2020-06-24 18:35:15 +00:00
< ? php
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
http :// chevereto . com /
@ author Rodolfo Berrios A . < http :// rodolfoberrios . com />
< inbox @ rodolfoberrios . com >
Copyright ( C ) Rodolfo Berrios A . All rights reserved .
http :// chevereto . com / license
--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace CHV ;
use G ;
use DirectoryIterator ;
use Exception ;
if ( ! defined ( 'access' ) or ! access ) {
die ( 'This file cannot be directly accessed.' );
function getIdFromURL ( $url )
$explode = explode ( '.' , $url );
$encodedId = $explode [ 1 ] ? : $explode [ 0 ];
return decodeID ( $encodedId );
// Inspired from http://stackoverflow.com/a/18602474
// L10n version of G\time_elapsed_string
function time_elapsed_string ( $datetime , $full = false )
$now = new \DateTime ( G\datetimegmt ());
$ago = new \DateTime ( $datetime );
$diff = $now -> diff ( $ago );
$diff -> w = floor ( $diff -> d / 7 );
$diff -> d -= $diff -> w * 7 ;
$string = [
'y' => _s ( 'year' ),
'm' => _s ( 'month' ),
'w' => _s ( 'week' ),
'd' => _s ( 'day' ),
'h' => _s ( 'hour' ),
'i' => _s ( 'minute' ),
's' => _s ( 'second' ),
foreach ( $string as $k => & $v ) {
if ( $diff -> $k ) {
$times = [
'y' => _n ( 'year' , 'years' , $diff -> $k ),
'm' => _n ( 'month' , 'months' , $diff -> $k ),
'w' => _n ( 'week' , 'weeks' , $diff -> $k ),
'd' => _n ( 'day' , 'days' , $diff -> $k ),
'h' => _n ( 'hour' , 'hours' , $diff -> $k ),
'i' => _n ( 'minute' , 'minutes' , $diff -> $k ),
's' => _n ( 'second' , 'seconds' , $diff -> $k ),
$v = $diff -> $k . ' ' . $times [ $k ];
} else {
unset ( $string [ $k ]);
if ( ! $full ) {
$string = array_slice ( $string , 0 , 1 );
return count ( $string ) > 0 ? _s ( '%s ago' , implode ( ', ' , $string )) : _s ( 'moments ago' );
function missing_values_to_exception ( $object , $exception = Exception , $values_array , $code = 100 )
if ( ! is_object ( $object )) {
return ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count (( array ) $values_array ); ++ $i ) {
if ( ! G\check_value ( $object -> { $values_array [ $i ]})) {
throw new $exception ( 'Missing $' . $values_array [ $i ], ( $code + $i ));
break ;
function system_notification_email ( $args = [])
try {
$subject = 'System notification: ' . $args [ 'subject' ] . ' [' . G\get_base_url () . ']' ;
$report = $args [ 'message' ];
send_mail ( getSetting ( 'email_incoming_email' ), $subject , $report );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
error_log ( $e );
// Work-in-progress 2.0 baby!
