2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< ? php
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
http :// chevereto . com /
@ author Rodolfo Berrios A . < http :// rodolfoberrios . com />
< inbox @ rodolfoberrios . com >
Copyright ( C ) Rodolfo Berrios A . All rights reserved .
http :// chevereto . com / license
--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace CHV ;
use G , Exception ;
if ( ! defined ( 'access' ) or ! access ) die ( 'This file cannot be directly accessed.' );
try {
if ( ! is_null ( getSetting ( 'chevereto_version_installed' )) and ! Login :: getUser ()[ 'is_admin' ]) {
G\set_status_header ( 403 );
die ( 'Request denied. You must be an admin to be here.' );
set_time_limit ( 600 ); // This could take up to 10 minutes...
2016-11-06 02:19:47 +00:00
if ( function_exists ( 'opcache_reset' )) {
opcache_reset (); // Try to flush OPCache
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
$doctitles = [
'connect' => 'Connect to the database' ,
'ready' => 'Ready to install' ,
'finished' => 'Installation complete' ,
'settings' => 'Update settings.php' ,
'already' => 'Already installed' ,
'update' => 'Update needed' ,
'updated' => 'Update complete' ,
'update_failed' => 'Update failed'
$doing = 'connect' ; // default initial state
$db_array = [
'db_host' => true ,
'db_name' => true ,
'db_user' => true ,
'db_pass' => false ,
'db_table_prefix' => false
$error = false ;
$db_conn_error = " Can't connect to the target database. The server replied with this:<br>%s<br><br>Please fix your MySQL info. " ;
$settings_updates = [
'1.0.0' => [
'analytics_code' => NULL ,
'auto_language' => 1 ,
'chevereto_version_installed' => G_APP_VERSION ,
'cloudflare' => NULL ,
'comment_code' => NULL ,
'crypt_salt' => G\random_string ( 8 ),
'default_language' => 'en' ,
'default_timezone' => 'America/Santiago' ,
'email_from_email' => '' , // no-reply@chevereto.com
'email_from_name' => 'Chevereto' ,
'email_incoming_email' => '' , // inbox@chevereto.com
'email_mode' => 'mail' ,
'email_smtp_server' => NULL ,
'email_smtp_server_password' => NULL ,
'email_smtp_server_port' => NULL ,
'email_smtp_server_security' => NULL ,
'email_smtp_server_username' => NULL ,
'enable_uploads' => 1 ,
'error_reporting' => 0 ,
'facebook' => 0 ,
'facebook_app_id' => NULL ,
'facebook_app_secret' => NULL ,
'flood_uploads_day' => '1000' ,
'flood_uploads_hour' => '500' ,
'flood_uploads_minute' => '50' ,
'flood_uploads_month' => '10000' ,
'flood_uploads_notify' => 0 ,
'flood_uploads_protection' => 1 ,
'flood_uploads_week' => '5000' ,
'google' => 0 ,
'google_client_id' => NULL ,
'google_client_secret' => NULL ,
'guest_uploads' => 1 ,
'listing_items_per_page' => 24 ,
'maintenance' => 0 ,
'recaptcha' => 0 ,
'recaptcha_private_key' => NULL ,
'recaptcha_public_key' => NULL ,
'recaptcha_threshold' => 5 ,
'theme' => 'Peafowl' ,
'twitter' => 0 ,
'twitter_api_key' => NULL ,
'twitter_api_secret' => NULL ,
'upload_filenaming' => 'original' ,
'upload_image_path' => 'images' ,
'upload_max_filesize_mb' => min ( 10 , G\bytes_to_mb ( G\get_ini_bytes ( ini_get ( 'upload_max_filesize' )))),
'upload_storage_mode' => 'datefolder' ,
'upload_thumb_height' => '160' ,
'upload_thumb_width' => '160' ,
'website_description' => 'A free image hosting service powered by Chevereto' ,
'website_doctitle' => 'Chevereto image hosting' ,
'website_name' => 'Chevereto' ,
'website_explore_page' => 1 ,
'twitter_account' => 'chevereto' ,
'enable_signups' => 1 ,
'favicon_image' => 'favicon.png' ,
'logo_image' => 'logo.png' ,
'logo_vector' => 'logo.svg' ,
'theme_custom_css_code' => NULL ,
'theme_custom_js_code' => NULL ,
'website_keywords' => 'image sharing, image hosting, chevereto' ,
