2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
< ? php if ( ! defined ( 'access' ) or ! access ) die ( 'This file cannot be directly accessed.' ); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML>
< html < ? php echo CHV\Render\get_html_tags (); ?> prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#">
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< head >
< meta charset = " utf-8 " >
< meta name = " apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style " content = " black " >
< meta name = " apple-mobile-web-app-capable " content = " yes " >
2016-11-06 02:19:47 +00:00
< meta name = " viewport " content = " width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1 " >
< meta name = " theme-color " content = " #<?php echo CHV \ getSetting('theme_top_bar_color') == 'black' ? '000000' : 'FFFFFF'; ?> " >
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< ? php if ( get_meta_description ()) { ?>
< meta name = " description " content = " <?php echo get_meta_description(); ?> " >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( get_meta_keywords ()) { ?>
< meta name = " keywords " content = " <?php echo get_meta_keywords(); ?> " >
< ? php } ?>
< title >< ? php echo get_doctitle (); ?> </title>
< ? php CHV\Render\include_peafowl_head (); ?>
< link rel = " stylesheet " href = " <?php echo CHV \R ender \ get_theme_file_url('style.css'); ?> " >
< link rel = " shortcut icon " href = " <?php echo CHV \ get_system_image_url(CHV \ getSetting('favicon_image')); ?> " >
< link rel = " icon " type = " image/png " href = " <?php echo CHV \ get_system_image_url(CHV \ getSetting('favicon_image')); ?> " sizes = " 192x192 " >
< link rel = " apple-touch-icon " href = " <?php echo CHV \ get_system_image_url(CHV \ getSetting('favicon_image')); ?> " sizes = " 180x180 " >
< ? php
2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
if ( ! is_maintenance ()) { G\Render\include_theme_file ( 'snippets/embed' ); }
2016-11-06 02:19:47 +00:00
if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'theme_logo_height' ) !== NULL ) {
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
$logo_height = CHV\getSetting ( 'theme_logo_height' );
echo '<style type="text/css">.top-bar-logo, .top-bar-logo img { height: ' . CHV\getSetting ( 'theme_logo_height' ) . 'px; } .top-bar-logo { margin-top: -' . ( CHV\getSetting ( 'theme_logo_height' ) / 2 ) . 'px; } </style>' ;
$open_graph = [
'type' => 'website' ,
'url' => G\get_current_url (),
'title' => CHV\getSetting ( 'website_doctitle' ),
'image' => CHV\getSetting ( 'homepage_cover_images' )[ 0 ][ 'url' ],
'site_name' => CHV\getSetting ( 'website_name' ),
'description' => CHV\getSetting ( 'website_description' )
switch ( true ) {
case function_exists ( 'get_image' ) and G\is_route ( 'image' ) :
$open_graph_extend = [
2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
'type' => 'article' ,
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
'title' => get_pre_doctitle (),
'description' => get_image ()[ 'description' ],
'image' => get_image ()[ 'url' ],
'image:width' => get_image ()[ 'width' ],
'image:height' => get_image ()[ 'height' ]
2017-01-15 20:53:11 +00:00
if ( get_image ()[ 'is_animated' ] && get_image ()[ 'size' ] < G\get_bytes ( '8 MiB' )) {
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
$open_graph_extend [ 'type' ] = 'video.other' ;
$open_graph_extend [ 'url' ] = get_image ()[ 'url' ];
break ;
case function_exists ( 'get_user' ) and G\is_route ( 'user' ) :
$open_graph_extend = [
'type' => 'profile' ,
'title' => get_user ()[ 'name' ],
'description' => sprintf ( is_user_images () ? _s ( " %s's Images " ) : _s ( " %s's Albums " ), get_user ()[ " name_short " ]),
