2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< ? php if ( ! defined ( 'access' ) or ! access ) die ( 'This file cannot be directly accessed.' ); ?>
< ? php G\Render\include_theme_header (); ?>
< div class = " content-width " >
< div class = " c24 center-box " >
< div class = " header header-tabs default-margin-bottom " >
< h1 >< ? php echo get_pre_doctitle (); ?> </h1>
< div class = " hidden phone-show phablet-show " >
< ? php
foreach ( get_settings_menu () as $tab ) {
if ( $tab [ " current " ]) {
$current = $tab ;
break ;
< div class = " phone-show hidden tab-menu current " data - action = " tab-menu " >< span data - content = " current-tab-label " >< ? php echo $current [ " label " ]; ?> </span><span class="icon icon-menu4 margin-left-5"></span></div>
< ul class = " content-tabs phone-hide phablet-show " >
< ? php
foreach ( get_settings_menu () as $item ) {
< li < ? php if ( $item [ " current " ]) echo ' class="current"' ; ?> ><a href="<?php echo $item["url"]; ?>"><?php echo $item["label"]; ?></a></li>
< ? php
</ ul >
</ div >
< ? php
if ( is_dashboard_user ()) {
< div class = " header-content-right phone-float-none " >
< div class = " list-selection " >
< a href = " <?php echo get_user()['url']; ?> " class = " header-link " >< ? php echo get_user ()[ 'username' ]; ?> </a>
< a class = " delete-link margin-left-5 " data - confirm = " <?php _se( " Do you really want to delete this user ? This can 't be undone."); ?>" data-submit-fn="CHV.fn.user.delete.submit" data-ajax-deferred="CHV.fn.complete_resource_delete" data-ajax-url="<?php echo G\get_base_url("json"); ?>"><?php _se(' Delete user ' ); ?> </a>
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php
</ div >
< div class = " form-content " >
< ul class = " content-tabs c5 content-tabs-vertical phone-hide phablet-hide " >
< ? php
foreach ( get_settings_menu () as $item ) {
< li < ? php if ( $item [ " current " ]) echo ' class="current"' ; ?> ><a href="<?php echo $item["url"]; ?>"><?php echo $item["label"]; ?></a></li>
< ? php
</ ul >
< form data - content = " main-form " class = " tabbed-input-column " method = " post " data - type = " <?php echo get_setting(); ?> " data - action = " validate " >
< ? php echo G\Render\get_input_auth_token (); ?>
< ? php
if ( is_settings_account ()) {
if ( is_dashboard_user () or is_admin ()) {
< ul class = " tabbed-content-list table-li " >
< ? php
$user_list_values = [
'label' => _s ( 'User ID' ),
'content' => get_user ()[ 'id' ] . ' (' . get_user ()[ 'id_encoded' ] . ')'
'label' => _s ( 'Images' ),
'content' => get_user ()[ 'image_count' ]
'label' => _s ( 'Albums' ),
'content' => get_user ()[ 'album_count' ]
'label' => _s ( 'Register date' ),
'content' => get_user ()[ 'date' ]
'label' => NULL ,
'content' => get_user ()[ 'date_gmt' ] . ' (GMT)'
if ( get_user ()[ 'registration_ip' ]) {
$user_list_values [] = [
'label' => _s ( 'Registration IP' ),
'content' => get_user ()[ 'registration_ip' ]
foreach ( $user_list_values as $v ) {
< li >< span class = " c4 display-table-cell padding-right-10 " >< ? php echo $v [ 'label' ]; ?> </span> <span class="display-table-cell"><?php echo $v['content']; ?></span></li>
< ? php
</ ul >
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " status " >< ? php _se ( 'Status' ); ?> </label>
< select name = " status " id = " status " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
foreach ([
'valid' => _s ( 'Valid' ),
'banned' => _s ( 'Banned' ),
'awaiting-email' => _s ( 'Awaiting email' ),
'awaiting-confirmation' => _s ( 'Awaiting confirmation' )
] as $k => $v ) {
$selected = $k == get_user ()[ " status " ] ? " selected " : " " ;
echo '<option value="' . $k . '"' . $selected . '>' . $v . '</option>' . " \n " ;
</ select >
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " role " >< ? php _se ( 'Role' ); ?> </label>
< select name = " role " id = " role " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
foreach ([
'admin' => [ 'label' => _s ( 'Administrator' ), 'selected' => get_user ()[ 'is_admin' ]],
'user' => [ 'label' => _s ( 'User' ), 'selected' => ! get_user ()[ 'is_admin' ]]
] as $k => $v ) {
