
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
</ div >
< ? php
if ( get_dashboard () == 'settings' ) {
< ? php if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'website' ) { ?>
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " website_name " >< ? php _se ( 'Website name' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " text " name = " website_name " id = " website_name " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('website_name', true); ?> " required >
< div class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'website_doctitle' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " website_doctitle " >< ? php _se ( 'Website doctitle' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " text " name = " website_doctitle " id = " website_doctitle " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('website_doctitle', true); ?> " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " website_description " >< ? php _se ( 'Website description' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " text " name = " website_description " id = " website_description " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('website_description', true); ?> " >
< div class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'website_description' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " website_keywords " >< ? php _se ( 'Website keywords' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " text " name = " website_keywords " id = " website_keywords " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('website_keywords', true); ?> " >
< div class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'website_keywords' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< ? php
$zones = timezone_identifiers_list ();
foreach ( $zones as $zone ) {
$zone = explode ( '/' , $zone );
if ( in_array ( $zone [ 0 ], array ( " Africa " , " America " , " Antarctica " , " Arctic " , " Asia " , " Atlantic " , " Australia " , " Europe " , " Indian " , " Pacific " ))) {
if ( isset ( $zone [ 1 ]) != '' ) {
$regions [ $zone [ 0 ]][ $zone [ 0 ] . '/' . $zone [ 1 ]] = str_replace ( '_' , ' ' , $zone [ 1 ]);
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " timezone-region " >< ? php _se ( 'Default time zone' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " overflow-auto " >
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 phone-c1 grid-columns phone-margin-bottom-10 phablet-margin-bottom-10 margin-right-10 " >
< select id = " timezone-region " class = " text-input " data - combo = " timezone-combo " >
< option >< ? php _se ( 'Select region' ); ?> </option>
< ? php
$user_region = preg_replace ( " /(.*) \ /.*/ " , " $ 1 " , CHV\Settings :: get ( 'default_timezone' ));
foreach ( $regions as $key => $region ) {
$selected = $user_region == $key ? " selected " : " " ;
echo '<option value="' . $key . '"' . $selected . '>' . $key . '</option>' ;
</ select >
</ div >
< div id = " timezone-combo " class = " c5 phablet-c1 grid-columns " >
< ? php
foreach ( $regions as $key => $region ) {
$show_hide = $user_region == $key ? " " : " soft-hidden " ;
< select id = " timezone-combo-<?php echo $key ; ?> " class = " text-input switch-combo<?php echo $show_hide ; ?> " data - combo - value = " <?php echo $key ; ?> " >
< ? php
foreach ( $region as $k => $l ) {
$selected = CHV\Settings :: get ( 'default_timezone' ) == $k ? " selected " : " " ;
echo '<option value="' . $k . '"' . $selected . '>' . $l . '</option>' . " \n " ;
</ select >
< ? php
</ div >
</ div >
< input type = " hidden " id = " default_timezone " name = " default_timezone " data - content = " timezone " data - highlight = " #timezone-region " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('default_timezone', true); ?> " required >
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " website_search " >< ? php _se ( 'Search' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " website_search " id = " website_search " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'website_search' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Allows to search images, albums and users based on a given search query.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " website_explore_page " >< ? php _se ( 'Explore' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " website_explore_page " id = " website_explore_page " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'website_explore_page' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Enables to browse public uploaded images. It also enables categories.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " website_random " >< ? php _se ( 'Random' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " website_random " id = " website_random " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'website_random' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Enables to browse images randomly.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " enable_likes " >< ? php _se ( 'Likes' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " class = " text-input " disabled >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'enable_likes' ));
</ select ></ div >
< ? php free_version_waring (); ?>
< ? php personal_mode_warning (); ?>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " enable_followers " >< ? php _se ( 'Followers' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " class = " text-input " disabled >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'enable_followers' ));
</ select ></ div >
< ? php free_version_waring (); ?>
< ? php personal_mode_warning (); ?>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " website_mode " >< ? php _se ( 'Website mode' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " website_mode " id = " website_mode " class = " text-input " data - combo = " website-mode-combo " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 'community' => _s ( 'Community' ), 'personal' => _s ( 'Personal' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'website_mode' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'website_mode' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'You can switch the website mode anytime.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div id = " website-mode-combo " >
< div data - combo - value = " personal " class = " switch-combo phablet-c1<?php if((get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['website_mode'] : CHV \ Settings::get('website_mode')) != 'personal') echo ' soft-hidden'; ?> " >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " website_mode_personal_uid " >< ? php _se ( 'Personal mode target user' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c3 " >< input type = " number " min = " 1 " name = " website_mode_personal_uid " id = " website_mode_personal_uid " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('website_mode_personal_uid'); ?> " placeholder = " <?php _se('User ID'); ?> " rel = " tooltip " title = " <?php _se('Your user id is: %s', CHV \ Login::getUser()['id']); ?> " data - tipTip = " right " data - required ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'website_mode_personal_uid' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Numeric ID of the target user for personal mode.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " website_mode_personal_routing " >< ? php _se ( 'Personal mode routing' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 " >< input type = " text " name = " website_mode_personal_routing " id = " website_mode_personal_routing " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('website_mode_personal_routing'); ?> " placeholder = " / " ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'website_mode_personal_routing' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Custom route to map /username to /something. Use "/" to map to homepage.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " website_privacy_mode " >< ? php _se ( 'Website privacy mode' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " website_privacy_mode " id = " website_privacy_mode " class = " text-input " data - combo = " website-privacy-mode-combo " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 'public' => _s ( 'Public' ), 'private' => _s ( 'Private' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'website_privacy_mode' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'website_privacy_mode' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Private mode will make the website only available for registered users.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div id = " website-privacy-mode-combo " >
< div data - combo - value = " private " class = " switch-combo phablet-c1<?php if((get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['website_privacy_mode'] : CHV \ Settings::get('website_privacy_mode')) != 'private') echo ' soft-hidden'; ?> " >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " website_content_privacy_mode " >< ? php _se ( 'Content privacy mode' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " website_content_privacy_mode " id = " website_content_privacy_mode " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([
'default' => _s ( 'Default' ),
'private' => _s ( 'Force private (self)' ),
'private_but_link' => _s ( 'Force private (anyone with the link)' ),
], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'website_content_privacy_mode' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'website_content_privacy_mode' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Forced privacy modes will override user selected privacy.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php
if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'pages' ) {
// So ugly!
switch ( get_settings_pages ()[ 'doing' ]) {
case 'display' :
break ;
case 'add' :
$page = [];
$page_db = [];
break ;
case 'edit' :
$page = get_page ();
global $page_db ;
$page_db = [];
foreach ( $page as $k => $v ) {
$page_db [ 'page_' . $k ] = $v ;
break ;
function get_page_val ( $key , $from = 'POST' ) {
global $page_db ;
if ( empty ( $key )) return NULL ;
if ( $from == 'POST' and $_POST ) {
return get_safe_post ()[ $key ];
} else {
switch ( get_settings_pages ()[ 'doing' ]) {
case 'add' :
return NULL ;
break ;
case 'edit' :
return array_key_exists ( $key , $page_db ) ? $page_db [ $key ] : NULL ;
break ;
< h3 >< ? php echo get_settings_pages ()[ 'title' ]; ?> </h3>
< ? php if ( get_settings_pages ()[ 'doing' ] !== 'listing' ) { ?>
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " page_title " >< ? php _se ( 'Title' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >< input type = " text " name = " page_title " id = " page_title " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_page_val('page_title'); ?> " required placeholder = " <?php _se('Page title'); ?> " ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'page_title' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " page_is_active " >< ? php _se ( 'Page status' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " page_is_active " id = " page_is_active " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Active page' ), 0 => _s ( 'Inactive page (%s)' , '404' )], ( int ) get_page_val ( 'page_is_active' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'page_is_active' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Only active pages will be accessible.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " page_type " >< ? php _se ( 'Type' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " page_type " id = " page_type " class = " text-input " data - combo = " page-type-combo " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 'internal' => _s ( 'Internal' ), 'link' => _s ( 'Link' )], get_page_val ( 'page_type' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'page_type' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< div id = " page-type-combo " >
< ? php
$page_internal_combo_visible = get_settings_pages ()[ 'doing' ] == 'edit' ? ( get_page_val ( 'page_type' ) == 'internal' ) : TRUE ;
< div data - combo - value = " internal " class = " switch-combo phablet-c1<?php if(! $page_internal_combo_visible ) echo ' soft-hidden' ; ?> " >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " page_is_link_visible " >< ? php _se ( 'Page visibility' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " page_is_link_visible " id = " page_is_link_visible " class = " text-input " < ? php echo $page_internal_combo_visible ? 'required' : 'data-required' ; ?> >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Visible page' ), 0 => _s ( 'Hidden page' )], ( int ) get_page_val ( 'page_is_link_visible' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'page_is_link_visible' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( " Hidden pages won't be show in system menus, but anyone can access to it with the link. " ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " page_url_key " >< ? php _se ( 'URL key' ); ?> </label>
2016-11-06 02:19:47 +00:00
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >< input type = " text " name = " page_url_key " id = " page_url_key " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_page_val('page_url_key'); ?> " pattern = " ^[ \ w]([ \ w-]*[ \ w])?( \ /[ \ w]([ \ w-]*[ \ w])?)* $ " rel = " tooltip " data - tiptip = " right " placeholder = " url-key " title = " <?php _se('Only alphanumerics, hyphens and forward slash'); ?> " < ? php echo $page_internal_combo_visible ? 'required' : 'data-required' ; ?> ></div>
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'page_url_key' ]; ?> </div>
2016-11-06 02:19:47 +00:00
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php echo G\get_base_url ( 'pages/url-key' ); ?> </div>
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " page_file_path " >< ? php _se ( 'File path' ); ?> </label>
2016-11-06 02:19:47 +00:00
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >< input type = " text " name = " page_file_path " id = " page_file_path " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_page_val('page_file_path'); ?> " pattern = " ^[ \ w]([ \ w-]*[ \ w])?( \ /[ \ w]([ \ w-]*[ \ w])?)* \ .<?php echo G \ get_app_setting('disable_php_pages') ? 'html' : 'php'; ?> $ " < ? php echo $page_internal_combo_visible ? 'required' : 'data-required' ; ?> placeholder="page.<?php echo G\get_app_setting('disable_php_pages') ? 'html' : 'php'; ?>"></div>