'image' => get_user ()[ 'avatar' ][ 'url' ],
break ;
case function_exists ( 'get_album' ) and G\is_route ( 'album' ) :
$open_graph_extend = [
'title' => get_album ()[ 'name' ],
'description' => get_album ()[ 'description' ],
break ;
if ( $open_graph_extend ) {
$open_graph = array_merge ( $open_graph , $open_graph_extend );
foreach ( $open_graph as $k => $v ) {
if ( ! $v ) continue ;
2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
echo '<meta property="og:' . $k . '" content="' . G\safe_html ( $v , ENT_COMPAT ) . '" />' . " \n " ;
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
// Set twitter card
$twitter_card = [
'card' => 'summary' ,
'description' => function_exists ( 'get_meta_description' ) ? get_meta_description () : NULL ,
'title' => G\str_replace_last ( ' - ' . CHV\getSetting ( 'website_name' ), NULL , get_doctitle ()),
'site' => CHV\getSetting ( 'twitter_account' ) ? ( '@' . CHV\getSetting ( 'twitter_account' )) : NULL
switch ( true ) {
case G\is_route ( 'image' ) :
$twitter_card [ 'card' ] = 'photo' ;
break ;
case function_exists ( 'get_admin' ) and G\is_route ( 'album' ) :
case function_exists ( 'get_user' ) and G\is_route ( 'user' ) :
$twitter_card [ 'card' ] = 'gallery' ;
if ( G\is_route ( 'album' )) {
$twitter_card [ 'creator' ] = get_album ()[ 'user' ][ 'twitter' ][ 'username' ];
} else {
$twitter_card [ 'creator' ] = get_user ()[ 'twitter' ][ 'username' ];
$list_output = function_exists ( 'get_list' ) ? get_list () -> output_assoc : NULL ;
if ( count ( $list_output ) > 0 ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 4 ; $i ++ ) {
$twitter_card [ 'image' . $i ] = $list_output [ $i ][ 'display_url' ];
break ;
foreach ( $twitter_card as $k => $v ) {
if ( ! $v ) continue ;
echo '<meta name="twitter:' . $k . '" content="' . $v . '">' . " \n " ;
< ? php if ( function_exists ( 'get_image' ) and G\is_route ( 'image' )) { ?>
< link rel = " image_src " href = " <?php echo get_image()['url']; ?> " >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'theme_custom_css_code' )) { ?>
< style >< ? php echo CHV\Render\get_cond_minified_code ( CHV\getSetting ( 'theme_custom_css_code' ), 'css' ); ?> </style>
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'theme_custom_js_code' )) { ?>
< script >< ? php echo CHV\Render\get_cond_minified_code ( CHV\getSetting ( 'theme_custom_js_code' ), 'js' ); ?> </script>
< ? php } ?>
< ? php CHV\Render\show_theme_inline_code ( 'snippets/theme_colors.css' ); ?>
< ? php if ( CHV\Render\theme_file_exists ( 'custom_hooks/style.css' )) { ?>
< link rel = " stylesheet " href = " <?php echo CHV \R ender \ get_theme_file_url('custom_hooks/style.css'); ?> " >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php G\Render\include_theme_file ( 'custom_hooks/head' ); ?>
</ head >
< ? php
G\Render\include_theme_file ( 'custom_hooks/header' );
if ( ! G\is_prevented_route () and in_array ( G\get_template_used (), [ 'user' , 'image' ]) and ! is_404 ()) {
$body_class = ( G\is_route ( 'image' ) or ( G\is_route ( 'user' ) and get_user ()[ " background " ]) or is_owner () or is_admin ()) ? " no-margin-top " : " " ;
if ( G\get_route_name () == 'index' ) {
$body_class = CHV\getSetting ( 'homepage_style' );
if ( is_maintenance () || is_show_consent_screen ()) {
$body_class = '' ;
$top_bar_class = CHV\getSetting ( 'theme_top_bar_color' );
< ? php
if ( G\get_route_name () == 'index' ) {
$top_bar_class = in_array ( CHV\getSetting ( 'homepage_style' ), [ 'landing' , 'split' ]) ? 'black' : CHV\getSetting ( 'theme_top_bar_color' );
< body id = " <?php echo G \ Handler::getTemplateUsed(); ?> " class = " <?php echo $body_class ; ?> " >