'logo_vector_enable' => 0 ,
'watermark_enable' => 0 ,
'watermark_image' => 'watermark.png' ,
'watermark_position' => 'center center' ,
'watermark_margin' => '10' ,
'watermark_opacity' => '50' ,
'api_v1_key' => G\random_string ( 32 ),
'listing_pagination_mode' => 'classic' ,
'show_nsfw_in_listings' => 0 ,
'show_banners_in_nsfw' => 0 ,
'website_privacy_mode' => 'public' ,
'website_content_privacy_mode' => 'default' ,
'show_nsfw_in_random_mode' => 0 ,
'cdn' => 0 ,
'cdn_url' => NULL ,
'website_search' => 1 ,
'website_random' => 1 ,
'theme_logo_height' => NULL ,
'theme_show_social_share' => 1 ,
'theme_show_embed_content' => 1 ,
'theme_show_embed_uploader' => 1 ,
'user_routing' => 1 ,
'require_user_email_confirmation' => 1 ,
'require_user_email_social_signup' => 1 ,
'last_used_storage' => NULL ,
'vk' => 0 ,
'vk_client_id' => NULL ,
'vk_client_secret' => NULL ,
'theme_download_button' => 1 ,
'theme_nsfw_upload_checkbox' => 1 ,
'theme_tone' => 'light' ,
'theme_image_listing_sizing' => 'fixed' ,
'listing_columns_phone' => '1' ,
'listing_columns_phablet' => '3' ,
'listing_columns_tablet' => '4' ,
'listing_columns_laptop' => '5' ,
'listing_columns_desktop' => '6' ,
'homepage_style' => 'landing' ,
'homepage_cover_image' => NULL ,
'homepage_uids' => '1' ,
'homepage_endless_mode' => 0 ,
'user_image_avatar_max_filesize_mb' => '1' ,
'user_image_background_max_filesize_mb' => '2' ,
'theme_image_right_click' => 0 ,
'minify_enable' => 1 ,
'theme_show_exif_data' => 1 ,
'theme_top_bar_color' => 'white' ,
'theme_main_color' => NULL ,
'theme_top_bar_button_color' => 'blue' ,
'logo_image_homepage' => NULL ,
'logo_vector_homepage' => NULL ,
'homepage_cta_color' => 'green' ,
'homepage_cta_outline' => 0 ,
'watermark_enable_guest' => 1 ,
'watermark_enable_user' => 1 ,
'watermark_enable_admin' => 1 ,
'homepage_title_html' => NULL ,
'homepage_paragraph_html' => NULL ,
'homepage_cta_html' => NULL ,
'homepage_cta_fn' => NULL ,
'homepage_cta_fn_extra' => NULL ,
'language_chooser_enable' => 1 ,
'languages_disable' => NULL ,
'website_mode' => 'community' ,
'website_mode_personal_routing' => NULL , //'single_user_mode_routing'
'website_mode_personal_uid' => NULL , //'single_user_mode_id'
'enable_cookie_law' => 0 ,
'theme_nsfw_blur' => 0 ,
'watermark_target_min_width' => '100' ,
'watermark_target_min_height' => '100' ,
'watermark_percentage' => '4' ,
'watermark_enable_file_gif' => 0 ,
'id_padding' => '0' , // 0-> Update | 5000-> new install
'upload_image_exif' => 1 ,
'upload_image_exif_user_setting' => 1 ,
'enable_expirable_uploads' => 1 ,
'upload_medium_size' => '500' ,
'upload_medium_fixed_dimension' => 'width' ,
'enable_followers' => 0 ,
'enable_likes' => 0 ,
'enable_consent_screen' => 0 ,
'user_minimum_age' => NULL ,
'consent_screen_cover_image' => NULL ,
'enable_redirect_single_upload' => 1 ,
'route_image' => 'image' ,
'route_album' => 'album' ,
'enable_duplicate_uploads' => 0 ,
'update_check_datetimegmt' => NULL ,
2016-09-03 18:35:50 +00:00
'update_check_notified_release' => G_APP_VERSION ,
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
'update_check_display_notification' => 1 ,
2016-08-29 15:42:15 +00:00
'1.0.1' => NULL ,
2016-09-03 18:35:50 +00:00
'1.0.2' => NULL ,
2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
'1.0.3' => [
'upload_enabled_image_formats' => 'jpg,png,bmp,gif' ,
'upload_threads' => '2' ,
'enable_automatic_updates_check' => 1 ,
2016-10-17 21:16:45 +00:00
'1.0.4' => NULL ,
2016-11-06 02:19:47 +00:00
'1.0.5' => [
'comments_api' => 'js' ,
'disqus_shortname' => NULL ,
'disqus_public_key' => NULL ,
'disqus_secret_key' => NULL ,
2017-01-15 20:53:11 +00:00
'1.0.6' => [