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'page_file_path' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php
$pages_visible_path = G\absolute_to_relative ( CHV_PATH_CONTENT_PAGES );
_se ( 'A %f file relative to %s' , [ '%f' => G\get_app_setting ( 'disable_php_pages' ) ? 'HTML' : 'PHP' , '%s' => $pages_visible_path ]);
?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " page_keywords " >< ? php _se ( 'Meta keywords' ); ?> <span class="optional"><?php _se('optional'); ?></span></label>
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >< input type = " text " name = " page_keywords " id = " page_keywords " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_page_val('page_keywords'); ?> " ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'page_keywords' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " page_description " >< ? php _se ( 'Meta description' ); ?> <span class="optional"><?php _se('optional'); ?></span></label>
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >< textarea type = " text " name = " page_description " id = " page_description " class = " text-input resize-vertical r2 " >< ? php echo get_page_val ( 'page_description' ); ?> </textarea></div>
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'page_description' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " page_code " >< ? php _se ( 'Source code' ); ?> </label>
< ? php
if ( get_settings_pages ()[ 'doing' ] == 'add' ) {
$page_write_path = CHV\Page :: getPath ();
$no_write_msg = _s ( 'No write permission in %s path you will need to add this file using an external editor.' , $page_write_path );
} else { // edit
$page_write_path = get_page_val ( 'page_file_path_absolute' );
if ( ! get_page_val ( 'page_file_path' , 'DB' ) or ! file_exists ( $page_write_path )) {
$page_write_path = CHV\Page :: getPath ();
$no_write_msg = _s ( 'No write permission in %s you will need to edit the contents of this file using an external editor.' , $page_write_path );
$is_page_writable = is_writable ( $page_write_path );
$page_path = get_page_val ( 'page_file_path' , 'DB' );
$page_path_absolute = get_page_val ( 'page_file_path_absolute' , 'DB' );
< ? php if ( $page_path_absolute ) { ?>
< p class = " margin-bottom-10 " >< ? php echo G\absolute_to_relative ( $page_path ? $page_path_absolute : _s ( 'Taken from: %s' , $page_path_absolute )); ?> </p>
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( ! $is_page_writable ) { ?>
< p class = " highlight margin-bottom-10 padding-5 " >< ? php echo $no_write_msg ; ?> </p>
< ? php } ?>
< textarea type = " text " name = " page_code " id = " page_code " class = " text-input resize-vertical r14 " < ? php if ( ! $is_page_writable ) echo ' readonly' ; ?> ><?php echo (is_readable($page_path_absolute)) ? htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($page_path_absolute)) : NULL; ?></textarea>
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'page_code' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
</ div >
< div data - combo - value = " link " class = " switch-combo phablet-c1<?php if(get_page_val('page_type') !== 'link') echo ' soft-hidden' ; ?> " >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " page_link_url " >< ? php _se ( 'Link URL' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >< input type = " url " name = " page_link_url " id = " page_link_url " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_page_val('page_link_url'); ?> " < ? php echo get_page_val ( 'page_type' ) == 'link' ? 'required' : 'data-required' ; ?> ></div>
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'page_link_url' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " page_attr_target " >< ? php _se ( 'Link target attribute' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " page_attr_target " id = " page_attr_target " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ '_self' => '_self' , '_blank' => '_blank' ], get_page_val ( 'page_attr_target' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'page_attr_target' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Select %s to open the page or link in a new window.' , '"_blank"' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " page_attr_rel " >< ? php _se ( 'Link rel attribute' ); ?> <span class="optional"><?php _se('optional'); ?></span></label>
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >< input type = " text " name = " page_attr_rel " id = " page_attr_rel " class = " text-input " pattern = " [ \ w \ s \ -]+ " value = " <?php echo get_page_val('page_attr_rel'); ?> " rel = " tooltip " data - tiptip = " right " title = " <?php _se('Only alphanumerics, hyphens and whitespaces'); ?> " ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'page_attr_rel' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'HTML <a> %s attribute' , '<a href="http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_a_rel.asp" target="_blank">rel</a>' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " page_icon " >< ? php _se ( 'Link icon' ); ?> <span class="optional"><?php _se('optional'); ?></span></label>
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >< input type = " text " name = " page_icon " id = " page_icon " class = " text-input " pattern = " [ \ w \ s \ -]+ " value = " <?php echo get_page_val('page_icon'); ?> " rel = " tooltip " data - tiptip = " right " title = " <?php _se('Only alphanumerics, hyphens and whitespaces'); ?> " ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'page_icon' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Check the <a %s>icon reference</a> for the complete list of supported icons.' , 'href="http://chevereto.com/src/icomoon" target="_blank"' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " page_sort_display " >< ? php _se ( 'Sort order display' ); ?> <span class="optional"><?php _se('optional'); ?></span></label>
< div class = " c3 phablet-c1 " >< input type = " number " min = " 1 " name = " page_sort_display " id = " page_sort_display " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_page_val('page_sort_display'); ?> " ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'page_sort_display' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Page sort order display for menus and listings. Use "1" for top priority.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< ? php
} else { // display
if ( get_pages () and count ( get_pages ()) > 0 ) {
$auth_token = G\Handler :: getAuthToken ();
2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
< p >< ? php echo read_the_docs ([ '%s' => _s ( 'pages' ), '%k' => 'pages' ]); ?> </p>
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< ul data - content = " dashboard-categories-list " class = " tabbed-content-list table-li-hover table-li margin-top-20 margin-bottom-20 " >
< li class = " table-li-header phone-hide " >
< span class = " c2 display-table-cell padding-right-10 " >< ? php echo 'ID' ; ?> </span>
< span class = " c3 display-table-cell " >< ? php _se ( 'Type' ); ?> </span>
< span class = " c5 display-table-cell padding-right-10 " >< ? php _se ( 'URL key' ); ?> </span>
< span class = " c13 display-table-cell padding-right-10 phablet-hide " >< ? php _se ( 'Title' ); ?> </span>
</ li >
< ? php
foreach ( get_pages () as $k => $v ) {
< li >
< span class = " c2 display-table-cell padding-right-10 " >< ? php echo $v [ 'id' ]; ?> </span>
< span class = " c3 display-table-cell padding-right-10 phone-hide " >< ? php echo $v [ 'type_tr' ]; ?> </span>
< span class = " c5 display-table-cell padding-right-10 " >< ? php echo $v [ 'url_key' ] ? G\truncate ( $v [ 'url_key' ], 25 ) : '--' ; ?> </span>
< span class = " c13 display-table-cell padding-right-10 phablet-hide " >< a href = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url('dashboard/settings/pages/edit/' . $v['id'] ); ?> " >< ? php echo G\truncate ( $v [ 'title' ], 64 ); ?> </a></span>
< span class = " c2 display-table-cell " >< a class = " delete-link " href = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url('dashboard/settings/pages/delete/' . $v['id'] . '/?auth_token=' . $auth_token ); ?> " data - confirm = " <?php _se( " Do you really want to delete the page ID % s ? This can 't be undone.", $v[' id ']); ?>"><?php _se(' Delete ' ); ?> </a></span>
</ li >
< ? php
} // for each page
</ ul >
< ? php
} else { // no pages
< div class = " content-empty " >
< span class = " icon icon-drawer " ></ span >
< h2 >< ? php _se ( " There's nothing to show here. " ); ?> </h2>
</ div >
< ? php
< ? php } // display ?>
< ? php } // pages ?>
< ? php if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'image-upload' ) { ?>
2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
< div class = " input-label " >
< label > Enabled image formats </ label >
< div class = " checkbox-label " >
< ul class = " c20 phablet-c1 " >
< ? php
foreach ( CHV\Upload :: getAvailableImageFormats () as $k ) {
echo '<li class="c5 display-inline-block"><label class="display-block" for="image_format_enable[' . $k . ']"> <input type="checkbox" name="image_format_enable[]" id="image_format_enable[' . $k . ']" value="' . $k . '"' . ( in_array ( $k , CHV\Upload :: getEnabledImageFormats ()) ? ' checked' : NULL ) . '>' . strtoupper ( $k ) . '</label></li>' ;
</ ul >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'upload_enabled_image_formats' ]; ?> </div>
< p class = " margin-top-20 " >< ? php _se ( " Unchecked image formats won't be allowed to be uploaded. " ); ?> </p>
</ div >
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " enable_uploads " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable uploads' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " enable_uploads " id = " enable_uploads " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'enable_uploads' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( " Enable this if you want to allow image uploads. This setting doesn't affect administrators. " ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " guest_uploads " >< ? php _se ( 'Guest uploads' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " guest_uploads " id = " guest_uploads " class = " text-input " < ? php if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'website_mode' ) == 'personal' ) echo ' disabled' ; ?> >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'guest_uploads' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable this if you want to allow non registered users to upload.' ); ?> </div>
< ? php personal_mode_warning (); ?>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " upload_threads " > Upload threads </ label >
< div class = " c2 " >< input type = " number " min = " 1 " max = " 5 " pattern = " \ d+ " name = " upload_threads " id = " upload_threads " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('upload_threads'); ?> " placeholder = " 2 " required ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'upload_threads' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Number of simultaneous upload threads (parallel uploads)' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " enable_redirect_single_upload " >< ? php _se ( 'Redirect on single upload' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " enable_redirect_single_upload " id = " enable_redirect_single_upload " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'enable_redirect_single_upload' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( " Enable this if you want to redirect to image page on single upload. " ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " enable_duplicate_uploads " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable duplicate uploads' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " enable_duplicate_uploads " id = " enable_duplicate_uploads " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'enable_duplicate_uploads' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( " Enable this if you want to allow duplicate uploads from the same IP within 24hrs. This setting doesn't affect administrators. " ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " enable_expirable_uploads " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable expirable uploads' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " enable_expirable_uploads " id = " enable_expirable_uploads " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'enable_expirable_uploads' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( " Enable this if you want to allow uploads with an automatic delete option. " ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " upload_image_exif " >< ? php _se ( 'Image Exif data' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " upload_image_exif " id = " upload_image_exif " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([
1 => _s ( 'Keep' ),
0 => _s ( 'Remove' ),
], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'upload_image_exif' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Select the default setting for image <a %s>Exif data</a> on upload.' , 'href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exchangeable_image_file_format" target="_blank"' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " upload_image_exif_user_setting " >< ? php _se ( 'Image Exif data (user setting)' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " upload_image_exif_user_setting " id = " upload_image_exif_user_setting " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([
1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ),
0 => _s ( 'Disabled' ),
], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'upload_image_exif_user_setting' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable this if you want to allow each user to configure how image Exif data will be handled.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " upload_max_filesize_mb " >< ? php _se ( 'Max. filesize' ); ?> (MB)</label>