function send_mail ( $to , $subject , $body )
$own_name = __FUNCTION__ . '()' ;
$args = [ 'to' , 'subject' , 'body' ];
foreach ( func_get_args () as $k => $v ) {
if ( ! $v ) {
throw new Exception ( 'Missing $' . $args [ $k ] . ' in ' . $own_name );
// Bridge implementation
if ( is_array ( $to )) {
$aux = $to ;
$to = $aux [ 'to' ];
$from = $aux [ 'from' ];
$reply_to = $aux [ 'reply-to' ];
} else {
$from = [ getSettings ()[ 'email_from_email' ], getSettings ()[ 'email_from_name' ]];
$reply_to = null ;
if ( ! filter_var ( $to , FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL )) {
throw new Exception ( 'Invalid email in ' . $own_name );
foreach ([ 'email_from_email' , 'email_from_name' ] as $v ) {
if ( ! getSettings ()[ $v ]) {
throw new Exception ( 'Invalid $' . $v . ' setting in ' . $own_name );
$body = trim ( $body );
try {
$mail = new \Mailer ();
$alt_body = $mail -> html2text ( $body );
$mail -> CharSet = 'UTF-8' ;
$mail -> Mailer = getSettings ()[ 'email_mode' ];
if ( $mail -> Mailer == 'smtp' ) {
$mail -> IsSMTP ();
$mail -> SMTPAuth = true ;
$mail -> SMTPSecure = getSettings ()[ 'email_smtp_server_security' ];
$mail -> SMTPAutoTLS = in_array ( getSettings ()[ 'email_smtp_server_security' ], [ 'ssl' , 'tls' ]);
$mail -> Port = getSettings ()[ 'email_smtp_server_port' ];
$mail -> Host = getSettings ()[ 'email_smtp_server' ];
$mail -> Username = getSettings ()[ 'email_smtp_server_username' ];
$mail -> Password = getSettings ()[ 'email_smtp_server_password' ];
$mail -> Timeout = 30 ;
$mail -> Subject = $subject ;
if ( $body != $alt_body ) {
$mail -> IsHTML ( true );
$mail -> Body = $mail -> normalizeBreaks ( $body );
$mail -> AltBody = $mail -> normalizeBreaks ( $alt_body );
} else {
$mail -> Body = $body ;
$mail -> addAddress ( $to );
if ( $reply_to and is_array ( $reply_to )) {
foreach ( $reply_to as $v ) {
$mail -> addReplyTo ( $v );
$mail -> setFrom ( $from [ 0 ], $from [ 1 ]);
if ( $mail -> Send ()) {
return true ;
} else {
throw new Exception ( $mail -> DbgOut , 300 );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
throw new Exception ( $e -> getMessage (), $e -> getCode ());
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
function get_chevereto_version ( $full = true )
return G\get_app_version ( $full );
// Move to render?
function getSettings ( $safe = false )
$settings = Settings :: get ();
return $safe ? G\safe_html ( $settings ) : $settings ;
// Move to render?
function get_chv_default_settings ( $safe = false )
$defaults = Settings :: getDefaults ();
return $safe ? G\safe_html ( $defaults ) : $defaults ;
// Move to render?
function getSetting ( $value = '' , $safe = false )
$return = getSettings ()[ $value ];
return $safe ? G\safe_html ( $return ) : $return ;
// Move to render?
function get_chv_default_setting ( $value = '' , $safe = false )
$return = get_chv_default_settings ()[ $value ];
return $safe ? G\safe_html ( $return ) : $return ;
function getStorages ()
$storages = DB :: get ( 'storages' , 'all' );
if ( $storages ) {
foreach ( $storages as $k => $v ) {
$storages [ $k ] = DB :: formatRow ( $v );
$return = $storages ;
} else {
$return = false ;
return $return ;
function get_banner_code ( $banner , $safe_html = true )
if ( strpos ( $banner , 'banner_' ) !== 0 ) {
$banner = 'banner_' . $banner ;
$banner_code = Settings :: get ( $banner );
if ( $safe_html ) {
$banner_code = G\safe_html ( $banner_code );
if ( $banner_code ) {
return $banner_code ;
function getSystemNotices ()
$system_notices = [];
// Don't notify if system files are newer or match notified release
if ( getSetting ( 'update_check_display_notification' ) && ( version_compare ( getSetting ( 'update_check_notified_release' ), getSetting ( 'chevereto_version_installed' ), '>' ) && version_compare ( getSetting ( 'update_check_notified_release' ), G_APP_VERSION , '>' ))) {
