2020-06-24 18:35:15 +00:00
< ? php
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
http :// chevereto . com /
@ author Rodolfo Berrios A . < http :// rodolfoberrios . com />
< inbox @ rodolfoberrios . com >
Copyright ( C ) Rodolfo Berrios A . All rights reserved .
http :// chevereto . com / license
--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$route = function ( $handler ) {
try {
if ( $handler -> isRequestLevel ( 3 )) {
return $handler -> issue404 ();
} // Allow only 2 levels
if ( is_null ( $handler -> request [ 0 ])) {
return $handler -> issue404 ();
$logged_user = CHV\Login :: getUser ();
// User status override redirect
CHV\User :: statusRedirect ( $logged_user [ 'status' ]);
$id = CHV\getIdFromURL ( $handler -> request [ 0 ]);
if ( $id == false ) {
return $handler -> issue404 ();
// Trail this view
$_SESSION [ 'last_viewed_image' ] = CHV\encodeId ( $id );
// Session stock viewed images
if ( ! $_SESSION [ 'image_view_stock' ]) {
$_SESSION [ 'image_view_stock' ] = [];
// Get image DB
$image = CHV\Image :: getSingle ( $id , ! in_array ( $id , $_SESSION [ 'image_view_stock' ]), true , $logged_user );
if ( $image && $image [ 'url_viewer' ] != G\get_current_url ()) {
G\redirect ( $image [ 'url_viewer' ]);
$handler :: setVar ( 'canonical' , $image [ 'url_viewer' ]);
// No image or belongs to a banned user if exists?
if ( ! $image || ( ! $handler :: getCond ( 'content_manager' ) && $image [ 'user' ][ 'status' ] == 'banned' )) {
return $handler -> issue404 ();
// Test local images
if ( $image [ 'file_resource' ][ 'type' ] == 'path' ) {
if ( ! $image [ 'file_resource' ][ 'chain' ][ 'image' ] || ! file_exists ( $image [ 'file_resource' ][ 'chain' ][ 'image' ])) {
// return $handler->issue404();
// Update is_animated flag
if ( ! $image [ 'is_animated' ] && G\is_animated_image ( $image [ 'file_resource' ][ 'chain' ][ 'image' ])) {
CHV\Image :: update ( $id , [ 'is_animated' => 1 ]);
$image [ 'is_animated' ] = 1 ;
Note : Remote image testing was removed because of the HUGE number of websites running external containers unaccesible via HTTP .
Remote image test works only if the website can fetch the image URI headers .
Check Chevereto < 3.8 . 4 for the old remote image tester code
$is_owner = $image [ 'user' ][ 'id' ] !== null ? ( $image [ 'user' ][ 'id' ] == $logged_user [ 'id' ]) : false ;
// Privacy
if ( CHV\getSetting ( 'website_privacy_mode' ) == 'private' ) {
if ( $handler :: getCond ( 'forced_private_mode' )) {
$image [ 'album' ][ 'privacy' ] = CHV\getSetting ( 'website_content_privacy_mode' );
if ( ! CHV\Login :: getUser () && $image [ 'album' ][ 'privacy' ] != 'private_but_link' ) {
G\redirect ( 'login' );
// Password protected content
if ( ! ( $handler :: getCond ( 'content_manager' ) || $is_owner ) && $image [ 'album' ][ 'privacy' ] == 'password' && ! CHV\Album :: checkSessionPassword ( $image [ 'album' ])) {
G\redirect ( $image [ 'album' ][ 'url' ]);
// Private profile