$selected = $v [ 'selected' ] ? " selected " : " " ;
echo '<option value="' . $k . '"' . $selected . '>' . $v [ 'label' ] . '</option>' . " \n " ;
</ select >
</ div >
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< ? php
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " username " >< ? php _se ( 'Username' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " text " name = " username " id = " username " maxlength = " <?php echo CHV \ getSetting('username_max_length'); ?> " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()[ " username " ] : get_user()[ " username " ]; ?> " pattern = " <?php echo CHV \ getSetting('username_pattern'); ?> " rel = " tooltip " title = '<?php _se(' % i to % f characters < br > Letters , numbers and " _ " ', [' % i ' => CHV\getSetting(' username_min_length '), ' % f ' => CHV\getSetting(' username_max_length ')]); ?>' data - tipTip = " right " placeholder = " <?php _se('Username'); ?> " required >
< span class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ " username " ]; ?> </span>
< ? php
if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'website_mode' ) == 'community' ) {
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php echo G\get_base_url ( CHV\getSetting ( 'user_routing' ) ? NULL : 'user' ) . '/' ; ?> <span data-text="username"><?php echo get_user()["username"]; ?></span></div>
< ? php
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " email " >< ? php _se ( 'Email address' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " email " name = " email " id = " email " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()[ " email " ] : get_user()[ " email " ]; ?> " placeholder = " <?php _se('Your email address'); ?> " < ? php if ( is_email_required ()) { ?> required<?php } ?>>
< span class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ " email " ]; ?> </span>
< ? php if ( get_changed_email_message ()) { ?> <div class="input-below highlight padding-5"><?php echo get_changed_email_message(); ?></div><?php } ?>
</ div >
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< ? php if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'enable_expirable_uploads' )) { ?>
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " image_expiration " >< ? php _se ( 'Auto delete uploads' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c6 phablet-1 " >
< select type = " text " name = " image_expiration " id = " image_expiration " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
echo CHV\Render\get_select_options_html ( CHV\Image :: getAvailableExpirations (), get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'image_expiration' ] : get_user ()[ 'image_expiration' ]);
</ select >
</ div >
2017-11-09 19:02:18 +00:00
< div class = " input-below input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ " image_expiration " ]; ?> </div>
2016-08-18 20:39:31 +00:00
< div class = " input-below " >< ? php _se ( 'This setting will apply to all your image uploads by default. You can override this setting on each upload.' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'upload_image_exif_user_setting' )) { ?>
< div class = " input-label " >
< label >< ? php _se ( 'Image Exif data' ); ?> </label>
< ? php echo CHV\Render\get_checkbox_html ([
'name' => 'image_keep_exif' ,
'label' => _s ( 'Keep image <a %s>Exif data</a> on upload' , 'href="https://www.google.com/search?q=Exif" target="_blank"' ),
'checked' => (( bool )( get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'image_keep_exif' ] : get_user ()[ 'image_keep_exif' ]))
]); ?>
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< div class = " input-label " >
< label >< ? php _se ( 'Newsletter' ); ?> </label>
< ? php echo CHV\Render\get_checkbox_html ([
'name' => 'newsletter_subscribe' ,
'label' => _s ( 'Send me emails with news about %s' , CHV\getSetting ( 'website_name' )),
'checked' => (( bool )( get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'newsletter_subscribe' ] : get_user ()[ 'newsletter_subscribe' ]))
]); ?>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label >< ? php _se ( 'Content settings' ); ?> </label>