< ? php if ( is_show_header ()) { ?>
< header id = " top-bar " class = " top-bar<?php if(in_array( $body_class , ['landing', 'split']) and $top_bar_class == 'black') { echo ' transparent'; } ?><?php echo ' ' . $top_bar_class ;?> " >
< div class = " content-width " >
< ? php
$logo_header = CHV\getSetting ( 'logo_vector_enable' ) ? 'logo_vector' : 'logo_image' ;
if ( G\get_route_name () == 'index' and in_array ( CHV\getSetting ( 'homepage_style' ), [ 'landing' , 'split' ])) {
$logo_header .= '_homepage' ;
$logo_header = CHV\getSetting ( $logo_header );
< div id = " logo " class = " top-bar-logo " >< a href = " <?php echo get_header_logo_link(); ?> " >< img class = " replace-svg " src = " <?php echo CHV \ get_system_image_url( $logo_header ); ?> " alt = " <?php echo CHV \ getSetting('website_name'); ?> " ></ a ></ div >
< ? php if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'website_privacy_mode' ) == 'public' or ( CHV\getSetting ( 'website_privacy_mode' ) == 'private' and CHV\Login :: getUser ())) { ?>
< ul class = " top-bar-left float-left " >
< li data - action = " top-bar-menu-full " data - nav = " mobile-menu " class = " top-btn-el phone-show hidden " >
< span class = " top-btn-text " >< span class = " icon icon-menu3 " ></ span ></ span >
</ li >
< ? php
if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'website_explore_page' )) {
// Category selector
$categories = get_categories ();
if ( count ( $categories ) > 0 ) {
array_unshift ( $categories , [
'id' => NULL ,
'name' => _s ( 'All' ),
'url_key' => NULL ,
'url' => G\get_base_url ( 'explore' )
$cols = min ( 5 , round ( count ( $categories ) / 5 , 0 , PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP ));
< li id = " top-bar-explore " data - nav = " explore " class = " phone-hide pop-btn pop-btn-auto pop-btn-auto pop-btn-show<?php if(G \ get_route_name() == 'explore') { ?> current<?php } ?> " >
< ? php
< span class = " top-btn-text " >< span class = " icon icon-images2 " ></ span >< span class = " btn-text phone-hide phablet-hide " >< ? php _se ( 'Explore' ); ?> </span></span>
< div class = " pop-box <?php if( $cols > 1) { echo sprintf('pbcols%d ', $cols ); } ?>arrow-box arrow-box-top anchor-left " >
< div class = " pop-box-inner pop-box-menu<?php if( $cols > 1) { ?> pop-box-menucols<?php } ?> " >
< ul >
< ? php
foreach ( $categories as $k => $v ){
echo '<li data-content="category" data-category-id="' . $v [ 'id' ] . '"><a data-content="category-name" data-link="category-url" href="' . $v [ 'url' ] . '">' . $v [ " name " ] . '</a></li>' . " \n " ;
$count ++ ;
</ ul >
</ div >
</ div >
</ li >
< ? php
} else {
< li id = " top-bar-explore " data - nav = " explore " class = " phone-hide top-btn-el<?php if(G \ get_route_name() == 'explore') { ?> current<?php } ?> " >
< a href = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url('explore'); ?> " >< span class = " top-btn-text " >< span class = " icon icon-images2 " ></ span >< span class = " btn-text phone-hide phablet-hide " >< ? php _se ( 'Explore' ); ?> </span></span></a>
</ li >
< ? php
< ? php if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'website_search' )) { ?>
< li data - action = " top-bar-search " data - nav = " search " class = " phone-hide pop-btn " >
< span class = " top-btn-text " >< span class = " icon icon-search " ></ span >< span class = " btn-text phone-hide phablet-hide " >< ? php _se ( 'Search' ); ?> </span></span>
</ li >
< li data - action = " top-bar-search-input " class = " top-bar-search-input phone-hide pop-btn pop-keep-click hidden " >
< div class = " input-search " >
