2020-10-09 22:16:21 +00:00
< ? php
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
This file is part of Chevereto Free .
https :// chevereto . com / free
( c ) Rodolfo Berrios < rodolfo @ chevereto . com >
For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
file that was distributed with this source code .
--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace CHV ;
use G ;
use Exception ;
class Ip_ban
public static function getSingle ( $args = [])
try {
$args = array_merge ([
'ip' => G\get_client_ip ()
], $args );
$db = DB :: getInstance ();
$query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB :: getTable ( 'ip_bans' ) . ' WHERE ' ;
if ( $args [ 'id' ]) {
$query .= 'ip_ban_id = :id;' ;
} else {
$query .= ':ip LIKE ip_ban_ip AND (ip_ban_expires_gmt > :now OR ip_ban_expires_gmt IS NULL) ORDER BY ip_ban_id DESC;' ; // wilcard are stored as % but displayed as *
$db -> query ( $query );
if ( $args [ 'id' ]) {
$db -> bind ( ':id' , $args [ 'id' ]);
} else {
$db -> bind ( ':ip' , $args [ 'ip' ]);
$db -> bind ( ':now' , G\datetimegmt ());
$ip_ban = $db -> fetchSingle ();
if ( $ip_ban ) {
$ip_ban = DB :: formatRow ( $ip_ban , 'ip_ban' );
self :: fill ( $ip_ban );
return $ip_ban ;
} else {
return false ;
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
throw new Ip_banException ( $e -> getMessage (), 400 );
public static function getAll ()
try {
$ip_bans_raw = DB :: get ( 'ip_bans' , 'all' );
$ip_bans = [];
if ( $ip_bans_raw ) {
foreach ( $ip_bans_raw as $ip_ban ) {
$idx = $ip_ban [ 'ip_ban_id' ];
$ip_bans [ $idx ] = DB :: formatRow ( $ip_ban , 'ip_ban' );
self :: fill ( $ip_bans [ $idx ]);
return $ip_bans ;
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
throw new Ip_banException ( $e -> getMessage (), 400 );
public static function delete ( $args = [])
try {
return DB :: delete ( 'ip_bans' , $args );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
throw new Ip_banException ( $e -> getMessage (), 400 );
public static function update ( $where = [], $values = [])
try {
if ( $values [ 'ip' ]) {
$values [ 'ip' ] = str_replace ( '*' , '%' , $values [ 'ip' ]);
return DB :: update ( 'ip_bans' , $values , $where );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
throw new Ip_banException ( $e -> getMessage (), 400 );
public static function insert ( $args = [])
try {
$args [ 'ip' ] = str_replace ( '*' , '%' , $args [ 'ip' ]);
return DB :: insert ( 'ip_bans' , $args );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
throw new Ip_banException ( $e -> getMessage (), 400 );
public static function fill ( & $ip_ban )
$ip_ban [ 'ip' ] = str_replace ( '%' , '*' , $ip_ban [ 'ip' ]);
public static function validateIP ( $ip , $wilcards = true )
$validate = true ;
if ( $wilcards ) {
$base_ip = str_replace ( '*' , '0' , $ip );
if ( ! G\is_valid_ip ( $ip ) && ! G\is_valid_ip ( $base_ip )) {
$validate = false ;
} else {
if ( ! G\is_valid_ip ( $ip )) {
$validate = false ;
if ( ! $validate ) {
throw new Ip_banException ( 'Invalid IP address' );
return true ;
class Ip_banException extends Exception