$system_notices [] = _s ( 'There is an update available for your system. Go to %s to download and install this update.' , '<a href="' . G\get_base_url ( 'dashboard?checkUpdates' ) . '">' . _s ( 'Dashboard' ) . '</a>' );
if ( version_compare ( G_APP_VERSION , getSetting ( 'chevereto_version_installed' ), '>' )) {
$system_notices [] = _s ( 'System database is outdated. You need to run the <a href="%s">update</a> tool.' , G\get_base_url ( 'install' ));
if ( getSetting ( 'maintenance' )) {
$system_notices [] = _s ( 'Website is in maintenance mode. To revert this setting go to <a href="%s">Dashboard > Settings</a>.' , G\get_base_url ( 'dashboard/settings/system' ));
// Just for production + demo
if ( ! in_array ( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_ADDR' ], [ '' , '::1' ]) && ! in_array ( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_NAME' ], [ 'demo.chevereto.com' ])) {
if ( getSetting ( 'error_reporting' )) {
$system_notices [] = _s ( " You should disable PHP error reporting for production enviroment. Go to <a href='%s'>System settings</a> to revert this setting. " , G\get_base_url ( 'dashboard/settings/system' ));
if ( preg_match ( '/@chevereto\.com$/' , getSetting ( 'email_from_email' )) || preg_match ( '/@chevereto\.com$/' , getSetting ( 'email_incoming_email' ))) {
$system_notices [] = _s ( " You haven't changed the default email settings. Go to <a href='%s'>Email settings</a> to fix this. " , G\get_base_url ( 'dashboard/settings/email' ));
return $system_notices ;
function hashed_token_info ( $public_token_format )
$explode = explode ( ':' , $public_token_format );
return array (
'id' => decodeID ( $explode [ 0 ]),
'id_encoded' => $explode [ 0 ],
'token' => $explode [ 1 ],
function generate_hashed_token ( $id , $token = '' )
$token = G\random_string ( rand ( 128 , 256 ));
$hash = password_hash ( $token , PASSWORD_BCRYPT );
return array (
'token' => $token ,
'hash' => $hash ,
'public_token_format' => encodeID ( $id ) . ':' . $token ,
function check_hashed_token ( $hash , $public_token_format )
$public_token = hashed_token_info ( $public_token_format );
return password_verify ( $public_token [ 'token' ], $hash );
function recaptcha_check ()
// V3 aka "Invisible recaptcha"
if ( getSetting ( 'recaptcha_version' ) == 3 ) {
return ( object ) [ 'is_valid' => ( bool ) $_SESSION [ 'isHuman' ]];
// V1-V2 aka "Challenge recaptcha"
$endpoint = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify' ;
$params = [
'secret' => getSetting ( 'recaptcha_private_key' ),
'response' => $_POST [ 'g-recaptcha-response' ],
'remoteip' => G\get_client_ip (),
$endpoint .= '?' . http_build_query ( $params );
$re_api = json_decode ( G\fetch_url ( $endpoint ));
// Mimic old reCaptcha API return
return ( object ) [ 'is_valid' => ( bool ) $re_api -> success ];
function must_use_recaptcha ( $val , $max = '' )
if ( $max == '' || ! is_int ( $max )) {
$db_max = getSetting ( 'recaptcha_threshold' );
$max = isset ( $db_max ) ? $db_max : 5 ;
return $val >= $max ;
function is_max_invalid_request ( $val , $max = '' )
if ( $max == '' || ! is_int ( $max )) {
return $val > $max ;
// BCMath workaroud
if ( ! function_exists ( 'bcdiv' )) {
function bcdiv ( $dividend , $divisor )
$quotient = floor ( $dividend / $divisor );
return $quotient ;
function bcmod ( $dividend , $modulo )
$remainder = $dividend % $modulo ;
return $remainder ;
function bcmul ( $left , $right )
return $left * $right ;
function bcadd ( $left , $right )
return $left + $right ;
function bcpow ( $base , $power )
return pow ( $base , $power );
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
function get_translation_table ()
return L10n :: getTranslation ();
function get_language_used ()
return get_available_languages ()[ L10n :: getStatic ( 'locale' )];
function get_available_languages ()
return L10n :: getAvailableLanguages ();
function get_enabled_languages ()