if ( $image [ 'user' ][ 'is_private' ] && ! $handler :: getCond ( 'content_manager' ) && $image [ 'user' ][ 'id' ] !== $logged_user [ 'id' ]) {
unset ( $image [ 'user' ]);
$image [ 'user' ] = CHV\User :: getPrivate ();
if ( ! $handler :: getCond ( 'content_manager' ) and in_array ( $image [ 'album' ][ 'privacy' ], array ( 'private' , 'custom' )) and ! $is_owner ) {
return $handler -> issue404 ();
$db = CHV\DB :: getInstance ();
// User found
if ( $image [ 'user' ][ 'id' ] !== null ) {
// Get user albums
$name_array = explode ( ' ' , $image [ 'user' ][ 'name' ]);
$user_name_short = $name_array [ 0 ];
$image [ 'user' ][ 'albums' ] = [];
// Lets fake the stream as an album
$image [ 'user' ][ 'albums' ][ 'stream' ] = CHV\User :: getStreamAlbum ( $image [ 'user' ]);
// Get user album list
$image [ 'user' ][ 'albums' ] += CHV\DB :: get ( 'albums' , [ 'user_id' => $image [ 'user' ][ 'id' ]], 'AND' , [ 'field' => 'name' , 'order' => 'asc' ]);
foreach ( $image [ 'user' ][ 'albums' ] as $k => $v ) {
$image [ 'user' ][ 'albums' ][ $k ] = CHV\DB :: formatRow ( $v , 'album' );
CHV\Album :: fill ( $image [ 'user' ][ 'albums' ][ $k ]);
// Get the album slice
if ( $image [ 'album' ][ 'id' ] !== null ) {
$get_album_slice = CHV\Image :: getAlbumSlice ( $image [ 'id' ], $image [ 'album' ][ 'id' ], 2 );
$image_album_slice = array_merge ( $image [ 'album' ], $get_album_slice );
$image_safe_html = G\safe_html ( $image );
$image [ 'alt' ] = $image_safe_html [ 'description' ] ? : ( $image_safe_html [ 'title' ] ? : $image_safe_html [ 'name' ]);
$pre_doctitle = G\safe_html ( $image [ 'title' ], ENT_NOQUOTES ) ? : ( $image_safe_html [ 'name' ] . '.' . $image [ 'extension' ]) . ' hosted at ' . CHV\getSetting ( 'website_name' );
$tabs = [
'label' => _s ( 'About' ),
'id' => 'tab-about' ,
'current' => true ,
if ( CHV\isShowEmbedContent ()) {
$tabs [] = [
'label' => _s ( 'Embed codes' ),
'id' => 'tab-codes' ,
if ( $handler :: getCond ( 'content_manager' )) {
if ( $handler :: getCond ( 'admin' )) {
$tabs [] = [
'label' => _s ( 'Full info' ),
'id' => 'tab-full-info' ,
// Banned uploader IP?
$banned_ip = CHV\Ip_ban :: getSingle ([ 'ip' => $image [ 'uploader_ip' ]]);
// Admin list values
$image_admin_list_values = [
'label' => _s ( 'Image ID' ),
'content' => $image [ 'id' ] . ' (' . $image [ 'id_encoded' ] . ')' ,
'label' => _s ( 'Uploader IP' ),
'content' => sprintf ( str_replace ( '%IP' , '%1$s' , '<a href="' . CHV\getSetting ( 'ip_whois_url' ) . '" target="_blank">%IP</a> · <a href="' . G\get_base_url ( 'search/images/?q=ip:%IP' ) . '">' . _s ( 'search content' ) . '</a> · ' . ( ! $banned_ip ? ( '<a data-modal="form" data-args="%IP" data-target="modal-add-ip_ban" data-options=\'{"forced": true}\' data-content="ban_ip">' . _s ( 'Ban IP' ) . '</a>' ) : null ) . '<span class="' . ( $banned_ip ? null : 'soft-hidden' ) . '" data-content="banned_ip">' . _s ( 'IP already banned' ) . '</span>' ), $image [ 'uploader_ip' ]),
'label' => _s ( 'Upload date' ),
'content' => $image [ 'date' ],
'label' => '' ,
'content' => $image [ 'date_gmt' ] . ' (GMT)' ,