< div class = " c2 " >< input type = " number " min = " 0 " pattern = " \ d+ " name = " upload_max_filesize_mb " id = " upload_max_filesize_mb " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['upload_max_filesize_mb'] : CHV \ Settings::get('upload_max_filesize_mb'); ?> " placeholder = " MB " required ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'upload_max_filesize_mb' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Max. allowed filesize. (Max allowed by server is %s)' , G\format_bytes ( G\get_ini_bytes ( ini_get ( 'upload_max_filesize' ))), 'strtr' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " upload_image_path " >< ? php _se ( 'Image path' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >< input type = " text " name = " upload_image_path " id = " upload_image_path " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['upload_image_path'] : CHV \ Settings::get('upload_image_path'); ?> " placeholder = " <?php _se('Relative to Chevereto root'); ?> " required ></ div >
< span class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'upload_image_path' ]; ?> </span>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Where to store the images? Relative to Chevereto root.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " upload_storage_mode " >< ? php _se ( 'Storage mode' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " upload_storage_mode " id = " upload_storage_mode " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 'datefolder' => _s ( 'Datefolders' ), 'direct' => _s ( 'Direct' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'upload_storage_mode' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Datefolders creates %s structure' , date ( '/Y/m/d/' )); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " upload_filenaming " >< ? php _se ( 'File naming method' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " upload_filenaming " id = " upload_filenaming " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 'original' => _s ( 'Original' ), 'random' => _s ( 'Random' ), 'mixed' => _s ( 'Mix original + random' ), 'id' => 'ID' ], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'upload_filenaming' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( '"Original" will try to keep the image source name while "Random" will generate a random name. "ID" will name the image just like the image ID.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " upload_thumb_width " class = " display-block-forced " >< ? php _se ( 'Thumb size' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 overflow-auto clear-both " >
< div class = " c2 float-left " >
< input type = " number " min = " 16 " pattern = " \ d+ " name = " upload_thumb_width " id = " upload_thumb_width " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['upload_thumb_width'] : CHV \ Settings::get('upload_thumb_width'); ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::getDefault('upload_thumb_width'); ?> " rel = " tooltip " data - tiptip = " top " title = " <?php _se('Width'); ?> " required >
</ div >
< div class = " c2 float-left margin-left-10 " >
< input type = " number " min = " 16 " pattern = " \ d+ " name = " upload_thumb_height " id = " upload_thumb_height " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['upload_thumb_height'] : CHV \ Settings::get('upload_thumb_height'); ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::getDefault('upload_thumb_height'); ?> " rel = " tooltip " data - tiptip = " top " title = " <?php _se('Height'); ?> " required >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'upload_thumb_width' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'upload_thumb_height' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Thumbnails will be fixed to this size.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " upload_medium_fixed_dimension " >< ? php _se ( 'Medium image fixed dimension' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " upload_medium_fixed_dimension " id = " upload_medium_fixed_dimension " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 'width' => _s ( 'Width' ), 'height' => _s ( 'Height' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'upload_medium_fixed_dimension' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Medium sized images will be fixed to this dimension. For example, if you select "width" that dimension will be fixed and image height will be automatically calculated.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " upload_medium_size " >< ? php _se ( 'Medium image fixed size' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c2 " >
< input type = " number " min = " 16 " pattern = " \ d+ " name = " upload_medium_size " id = " upload_medium_size " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['upload_medium_size'] : CHV \ Settings::get('upload_medium_size'); ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::getDefault('upload_medium_size'); ?> " required >
</ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'upload_medium_size' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Width or height will be automatically calculated.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " watermark_enable " >< ? php _se ( 'Watermarks' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " watermark_enable " id = " watermark_enable " class = " text-input " data - combo = " watermark-combo " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'watermark_enable' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'watermark_enable' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning clear-both " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'watermark_enable' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable this to put a logo or anything you want in image uploads.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div id = " watermark-combo " >
< div data - combo - value = " 1 " class = " switch-combo phablet-c1<?php if((get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['watermark_enable'] : CHV \ Settings::get('watermark_enable')) != 1) echo ' soft-hidden'; ?> " >
< ? php
if ( ! is_writable ( CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_SYSTEM )) {
< p class = " highlight " >< ? php _se ( " Warning: Can't write in %s " , CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_SYSTEM ); ?> </p>
< ? php
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " watermark_checkboxes " >< ? php _se ( 'Watermark user toggles' ); ?> </label>
< ? php echo CHV\Render\get_checkbox_html ([
'name' => 'watermark_enable_guest' ,
'label' => _s ( 'Enable watermark on guest uploads' ),
'checked' => (( bool )( get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'watermark_enable_guest' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'watermark_enable_guest' )))
]); ?>
< ? php echo CHV\Render\get_checkbox_html ([
'name' => 'watermark_enable_user' ,
'label' => _s ( 'Enable watermark on user uploads' ),
'checked' => (( bool )( get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'watermark_enable_user' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'watermark_enable_user' )))
]); ?>
< ? php echo CHV\Render\get_checkbox_html ([
'name' => 'watermark_enable_admin' ,
'label' => _s ( 'Enable watermark on admin uploads' ),
'checked' => (( bool )( get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'watermark_enable_admin' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'watermark_enable_admin' )))
]); ?>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " watermark_checkboxes " >< ? php _se ( 'Watermark file toggles' ); ?> </label>
< ? php echo CHV\Render\get_checkbox_html ([
'name' => 'watermark_enable_file_gif' ,
'label' => _s ( 'Enable watermark on GIF image uploads' ),
'checked' => (( bool )( get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'watermark_enable_file_gif' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'watermark_enable_file_gif' )))
]); ?>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " watermark_target_min_width " class = " display-block-forced " >< ? php _se ( 'Minimum image size needed to apply watermark' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 overflow-auto clear-both " >
< div class = " c2 float-left " >
< input type = " number " min = " 0 " pattern = " \ d+ " name = " watermark_target_min_width " id = " watermark_target_min_width " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['watermark_target_min_width'] : CHV \ Settings::get('watermark_target_min_width'); ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::getDefault('watermark_target_min_width'); ?> " rel = " tooltip " data - tiptip = " top " title = " <?php _se('Width'); ?> " required >
</ div >
< div class = " c2 float-left margin-left-10 " >
< input type = " number " min = " 0 " pattern = " \ d+ " name = " watermark_target_min_height " id = " watermark_target_min_height " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['watermark_target_min_height'] : CHV \ Settings::get('watermark_target_min_height'); ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::getDefault('watermark_target_min_height'); ?> " rel = " tooltip " data - tiptip = " top " title = " <?php _se('Height'); ?> " required >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'watermark_target_min_width' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'watermark_target_min_height' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( " Images smaller than this won't be watermarked. Use zero (0) to don't set a minimum image size limit. " ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " watermark_image " >< ? php _se ( 'Watermark image' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " transparent-canvas dark margin-bottom-10 " style = " max-width: 200px; " >< img class = " display-block " width = " 100% " src = " <?php echo CHV \ get_system_image_url(CHV \ Settings::get('watermark_image')) . '?' . G \r andom_string(8); ?> " ></ div >
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >
< input id = " watermark_image " name = " watermark_image " type = " file " accept = " image/png " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'watermark_image' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'You will get best results with plain logos with drop shadow. You can use a large image if the file size is not that big (recommended max. is 16KB). Must be a PNG.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " watermark_position " >< ? php _se ( 'Watermark position' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " watermark_position " id = " watermark_position " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([
'left top' => _s ( 'left top' ),
'left center' => _s ( 'left center' ),
'left bottom' => _s ( 'left bottom' ),
'center top' => _s ( 'center top' ),
'center center' => _s ( 'center center' ),
'center bottom' => _s ( 'center bottom' ),
'right top' => _s ( 'right top' ),
'right center' => _s ( 'right center' ),
'right bottom' => _s ( 'right bottom' )
], get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'watermark_position' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'watermark_position' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning clear-both " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'watermark_position' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Relative position of the watermark image. First horizontal align then vertical align.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " watermark_percentage " >< ? php _se ( 'Watermark percentage' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c2 " >
< input type = " number " min = " 1 " max = " 100 " pattern = " \ d+ " name = " watermark_percentage " id = " watermark_percentage " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['watermark_percentage'] : CHV \ Settings::get('watermark_percentage'); ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::getDefault('watermark_percentage'); ?> " required >
</ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'watermark_percentage' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Watermark percentual size relative to the target image area. Values 1 to 100.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " watermark_margin " >< ? php _se ( 'Watermark margin' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c2 " >
< input type = " number " min = " 0 " pattern = " \ d+ " name = " watermark_margin " id = " watermark_margin " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['watermark_margin'] : CHV \ Settings::get('watermark_margin'); ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::getDefault('watermark_margin'); ?> " required >
</ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'watermark_margin' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Margin from the border of the image to the watermark image.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " watermark_opacity " >< ? php _se ( 'Watermark opacity' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c2 " >
< input type = " number " min = " 1 " max = " 100 " pattern = " \ d+ " name = " watermark_opacity " id = " watermark_opacity " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['watermark_opacity'] : CHV \ Settings::get('watermark_opacity'); ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::getDefault('watermark_opacity'); ?> " required >
</ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'watermark_opacity' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Opacity of the watermark in the final watermarked image. Values 0 to 100.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'categories' ) { ?>
< ? php if ( ! CHV\getSetting ( 'website_explore_page' )) { ?>
< div class = " growl static " >< ? php _se ( " Categories won't work when the explorer feature is turned off. To revert this setting go to %s. " , [ '%s' => '<a href="' . G\get_base_url ( 'dashboard/settings/website' ) . '">' . _s ( 'Dashboard > Settings > Website' ) . '</a>' ]); ?> </div>
< ? php } ?>
< script >
$ ( document ) . ready ( function () {
CHV . obj . categories = < ? php echo json_encode ( get_categories ()); ?> ;
</ script >
< ul data - content = " dashboard-categories-list " class = " tabbed-content-list table-li-hover table-li margin-top-20 margin-bottom-20 " >
< li class = " table-li-header phone-hide " >
< span class = " c5 display-table-cell padding-right-10 " >< ? php _se ( 'Name' ); ?> </span>
< span class = " c4 display-table-cell padding-right-10 phone-hide phablet-hide " >< ? php _se ( " URL key " ); ?> </span>
< span class = " c13 display-table-cell phone-hide " >< ? php _se ( " Description " ); ?> </span>
</ li >
< ? php