'image_load_max_filesize_mb' => '3' ,
2017-01-22 18:50:02 +00:00
'1.0.7' => NULL ,
2017-05-21 20:19:25 +00:00
'1.0.8' => [
'upload_max_image_width' => '0' ,
'upload_max_image_height' => '0' ,
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
// Settings that must be renamed from NAME to NEW NAME and DELETE old NAME
2016-09-03 18:35:50 +00:00
$settings_rename = [];
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
// Settings that must be renamed from NAME to NEW NAME and doesn't delete old NAME
2016-09-03 18:35:50 +00:00
$settings_switch = [];
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
$chv_initial_settings = [];
foreach ( $settings_updates as $k => $v ) {
if ( is_null ( $v )) continue ;
$chv_initial_settings += $v ;
// Detect 2.X
try {
$is_2X = DB :: get ( 'info' , [ 'key' => 'version' ]) ? true : false ;
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$is_2X = false ;
$stats_query = ' TRUNCATE TABLE `%table_prefix%stats` ;
INSERT INTO `%table_prefix%stats` ( stat_id , stat_date_gmt , stat_type ) VALUES ( " 1 " , NULL , " total " ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE stat_type = stat_type ;
UPDATE `%table_prefix%stats` SET
stat_images = ( SELECT IFNULL ( COUNT ( * ), 0 ) FROM `%table_prefix%images` ),
stat_albums = ( SELECT IFNULL ( COUNT ( * ), 0 ) FROM `%table_prefix%albums` ),
stat_users = ( SELECT IFNULL ( COUNT ( * ), 0 ) FROM `%table_prefix%users` ),
stat_image_views = ( SELECT IFNULL ( SUM ( image_views ), 0 ) FROM `%table_prefix%images` ),
stat_disk_used = ( SELECT IFNULL ( SUM ( image_size ) + SUM ( image_thumb_size ) + SUM ( image_medium_size ), 0 ) FROM `%table_prefix%images` )
WHERE stat_type = " total " ;
INSERT INTO `%table_prefix%stats` ( stat_type , stat_date_gmt , stat_images , stat_image_views , stat_disk_used )
2016-11-06 02:19:47 +00:00
SELECT sb . stat_type , sb . stat_date_gmt , sb . stat_images , sb . stat_image_views , sb . stat_disk_used
FROM ( SELECT " date " AS stat_type , DATE ( image_date_gmt ) AS stat_date_gmt , COUNT ( * ) AS stat_images , SUM ( image_views ) AS stat_image_views , SUM ( image_size + image_thumb_size + image_medium_size ) AS stat_disk_used FROM `%table_prefix%images` GROUP BY DATE ( image_date_gmt )) AS sb
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE stat_images = sb . stat_images ;
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
INSERT INTO `%table_prefix%stats` ( stat_type , stat_date_gmt , stat_users )
SELECT sb . stat_type , sb . stat_date_gmt , sb . stat_users
FROM ( SELECT " date " AS stat_type , DATE ( user_date_gmt ) AS stat_date_gmt , COUNT ( * ) AS stat_users FROM `%table_prefix%users` GROUP BY DATE ( user_date_gmt )) AS sb
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE stat_users = sb . stat_users ;
INSERT INTO `%table_prefix%stats` ( stat_type , stat_date_gmt , stat_albums )
SELECT sb . stat_type , sb . stat_date_gmt , sb . stat_albums
FROM ( SELECT " date " AS stat_type , DATE ( album_date_gmt ) AS stat_date_gmt , COUNT ( * ) AS stat_albums FROM `%table_prefix%albums` GROUP BY DATE ( album_date_gmt )) AS sb
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE stat_albums = sb . stat_albums ;
UPDATE `%table_prefix%users` SET user_content_views = COALESCE (( SELECT SUM ( image_views ) FROM `%table_prefix%images` WHERE image_user_id = user_id GROUP BY user_id ), " 0 " ); ' ;
// Fulltext engine
if ( G\settings_has_db_info ()) {
$db = DB :: getInstance ();
$fulltext_engine = version_compare ( $db -> getAttr ( \PDO :: ATTR_SERVER_VERSION ), '5.6' , '<' ) ? 'MyISAM' : 'InnoDB' ;
// settings.php contains db
if ( G\settings_has_db_info () and ! $_POST ) {
// Chevereto already installed?