$handler :: setVar ( 'content_ip' , $image [ 'uploader_ip' ]);
$handler :: setVar ( 'image_admin_list_values' , $image_admin_list_values );
$handler :: setCond ( 'banned_ip' , ( bool ) $banned_ip );
foreach ( $tabs as $tab ) {
if ( $tab [ 'current' ] === true ) {
$handler :: setVar ( 'current_tab' , G\str_replace_first ( 'tab-' , null , $tab [ 'id' ]));
break ;
$handler :: setCond ( 'owner' , $is_owner );
$handler :: setVar ( 'pre_doctitle' , $pre_doctitle );
$handler :: setVar ( 'image' , $image );
$handler :: setVar ( 'image_safe_html' , $image_safe_html );
$handler :: setVar ( 'image_album_slice' , G\safe_html ( $image_album_slice ));
$handler :: setVar ( 'tabs' , $tabs );
$handler :: setVar ( 'owner' , $image [ 'user' ]);
// Populate the image meta description
if ( $image [ 'description' ]) {
$meta_description = $image [ 'description' ];
} else {
$image_tr = [
'%i' => $image [ is_null ( $image [ 'title' ]) ? 'filename' : 'title' ],
'%a' => $image [ 'album' ][ 'name' ],
'%w' => CHV\getSetting ( 'website_name' ),
'%c' => $image [ 'category' ][ 'name' ],
if ( $image [ 'album' ][ 'id' ] || ( ! $image [ 'user' ][ 'is_private' ] && $image [ 'album' ][ 'name' ])) {
$meta_description = _s ( 'Image %i in %a album' , $image_tr );
} elseif ( $image [ 'category' ][ 'id' ]) {
$meta_description = _s ( 'Image %i in %c category' , $image_tr );
} else {
$meta_description = _s ( 'Image %i hosted in %w' , $image_tr );
$handler :: setVar ( 'meta_description' , htmlspecialchars ( $meta_description ));
if ( $handler :: getCond ( 'content_manager' ) or $is_owner ) {
$handler :: setVar ( 'user_items_editor' , [
'user_albums' => $image [ 'user' ][ 'albums' ],
'type' => 'image' ,
'album' => $image [ 'album' ],
'category_id' => $image [ 'category_id' ],
// Share thing
$share_element = [
'referer' => G\get_base_url (),
'url' => $image [ 'url_short' ],
'image' => $image [ 'url' ],
'title' => $handler :: getVar ( 'pre_doctitle' ),
$share_element [ 'HTML' ] = '<a href="' . $share_element [ 'url' ] . '" title="' . $share_element [ 'title' ] . '"><img src="' . $share_element [ 'image' ] . '" /></a>' ;
$share_links_array = CHV\render\get_share_links ( $share_element );
$handler :: setVar ( 'share_links_array' , $share_links_array );
// Share modal
$handler :: setVar ( 'share_modal' , [
'type' => 'image' ,
'url' => $image [ 'url_short' ],
'links_array' => $share_links_array ,
'privacy' => $image [ 'album' ][ 'privacy' ],
'privacy_notes' => $image [ 'album' ][ 'privacy_notes' ],
// Embed codes
$embed = [];
$embed [ 'direct-links' ] = [
'label' => _s ( 'Direct links' ),
'entries' => [
'label' => _s ( 'Image link' ),
'value' => $image [ 'url_short' ],
'label' => _s ( 'Image URL' ),
'value' => $image [ 'url' ],
'label' => _s ( 'Thumbnail URL' ),
'value' => $image [ 'thumb' ][ 'url' ],
if ( $image [ 'medium' ]) {
$embed [ 'direct-links' ][ 'entries' ][] = [
'label' => _s ( 'Medium URL' ),
'value' => $image [ 'medium' ][ 'url' ],
$image_full = [