< ? php echo CHV\Render\get_checkbox_html ([
'name' => 'show_nsfw_listings' ,
'label' => _s ( 'Show not safe content in listings (from others)' ),
'checked' => (( bool )( get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'show_nsfw_listings' ] : get_user ()[ 'show_nsfw_listings' ]))
]); ?>
</ div >
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< ? php if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'language_chooser_enable' )) { ?>
< div class = " c5 phablet-c1 " >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " language " >< ? php _se ( 'Language' ); ?> </label>
< select name = " language " id = " language " class = " text-input " >
< ? php
$enabled_languages = CHV\get_enabled_languages ();
foreach ( $enabled_languages as $k => $v ){
$selected_lang = $k == CHV\get_language_used ()[ 'code' ] ? " selected " : " " ;
echo '<option value="' . $k . '"' . $selected_lang . '>' . $v [ " name " ] . '</option>' . " \n " ;
</ select >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php
$zones = timezone_identifiers_list ();
foreach ( $zones as $zone ) {
$zone = explode ( '/' , $zone );
if ( in_array ( $zone [ 0 ], array ( " Africa " , " America " , " Antarctica " , " Arctic " , " Asia " , " Atlantic " , " Australia " , " Europe " , " Indian " , " Pacific " ))) {
if ( isset ( $zone [ 1 ]) != '' ) {
$regions [ $zone [ 0 ]][ $zone [ 0 ] . '/' . $zone [ 1 ]] = str_replace ( '_' , ' ' , $zone [ 1 ]);
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " timezone " >< ? php _se ( 'Timezone' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " overflow-auto " >
< select id = " timezone-region " class = " c5 phablet-c1 grid-columns margin-right-10 phone-margin-bottom-10 phablet-margin-bottom-10 text-input " data - combo = " timezone-combo " >
< option >< ? php _se ( 'Select region' ); ?> </option>
< ? php
$user_region = preg_replace ( " /(.*) \ /.*/ " , " $ 1 " , get_user ()[ " timezone " ]);
foreach ( $regions as $key => $region ) {
$selected = $user_region == $key ? " selected " : " " ;
echo '<option value="' . $key . '"' . $selected . '>' . $key . '</option>' ;
</ select >
< div id = " timezone-combo " class = " c5 phablet-c1 grid-columns " >
< ? php
foreach ( $regions as $key => $region ) {
$show_hide = $user_region == $key ? " " : " soft-hidden " ;
< select id = " timezone-combo-<?php echo $key ; ?> " class = " text-input switch-combo<?php echo $show_hide ; ?> " data - combo - value = " <?php echo $key ; ?> " >
< ? php
foreach ( $region as $k => $l ) {
$selected = get_user ()[ " timezone " ] == $k ? " selected " : " " ;
echo '<option value="' . $k . '"' . $selected . '>' . $l . '</option>' . " \n " ;
</ select >
< ? php
</ div >
</ div >
< input type = " hidden " id = " timezone " name = " timezone " data - content = " timezone " data - highlight = " #timezone-region " value = " <?php echo get_user()[ " timezone " ]; ?> " required >
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( is_settings_password ()) { ?>
< ? php
// User has password
if ( get_user ()[ " login " ][ " password " ] !== NULL ) {
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >
< ? php
if ( ! is_dashboard_user ()) {
< div class = " input-label input-password " >
< label for = " current-password " >< ? php _se ( 'Current password' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " password " name = " current-password " id = " current-password " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post()[ " current - password " ]; ?> " placeholder = " <?php _se('Enter your current password'); ?> " required >
< span class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ " current-password " ]; ?> </span>
< div class = " input-below text-align-right " >< a href = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url( " account / password - forgot " ); ?> " >< ? php _se ( 'Forgot password?' ); ?> </a></div>
</ div >
< ? php
< div class = " input-label input-password " >