if ( ! getSetting ( 'language_chooser_enable' )) {
return [];
return L10n :: getEnabledLanguages ();
function get_disabled_languages ()
return L10n :: getDisabledLanguages ();
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
* cheveretoID
* Encode / decode an id
* @ author Kevin van Zonneveld < kevin @ vanzonneveld . net >
* @ author Simon Franz
* @ author Deadfish
* @ copyright 2008 Kevin van Zonneveld ( http :// kevin . vanzonneveld . net )
* @ license http :// www . opensource . org / licenses / bsd - license . php New BSD Licence
* @ version SVN : Release : $Id : alphaID . inc . php 344 2009 - 06 - 10 17 : 43 : 59 Z kevin $
* @ link http :// kevin . vanzonneveld . net /
* http :// kvz . io / blog / 2009 / 06 / 10 / create - short - ids - with - php - like - youtube - or - tinyurl /
function cheveretoID ( $in , $action = 'encode' )
global $cheveretoID ;
$index = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' ;
$salt = getSetting ( 'crypt_salt' );
$id_padding = intval ( getSetting ( 'id_padding' ));
// Use a stock version of the hashed values (faster execution)
if ( isset ( $cheveretoID )) {
$passhash = $cheveretoID [ 'passhash' ];
$p = $cheveretoID [ 'p' ];
$i = $cheveretoID [ 'i' ];
} else {
for ( $n = 0 ; $n < strlen ( $index ); ++ $n ) {
$i [] = substr ( $index , $n , 1 );
$passhash = hash ( 'sha256' , $salt );
$passhash = ( strlen ( $passhash ) < strlen ( $index )) ? hash ( 'sha512' , $salt ) : $passhash ;
for ( $n = 0 ; $n < strlen ( $index ); ++ $n ) {
$p [] = substr ( $passhash , $n , 1 );
// Stock the crypting thing to don't do it every time
$cheveretoID = [
'passhash' => $passhash ,
'p' => $p ,
'i' => $i ,
array_multisort ( $p , SORT_DESC , $i );
$index = implode ( $i );
$base = strlen ( $index );
if ( $action == 'decode' ) {
// Digital number <<-- alphabet letter code
$out = 0 ;
$len = strlen ( $in ) - 1 ;
for ( $t = 0 ; $t <= $len ; ++ $t ) {
$bcpow = bcpow ( $base , $len - $t );
$out = $out + strpos ( $index , substr ( $in , $t , 1 )) * $bcpow ;
$out = sprintf ( '%d' , $out );
// $out = substr($out, 0, strpos($out, '.'));
if ( $id_padding > 0 ) {
$out = ( string ) ( $out / $id_padding ); // Always return as string
} else {
// Digital number -->> alphabet letter code
if ( $id_padding > 0 ) {
$in = $in * $id_padding ;
$out = '' ;
for ( $t = floor ( log (( float ) $in , $base )); $t >= 0 ; -- $t ) {
$bcp = bcpow ( $base , $t );
$a = floor ( $in / $bcp ) % $base ;
$out = $out . substr ( $index , $a , 1 );
$in = $in - ( $a * $bcp );
return $out ;
// Shorthand for cheveretoID encode
function encodeID ( $var )
return cheveretoID ( $var , 'encode' );
// Shorthand for cheveretoID decode
function decodeID ( $var )
return cheveretoID ( $var , 'decode' );
// Linkify stuff to the internal redirector
function linkify_redirector ( $text )
return G\linkify_safe ( $text , [ 'callback' => function ( $url , $caption , $options ) {
return '<a href="' . get_redirect_url ( $url ) . '" ' . $options [ 'attr' ] . '>' . $caption . '</a>' ;
function get_redirect_url ( $url )
return G\get_base_url ( 'redirect/?to=' . urlencode ( encryptString ( $url )) . '&auth_token=' . G\Handler :: getAuthToken ());
// This is used for encrypt strings
function sessionCrypt ( $string , $encrypt = true )
if ( $_SESSION [ 'crypt' ] == false ) {
$cipher = 'AES-128-CBC' ;
$ivlen = openssl_cipher_iv_length ( $cipher );
$iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes ( $ivlen );
$_SESSION [ 'crypt' ] = [
'cipher' => $cipher ,
'ivlen' => $ivlen ,
'iv' => $iv ,
extract ( $_SESSION [ 'crypt' ]);
$fn = 'openssl_' . ( $encrypt ? 'encrypt' : 'decrypt' );
$secret = md5 ( getSetting ( 'crypt_salt' ));
return $fn ( $string , $cipher , $secret , 0 , $iv );
function encryptString ( $string )
return sessionCrypt ( $string , true );
function decryptString ( $string )
return sessionCrypt ( $string , false );
* Get some URLs .