$li_template = ' < li data - content = " category " data - category - id = " %ID% " >
< span class = " c5 display-table-cell padding-right-10 " >< a data - modal = " edit " data - target = " form-modal " data - category - id = " %ID% " data - content = " category-name " >% NAME %</ a ></ span >
< span class = " c4 display-table-cell padding-right-10 phone-hide phablet-hide " data - content = " category-url_key " >% URL_KEY %</ span >
< span class = " c13 display-table-cell padding-right-10 phone-display-block " data - content = " category-description " >% DESCRIPTION %</ span >
< span class = " c2 display-table-cell " >< a class = " delete-link " data - category - id = " %ID% " data - args = " %ID% " data - confirm = " '. _s( " Do you really want to delete the % s category ? This can 't be undone.").' " data-submit-fn= " CHV . fn . category . delete . submit " data-before-fn= " CHV . fn . category . delete . before " data-ajax-deferred= " CHV . fn . category . delete . complete " >'. _s('Delete').'</a></span>
</ li > ' ;
if ( get_categories ()) {
foreach ( get_categories () as $category ) {
$replaces = [];
foreach ( $category as $k => $v ) {
$replaces [ '%' . strtoupper ( $k ) . '%' ] = $v ;
echo strtr ( $li_template , $replaces );
</ ul >
< div class = " hidden " data - content = " category-dashboard-template " >
< ? php echo $li_template ; ?>
</ div >
< p >< ? php _se ( " Note: Deleting a category doesn't delete the images that belongs to that category. " ); ?> </p>
< div data - modal = " form-modal " class = " hidden " data - submit - fn = " CHV.fn.category.edit.submit " data - before - fn = " CHV.fn.category.edit.before " data - ajax - deferred = " CHV.fn.category.edit.complete " data - ajax - url = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url( " json " ); ?> " >
< span class = " modal-box-title " >< ? php _se ( 'Edit category' ); ?> </span>
< div class = " modal-form " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " form-category-id " >
< ? php G\Render\include_theme_file ( 'snippets/form_category_edit' ); ?>
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php
if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'ip-bans' ) {
try {
$ip_bans = CHV\Ip_ban :: getAll ();
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
G\exception_to_error ( $e );
< script >
$ ( document ) . ready ( function () {
CHV . obj . ip_bans = < ? php echo json_encode ( $ip_bans ); ?> ;
</ script >
< ul data - content = " dashboard-ip_bans-list " class = " tabbed-content-list table-li table-li-hover margin-top-20 margin-bottom-20 " >
< li class = " table-li-header phone-hide " >
< span class = " c6 display-table-cell padding-right-10 " > IP </ span >
< span class = " c5 display-table-cell padding-right-10 phone-hide phablet-hide " >< ? php _se ( 'Expires' ); ?> </span>
< span class = " c13 display-table-cell phone-hide " >< ? php _se ( 'Message' ); ?> </span>
</ li >
< ? php
$li_template = ' < li data - content = " ip_ban " data - ip_ban - id = " %ID% " class = " word-break-break-all " >
< span class = " c6 display-table-cell padding-right-10 " >< a data - modal = " edit " data - target = " form-modal " data - ip_ban - id = " %ID% " data - content = " ip_ban-ip " >% IP %</ a ></ span >
< span class = " c5 display-table-cell padding-right-10 phone-hide phablet-hide " data - content = " ip_ban-expires " >% EXPIRES %</ span >
< span class = " c14 display-table-cell padding-right-10 phone-display-block " data - content = " ip_ban-message " >% MESSAGE %</ span >
< span class = " c2 display-table-cell " >< a class = " delete-link " data - ip_ban - id = " %ID% " data - args = " %ID% " data - confirm = " '. _s( " Do you really want to remove the ban to the IP % s ? This can 't be undone.").' " data-submit-fn= " CHV . fn . ip_ban . delete . submit " data-before-fn= " CHV . fn . ip_ban . delete . before " data-ajax-deferred= " CHV . fn . ip_ban . delete . complete " >'. _s('Delete').'</a></span>
</ li > ' ;
foreach ( $ip_bans as $ip_ban ) {
$replaces = [];
foreach ( $ip_ban as $k => $v ) {
$replaces [ '%' . strtoupper ( $k ) . '%' ] = $v ;
echo strtr ( $li_template , $replaces );
</ ul >
< div class = " hidden " data - content = " ip_ban-dashboard-template " >
< ? php echo $li_template ; ?>
</ div >
< p >< ? php _se ( " Banned IP address will be forbidden to use the entire website. " ); ?> </p>
< div data - modal = " form-modal " class = " hidden " data - submit - fn = " CHV.fn.ip_ban.edit.submit " data - before - fn = " CHV.fn.ip_ban.edit.before " data - ajax - deferred = " CHV.fn.ip_ban.edit.complete " data - ajax - url = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url( " json " ); ?> " >
< span class = " modal-box-title " >< ? php _se ( 'Edit IP ban' ); ?> </span>
< div class = " modal-form " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " form-ip_ban-id " >
< ? php G\Render\include_theme_file ( 'snippets/form_ip_ban_edit' ); ?>
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'users' ) { ?>
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " enable_signups " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable signups' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " enable_signups " id = " enable_signups " class = " text-input " < ? php if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'website_mode' ) == 'personal' ) echo ' disabled' ; ?> >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'enable_signups' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable this if you want to allow users to signup.' ); ?> </div>
< ? php personal_mode_warning (); ?>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " user_minimum_age " >< ? php _se ( " Minimum age required " ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c3 " >< input type = " number " min = " 0 " pattern = " \ d+ " name = " user_minimum_age " id = " user_minimum_age " class = " text-input " < ? php if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'website_mode' ) == 'personal' ) echo ' disabled' ; ?> value="<?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['user_minimum_age'] : CHV\Settings::get('user_minimum_age'); ?>" placeholder="<?php _se('Empty'); ?>"></div>
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'user_minimum_age' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( " Leave it empty to don't require a minimum age to use the website. " ); ?> </div>
< ? php personal_mode_warning (); ?>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " user_routing " >< ? php _se ( 'Username routing' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " user_routing " id = " user_routing " class = " text-input " < ? php if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'website_mode' ) == 'personal' ) echo ' disabled' ; ?> >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'user_routing' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable this if you want to use %s/username URLs instead of %s/user/username.' , [ '%s' => rtrim ( G\get_base_url (), '/' )]); ?> </div>
< ? php personal_mode_warning (); ?>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " require_user_email_confirmation " >< ? php _se ( 'Require email confirmation' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " require_user_email_confirmation " id = " require_user_email_confirmation " class = " text-input " < ? php if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'website_mode' ) == 'personal' ) echo ' disabled' ; ?> >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'require_user_email_confirmation' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable this if users must validate their email address on sign up.' ); ?> </div>
< ? php personal_mode_warning (); ?>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " require_user_email_social_signup " >< ? php _se ( 'Require email for social signup' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " class = " text-input " disabled >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'require_user_email_social_signup' ));
</ select ></ div >
< ? php free_version_waring (); ?>
< ? php personal_mode_warning (); ?>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " user_image_avatar_max_filesize_mb " >< ? php _se ( 'User avatar max. filesize' ); ?> (MB)</label>
< div class = " c3 " >< input type = " number " min = " 0 " pattern = " \ d+ " name = " user_image_avatar_max_filesize_mb " id = " user_image_avatar_max_filesize_mb " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['user_image_avatar_max_filesize_mb'] : CHV \ Settings::get('user_image_avatar_max_filesize_mb'); ?> " placeholder = " MB " required ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'user_image_avatar_max_filesize_mb' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Max. allowed filesize for user avatar image. (Max allowed by server is %s)' , G\format_bytes ( G\get_ini_bytes ( ini_get ( 'upload_max_filesize' ))), 'strtr' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " user_image_background_max_filesize_mb " >< ? php _se ( 'User background max. filesize' ); ?> (MB)</label>
< div class = " c3 " >< input type = " number " min = " 0 " pattern = " \ d+ " name = " user_image_background_max_filesize_mb " id = " user_image_background_max_filesize_mb " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['user_image_background_max_filesize_mb'] : CHV \ Settings::get('user_image_background_max_filesize_mb'); ?> " placeholder = " MB " required ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'user_image_background_max_filesize_mb' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Max. allowed filesize for user background image. (Max allowed by server is %s)' , G\format_bytes ( G\get_ini_bytes ( ini_get ( 'upload_max_filesize' ))), 'strtr' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'consent-screen' ) { ?>
< p >< ? php _se ( " Shows a consent screen before accessing the website. Useful for adult content websites where minors shouldn't be allowed. " ); ?> </p>
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " enable_consent_screen " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable consent screen' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " enable_consent_screen " id = " enable_consent_screen " class = " text-input " data - combo = " consent-screen-combo " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'enable_consent_screen' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'enable_consent_screen' ));
</ select ></ div >
</ div >
< div id = " consent-screen-combo " >
< div data - combo - value = " 1 " class = " switch-combo <?php if(!(get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['enable_consent_screen'] : CHV \ Settings::get('enable_consent_screen'))) echo ' soft-hidden'; ?> " >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " consent_screen_cover_image " >< ? php _se ( 'Consent screen cover image' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " transparent-canvas dark margin-bottom-10 " style = " max-width: 200px; " >< img class = " display-block " width = " 100% " src = " <?php echo CHV \ get_system_image_url(CHV \ Settings::get('consent_screen_cover_image')); ?> " ></ div >
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >
< input id = " consent_screen_cover_image " name = " consent_screen_cover_image " type = " file " accept = " image/* " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'consent_screen_cover_image' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'flood-protection' ) { ?>
< p >< ? php _se ( " Block image uploads by IP if the system notice a flood behavior based on the number of uploads per time period. This setting doesn't affect administrators. " ); ?> </p>
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " flood_uploads_protection " >< ? php _se ( 'Flood protection' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " flood_uploads_protection " id = " flood_uploads_protection " class = " text-input " data - combo = " flood-protection-combo " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'flood_uploads_protection' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'flood_uploads_protection' ));
</ select ></ div >
</ div >
< div id = " flood-protection-combo " >
< div data - combo - value = " 1 " class = " switch-combo <?php if(!(get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['flood_uploads_protection'] : CHV \ Settings::get('flood_uploads_protection'))) echo ' soft-hidden'; ?> " >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " flood_uploads_notify " >< ? php _se ( 'Notify to email' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " flood_uploads_notify " id = " flood_uploads_notify " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'flood_uploads_notify' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'flood_uploads_notify' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'If enabled the system will send an email on flood incidents.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " flood_uploads_minute " >< ? php _se ( 'Minute limit' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c3 " >< input type = " number " min = " 0 " name = " flood_uploads_minute " id = " flood_uploads_minute " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['flood_uploads_minute'] : CHV \ Settings::get('flood_uploads_minute', true); ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::getDefault('flood_uploads_minute'); ?> " ></ div >
< div class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'flood_uploads_minute' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " flood_uploads_hour " >< ? php _se ( 'Hourly limit' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c3 " >< input type = " number " min = " 0 " name = " flood_uploads_hour " id = " flood_uploads_hour " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['flood_uploads_hour'] : CHV \ Settings::get('flood_uploads_hour', true); ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::getDefault('flood_uploads_hour'); ?> " ></ div >
< div class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'flood_uploads_hour' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " flood_uploads_day " >< ? php _se ( 'Daily limit' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c3 " >< input type = " number " min = " 0 " name = " flood_uploads_day " id = " flood_uploads_day " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['flood_uploads_day'] : CHV \ Settings::get('flood_uploads_day', true); ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::getDefault('flood_uploads_day'); ?> " ></ div >