'html' => '<img src="' . $image [ 'url' ] . '" alt="' . $image [ 'filename' ] . '" border="0" />' ,
'markdown' => '![' . $image [ 'filename' ] . '](' . $image [ 'url' ] . ')' ,
$image_full [ 'bbcode' ] = G\html_to_bbcode ( $image_full [ 'html' ]);
$embed [ 'full-image' ] = [
'label' => _s ( 'Full image' ),
'entries' => [
'label' => 'HTML' ,
'value' => htmlentities ( $image_full [ 'html' ]),
'label' => 'BBCode' ,
'value' => $image_full [ 'bbcode' ],
'label' => 'Markdown' ,
'value' => $image_full [ 'markdown' ],
$embed_full_linked [ 'html' ] = '<a href="' . $image [ 'url_short' ] . '">' . $image_full [ 'html' ] . '</a>' ;
$embed_full_linked [ 'bbcode' ] = G\html_to_bbcode ( $embed_full_linked [ 'html' ]);
$embed_full_linked [ 'markdown' ] = '[![' . $image [ 'filename' ] . '](' . $image [ 'url' ] . ')](' . $image [ 'url_short' ] . ')' ;
$embed [ 'full-linked' ] = [
'label' => _s ( 'Full image (linked)' ),
'entries' => [
'label' => 'HTML' ,
'value' => htmlentities ( $embed_full_linked [ 'html' ]),
'label' => 'BBCode' ,
'value' => $embed_full_linked [ 'bbcode' ],
'label' => 'Markdown' ,
'value' => $embed_full_linked [ 'markdown' ],
if ( $image [ 'medium' ]) {
$embed_medium_linked = array (
'html' => '<a href="' . $image [ 'url_short' ] . '"><img src="' . $image [ 'medium' ][ 'url' ] . '" alt="' . $image [ 'filename' ] . '" border="0" /></a>' ,
$embed_medium_linked [ 'bbcode' ] = G\html_to_bbcode ( $embed_medium_linked [ 'html' ]);
$embed_medium_linked [ 'markdown' ] = '[![' . $image [ 'medium' ][ 'filename' ] . '](' . $image [ 'medium' ][ 'url' ] . ')](' . $image [ 'url_short' ] . ')' ;
$embed [ 'medium-linked' ] = [
'label' => _s ( 'Medium image (linked)' ),
'entries' => [
'label' => 'HTML' ,
'value' => htmlentities ( $embed_medium_linked [ 'html' ]),
'label' => 'BBCode' ,
'value' => $embed_medium_linked [ 'bbcode' ],
'label' => 'Markdown' ,
'value' => $embed_medium_linked [ 'markdown' ],
$embed_thumb_linked = [
'html' => '<a href="' . $image [ 'url_short' ] . '"><img src="' . $image [ 'thumb' ][ 'url' ] . '" alt="' . $image [ 'filename' ] . '" border="0" /></a>' ,
$embed_thumb_linked [ 'bbcode' ] = G\html_to_bbcode ( $embed_thumb_linked [ 'html' ]);
$embed_thumb_linked [ 'markdown' ] = '[![' . $image [ 'thumb' ][ 'filename' ] . '](' . $image [ 'thumb' ][ 'url' ] . ')](' . $image [ 'url_short' ] . ')' ;
$embed [ 'thumb-linked' ] = [
'label' => _s ( 'Thumbnail image (linked)' ),
'entries' => [
'label' => 'HTML' ,
'value' => htmlentities ( $embed_thumb_linked [ 'html' ]),
'label' => 'BBCode' ,
'value' => $embed_thumb_linked [ 'bbcode' ],
'label' => 'Markdown' ,
'value' => $embed_thumb_linked [ 'markdown' ],
// Insert an embed id for each entry (for the cliboard.js bind)
$embed_id = 1 ;
foreach ( $embed as & $v ) {
foreach ( $v [ 'entries' ] as & $entry ) {
$entry [ 'id' ] = 'embed-code-' . $embed_id ;
++ $embed_id ;
$handler :: setVar ( 'embed' , $embed );
// Stock this image view
$_SESSION [ 'image_view_stock' ][] = $id ;
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
G\exception_to_error ( $e );