< label for = " new-password " >< ? php _se ( 'New password' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " password " name = " new-password " id = " new-password " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post()[ " new - password " ]; ?> " pattern = " <?php echo CHV \ getSetting('user_password_pattern'); ?> " rel = " tooltip " title = " <?php _se('%d characters min', CHV \ getSetting('user_password_min_length')); ?> " data - tipTip = " right " placeholder = " <?php _se('Enter your new password'); ?> " required >
< div class = " input-password-strength " >< span style = " width: 0% " data - content = " password-meter-bar " ></ span ></ div >
< span class = " input-warning red-warning " data - text = " password-meter-message " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ " new-password " ]; ?> </span>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label input-password " >
< label for = " new-password-confirm " >< ? php _se ( 'Confirm new password' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " password " name = " new-password-confirm " id = " new-password-confirm " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post()[ " new - password - confirm " ]; ?> " placeholder = " <?php _se('Re-enter your new password'); ?> " required >
< span class = " text-align-right input-warning input-below red-warning<?php echo get_input_errors()[ " new - password - confirm " ] ? " " : " hidden - visibility " ; ?> " data - text = " <?php _se( " Passwords don 't match"); ?>"><?php if(get_input_errors()["new-password-confirm"]) { echo _s("Passwords don' t match " ); } ?></span>
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php
} else { // User must create a password
< p >< ? php if ( ! is_dashboard_user ()) { _se ( 'Add a password to be able to login using your username or email.' ); } else { _se ( " This user doesn't have a password. Add one using this form. " ); } ?> </p>
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >
< div class = " input-label input-password " >
< label for = " new-password " >< ? php _se ( 'Password' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " password " name = " new-password " id = " new-password " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post()[ " new - password " ]; ?> " pattern = " <?php echo CHV \ getSetting('user_password_pattern'); ?> " rel = " tooltip " title = " <?php _se('%d characters min', CHV \ getSetting('user_password_min_length')); ?> " data - tipTip = " right " placeholder = " <?php _se('Enter your password'); ?> " required >
< div class = " input-password-strength " >< span style = " width: 0% " data - content = " password-meter-bar " ></ span ></ div >
< span class = " input-warning red-warning " data - text = " password-meter-message " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ " new-password " ]; ?> </span>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label input-password " >
< label for = " new-password-confirm " >< ? php _se ( 'Confirm password' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " password " name = " new-password-confirm " id = " new-password-confirm " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post()[ " new - password - confirm " ]; ?> " maxlength = " 255 " placeholder = " <?php _se('Re-enter your password'); ?> " required >
< span class = " input-warning red-warning<?php echo get_input_errors()[ " new - password - confirm " ] ? " " : " hidden - visibility " ; ?> " data - text = " <?php _se( " Passwords don 't match"); ?>"><?php _se("Passwords don' t match " ); ?></span>
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( is_settings_profile ()) { ?>
< div class = " c19 phablet-c1 " >
< div class = " input-upload user-settings-avatar " >
< div class = " user-settings-avatar-container grid-columns margin-right-10 phablet-float-left " >
< ? php if ( get_user ()[ " avatar " ][ " url " ]) { ?>
< img src = " <?php echo get_user()[ " avatar " ][ " url " ]; ?> " alt = " " class = " user-image " >
< ? php } else { ?>
< img src = " " alt = " " class = " user-image<?php echo (!get_user()[ " avatar " ][ " url " ] ? ' hidden' : ''); ?> " >
< ? php } ?>
< span class = " user-image default-user-image<?php echo (get_user()[ " avatar " ][ " url " ] ? ' hidden' : ''); ?> " >< span class = " icon icon-user " ></ span ></ span >