< div class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'flood_uploads_day' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " flood_uploads_week " >< ? php _se ( 'Weekly limit' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c3 " >< input type = " number " min = " 0 " name = " flood_uploads_week " id = " flood_uploads_week " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['flood_uploads_week'] : CHV \ Settings::get('flood_uploads_week', true); ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::getDefault('flood_uploads_week'); ?> " ></ div >
< div class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'flood_uploads_week' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " flood_uploads_month " >< ? php _se ( 'Monthly limit' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c3 " >< input type = " number " min = " 0 " name = " flood_uploads_month " id = " flood_uploads_month " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['flood_uploads_month'] : CHV \ Settings::get('flood_uploads_month', true); ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::getDefault('flood_uploads_month'); ?> " ></ div >
< div class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'flood_uploads_month' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'content' ) { ?>
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " show_nsfw_in_listings " >< ? php _se ( 'Show not safe content in listings' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " show_nsfw_in_listings " id = " show_nsfw_in_listings " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'show_nsfw_in_listings' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( " Enable this if you want to show not safe content in listings. This setting doesn't affect administrators and can be overridden by user own settings. " ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " theme_nsfw_blur " >< ? php _se ( 'Blur NSFW content in listings' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " theme_nsfw_blur " id = " theme_nsfw_blur " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'theme_nsfw_blur' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( " Enable this if you want to apply a blur effect on the NSFW images in listings. " ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label >< ? php _se ( 'Show banners in not safe content' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " class = " text-input " disabled >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'show_banners_in_nsfw' ));
</ select ></ div >
< ? php free_version_waring (); ?>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " show_nsfw_in_random_mode " >< ? php _se ( 'Show not safe content in random mode' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " show_nsfw_in_random_mode " id = " show_nsfw_in_random_mode " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'show_nsfw_in_random_mode' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'show_nsfw_in_random_mode' ));
</ select ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'listings' ) { ?>
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " listing_items_per_page " >< ? php _se ( 'List items per page' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c2 " >< input type = " number " min = " 1 " name = " listing_items_per_page " id = " listing_items_per_page " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('listing_items_per_page', true); ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::getDefault('listing_items_per_page', true); ?> " required ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'listing_items_per_page' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'How many items should be displayed per page listing.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " listing_pagination_mode " >< ? php _se ( 'List pagination mode' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " listing_pagination_mode " id = " listing_pagination_mode " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 'endless' => _s ( 'Endless scrolling' ), 'classic' => _s ( 'Classic pagination' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'listing_pagination_mode' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'listing_pagination_mode' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'What pagination method should be used.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " theme_image_listing_sizing " >< ? php _se ( 'Image listing size' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " theme_image_listing_sizing " id = " theme_image_listing_sizing " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 'fluid' => _s ( 'Fluid' ), 'fixed' => _s ( 'Fixed' )], get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'theme_image_listing_sizing' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'theme_image_listing_sizing' ), CHV\Settings :: get ( 'theme_image_listing_sizing' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning clear-both " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'theme_image_listing_sizing' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Both methods use a fixed width but fluid method uses automatic heights.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label >< ? php _se ( 'Listing columns number' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Here you can set how many columns are used based on each target device.' ); ?> </div>
< div class = " overflow-auto margin-bottom-10 margin-top-10 " >
< label for = " listing_columns_phone " class = " c2 float-left input-line-height " >< ? php _se ( 'Phone' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " number " name = " listing_columns_phone " id = " listing_columns_phone " class = " text-input c2 " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('listing_columns_phone', true); ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::getDefault('listing_columns_phone', true); ?> " pattern = " \ d* " min = " 1 " max = " 7 " required >
</ div >
< div class = " overflow-auto margin-bottom-10 " >
< label for = " listing_columns_phablet " class = " c2 float-left input-line-height " >< ? php _se ( 'Phablet' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " number " name = " listing_columns_phablet " id = " listing_columns_phablet " class = " text-input c2 " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('listing_columns_phablet', true); ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::getDefault('listing_columns_phablet', true); ?> " pattern = " \ d* " min = " 1 " max = " 8 " required >
</ div >
< div class = " overflow-auto margin-bottom-10 " >
< label for = " listing_columns_tablet " class = " c2 float-left input-line-height " >< ? php _se ( 'Tablet' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " number " name = " listing_columns_tablet " id = " listing_columns_tablet " class = " text-input c2 " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('listing_columns_tablet', true); ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::getDefault('listing_columns_tablet', true); ?> " pattern = " \ d* " min = " 1 " max = " 8 " required >
</ div >
< div class = " overflow-auto margin-bottom-10 " >
< label for = " listing_columns_laptop " class = " c2 float-left input-line-height " >< ? php _se ( 'Laptop' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " number " name = " listing_columns_laptop " id = " listing_columns_laptop " class = " text-input c2 " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('listing_columns_laptop', true); ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::getDefault('listing_columns_laptop', true); ?> " pattern = " \ d* " min = " 1 " max = " 8 " required >
</ div >
< div class = " overflow-auto margin-bottom-10 " >
< label for = " listing_columns_desktop " class = " c2 float-left input-line-height " >< ? php _se ( 'Desktop' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " number " name = " listing_columns_desktop " id = " listing_columns_desktop " class = " text-input c2 " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('listing_columns_desktop', true); ?> " placeholder = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::getDefault('listing_columns_desktop', true); ?> " pattern = " \ d* " min = " 1 " max = " 8 " required >
</ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'listing_columns' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'theme' ) { ?>
2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
< p >< ? php echo read_the_docs ([ '%s' => _s ( 'theme editing' ), '%k' => 'theme' ]); ?> </p>
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< label for = " theme " >< ? php _se ( " Theme " ); ?> </label>
< ? php
$themes = [];
foreach ( scandir ( G_APP_PATH_THEMES ) as $v ) {
if ( is_dir ( G_APP_PATH_THEMES . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $v ) and ! in_array ( $v , [ '.' , '..' ])) {
$themes [ $v ] = $v ;
2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >
< select type = " text " name = " theme " id = " theme " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ( $themes , CHV\Settings :: get ( 'theme' ));
</ select >
</ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php echo _se ( 'Put your themes in the %s folder' , G_APP_PATH_THEMES ); ?> </div>
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
</ div >
2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " theme_tone " >< ? php _se ( 'Tone' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " theme_tone " id = " theme_tone " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 'light' => _s ( 'Light' ), 'dark' => _s ( 'Dark' )], get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'theme_tone' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'theme_tone' ), CHV\Settings :: get ( 'theme_tone' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning clear-both " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'theme_tone' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " theme_main_color " >< ? php _se ( 'Main color' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c4 " >< input type = " text " name = " theme_main_color " id = " theme_main_color " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('theme_main_color', true); ?> " placeholder = " #00A7DA " pattern = " #?([ \ da-fA-F] { 2})([ \ da-fA-F] { 2})([ \ da-fA-F] { 2}) " title = " <?php _se('Hexadecimal color value'); ?> " rel = " toolTip " data - tipTip = " right " ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'theme_main_color' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Use this to set the main theme color. Value must be in <a href="%s" target="_blank">hex format</a>.' , 'http://www.color-hex.com/' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " theme_top_bar_color " >< ? php _se ( 'Top bar color' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " theme_top_bar_color " id = " theme_top_bar_color " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 'black' => _s ( 'Black' ), 'white' => _s ( 'White' )], get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'theme_top_bar_color' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'theme_top_bar_color' ), CHV\Settings :: get ( 'theme_top_bar_color' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning clear-both " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'theme_top_bar_color' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'If you set this to "white" the top bar and all the black tones will be changed to white tones.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " theme_top_bar_button_color " >< ? php _se ( 'Top bar button color' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " theme_top_bar_button_color " id = " theme_top_bar_button_color " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([
'blue' => _s ( 'Blue' ),
'green' => _s ( 'Green' ),
'orange' => _s ( 'Orange' ),
'red' => _s ( 'Red' ),
'grey' => _s ( 'Grey' ),
'black' => _s ( 'Black' ),
'white' => _s ( 'White' ),
'default' => _s ( 'Default' ),
], get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'theme_top_bar_button_color' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'theme_top_bar_button_color' ), CHV\Settings :: get ( 'theme_top_bar_button_color' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning clear-both " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'theme_top_bar_button_color' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Color for the top bar buttons like the "Create account" button.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< ? php
if ( ! is_writable ( CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_SYSTEM )) {
< p class = " highlight " >< ? php _se ( " Warning: Can't write in %s " , CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_SYSTEM ); ?> </p>
< ? php
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " logo_vector_enable " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable vector logo' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " logo_vector_enable " id = " logo_vector_enable " class = " text-input " data - combo = " logo-vector-combo " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'logo_vector_enable' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'logo_vector_enable' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning clear-both " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'logo_vector_enable' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable vector logo for high quality logo in devices with high pixel density.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div id = " logo-vector-combo " >
< div data - combo - value = " 1 " class = " switch-combo c9 phablet-c1<?php if((get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['logo_vector_enable'] : CHV \ Settings::get('logo_vector_enable')) != 1) echo ' soft-hidden'; ?> " >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " logo_vector " >< ? php _se ( 'Vector logo image' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " transparent-canvas dark margin-bottom-10 " style = " max-width: 200px; " >< img class = " display-block " width = " 100% " src = " <?php echo CHV \ get_system_image_url(CHV \ Settings::get('logo_vector')) . '?' . G \r andom_string(8); ?> " ></ div >