$installed_version = getSetting ( 'chevereto_version_installed' );
$maintenance = getSetting ( 'maintenance' );
// Get the setting rows from DB (to avoid overwrite)
$db_settings_keys = [];
try {
$db_settings = DB :: get ( 'settings' , 'all' );
foreach ( $db_settings as $k => $v ) {
$db_settings_keys [] = $v [ 'setting_name' ];
} catch ( Exception $e ) {}
// Update procedure
if (( ! empty ( $db_settings_keys ) && count ( $chv_initial_settings ) !== count ( $db_settings_keys )) || ( ! is_null ( $installed_version ) and version_compare ( G_APP_VERSION , $installed_version , '>' ))) {
if ( ! array_key_exists ( G_APP_VERSION , $settings_updates )) {
die ( 'Fatal error: app/install is outdated. You need to re-upload app/install folder with the one from Chevereto ' . G_APP_VERSION );
// Get database schema
$schema = [];
$raw_schema = DB :: queryFetchAll ( 'SELECT * FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA="' . G_APP_DB_NAME . '" AND TABLE_NAME LIKE "' . G\get_app_setting ( 'db_table_prefix' ) . '%";' );
foreach ( $raw_schema as $k => $v ) {
$TABLE = preg_replace ( '#' . G\get_app_setting ( 'db_table_prefix' ) . '#i' , '' , strtolower ( $v [ 'TABLE_NAME' ]), 1 );
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $TABLE , $schema )) {
$schema [ $TABLE ] = [];
$schema [ $TABLE ][ $COLUMN ] = $v ;
// Remove triggers
$triggers_to_remove = [
'album_insert' ,
'album_delete' ,
'follow_insert' ,
'follow_delete' ,
'image_insert' ,
'image_update' ,
'image_delete' ,
'like_insert' ,
'like_delete' ,
'notification_insert' ,
'notification_update' ,
'notification_delete' ,
'user_insert' ,
// Get DB triggers
if ( $db_triggers ) {
$drop_trigger_sql = NULL ;
foreach ( $db_triggers as $k => $v ) {
$trigger = $v [ 'TRIGGER_NAME' ];
if ( in_array ( $v [ 'TRIGGER_NAME' ], $triggers_to_remove )) {
$drop_trigger = 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `' . $v [ 'TRIGGER_NAME' ] . '`;' . " \n " ;
$drop_trigger_sql .= $drop_trigger ;
if ( ! is_null ( $drop_trigger_sql )) {
$drop_trigger_sql = rtrim ( $drop_trigger_sql , " \n " );
$remove_triggers = FALSE ;
$remove_triggers = DB :: queryExec ( $drop_trigger_sql );
if ( ! $remove_triggers ) {
Render\chevereto_die ( NULL , 'To procced you will need to run these queries in your database server: <br><br> <textarea class="resize-vertical highlight r5">' . $drop_trigger_sql . '</textarea>' , " Can't remove table triggers " );
// Get DB indexes
$DB_indexes = [];
foreach ( $raw_indexes as $k => $v ) {
$TABLE = preg_replace ( '#' . G\get_app_setting ( 'db_table_prefix' ) . '#i' , '' , strtolower ( $v [ 'TABLE_NAME' ]), 1 );
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $TABLE , $DB_indexes )) {
$DB_indexes [ $TABLE ] = [];
$DB_indexes [ $TABLE ][ $INDEX_NAME ] = $v ;
// Get needed KEY indexes (only for tables that already exists)
$CHV_indexes = [];
foreach ( new \DirectoryIterator ( CHV_APP_PATH_INSTALL . 'sql' ) as $fileInfo ) {
if ( $fileInfo -> isDot () or $fileInfo -> isDir () or ! array_key_exists ( $fileInfo -> getBasename ( '.sql' ), $schema )) continue ;
$crate_table = file_get_contents ( realpath ( $fileInfo -> getPathname ()));
if ( preg_match_all ( '/KEY [`\(]+(\w+)/' , $crate_table , $matches )) {
$CHV_indexes [ $fileInfo -> getBasename ( '.sql' )] = $matches [ 1 ];
// Get database engines
$engines = [];
$raw_engines = DB :: queryFetchAll ( 'SELECT TABLE_NAME, ENGINE FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = "' . G_APP_DB_NAME . '"' );
foreach ( $raw_engines as $k => $v ) {
$TABLE = preg_replace ( '#' . G\get_app_setting ( 'db_table_prefix' ) . '#i' , '' , strtolower ( $v [ 'TABLE_NAME' ]), 1 );
$engines [ $TABLE ] = $v [ 'ENGINE' ];
// Set the right table schema changes per release
$update_table = [];
$sql_update = [];
// Turn ON maintenance mode (if needed)
if ( ! $maintenance ) {
2016-11-06 02:19:47 +00:00
$sql_update [] = " UPDATE `%table_prefix%settings` SET `setting_value` = 1 WHERE `setting_name` = 'maintenance'; " ;
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
// SQLize the $update_table
$required_sql_files = [];
foreach ( $update_table as $version => $changes ) {
foreach ( $changes as $table => $columns ) {
if ( $table == 'query' ) continue ;
$schema_table = $schema [ $table ];
$create_table = false ;
// Create table if it doesn't exists
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $table , $schema ) and ! in_array ( $table , $required_sql_files )) {
$create_table = true ;
} else {
// Special workaround for storages table
if ( $table == 'storages' and ! array_key_exists ( 'storage_bucket' , $schema_table )) {
$create_table = true ;
// Missing table
if ( ! in_array ( $table , $required_sql_files ) and $create_table ) {
$sql_update [] = file_get_contents ( CHV_APP_PATH_INSTALL . 'sql/' . $table . '.sql' );
$required_sql_files [] = $table ;
// If the table was added from scratch then skip the rest of the columns scheme
if ( in_array ( $table , $required_sql_files )) {
continue ;
// Is a table op..