< form action = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url( " search / images " ); ?> " method = " get " >
< input class = " search " type = " text " placeholder = " <?php _se('Search'); ?> " autocomplete = " off " spellcheck = " false " name = " q " >
</ form >
< span class = " icon-search " ></ span >< span class = " icon close icon-close " data - action = " clear-search " title = " <?php _se('Close'); ?> " ></ span >< span class = " icon settings icon-triangle-down " data - modal = " form " data - target = " advanced-search " title = " <?php _se('Advanced search'); ?> " ></ span >
</ div >
</ li >
< div class = " hidden " data - modal = " advanced-search " >
< span class = " modal-box-title " >< ? php _se ( 'Advanced search' ); ?> </span>
< ? php G\Render\include_theme_file ( 'snippets/form_advanced_search' ); ?>
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'website_random' )) { ?>
< li id = " top-bar-random " data - nav = " random " class = " top-btn-el " >
< a href = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url( " ? random " ); ?> " >< span class = " top-btn-text " >< span class = " icon icon-shuffle " ></ span >< span class = " btn-text phone-hide phablet-hide " >< ? php _se ( 'Random' ); ?> </span></span></a>
</ li >
< ? php } ?>
</ ul >
< ? php } ?>
< ul class = " top-bar-right float-right keep-visible " >
< ? php if ( get_system_notices ()) { ?>
< li data - nav = " notices " class = " phone-hide pop-btn pop-keep-click " >
< span class = " top-btn-text " >< span class = " icon icon-notification color-red " ></ span >< span class = " btn-text phone-hide phablet-hide " >< ? php _se ( 'Notices (%s)' , count ( get_system_notices ())); ?> </span></span>
< div class = " pop-box anchor-center c8 arrow-box arrow-box-top anchor-center " >
< div class = " pop-box-inner padding-20 " >
2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
< ul class = " list-style-type-decimal list-style-position-inside " >
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< ? php foreach ( get_system_notices () as $notice ) { ?>
< li >< ? php echo $notice ; ?> </li>
< ? php } ?>
</ ul >
</ div >
</ div >
</ li >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( is_upload_allowed ()) { ?>
< li data - action = " top-bar-upload " data - nav = " upload " class = " phone-hide pop-btn " < ? php if ( ! CHV\getSetting ( 'guest_uploads' )) { ?> data-login-needed="true"<?php } ?>>
< span class = " top-btn-text " >< span class = " icon icon-cloud-upload " ></ span >< span class = " btn-text phone-hide phablet-hide " >< ? php _se ( 'Upload' ); ?> </span></span>
</ li >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php
if ( ! CHV\Login :: isLoggedUser ()) {
< ? php
if ( is_captcha_needed ()) {
< li id = " top-bar-signin " data - nav = " signin " class = " <?php if(G \ is_route( " login " )) echo " current " ; ?>top-btn-el " >
< a href = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url('login'); ?> " class = " top-btn-text " >< span class = " icon icon-login tablet-hide laptop-hide desktop-hide " ></ span >< span class = " text phone-hide phablet-hide " >< ? php _se ( 'Sign in' ); ?> </span></a>
</ li >
< ? php
} else {
< li id = " top-bar-signin " data - nav = " signin " class = " <?php if(G \ is_route( " login " )) echo " current " ; ?>pop-btn pop-btn-delayed pop-account pop-keep-click " >
< span class = " top-btn-text " >< span class = " icon icon-login tablet-hide laptop-hide desktop-hide " ></ span >< span class = " text phone-hide phablet-hide " >< ? php _se ( 'Sign in' ); ?> </span></span>
< div id = " top-signin-menu " class = " pop-box c8 arrow-box arrow-box-top anchor-<?php echo (get_pages_link_visible() && CHV \ getSetting('enable_signups')) ? 'center' : 'right'; ?> " >