< div class = " user-image loading-placeholder hidden " >< ? php _se ( 'loading' ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< div class = " actions " >
< div class = " btn-container " >
< a class = " btn default " data - trigger = " user-avatar-upload " >< ? php _se ( 'Upload new image' ); ?> </a>
< div class = " <?php echo (get_user()[ " avatar " ] == NULL ? 'soft-hidden' : ''); ?> " >
< span class = " btn-alt " >< ? php _se ( 'or' ); ?> <a data-action="delete-avatar"><?php _se('Delete existing image'); ?></a></span>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< input id = " user-avatar-upload " data - content = " user-avatar-upload-input " class = " hidden-visibility " type = " file " accept = " image/* " >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label >< ? php _se ( 'Privacy' ); ?> </label>
< ? php echo CHV\Render\get_checkbox_html ([
'name' => 'is_private' ,
'label' => _s ( 'Make my profile and identity totally private' ),
'tooltip' => _s ( 'Enable this if you want to act like an anonymous user' ),
'checked' => (( bool )( get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ 'is_private' ] : get_user ()[ 'is_private' ]))
]); ?>
</ div >
< div class = " c9 phablet-c1 " >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " name " >< ? php _se ( 'Name' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " text " name = " name " id = " name " class = " text-input " maxlength = " 60 " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()[ " name " ] : get_safe_html_user()[ " name " ]; ?> " placeholder = " Your real name " required >
< span class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ " name " ]; ?> </span>
< ? php if ( ! is_dashboard_user ()) { ?> <div class="input-below"><?php _se('This is your real name, not your username.'); ?></div><?php } ?>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " website " >< ? php _se ( 'Website' ); ?> </label>
< input type = " url " name = " website " id = " website " class = " text-input " value = " <?php echo get_safe_post() ? get_safe_post()[ " website " ] : get_user()[ " website_safe_html " ]; ?> " data - validate rel = " tooltip " title = " <?php _se('http://yourwebsite.com'); ?> " data - tipTip = " right " placeholder = " <?php _se('http://yourwebsite.com'); ?> " >
< span class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ " website " ]; ?> </span>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " bio " >< ? php _se ( 'Bio' ); ?> </label>
< textarea name = " bio " id = " bio " class = " resize-vertical " placeholder = " <?php _se('Tell us a little bit about you'); ?> " maxlength = " 255 " >< ? php echo get_safe_post () ? get_safe_post ()[ " bio " ] : get_user ()[ " bio " ]; ?> </textarea>
< span class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ " bio " ]; ?> </span>
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php
if ( is_settings_linked_accounts ()) {
if ( is_dashboard_user ()) {
< p data - content = " empty-message " < ? php if ( count ( get_connections ()) > 0 ) { ?> class="soft-hidden"<?php } ?>><?php _se('User has no connections.'); ?></p>
< ? php
} else {
< p >< ? php _se ( 'Link your account to external services to be able to login and share content.' ); ?> </p>
< ? php
< ? php
foreach ( get_connections () as $connection ) {
if ( is_dashboard_user ()) {
$confirm_message = _s ( 'Do you really want to disconnect %s from this account?' , $connection [ 'type_label' ]);
$title = _s ( 'This account is connected to %s' , $connection [ 'type_label' ]);
} else {
$confirm_message = _s ( 'Do you really want to disconnect your %s account?' , $connection [ 'type_label' ]);
if ( CHV\Login :: getSession ()[ 'type' ] == $connection [ 'type' ]) {
$confirm_message .= ' ' . _s ( " You will be logged out and you won't be able to login to your account using this %s account. " , $connection [ 'type_label' ]);
$title = _s ( 'Your account is connected to %s' , $connection [ 'type_label' ]);
$title .= ' (<a href="' . $connection [ 'resource_url' ] . '" target="_blank">' . $connection [ 'resource_name' ] . '</a>)' ;