if ( $columns [ 'op' ]) {
switch ( $columns [ 'op' ]) {
case 'ALTER' :
// Duplicated index
if ( $DB_indexes [ $table ][ 'searchindex' ] and strpos ( $columns [ 'prop' ], 'CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX `searchindex`' ) !== false ) {
continue ;
$sql_update [] = strtr ( 'ALTER TABLE `%table_prefix%' . $table . '` %prop; %tail' , [ '%prop' => $columns [ 'prop' ], '%tail' => $columns [ 'tail' ]]);
break ;
continue ;
// Check the columns scheme
foreach ( $columns as $column => $column_meta ) {
$query = NULL ; // reset
$schema_column = $schema_table [ $column ];
switch ( $column_meta [ 'op' ]) {
case 'MODIFY' :
if ( array_key_exists ( $column , $schema [ $table ]) and ( $schema_column [ 'COLUMN_TYPE' ] !== $column_meta [ 'type' ] or ( preg_match ( '/DEFAULT NULL/i' , $column_meta [ 'prop' ]) and $schema_column [ 'IS_NULLABLE' ] == 'NO' ))) {
$query = '`%column` %type' ;
break ;
case 'CHANGE' :
if ( array_key_exists ( $column , $schema [ $table ])) {
$query = '`%column` `%to` %type' ;
break ;
case 'ADD' :
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $column , $schema [ $table ])) {
$query = '`%column` %type' ;
break ;
if ( ! is_null ( $query )) {
$stock_tr = [ 'op' , 'type' , 'to' , 'prop' , 'tail' ];
$meta_tr = [];
foreach ( $stock_tr as $v ) {
$meta_tr [ '%' . $v ] = $column_meta [ $v ];
$sql_update [] = strtr ( 'ALTER TABLE `%table_prefix%' . $table . '` %op ' . $query . ' %prop; %tail' , array_merge ([ '%column' => $column ], $meta_tr ));
if ( $changes [ 'query' ]) {
if ( version_compare ( $version , $installed_version , '>' )) {
$sql_update [] = $changes [ 'query' ];
// Fix the missing KEY indexes
foreach ( $CHV_indexes as $table => $indexes ) {
$field_prefix = DB :: getFieldPrefix ( $table );
foreach ( $indexes as $index ) {
if ( $index == 'searchindex' or $index == $field_prefix . '_id' or ! G\starts_with ( $field_prefix . '_' , $index )) continue ;
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $index , $DB_indexes [ $table ])) {
$sql_update [] = 'ALTER TABLE `%table_prefix%' . $table . '` ADD INDEX `' . $index . '` (`' . $index . '`);' ;
// Merge settings and version changes
$updates_stock = [];
foreach ( array_merge ( $settings_updates , $update_table ) as $k => $v ) {
if ( $k == '3.0.0' ) continue ;
$updates_stock [] = $k ;
// Flat settings
$settings_flat = [];
// Settings workaround
foreach ( $updates_stock as $k ) {
$sql = NULL ; // reset the pointer
if ( is_array ( $settings_updates [ $k ])) {
foreach ( $settings_updates [ $k ] as $k => $v ) {
$settings_flat [ $k ] = $v ;
// Wait a second... Avoid overwrites
if ( in_array ( $k , $db_settings_keys )) {
continue ;
$value = ( is_null ( $v ) ? " NULL " : " ' " . $v . " ' " );
$sql .= " INSERT INTO `%table_prefix%settings` (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset) VALUES (' " . $k . " ', " . $value . " , " . $value . " , ' " . Settings :: getType ( $v ) . " '); " . " \n " ;
if ( $sql ) {
$sql_update [] = $sql ;
$settings_get = Settings :: get ();
2017-05-21 20:19:25 +00:00
// Deteled settings
foreach ( $settings_delete as $k ) {
if ( array_key_exists ( $k , $settings_get )) {
$sql_update [] = " DELETE FROM `%table_prefix%settings` WHERE `setting_name` = ' " . $k . " '; " ;
// Renamed settings (actually updated values + remove old one)
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
foreach ( $settings_rename as $k => $v ) {
if ( array_key_exists ( $k , $settings_get )) {
// Typeset is set in the INSERT statement above
$value = ( is_null ( $settings_get [ $k ]) ? " NULL " : " ' " . $settings_get [ $k ] . " ' " );
$sql_update [] = " UPDATE `%table_prefix%settings` SET `setting_value` = " . $value . " WHERE `setting_name` = ' " . $v . " '; " . " \n " . " DELETE FROM `%table_prefix%settings` WHERE `setting_name` = ' " . $k . " '; " ;
// Switched settings (as rename but with update of the old key)
foreach ( $settings_switch as $version => $keys ) {
if ( ! version_compare ( $version , $installed_version , '>' )) {
continue ;
foreach ( $keys as $k => $v ) {
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $k , $settings_get )) {
continue ;
$value = ( is_null ( $settings_get [ $k ]) ? " NULL " : " ' " . $settings_get [ $k ] . " ' " );