< div class = " pop-box-inner " >
< ? php
if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'social_signin' )) {
< span class = " title " >< ? php _se ( 'Sign in with another account' ); ?> </span>
< ul class = " sign-services text-align-center " >
< ? php G\Render\include_theme_file ( 'snippets/sign_services_buttons' ); ?>
</ ul >
< div class = " or-separator " >< span >< ? php _se ( 'or' ); ?> </span></div>
< ? php
< form method = " post " action = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url( " login " ); ?> " autocomplete = " off " >
< ? php echo G\Render\get_input_auth_token (); ?>
< div class = " input " >< input type = " text " class = " text-input " name = " login-subject " placeholder = " <?php _se('Username or Email address'); ?> " autocomplete = " off " required ></ div >
< div class = " input " >< input type = " password " class = " text-input " name = " password " placeholder = " <?php _se('Password'); ?> " autocomplete = " off " required >< button type = " submit " class = " icon-input-submit " ></ button ></ div >
< div class = " input margin-bottom-0 overflow-auto " >
< div class = " checkbox-label " >< label for = " keep-login " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " keep-login " id = " keep-login " value = " 1 " >< ? php _se ( 'Keep me logged in' ); ?> </label></div>
< div class = " float-right " >< a href = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url( " account / password - forgot " ); ?> " >< ? php _se ( 'Forgot password?' ); ?> </a></div>
</ div >
</ form >
< ? php
if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'enable_signups' )) {
< div class = " input text-align-center margin-top-10 margin-bottom-0 " >< ? php _se ( " Don't have an account? <a href='%s'>Sign up</a> now. " , G\get_base_url ( 'signup' )); ?> </div>
< ? php
</ div >
</ div >
</ li >
< ? php
< ? php
if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'enable_signups' )) {
if ( is_captcha_needed ()) {
< li id = " top-bar-signup " data - nav = " signup " class = " <?php if(G \ is_route( " signup " )) echo " current " ; ?>phone-hide top-btn-el " >
< a href = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url('signup'); ?> " class = " top-btn-text top-btn-create-account btn <?php echo CHV \ getSetting('theme_top_bar_button_color'); ?> text " >< span class = " icon icon-user phablet-hide tablet-hide laptop-hide desktop-hide " ></ span >< ? php _se ( 'Create account' ); ?> </a>
</ li >
< ? php
} else {
< li id = " top-bar-signup " data - nav = " signup " class = " <?php if(G \ is_route( " signup " )) echo " current " ; ?>phone-hide pop-btn pop-btn-delayed pop-account pop-keep-click " >
< span class = " top-btn-text top-btn-create-account btn <?php echo CHV \ getSetting('theme_top_bar_button_color'); ?> text " >< span class = " icon icon-user phablet-hide tablet-hide laptop-hide desktop-hide " ></ span >< ? php _se ( 'Create account' ); ?> </span>
< div id = " top-signup-menu " class = " pop-box anchor-<?php echo get_pages_link_visible() ? 'center' : 'right'; ?> c8 arrow-box arrow-box-top " >
< div class = " pop-box-inner " >
< ? php
if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'social_signin' )) {
< span class = " title " >< ? php _se ( 'Sign up with another account' ); ?> </span>
< ul class = " sign-services text-align-center " >
< ? php G\Render\include_theme_file ( 'snippets/sign_services_buttons' ); ?>
</ ul >
< div class = " or-separator " >< span >< ? php _se ( 'or' ); ?> </span></div>
< ? php
< form method = " post " action = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url( " signup " ); ?> " autocomplete = " off " >
