$missng_fn_tpl='%n (<a href="http://php.net/manual/en/function.%u.php">%f</a>) function is disabled in this server. This function must be enabled in your PHP configuration (php.ini) and/or you must add this missing function.';
$install_errors[]='This server is currently running PHP version '.PHP_VERSION.' and Chevereto needs at least PHP 5.5.0 to run. You need to update PHP in this server.';
$install_errors[]='Apache <a href="http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.1/rewrite/rewrite_intro.html" target="_blank">mod_rewrite</a> is not enabled in this server. This must be enabled to run Chevereto.';
$install_errors[]='<a href="http://www.libgd.org" target="_blank">GD Library</a> is not enabled in this server. GD is needed to perform image handling.';
$imagetype_fail='image support is not enabled in your current PHP setup (GD Library).';
$install_errors[]='PHP Data Objects (<a href="http://www.php.net/manual/book.pdo.php">PDO</a>) is not loaded in this server. PDO is needed to perform database operations.';
$install_errors[]='PDO MySQL Functions (<a href="http://www.php.net/manual/ref.pdo-mysql.php" target="_blank">PDO_MYSQL</a>) is not loaded in this server. PDO_MYSQL is needed to work with a MySQL database.';
$install_errors[]='Multibyte string (<a href="http://php.net/manual/en/book.mbstring.php" target="_blank">mbstring</a>) is not loaded in this server. mbstring is needed to handle multibyte strings.';
$install_errors[]="<code>".G\absolute_to_relative($v)."</code> doesn't exists. Make sure to upload this.";
}else{// Can write?
$install_errors[]='No write permission in <code>'.G\absolute_to_relative($v).'</code> directory. Chevereto needs to be able to write in this directory.';
$install_errors[]="<code>".G\absolute_to_relative($system_template)."</code> doesn't exists. Make sure to upload this.";
/*** License file ***/
$install_errors[]="Can't find <code>".G\absolute_to_relative($license_file)."</code> file. Make sure to upload the <code>app/license</code> folder.";
/*** .htaccess checks (only for Apache) ***/
// Check for the root .htaccess file
$install_errors[]="Can't find root <code>.htaccess</code> file. Re-upload this file and take note that in some computers this file could be hidden in your local folder.";