$value_default = ( is_null ( $settings_flat [ $k ]) ? " NULL " : " ' " . $settings_flat [ $k ] . " ' " );
$sql_update [] = " UPDATE `%table_prefix%settings` SET `setting_value` = " . $value . " , `setting_typeset` = ' " . Settings :: getType ( $settings_flat [ $k ]) . " ' WHERE `setting_name` = ' " . $v . " '; " . " \n " . " UPDATE `%table_prefix%settings` SET `setting_value` = " . $value_default . " , `setting_default` = " . $value_default . " WHERE `setting_name` = ' " . $k . " '; " ;
// Always update to the target version
$sql_update [] = 'UPDATE `%table_prefix%settings` SET `setting_value` = "' . G_APP_VERSION . '" WHERE `setting_name` = "chevereto_version_installed";' ;
// Revert maintenance (if needed)
if ( ! $maintenance ) {
$sql_update [] = 'UPDATE `%table_prefix%settings` SET `setting_value` = 0 WHERE `setting_name` = "maintenance";' ;
$sql_update = join ( " \r \n " , $sql_update );
// Replace the %table_storage% and %table_prefix% thing
$sql_update = strtr ( $sql_update , [
'%table_prefix%' => G\get_app_setting ( 'db_table_prefix' ),
'%table_engine%' => $fulltext_engine
// Remove extra white spaces and line breaks
$sql_update = preg_replace ( '/[ \t]+/' , ' ' , preg_replace ( '/\s*$^\s*/m' , " \n " , $sql_update ));
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'debug' ])) {
G\debug ( $sql_update );
die ();
try {
$db = DB :: getInstance ();
$db -> query ( $sql_update );
$updated = $db -> exec ();
if ( $updated ) {
$chevereto_version_installed = DB :: get ( 'settings' , [ 'name' => 'chevereto_version_installed' ])[ 0 ][ 'setting_value' ];
if ( G_APP_VERSION !== $chevereto_version_installed ) {
throw new Exception ( strtr ( 'Make sure that the current database user %u has ALL PRIVILEGES granted over the %t table.' , [
'%u' => G\get_app_setting ( 'db_user' ),
'%t' => G\get_app_setting ( 'db_name' ),
$doing = 'updated' ;
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$error = true ;
$error_message = $e -> getMessage ();
$doing = 'update_failed' ;
} else {
try {
$db = DB :: getInstance ();
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$error = true ;
$error_message = sprintf ( $db_conn_error , $e -> getMessage ());
$doing = $error ? 'connect' : 'ready' ;
if ( ! is_null ( $installed_version )) {
$doing = 'already' ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'username' ]) and ! in_array ( $doing , [ 'already' , 'update' ])) {
$doing = 'ready' ;
if ( $_POST ) {
switch ( $doing ) {
// First case, need to connect to a working database
case 'connect' :
$db_details = [];
foreach ( $db_array as $k => $v ) {
if ( $v and $_POST [ $k ] == '' ) {
$error = true ;
break ;
$db_details [ ltrim ( $k , 'db_' )] = isset ( $_POST [ $k ]) ? $_POST [ $k ] : NULL ;
if ( $error ) {
$error_message = 'Please fill the database details.' ;
} else {
// Details are complete. Lets check if the DB
$db_details [ 'driver' ] = 'mysql' ;
try {
$db = new DB ( $db_details ); // Had to initiate a new instance for the new connection params
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$error = true ;
$error_message = sprintf ( $db_conn_error , $e -> getMessage ());
if ( ! $error ) {
// MySQL connection OK. Now, populate this values to settings.php
$settings_php = [ '<?php' ];
foreach ( $db_details as $k => $v ) {
$settings_php [] = '$settings[\'db_' . $k . '\'] = \'' . $v . '\';' ;
2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
$settings_php [] = '$settings[\'db_pdo_attrs\'] = [];' ;
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
$settings_php [] = '$settings[\'debug_level\'] = 1;' ;
$settings_php = implode ( " \n " , $settings_php );
$settings_file = G_APP_PATH . 'settings.php' ;
$fh = @ fopen ( $settings_file , 'w' );
if ( ! $fh or ! fwrite ( $fh , $settings_php )) {
$doing = 'settings' ;
} else {
$doing = 'ready' ;
@ fclose ( $fh );
// Reset opcache in this file
if ( function_exists ( 'opcache_invalidate' )) {
@ opcache_invalidate ( $settings_file , TRUE );
// Ready to install
if ( $doing == 'ready' ) {
/*@ include ( G_APP_PATH . 'settings.php' );
if ( ! G\settings_has_db_info ()) {
sleep ( 3 ); // nifty hack to prevent cache issues (if any)
} */
G\redirect ( 'install' );
break ;
// Ready to install