< ? php echo G\Render\get_input_auth_token (); ?>
< div class = " input " >< input type = " email " class = " text-input " name = " email " placeholder = " <?php _se('Email address'); ?> " autocomplete = " off " required ></ div >
< div class = " input " >< input type = " text " class = " text-input " name = " username " placeholder = " <?php _se('Username'); ?> " autocomplete = " off " required ></ div >
< div class = " input " >< input type = " password " class = " text-input " name = " password " placeholder = " <?php _se('Password'); ?> " autocomplete = " off " required >< button type = " submit " class = " icon-input-submit " ></ button ></ div >
< ? php if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'user_minimum_age' ) > 0 ) { ?>
< div class = " input " >< div class = " checkbox-label " >< label for = " minimum-age-signup " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " minimum-age-signup " id = " minimum-age-signup " value = " 1 " required >< ? php _se ( " I'm at least %s years old " , CHV\getSetting ( 'user_minimum_age' )); ?> </label></div></div>
< ? php } ?>
< div class = " input text-align-center margin-bottom-0 " >< ? php _se ( 'By signing up you agree to our <a href="%s">Terms of service</a>' , G\get_base_url ( 'page/tos' )); ?> </div>
</ form >
</ div >
</ div >
</ li >
< ? php
} // signups
< ? php
} else {
if ( is_show_notifications ()) {
$notifications_unread = CHV\Login :: getUser ()[ 'notifications_unread' ];
$notifications_display = CHV\Login :: getUser ()[ 'notifications_unread_display' ];
$notifications_counter = strtr ( '<span data-content="notifications-counter" class="top-btn-number%c">' . $notifications_display . '</span>' , [ '%c' => $notifications_unread > 0 ? ' on' : NULL ]);
< li data - action = " top-bar-notifications " class = " top-bar-notifications pop-btn pop-keep-click margin-right-5 " >
< div class = " top-btn-text " >
< div class = " soft-hidden menu-fullscreen-show " >< span class = " icon icon-bell2 " ></ span >< ? php echo $notifications_counter ; ?> <span class="btn-text"><?php _se('Notifications'); ?></span></div>
< div class = " menu-fullscreen-hide " >< ? php echo $notifications_counter ; ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " top-bar-notifications-container c9 pop-box arrow-box arrow-box-top anchor-right " >
< div class = " pop-box-inner " >
< div class = " top-bar-notifications-header phone-hide phablet-hide " >
< h2 >< ? php _se ( 'Notifications' ); ?> </h2>
<!--< a href = " #setting " >< ? php _se ( 'Settings' ); ?> </a>-->
</ div >
< div class = " top-bar-notifications-list antiscroll-wrap hidden " >
< ul class = " antiscroll-inner r8 overflow-scroll overflow-x-hidden touch-scroll " ></ ul >
</ div >
< div class = " loading text-align-center margin-top-20 margin-bottom-20 hidden " >
< div class = " loading-indicator " ></ div >
< div class = " loading-text " >< ? php _se ( 'loading' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " empty text-align-center margin-top-20 margin-bottom-20 hidden " >
< ? php _se ( " You don't have notifications " ); ?>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ li >
< ? php
< li id = " top-bar-user " data - nav = " user " class = " pop-btn pop-btn-delayed<?php echo is_show_notifications() ? ' margin-left-0' : NULL; ?> " >
< span class = " top-btn-text " >
< ? php if ( CHV\Login :: getUser ()[ " avatar " ][ " url " ]) { ?>
< img src = " <?php echo CHV \ Login::getUser()[ " avatar " ][ " url " ]; ?> " alt = " " class = " user-image " >
< ? php } else { ?>
< img src = " " alt = " " class = " user-image hidden " >