function get_content_url ( $sub )
return G\absolute_to_url ( CHV_PATH_CONTENT . $sub , CHV_ROOT_URL_STATIC );
function get_system_image_url ( $filename )
return get_content_url ( 'images/system/' . $filename );
function get_users_image_url ( $filename )
return get_content_url ( 'images/users/' . $filename );
* Some G\ overrides .
function get_image_fileinfo ( $file )
$extension = G\get_file_extension ( $file );
$return = [
'filename' => basename ( $file ), // image.jpg
'name' => basename ( $file , '.' . $extension ), // image
'mime' => G\extension_to_mime ( $extension ),
'extension' => $extension ,
'url' => G\is_url ( $file ) ? $file : G\absolute_to_url ( $file ),
if ( ! G\is_url ( $file ) && defined ( 'CHV_ROOT_URL_STATIC' )) {
$return [ 'url' ] = preg_replace ( '#' . G_ROOT_URL . '#' , CHV_ROOT_URL_STATIC , $return [ 'url' ], 1 );
return $return ;
* Internal uploads .
function upload_to_content_images ( $source , $what )
try {
if ( ! defined ( 'CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_SYSTEM' )) {
throw new Exception ( 'Outdated app/loader.php' , 100 );
if ( ! file_exists ( CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_SYSTEM ) && !@ mkdir ( CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_SYSTEM , 0755 , true )) {
throw new Exception ( sprinf ( " Target upload directory %s doesn't exists. " , G\absolute_to_relative ( CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_SYSTEM )), 101 );
if ( ! is_writable ( CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_SYSTEM )) {
throw new Exception ( sprintf ( 'No write permission in %s' , G\absolute_to_relative ( CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_SYSTEM )), 102 );
$typeArr = [
'favicon_image' => [
'name' => 'favicon' ,
'type' => 'image' ,
'logo_vector' => [
'name' => 'logo' ,
'type' => 'file' ,
'logo_image' => [
'name' => 'logo' ,
'type' => 'image' ,
'watermark_image' => [
'name' => 'watermark' ,
'type' => 'image' ,
'consent_screen_cover_image' => [
'name' => 'consent-screen_cover' ,
'type' => 'image' ,
'homepage_cover_image' => [
'name' => 'home_cover' ,
'type' => 'image' ,
if ( G\starts_with ( 'homepage_cover_image_' , $what )) {
$cover_handle = str_replace ( 'homepage_cover_image_' , null , $what );
if ( $cover_handle == 'add' ) {
$remove_old = false ;
} else {
$change_cover = true ;
$db_filename = getSetting ( 'homepage_cover_images' )[ $cover_handle ][ 'basename' ];
$typeArr [ $what ] = $typeArr [ 'homepage_cover_image' ];
foreach ([ 'logo_vector' , 'logo_image' ] as $k ) {
$typeArr [ $k . '_homepage' ] = array_merge ( $typeArr [ $k ], [ 'name' => 'logo_homepage' ]);
foreach ( $typeArr as $k => & $v ) {
$v [ 'name' ] .= '_' . number_format ( round ( microtime ( true ) * 1000 ), 0 , '' , '' ) . '_' . G\random_string ( 6 ); // prevent hard cache issues
$name = $typeArr [ $what ][ 'name' ];
if ( $typeArr [ $what ][ 'type' ] == 'image' ) {
$fileinfo = @ G\get_image_fileinfo ( $source [ 'tmp_name' ]);
// Pre-validations
switch ( $what ) {
case 'favicon_image' :
if ( ! $fileinfo [ 'ratio' ]) {
throw new Exception ( 'Invalid favicon image.' , 200 );
if ( $fileinfo [ 'ratio' ] != 1 ) {
throw new Exception ( 'You need to use a square image for the favicon.' , 210 );
break ;
case 'watermark_image' :
if ( $fileinfo [ 'extension' ] !== 'png' ) {
throw new Exception ( 'Invalid watermark image.' , 200 );
break ;
$upload = new Upload ();
$upload -> setSource ( $source );