case 'ready' :
// Input validations
if ( ! filter_var ( $_POST [ 'email' ], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL )) {
$input_errors [ 'email' ] = _s ( 'Invalid email' );
if ( ! User :: isValidUsername ( $_POST [ 'username' ])) {
$input_errors [ 'username' ] = _s ( 'Invalid username' );
if ( ! preg_match ( '/' . getSetting ( 'user_password_pattern' ) . '/' , $_POST [ 'password' ])) {
$input_errors [ 'password' ] = _s ( 'Invalid password' );
if ( ! filter_var ( $_POST [ 'email_from_email' ], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL )) {
$input_errors [ 'email_from_email' ] = _s ( 'Invalid email' );
if ( ! filter_var ( $_POST [ 'email_incoming_email' ], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL )) {
$input_errors [ 'email_incoming_email' ] = _s ( 'Invalid email' );
if ( ! in_array ( $_POST [ 'website_mode' ], [ 'community' , 'personal' ])) {
$input_errors [ 'website_mode' ] = _s ( 'Invalid website mode' );
if ( count ( $input_errors ) > 0 ) {
$error = true ;
$error_message = 'Please correct your data to continue.' ;
} else {
try {
$create_table = [];
foreach ( new \DirectoryIterator ( CHV_APP_PATH_INSTALL . 'sql' ) as $fileInfo ) {
if ( $fileInfo -> isDot () or $fileInfo -> isDir ()) continue ;
$create_table [ $fileInfo -> getBasename ( '.sql' )] = realpath ( $fileInfo -> getPathname ());
$install_sql = 'SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;' . " \n " ;
if ( $is_2X ) {
// Need to sync this to avoid bad datefolder mapping due to MySQL time != PHP time
// In Chevereto v2.X date was TIMESTAMP and in v3.X is DATETIME
$DT = new \DateTime ();
$offset = $DT -> getOffset ();
$offsetHours = round ( abs ( $offset ) / 3600 );
$offsetMinutes = round (( abs ( $offset ) - $offsetHours * 3600 ) / 60 );
$offset = ( $offset < 0 ? '-' : '+' ) . ( strlen ( $offsetHours ) < 2 ? '0' : '' ) . $offsetHours . ':' . ( strlen ( $offsetMinutes ) < 2 ? '0' : '' ) . $offsetMinutes ;
$install_sql .= " SET time_zone = ' " . $offset . " '; " ;
$install_sql .= "
ALTER TABLE `chv_images`
MODIFY `image_id` bigint ( 32 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
MODIFY `image_name` varchar ( 255 ),
MODIFY `image_date` DATETIME ,
CHANGE `image_type` `image_extension` varchar ( 255 ),
CHANGE `uploader_ip` `image_uploader_ip` varchar ( 255 ),
CHANGE `storage_id` `image_storage_id` bigint ( 32 ),
DROP `image_delete_hash` ,
ADD `image_date_gmt` datetime NOT NULL AFTER `image_date` ,
ADD `image_title` varchar ( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
ADD `image_description` text ,
ADD `image_nsfw` tinyint ( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
ADD `image_user_id` bigint ( 32 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
ADD `image_album_id` bigint ( 32 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
ADD `image_md5` varchar ( 32 ) NOT NULL ,
ADD `image_storage_mode` enum ( 'datefolder' , 'direct' , 'old' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'datefolder' ,
ADD `image_original_filename` text NOT NULL ,
ADD `image_original_exifdata` longtext ,
ADD `image_views` bigint ( 32 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
ADD `image_category_id` bigint ( 32 ) DEFAULT NULL ,
ADD `image_chain` tinyint ( 128 ) NOT NULL ,
ADD `image_thumb_size` int ( 11 ) NOT NULL ,
ADD `image_medium_size` int ( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
ADD `image_expiration_date_gmt` datetime DEFAULT NULL ,
2016-10-17 21:16:45 +00:00
ADD `image_likes` bigint ( 32 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
ADD `image_is_animated` tinyint ( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
ADD INDEX `image_name` ( `image_name` ),
ADD INDEX `image_size` ( `image_size` ),
ADD INDEX `image_width` ( `image_width` ),
ADD INDEX `image_height` ( `image_height` ),
ADD INDEX `image_date_gmt` ( `image_date_gmt` ),
ADD INDEX `image_nsfw` ( `image_nsfw` ),
ADD INDEX `image_user_id` ( `image_user_id` ),
ADD INDEX `image_album_id` ( `image_album_id` ),
ADD INDEX `image_storage_id` ( `image_storage_id` ),
ADD INDEX `image_md5` ( `image_md5` ),
ADD INDEX `image_likes` ( `image_views` ),
ADD INDEX `image_views` ( `image_views` ),
ADD INDEX `image_category_id` ( `image_category_id` ),