< ? php } ?>
< span class = " user-image default-user-image<?php echo (CHV \ Login::getUser()[ " avatar " ][ " url " ] ? ' hidden' : ''); ?> " >< span class = " icon icon-user " ></ span ></ span >
< span class = " text phone-hide " >< ? php echo CHV\Login :: getUser ()[ " name_short_html " ]; ?> </span><span class="arrow-down"></span>
</ span >
< div class = " pop-box arrow-box arrow-box-top anchor-right " >
< div class = " pop-box-inner pop-box-menu " >
< ul >
< li >< a href = " <?php echo CHV \ Login::getUser()[ " url " ]; ?> " >< ? php _se ( 'My Profile' ); ?> </a></li>
< ? php if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'enable_followers' )) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo G\get_base_url('following'); ?>"><?php _se('Following'); ?></a></li><?php } ?>
< li >< a href = " <?php echo CHV \ Login::getUser()[ " url_albums " ]; ?> " >< ? php _se ( 'Albums' ); ?> </a></li>
< ? php if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'enable_likes' )) { ?>
< li >< a href = " <?php echo CHV \ Login::getUser()[ " url_liked " ]; ?> " >< ? php _se ( 'Liked' ); ?> </a></li>
< ? php } ?>
< li >< a href = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url( " settings " ); ?> " >< ? php _se ( 'Settings' ); ?> </a></li>
< ? php if ( is_admin ()) { ?>
< li >< a href = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url( " dashboard " ); ?> " >< ? php _se ( 'Dashboard' ); ?> </a></li>
< ? php } ?>
< li >< a href = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url(sprintf( " logout ? auth_token =% s " , get_auth_token())); ?> " >< ? php _se ( 'Sign out' ); ?> </a></li>
</ ul >
</ div >
</ div >
</ li >
< ? php
< ? php
if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'website_privacy_mode' ) == 'public' or ( CHV\getSetting ( 'website_privacy_mode' ) == 'private' and CHV\Login :: getUser ())) {
< ? php
if ( get_pages_link_visible ()) {
< li data - nav = " about " class = " phone-hide pop-btn pop-btn-delayed " >
< span class = " top-btn-text " >< span class = " icon icon-info tablet-hide laptop-hide desktop-hide " ></ span >< span class = " text phone-hide phablet-hide " >< ? php _se ( 'About' ); ?> </span><span class="arrow-down"></span></span>
< div class = " pop-box arrow-box arrow-box-top anchor-right " >
< div class = " pop-box-inner pop-box-menu " >
< ul >
< ? php
foreach ( get_pages_link_visible () as $page ) {
< li < ? php if ( $page [ 'icon' ]) echo ' class="with-icon"' ; ?> ><a <?php echo $page['link_attr']; ?>><?php echo $page['title_html']; ?></a></li>
< ? php
</ ul >
</ div >
</ div >
</ li >
< ? php
< ? php
if ( ! CHV\Login :: isLoggedUser () and CHV\getSetting ( 'language_chooser_enable' )) {
< li data - nav = " language " class = " phablet-hide phone-hide pop-btn " >
< ? php
// Language selector
$enabled_languages = CHV\get_enabled_languages ();
$cols = min ( 6 , ceil ( count ( $enabled_languages ) / 6 ));
< span class = " top-btn-text " >< span class = " text " >< ? php echo CHV\get_language_used ()[ 'short_name' ]; ?> </span><span class="arrow-down"></span></span>
< div class = " pop-box <?php if( $cols > 1) { echo sprintf('pbcols%d ', $cols ); } ?>arrow-box arrow-box-top anchor-right " >
< div class = " pop-box-inner pop-box-menu<?php if( $cols > 1) { ?> pop-box-menucols<?php } ?> " >
< ul >
< ? php
foreach ( $enabled_languages as $k => $v ){
echo '<li' . ( CHV\get_language_used ()[ 'code' ] == $k ? ' class="current"' : '' ) . '><a href="' . G\get_base_url ( '?lang=' . $k ) . '">' . $v [ " name " ] . '</a></li>' . " \n " ;
$count ++ ;
</ ul >
</ div >
</ div >
</ li >
< ? php
< ? php
</ ul >
</ div >
</ header >
< ? php } ?>