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >
< input id = " logo_vector " name = " logo_vector " type = " file " accept = " image/svg " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'logo_vector' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Vector version or your website logo in SVG format.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " logo_image " >< ? php _se ( 'Raster logo image' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " transparent-canvas dark margin-bottom-10 " style = " max-width: 200px; " >< img class = " display-block " width = " 100% " src = " <?php echo CHV \ get_system_image_url(CHV \ Settings::get('logo_image')) . '?' . G \r andom_string(8); ?> " ></ div >
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >
< input id = " logo_image " name = " logo_image " type = " file " accept = " image/* " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'logo_image' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Bitmap version or your website logo. PNG format is recommended.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " theme_logo_height " >< ? php _se ( 'Logo height' ); ?> </label>
2016-11-06 02:19:47 +00:00
< div class = " c4 " >< input type = " number " min = " 0 " pattern = " \ d+ " name = " theme_logo_height " id = " theme_logo_height " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('theme_logo_height'); ?> " placeholder = " <?php _se('No value'); ?> " ></ div >
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'theme_logo_height' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Use this to set the logo height if needed.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " favicon_image " >< ? php _se ( 'Favicon image' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " transparent-canvas dark margin-bottom-10 " style = " max-width: 100px; " >< img class = " display-block " width = " 100% " src = " <?php echo CHV \ get_system_image_url(CHV \ Settings::get('favicon_image')) . '?' . G \r andom_string(8); ?> " ></ div >
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >
< input id = " favicon_image " name = " favicon_image " type = " file " accept = " image/* " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'favicon_image' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Favicon image. Image must have same width and height.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
2017-01-15 20:53:11 +00:00
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " image_load_max_filesize_mb " >< ? php _se ( 'Image load max. filesize' ); ?> (MB)</label>
< div class = " c2 " >< input type = " number " min = " 0 " pattern = " \ d+ " name = " image_load_max_filesize_mb " id = " image_load_max_filesize_mb " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['image_load_max_filesize_mb'] : CHV \ Settings::get('image_load_max_filesize_mb'); ?> " placeholder = " MB " required ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'image_load_max_filesize_mb' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Images greater than this size will show a button to load full resolution image.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " theme_download_button " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable download button' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " theme_download_button " id = " theme_download_button " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'theme_download_button' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable this if you want to show the image download button.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " theme_image_right_click " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable right click on image' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " theme_image_right_click " id = " theme_image_right_click " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'theme_image_right_click' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable this if you want to allow right click on image viewer page.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " theme_show_exif_data " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable show Exif data' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " theme_show_exif_data " id = " theme_show_exif_data " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'theme_show_exif_data' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable this if you want to show image Exif data.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " theme_show_social_share " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable social share' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " theme_show_social_share " id = " theme_show_social_share " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'theme_show_social_share' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable this if you want to show social network buttons to share content.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " theme_show_embed_content " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable embed codes (content)' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " theme_show_embed_content " id = " theme_show_embed_content " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'theme_show_embed_content' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable this if you want to show embed codes for the content.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " theme_show_embed_uploader " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable embed codes (uploader)' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " theme_show_embed_uploader " id = " theme_show_embed_uploader " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'theme_show_embed_uploader' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable this if you want to show embed codes when upload gets completed.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " theme_nsfw_upload_checkbox " >< ? php _se ( 'Not safe content checkbox in uploader' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " theme_nsfw_upload_checkbox " id = " theme_nsfw_upload_checkbox " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'theme_nsfw_upload_checkbox' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable this if you want to show a checkbox to indicate not safe content upload.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " theme_custom_css_code " >< ? php _se ( 'Custom CSS code' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c12 phablet-c1 " >< textarea type = " text " name = " theme_custom_css_code " id = " theme_custom_css_code " class = " text-input r4 " placeholder = " <?php _se('Put your custom CSS code here. It will be placed as <style> just before the closing </head> tag.'); ?> " >< ? php echo CHV\Settings :: get ( 'theme_custom_css_code' , true ); ?> </textarea></div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " theme_custom_js_code " >< ? php _se ( 'Custom JS code' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c12 phablet-c1 " >< textarea type = " text " name = " theme_custom_js_code " id = " theme_custom_js_code " class = " text-input r4 " placeholder = " <?php _se('Put your custom JS code here. It will be placed as <script> just before the closing </head> tag.'); ?> " >< ? php echo CHV\Settings :: get ( 'theme_custom_js_code' , true ); ?> </textarea></div>
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'homepage' ) { ?>
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " homepage_style " >< ? php _se ( 'Style' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " homepage_style " id = " homepage_style " class = " text-input " data - combo = " home-style-combo " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([
'landing' => _s ( 'Landing page' ),
'split' => _s ( 'Split landing + images' ),
'route_explore' => _s ( 'Route explore' )
], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'homepage_style' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'homepage_style' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Select the homepage style. To customize it further edit app/themes/%s/views/index.php' , CHV\Settings :: get ( 'theme' )); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div id = " home-style-combo " >
< div data - combo - value = " landing split " class = " switch-combo<?php if(!in_array((get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['homepage_style'] : CHV \ Settings::get('homepage_style')), ['split', 'landing'])) echo ' soft-hidden'; ?> " >
< ? php
foreach ( CHV\Settings :: get ( 'homepage_cover_images' ) as $k => $v ) {
$cover_index = $k + 1 ;
$cover_label = 'homepage_cover_image_' . $k ;
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " <?php echo $cover_label ; ?> " >< ? php _se ( 'Cover image' ); echo ( ' (' . $cover_index . ')' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " transparent-canvas dark margin-bottom-10 " style = " max-width: 200px; " >< img class = " display-block " width = " 100% " src = " <?php echo $v['url'] ; ?> " ></ div >
< ? php if ( count ( CHV\Settings :: get ( 'homepage_cover_images' )) > 1 ) { ?>
< div class = " margin-top-10 margin-bottom-10 " >
< a class = " delete-link " data - confirm = " <?php _se( " Do you really want to delete this image ? This can 't be undone."); ?>" href="<?php echo G\get_base_url(' dashboard / settings / homepage ? action = delete - cover & cover = ' . $cover_index); ?>"><?php _se(' Delete image ' ); ?> </a>
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >
< input id = " <?php echo $cover_label ; ?> " name = " <?php echo $cover_label ; ?> " type = " file " accept = " image/* " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'homepage_cover_image_' . $k ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " homepage_cover_image_add " >< ? php _se ( 'Add new cover image' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >
< input id = " homepage_cover_image_add " name = " homepage_cover_image_add " type = " file " accept = " image/* " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'homepage_cover_image_add' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< ? php if ( CHV\Settings :: get ( 'logo_vector_enable' )) { ?>
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " logo_vector_homepage " >< ? php _se ( 'Vector logo image' ); ?> <span class="optional"><?php _se('optional'); ?></span></label>
< div class = " transparent-canvas dark margin-bottom-10 " style = " max-width: 200px; " >< img class = " display-block " width = " 100% " src = " <?php echo CHV \ get_system_image_url(CHV \ Settings::get('logo_vector_homepage')) . '?' . G \r andom_string(8); ?> " ></ div >
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >
< input id = " logo_vector_homepage " name = " logo_vector_homepage " type = " file " accept = " image/svg " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'logo_vector_homepage' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Vector version or your website logo in SVG format (only for homepage).' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< ? php } // landing logo vector ?>
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " logo_image_homepage " >< ? php _se ( 'Raster logo image' ); ?> <span class="optional"><?php _se('optional'); ?></span></label>
< div class = " transparent-canvas dark margin-bottom-10 " style = " max-width: 200px; " >< img class = " display-block " width = " 100% " src = " <?php echo CHV \ get_system_image_url(CHV \ Settings::get('logo_image_homepage')) . '?' . G \r andom_string(8); ?> " ></ div >
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >
< input id = " logo_image_homepage " name = " logo_image_homepage " type = " file " accept = " image/* " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'logo_image_homepage' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Bitmap version or your website logo (only for homepage). PNG format is recommended.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " homepage_title_html " >< ? php _se ( 'Title' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c12 phablet-c1 " >< textarea type = " text " name = " homepage_title_html " id = " homepage_title_html " class = " text-input r2 resize-vertical " placeholder = " <?php echo G \ safe_html(_s('This will be added inside the homepage %s tag. Leave it blank to use the default contents.', '<h1>')); ?> " >< ? php echo CHV\Settings :: get ( 'homepage_title_html' ); ?> </textarea></div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " homepage_paragraph_html " >< ? php _se ( 'Paragraph' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c12 phablet-c1 " >< textarea type = " text " name = " homepage_paragraph_html " id = " homepage_paragraph_html " class = " text-input r2 resize-vertical " placeholder = " <?php echo G \ safe_html(_s('This will be added inside the homepage %s tag. Leave it blank to use the default contents.', '<p>')); ?> " >< ? php echo CHV\Settings :: get ( 'homepage_paragraph_html' ); ?> </textarea></div>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " homepage_cta_color " >< ? php _se ( 'Call to action button color' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " homepage_cta_color " id = " homepage_cta_color " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([
'blue' => _s ( 'Blue' ),
'green' => _s ( 'Green' ),
'orange' => _s ( 'Orange' ),
'red' => _s ( 'Red' ),
'grey' => _s ( 'Grey' ),
'black' => _s ( 'Black' ),
'white' => _s ( 'White' ),
'default' => _s ( 'Default' ),