$upload -> setDestination ( CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_SYSTEM );
$upload -> setFilename ( $name );
if ( in_array ( $what , [ 'homepage_cover_image_add' , 'homepage_cover_image' , 'consent_screen_cover_image' ])) {
$upload -> setOption ( 'max_size' , Settings :: get ( 'true_upload_max_filesize' ));
$upload -> exec ();
$uploaded = $upload -> uploaded ;
} else {
// Check file error
switch ( $source [ 'error' ]) {
break ;
throw new Exception ( 'No file sent.' , 500 );
throw new Exception ( 'Exceeded filesize limit.' , 501 );
default :
throw new Exception ( 'Unknown errors.' , 502 );
$file_contents = @ file_get_contents ( $source [ 'tmp_name' ]);
if ( ! $file_contents ) {
throw new Exception ( " Can't read uploaded file content. " , 500 );
if ( strpos ( $file_contents , '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC' ) == false and strpos ( $file_contents , '<svg' ) == false ) {
throw new Exception ( " Uploaded file isn't an SVG. " , 300 );
$filename = $name . G\random_string ( 8 ) . '.svg' ;
$destination = CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_SYSTEM . $filename ;
if ( !@ move_uploaded_file ( $source [ 'tmp_name' ], $destination )) {
throw new Exception ( " Can't move uploaded file to its destination. " , 500 );
$uploaded = [
'file' => $destination ,
'filename' => $filename ,
'fileinfo' => [
'extension' => 'svg' ,
'filename' => $filename ,
$filename = $name . '.' . $uploaded [ 'fileinfo' ][ 'extension' ];
$file = str_replace ( $uploaded [ 'fileinfo' ][ 'filename' ], $filename , $uploaded [ 'file' ]);
if ( !@ rename ( $uploaded [ 'file' ], $file )) {
throw new Exception ( " Can't rename uploaded " . $name . ' file' , 500 );
$remove_old = isset ( $remove_old ) ? $remove_old : true ;
if ( ! isset ( $db_filename ) || empty ( $db_filename )) {
$db_filename = getSetting ( $what );
$db_file = CHV_PATH_CONTENT_IMAGES_SYSTEM . $db_filename ;
if ( in_array ( $what , [ 'logo_vector_homepage' , 'logo_image_homepage' ]) && ! G\starts_with ( 'logo_homepage' , $db_filename )) {
$remove_old = false ;
if ( $remove_old && ! G\starts_with ( 'default/' , $db_filename ) && $db_filename != $filename && is_readable ( $db_file ) && !@ unlink ( $db_file )) {
throw new Exception ( " Can't remove old " . $name . ' file' , 500 );
if ( isset ( $cover_handle )) {
$what = 'homepage_cover_image' ;
$homepage_cover_image = getSetting ( $what );
if ( $cover_handle == 'add' ) {
$filename = ( isset ( $homepage_cover_image ) ? $homepage_cover_image : getSetting ( 'homepage_cover_images' )[ 0 ][ 'basename' ]) . ',' . $filename ;
} else {
$filename = isset ( $homepage_cover_image ) ? str_replace ( $db_filename , $filename , getSetting ( 'homepage_cover_image' )) : $filename ;
$filename = trim ( $filename , ',' );
$homecovers = [];
foreach ( explode ( ',' , $filename ) as $v ) {
$homecovers [] = [
'basename' => $v ,
'url' => get_system_image_url ( $v ),
Settings :: update ([ $what => $filename ]);
if ( isset ( $cover_handle )) {
Settings :: setValue ( 'homepage_cover_images' , $homecovers );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
throw new Exception ( $e -> getMessage (), $e -> getCode ());
function isSafeToExecute ( $max_execution_time = null , $options = [])
if ( is_null ( $max_execution_time )) {
$max_execution_time = ini_get ( 'max_execution_time' );
$executed_time = microtime ( true ) - G_APP_TIME_EXECUTION_START ;
$options = array_merge ([ 'safe_time' => 5 ], $options );