ADD INDEX `image_expiration_date_gmt` ( `image_expiration_date_gmt` ),
2016-10-12 16:32:18 +00:00
ADD INDEX `image_is_animated` ( `image_is_animated` ),
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
ENGINE = " . $fulltext_engine . " ;
UPDATE `chv_images`
SET `image_date_gmt` = `image_date` ,
`image_storage_mode` = CASE
WHEN `image_storage_id` IS NULL THEN 'datefolder'
WHEN `image_storage_id` = 0 THEN 'datefolder'
WHEN `image_storage_id` = 1 THEN 'old'
WHEN `image_storage_id` = 2 THEN 'direct'
`image_storage_id` = NULL ;
CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX searchindex ON `chv_images` ( image_name , image_title , image_description , image_original_filename );
RENAME TABLE `chv_info` to `_chv_info` ;
RENAME TABLE `chv_options` to `_chv_options` ;
RENAME TABLE `chv_storages` to `_chv_storages` ; " ;
// Don't create the images table
unset ( $create_table [ 'images' ]);
// Inject the old definitions value
$chv_initial_settings [ 'crypt_salt' ] = $_POST [ 'crypt_salt' ];
$table_prefix = 'chv_' ;
} else {
$table_prefix = G\get_app_setting ( 'db_table_prefix' );
foreach ( $create_table as $k => $v ) {
$install_sql .= strtr ( file_get_contents ( $v ), [
'%table_prefix%' => $table_prefix ,
'%table_engine%' => $fulltext_engine
]) . " \n \n " ;
// id padding for long faked public IDs
2016-11-06 02:19:47 +00:00
$chv_initial_settings [ 'id_padding' ] = $is_2X ? 0 : 5000 ;
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
if ( $_POST [ 'website_mode' ] == 'personal' ) {
$chv_initial_settings [ 'website_mode' ] = 'personal' ;
// Stats (since 3.7.0)
$install_sql .= strtr ( $stats_query , [
'%table_prefix%' => $table_prefix ,
'%table_engine%' => $fulltext_engine
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'debug' ])) {
G\debug ( $install_sql );
die ();
// Do the DB magic
$db = DB :: getInstance ();
$db -> query ( $install_sql );
$db -> exec ();
$db -> closeCursor ();
// Insert the default settings
$db -> beginTransaction ();
$db -> query ( 'INSERT INTO `' . DB :: getTable ( 'settings' ) . '` (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset) VALUES (:name, :value, :value, :typeset)' );
foreach ( $chv_initial_settings as $k => $v ) {
$db -> bind ( ':name' , $k );
$db -> bind ( ':value' , $v );
$db -> bind ( ':typeset' , ( $v === 0 or $v === 1 ) ? 'bool' : 'string' );
$db -> exec ();
if ( $db -> endTransaction ()) {
// Create admin and his password
$insert_admin = User :: insert ([
'username' => $_POST [ 'username' ],
'email' => $_POST [ 'email' ],
'is_admin' => 1 ,
'language' => $chv_initial_settings [ 'default_language' ],
'timezone' => $chv_initial_settings [ 'default_timezone' ]
Login :: addPassword ( $insert_admin , $_POST [ 'password' ]);
// Add admin user as the personal mode guy
if ( $_POST [ 'website_mode' ] == 'personal' ) {
$db -> update ( 'settings' , [ 'setting_value' => 'me' ], [ 'setting_name' => 'website_mode_personal_routing' ]);
$db -> update ( 'settings' , [ 'setting_value' => $insert_admin ], [ 'setting_name' => 'website_mode_personal_uid' ]);
// Insert the email settings
$db -> update ( 'settings' , [ 'setting_value' => $_POST [ 'email_from_email' ]], [ 'setting_name' => 'email_from_email' ]);
$db -> update ( 'settings' , [ 'setting_value' => $_POST [ 'email_incoming_email' ]], [ 'setting_name' => 'email_incoming_email' ]);
$doing = 'finished' ;
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$error = true ;
$error_message = " Can't create admin user:<br> " . $e -> getMessage ();
break ;
$doctitle = $doctitles [ $doing ] . ' - Chevereto ' . get_chevereto_version ( true );
$system_template = CHV_APP_PATH_SYSTEM . 'template.php' ;
$install_template = CHV_APP_PATH_INSTALL . 'template/' . $doing . '.php' ;
if ( file_exists ( $install_template )) {
ob_start ();
require_once ( $install_template );
$html = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
} else {
die ( " Can't find " . G\absolute_to_relative ( $install_template ));
if ( !@ require_once ( $system_template )) {
die ( " Can't find " . G\absolute_to_relative ( $system_template ));
die (); // Terminate any remaining execution
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
G\exception_to_error ( $e );