], get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'homepage_cta_color' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'homepage_cta_color' ), CHV\Settings :: get ( 'homepage_cta_color' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning clear-both " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'homepage_cta_color' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Color of the homepage call to action button.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " homepage_cta_outline " >< ? php _se ( 'Call to action outline style button' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " homepage_cta_outline " id = " homepage_cta_outline " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'homepage_cta_outline' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning clear-both " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'homepage_cta_outline' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable this to use outline style for the homepage call to action button.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " homepage_cta_fn " >< ? php _se ( 'Call to action functionality' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " homepage_cta_fn " id = " homepage_cta_fn " class = " text-input " data - combo = " cta-fn-combo " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([
'cta-upload' => _s ( 'Trigger uploader' ),
'cta-link' => _s ( 'Open URL' )
], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'homepage_cta_fn' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'homepage_cta_fn' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< div id = " cta-fn-combo " >
< div data - combo - value = " cta-link " class = " switch-combo<?php if((get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['homepage_cta_fn'] : CHV \ Settings::get('homepage_cta_fn')) !== 'cta-link') echo ' soft-hidden'; ?> " >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " homepage_cta_fn_extra " >< ? php _se ( 'Call to action URL' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >< input type = " text " name = " homepage_cta_fn_extra " id = " homepage_cta_fn_extra " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('homepage_cta_fn_extra', true); ?> " placeholder = " <?php _se('Enter an absolute or relative URL'); ?> " < ? php echo (( get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'homepage_cta_fn' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'homepage_cta_fn' )) !== 'cta-link' ) ? 'data-required' : 'required' ; ?> ></div>
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'homepage_cta_fn_extra' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'A relative URL like %r will be mapped to %l' , [ '%r' => 'page/welcome' , '%l' => G\get_base_url ( 'page/welcome' )]); ?> </div>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " homepage_cta_html " >< ? php _se ( 'Call to action HTML' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c12 phablet-c1 " >< textarea type = " text " name = " homepage_cta_html " id = " homepage_cta_html " class = " text-input r2 resize-vertical " placeholder = " <?php echo G \ safe_html(_s('This will be added inside the call to action <a> tag. Leave it blank to use the default contents.')); ?> " >< ? php echo CHV\Settings :: get ( 'homepage_cta_html' ); ?> </textarea></div>
</ div >
</ div >
< div data - combo - value = " split " class = " switch-combo<?php if((get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['homepage_style'] : CHV \ Settings::get('homepage_style')) !== 'split') echo ' soft-hidden'; ?> " >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " homepage_uids " >< ? php _se ( 'User IDs' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c4 " >< input type = " text " name = " homepage_uids " id = " homepage_uids " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('homepage_uids', true); ?> " placeholder = " <?php _se('Empty'); ?> " rel = " tooltip " title = " <?php _se('Your user id is: %s', CHV \ Login::getUser()['id']); ?> " data - tipTip = " right " ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'homepage_uids' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Comma-separated list of target user IDs to show images on homepage. Leave it empty to display all recent images.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'system' ) { ?>
2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " enable_automatic_updates_check " >< ? php _se ( 'Automatic updates check' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " enable_automatic_updates_check " id = " enable_automatic_updates_check " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'enable_automatic_updates_check' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'enable_automatic_updates_check' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'When enabled the system will automatically check for new updates.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " update_check_display_notification " >< ? php _se ( 'Display available updates notification' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " update_check_display_notification " id = " update_check_display_notification " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' ), 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'update_check_display_notification' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'update_check_display_notification' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( " Enable this to show a notice on top warning you about new available system updates. " ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " minify_enable " >< ? php _se ( 'Minify code' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " minify_enable " id = " minify_enable " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'minify_enable' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable this if you want to auto minify CSS and JS code.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " website_search " >< ? php _se ( 'Maintenance' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " maintenance " id = " maintenance " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' ), 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'maintenance' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( " When enabled the website will show a maintenance message. This setting doesn't affect administrators. " ); ?> </div>
</ div >
2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " crypt_salt " >< ? php _se ( 'Crypt salt' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< input type = " text " name = " crypt_salt " id = " crypt_salt " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('crypt_salt'); ?> " disabled ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'This is the salt used to convert numeric ID to alphanumeric. It was generated on install.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " error_reporting " >< ? php _se ( 'PHP error reporting' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " error_reporting " id = " error_reporting " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'error_reporting' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable this if you want to print errors generated by PHP <a %s>error_reporting()</a>. This should be disabled in production.' , 'href="http://php.net/manual/en/function.error-reporting.php" target="_blank"' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " debug_level " >< ? php _se ( 'Debug level' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " debug_level " id = " debug_level " class = " text-input " disabled >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 0 => _s ( 'None' ), 1 => _s ( 'Error log' ), 2 => _s ( 'Print errors without error log' ), 3 => _s ( 'Print and log errors' )], G\get_app_setting ( 'debug_level' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'To configure the debug level check the <a %s>debug documentation</a>. Default level is "Error log" (1).' , 'href="https://goo.gl/UQtZEf" target="_blank"' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'routing' ) { ?>
< p >< ? php _se ( 'Routing allows you to customize default route binds on the fly. Only alphanumeric, hyphen and underscore characters are allowed. Check out our %s if you want to override or add new routes.' , '<a href="https://chevereto.com/docs/routes">' . _s ( 'documentation' ) . '</a>' ); ?> </p>
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " route_image " >< ? php _se ( 'Image routing' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >
2016-11-06 02:19:47 +00:00
< input type = " text " name = " route_image " id = " route_image " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('route_image', true); ?> " required pattern = " ^[a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)* $ " placeholder = " image " >
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
</ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'route_image' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Routing for %s' , G\get_base_url ( 'image/<id>' )); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " route_album " >< ? php _se ( 'Album routing' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >
2016-11-06 02:19:47 +00:00
< input type = " text " name = " route_album " id = " route_album " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('route_album', true); ?> " required pattern = " ^[a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)* $ " placeholder = " album " >
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
</ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'route_album' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Routing for %s' , G\get_base_url ( 'album/<id>' )); ?> </div>
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'languages' ) { ?>
2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
< div class = " input-label " >
< label >< ? php _se ( 'Custom language strings' ); ?> </label>
< p >< ? php echo read_the_docs ([ '%s' => _s ( 'language strings' ), '%k' => 'language-strings' ]); ?> </p>
</ div >
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " default_language " >< ? php _se ( 'Default language' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " default_language " id = " default_language " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
foreach ( CHV\get_available_languages () as $k => $v ) {
$selected_lang = $k == CHV\Settings :: get ( 'default_language' ) ? " selected " : " " ;
echo '<option value="' . $k . '"' . $selected_lang . '>' . $v [ " name " ] . '</option>' . " \n " ;
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Default base language to use.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " auto_language " >< ? php _se ( 'Auto language' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " auto_language " id = " auto_language " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'auto_language' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( " Enable this if you want to automatically detect and set the right language for each user. " ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " language_chooser_enable " >< ? php _se ( 'Language chooser' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " language_chooser_enable " id = " language_chooser_enable " class = " text-input " data - combo = " language-enable-combo " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'language_chooser_enable' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( " Enable this if you want to allow language selection. " ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< ? php if ( count ( CHV\get_available_languages ()) > 0 ) { ?>
< div id = " language-enable-combo " >
< div data - combo - value = " 1 " class = " switch-combo<?php if((get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['language_chooser_enable'] == 0 : !CHV \ Settings::get('language_chooser_enable'))) echo ' soft-hidden'; ?> " >
< div class = " checkbox-label " >
< h4 class = " input-label-label " >< ? php _se ( 'Enabled languages' ); ?> </h4>
< ul class = " c20 phablet-c1 " >
< ? php
foreach ( CHV\get_available_languages () as $k => $v ) {
$lang_flag = array_key_exists ( $k , CHV\get_enabled_languages ()) ? ' checked' : NULL ;
2016-11-06 02:19:47 +00:00
echo '<li class="c5 phone-c1 display-inline-block"><label class="display-block" for="languages_enable[' . $k . ']"> <input type="checkbox" name="languages_enable[]" id="languages_enable[' . $k . ']" value="' . $k . '"' . $lang_flag . '>' . $v [ 'name' ] . '</label></li>' ;
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
</ ul >
< p class = " margin-top-20 " >< ? php _se ( " Unchecked languages won't be used in your website. " ); ?> </p>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'email' ) { ?>
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " email_from_name " >< ? php _se ( 'From name' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >< input type = " text " name = " email_from_name " id = " email_from_name " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('email_from_name', true); ?> " required ></ div >
< div class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'email_from_name' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Sender name for emails sent to users.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " email_from_email " >< ? php _se ( 'From email address' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >< input type = " email " name = " email_from_email " id = " email_from_email " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('email_from_email', true); ?> " required ></ div >
< div class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'email_from_email' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Sender email for emails sent to users.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " email_incoming_email " >< ? php _se ( 'Incoming email address' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >< input type = " email " name = " email_incoming_email " id = " email_incoming_email " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('email_incoming_email', true); ?> " required ></ div >
< div class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'email_incoming_email' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Recipient for contact form and system alerts.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " email_mode " >< ? php _se ( 'Email mode' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " email_mode " id = " email_mode " class = " text-input " data - combo = " mail-combo " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 'smtp' => 'SMTP' , 'mail' => 'PHP mail() func.' ], get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'email_mode' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'email_mode' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning clear-both " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'email_mode' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'How to send emails? SMTP recommended.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div id = " mail-combo " >