< div class = " account-link account-linked input-label overflow-auto " data - connection = " <?php echo $connection['type'] ; ?> " >
< h3 >< span class = " btn-icon icon-<?php echo $connection['type'] ; ?> " ></ span > < ? php echo $connection [ 'type_label' ]; ?> <a class="font-size-small margin-left-5" data-action="disconnect" data-connection="<?php echo $connection['type']; ?>" data-confirm-message="<?php echo $confirm_message; ?>"><?php _se('disconnect'); ?></a></h3>
< div class = " account-link-status " >< ? php echo $title ; ?> </div>
</ div >
< ? php
< ? php
if ( ! is_dashboard_user ()) {
foreach ( get_available_connections () as $connection => $label ) {
< div class = " account-link input-label<?php if(get_connections()[ $connection ]) echo ' soft-hidden'; ?> " data - connect = " <?php echo $connection ; ?> " >
< h3 >< ? php echo $label ; ?> </h3>
< a class = " link-service link-<?php echo $connection ; ?> " href = " <?php echo G \ get_base_url('connect/'. $connection .'/?return='.urlencode('settings/linked-accounts')); ?> " >< span class = " btn-icon icon-<?php echo $connection ; ?> " ></ span >< span class = " sign-text " >< ? php echo _se ( 'Connect %s' , $label ); ?> </span></a>
</ div >
< ? php
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( is_settings_homepage ()) { ?>
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " homepage_title_html " >< ? php _se ( 'Title' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c12 phablet-c1 " >< textarea type = " text " name = " homepage_title_html " id = " homepage_title_html " class = " text-input r2 resize-vertical " placeholder = " <?php echo get_user()['name']; ?> " >< ? php echo CHV\Settings :: get ( 'homepage_title_html' ); ?> </textarea></div>
< span class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ " homepage_title_html " ]; ?> </span>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " homepage_paragraph_html " >< ? php _se ( 'Paragraph' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c12 phablet-c1 " >< textarea type = " text " name = " homepage_paragraph_html " id = " homepage_paragraph_html " class = " text-input r2 resize-vertical " placeholder = " <?php _se('Feel free to browse and discover all my shared images and albums.'); ?> " >< ? php echo CHV\Settings :: get ( 'homepage_paragraph_html' ); ?> </textarea></div>
< span class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ " homepage_paragraph_html " ]; ?> </span>
</ div >
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " homepage_cta_html " >< ? php _se ( 'Button' ); ?> </label>
< div class = " c12 phablet-c1 " >< textarea type = " text " name = " homepage_cta_html " id = " homepage_cta_html " class = " text-input r2 resize-vertical " placeholder = " <?php _se('View all my images'); ?> " >< ? php echo CHV\Settings :: get ( 'homepage_cta_html' ); ?> </textarea></div>
< span class = " input-warning red-warning " >< ? php echo get_input_errors ()[ " homepage_cta_html " ]; ?> </span>
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< hr class = " line-separator " ></ hr >
< ? php if ( is_captcha_needed ()) { ?>
< div class = " input-label " >
< label for = " recaptcha_response_field " > reCAPTCHA </ label >
< ? php echo get_recaptcha_html (); ?>
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( ! is_settings_linked_accounts ()) { ?>
< div class = " btn-container " >
< button class = " btn btn-input default " type = " submit " >< ? php _se ( 'Save changes' ); ?> </button> <span class="btn-alt"><?php _se('or'); ?> <a href="<?php echo get_user()["url"]; ?>"><?php _se('cancel'); ?></a></span>
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
</ form >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php G\Render\include_theme_footer (); ?>
< ? php if ( get_post () and ( is_changed () or is_error ())) { ?>
< script > PF . fn . growl . expirable ( " <?php echo is_changed() ? (get_changed_message() ? get_changed_message() : _s('Changes have been saved.')) : _s('Check the errors to proceed.'); ?> " ); </ script >
< ? php } ?>