< ? php
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'SMTPDebug' ]) {
echo '<p class="highlight">' . nl2br ( $GLOBALS [ 'SMTPDebug' ]) . '</p>' ;
< div data - combo - value = " smtp " class = " switch-combo c9 phablet-c1<?php if((get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['email_mode'] : CHV \ Settings::get('email_mode')) !== 'smtp') echo ' soft-hidden'; ?> " >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " email_smtp_server " >< ? php _se ( 'SMTP server and port' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " overflow-auto " >
< div class = " c7 float-left " >
< input type = " text " name = " email_smtp_server " id = " email_smtp_server " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['email_smtp_server'] : CHV \ Settings::get('email_smtp_server'); ?> " placeholder = " <?php _se('SMTP server'); ?> " >
</ div >
< div class = " c2 float-left margin-left-10 " >
< select type = " text " name = " email_smtp_server_port " id = " email_smtp_server_port " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 25 => 25 , 80 => 80 , 465 => 465 , 587 => 587 ], get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'email_smtp_server_port' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'email_smtp_server_port' ));
</ select >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning clear-both " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'email_smtp_server' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " email_smtp_server_username " >< ? php _se ( 'SMTP username' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " text " name = " email_smtp_server_username " id = " email_smtp_server_username " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['email_smtp_server_username'] : CHV \ Settings::get('email_smtp_server_username'); ?> " >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'email_smtp_server_username' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " email_smtp_server_password " >< ? php _se ( 'SMTP password' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " password " name = " email_smtp_server_password " id = " email_smtp_server_password " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['email_smtp_server_password'] : CHV \ Settings::get('email_smtp_server_password'); ?> " >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'email_smtp_server_password' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label c5 " >
< label for = " email_smtp_server_security " >< ? php _se ( 'SMTP security' ); ?> </label>
< select type = " text " name = " email_smtp_server_security " id = " email_smtp_server_security " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 'tls' => 'TLS' , 'ssl' => 'SSL' , 'unsecured' => _s ( 'Unsecured' )], get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'email_smtp_server_security' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'email_smtp_server_security' ));
</ select >
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning clear-both " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'email_smtp_server_security' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'tools' ) { ?>
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " test-email " >< ? php _se ( 'Send test email' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c12 phablet-c1 " >< input type = " email " name = " test-email " id = " test-email " class = " c6 text-input " placeholder = " <?php _se('test@somedomain.com'); ?> " > < a class = " btn btn-input default " data - action = " test-email " >< span class = " loading display-inline-block " ></ span >< span class = " text " >< ? php _se ( 'Send test email' ); ?> </span></a></div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Use this to test how your emails are being delivered. We recommend you to use %s.' , '<a href="https://www.mail-tester.com/" target="_blank">mail-tester</a>' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'external-services' ) { ?>
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " recaptcha " > CDN </ label >
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " cdn " id = " cdn " class = " text-input " data - combo = " cdn-combo " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'cdn' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'cdn' ));
</ select ></ div >
2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php echo read_the_docs ([ '%s' => 'CDN' , '%k' => 'cdn' ]); ?> </div>
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
</ div >
< div id = " cdn-combo " class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >
< div data - combo - value = " 1 " class = " switch-combo<?php if(!(get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['cdn'] : CHV \ Settings::get('cdn'))) echo ' soft-hidden'; ?> " >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " cdn_url " > CDN URL </ label >
< input type = " text " name = " cdn_url " id = " cdn_url " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['cdn_url'] : CHV \ Settings::get('cdn_url', true); ?> " placeholder = " http://something.netdna-cdn.com/ " >
< div class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'cdn_url' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " recaptcha " > reCAPTCHA </ label >
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " recaptcha " id = " recaptcha " class = " text-input " data - combo = " recaptcha-combo " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'recaptcha' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'recaptcha' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'You need a <a href="%s" target="_blank">reCAPTCHA key</a> for this.' , 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/index.html' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div id = " recaptcha-combo " >
< div data - combo - value = " 1 " class = " switch-combo<?php if(!(get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['recaptcha'] : CHV \ Settings::get('recaptcha'))) echo ' soft-hidden'; ?> " >
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >
< div class = " input-label " >
2016-11-06 02:19:47 +00:00
< label for = " recaptcha_public_key " >< ? php _se ( '%s site key' , 'reCAPTCHA' ); ?> </label>
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< input type = " text " name = " recaptcha_public_key " id = " recaptcha_public_key " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['recaptcha_public_key'] : CHV \ Settings::get('recaptcha_public_key', true); ?> " >
< div class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'recaptcha_public_key' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
2016-11-06 02:19:47 +00:00
< label for = " recaptcha_private_key " >< ? php _se ( '%s secret key' , 'reCAPTCHA' ); ?> </label>
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< input type = " text " name = " recaptcha_private_key " id = " recaptcha_private_key " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['recaptcha_private_key'] : CHV \ Settings::get('recaptcha_private_key', true); ?> " >
2016-11-06 02:19:47 +00:00
< div class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'recaptcha_private_key' ]; ?> </div>
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >
< label for = " recaptcha_threshold " >< ? php _se ( 'reCAPTCHA threshold' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c2 " >
< input type = " number " min = " 0 " name = " recaptcha_threshold " id = " recaptcha_threshold " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['recaptcha_threshold'] : CHV \ Settings::get('recaptcha_threshold'); ?> " >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'How many failed attempts are needed to ask for reCAPTCHA? Use zero (0) to always show reCAPTCHA.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
2016-11-06 02:19:47 +00:00
< label for = " comments_api " >< ? php _se ( 'Comments API' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " comments_api " id = " comments_api " class = " text-input " data - combo = " comments_api-combo " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([
'disqus' => 'Disqus' ,
'js' => 'JavaScript/HTML' ,
], get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'comments_api' ] : CHV\Settings :: get ( 'comments_api' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Disqus API works with %s.' , '<a href="https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/236206" target="_blank">Single Sing-On</a> (SSO)' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div id = " comments_api-combo " >
< div data - combo - value = " disqus " class = " switch-combo<?php if((get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['comments_api'] : CHV \ Settings::get('comments_api')) !== 'disqus') echo ' soft-hidden'; ?> " >
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " disqus_shortname " >< ? php _se ( 'Disqus shortname' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " text " name = " disqus_shortname " id = " disqus_shortname " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['disqus_shortname'] : CHV \ Settings::get('disqus_shortname', true); ?> " >
< div class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'disqus_shortname' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " disqus_secret_key " >< ? php _se ( '%s secret key' , 'Disqus' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " text " name = " disqus_secret_key " id = " disqus_secret_key " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['disqus_secret_key'] : CHV \ Settings::get('disqus_secret_key', true); ?> " >
< div class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'disqus_secret_key' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " disqus_public_key " >< ? php _se ( '%s public key' , 'Disqus' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " text " name = " disqus_public_key " id = " disqus_public_key " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['disqus_public_key'] : CHV \ Settings::get('disqus_public_key', true); ?> " >
< div class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'disqus_public_key' ]; ?> </div>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< div data - combo - value = " js " class = " switch-combo<?php if((get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()['comments_api'] : CHV \ Settings::get('comments_api')) !== 'js') echo ' soft-hidden'; ?> " >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " comment_code " >< ? php _se ( 'Comment code' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c12 phablet-c1 " >< textarea type = " text " name = " comment_code " id = " comment_code " class = " text-input r4 " value = " " placeholder = " <?php _se('Disqus, Facebook or anything you want. It will be used in image view.'); ?> " >< ? php echo CHV\Settings :: get ( 'comment_code' , true ); ?> </textarea></div>
</ div >
</ div >
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " analytics_code " >< ? php _se ( 'Analytics code' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c12 phablet-c1 " >< textarea type = " text " name = " analytics_code " id = " analytics_code " class = " text-input r4 " value = " " placeholder = " <?php _se('Google Analytics or anything you want. It will be added to the theme footer.'); ?> " >< ? php echo CHV\Settings :: get ( 'analytics_code' , true ); ?> </textarea></div>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " cloudflare " > Cloudflare </ label >
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " cloudflare " id = " cloudflare " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'cloudflare' ));
</ select ></ div >
2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php echo read_the_docs ([ '%s' => 'CloudFlare' , '%k' => 'cloudflare' ]); ?> </div>
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'api' ) { ?>
< p >< ? php _se ( 'For documentation about the API check the <a %s>API documentation</a>' , 'href="http://bit.ly/1EFSP0H" target="_blank"' ); ?> </p>
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " api_v1_key " >< ? php _se ( 'API v1 key' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >< input type = " text " name = " api_v1_key " id = " api_v1_key " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo CHV \ Settings::get('api_v1_key', true); ?> " ></ div >
< div class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ 'api_v1_key' ]; ?> </div>
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Use this key when using the <a %s>API v1</a>.' , 'href="http://bit.ly/1F8s9sX" target="_blank"' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ] == 'additional-settings' ) { ?>
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " enable_cookie_law " >< ? php _se ( 'Cookie law compliance' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >< select type = " text " name = " enable_cookie_law " id = " enable_cookie_law " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ([ 1 => _s ( 'Enabled' ), 0 => _s ( 'Disabled' )], CHV\Settings :: get ( 'enable_cookie_law' ));
</ select ></ div >
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'Enable this to display a message that complies with the EU Cookie law requirements. Note: You only need this if your website is hosted in the EU and if you add tracking cookies.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( in_array ( get_settings ()[ 'key' ], [ 'banners' , 'external-storage' , 'social-networks' ])) {
free_version_waring ( FALSE );
} ?>
< ? php
if ( is_show_submit ()) {
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< div class = " btn-container " >
< button class = " btn btn-input default " type = " submit " >< ? php _se ( 'Save changes' ); ?> </button> <span class="btn-alt"><?php _se('or'); ?> <a href="<?php echo get_settings()['url']; ?>"><?php _se('cancel'); ?></a></span>
</ div >
< ? php
< ? php
</ form >
< ? php
break ;
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php G\Render\include_theme_footer (); ?>
< ? php if ( is_changed () || is_error ()) { ?>
< script > PF . fn . growl . expirable ( " <?php echo is_changed() ? (get_changed_message() ?: _s('Changes have been saved.')) : (get_error_message() ?: _s('Check the errors to proceed.')); ?> " ); </ script >
< ? php } ?>