if (( $max_execution_time - $executed_time ) > $options [ 'safe_time' ]) {
return true ;
return false ;
/* Update ping */
function checkUpdates ()
try {
$safe_time = 5 ;
$max_execution_time = ini_get ( 'max_execution_time' ); // Store the limit
$CHEVERETO = Settings :: getChevereto ();
$update = G\fetch_url ( $CHEVERETO [ 'api' ][ 'get' ][ 'info' ]);
if ( isSafeToExecute () && $update ) {
$json = json_decode ( $update );
$release_notes = $json -> software -> release_notes ;
$pos = strpos ( $release_notes , 'Affected files and folders' );
$release_notes = trim ( substr ( $release_notes , 0 , $pos ));
$latest_release = $json -> software -> current_version ;
// Notify only if not notified OR if latest release is newer and not being notified AND is not installed (files)
if ( is_null ( getSetting ( 'update_check_notified_release' )) || ( version_compare ( $latest_release , G_APP_VERSION , '>' ) && version_compare ( $latest_release , getSetting ( 'update_check_notified_release' ), '>' ))) {
// Email notify
$message = _s ( 'There is an update available for your Chevereto based website.' ) . ' ' . _s ( 'The release notes for this update are:' );
$message .= " \n \n " ;
$firstBreak = strpos ( $release_notes , " \n " );
$release_notes = '<b>' . rtrim ( substr ( $release_notes , 0 , $firstBreak )) . '</b>' . substr ( $release_notes , $firstBreak );
$message .= $release_notes . " \n \n " ;
$message .= _s ( 'You can apply this update directly from your %a or download it from %s and then manually install it.' , [ '%a' => '<a href="' . G\get_base_url ( 'dashboard?checkUpdates' ) . '" target="_blank">' . _s ( 'admin dashboard' ) . '</a>' , '%s' => '<a href="' . $CHEVERETO [ 'source' ][ 'url' ] . '" target="_blank">' . $CHEVERETO [ 'source' ][ 'label' ] . '</a>' ]) . " \n \n " ;
$message .= '--' . " \n " . 'Chevereto' . " \n " . G\get_base_url ();
$message = nl2br ( $message );
system_notification_email ([ 'subject' => sprintf ( 'Chevereto update available (v%s)' , $latest_release ), $latest_release , 'message' => $message ]);
$settings_update = [
'update_check_notified_release' => $latest_release ,
'update_check_datetimegmt' => G\datetimegmt (),
'update_check_latest_release' => $latest_release ,
} else {
$settings_update = [ 'update_check_datetimegmt' => G\datetimegmt ()];
Settings :: update ( $settings_update );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
error_log ( $e );
} // Silence
function getJsModLangL10n ()
foreach ( new DirectoryIterator ( CHV_APP_PATH_CONTENT_LANGUAGES . 'cache/' ) as $fileInfo ) {
if ( $fileInfo -> isDot () || $fileInfo -> isDir ()) {
continue ;
$lang_code = str_replace ( '.po.cache.php' , null , $fileInfo -> getFilename ());
include $fileInfo -> getPathname ();
if ( ! $translation_table [ 'Upload images' ]) {
continue ;
$l10n [ $lang_code ] = $translation_table [ 'Upload images' ][ 0 ];
unset ( $translation_table );
return json_encode ( $l10n );
function obfuscate ( $string )
$len = strlen ( $string );
$return = '' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $len ; ++ $i ) {
$return .= '&#' . ord ( $string [ $i ]) . ';' ;
return $return ;
function get_base_url_wildcard ( $path = '' , $subdomain = null )
if ( $subdomain == null && defined ( 'CHV_HOST_WILDCARD' )) {
$subdomain = CHV_HOST_WILDCARD ;
if ( $subdomain ) {
return G\str_replace_first ( CHV_HTTP_HOST , $subdomain . '.' . CHV_HTTP_HOST , G\get_base_url ( $path ));
return G\get_base_url ( $path );
function get_current_url_wildcard ( $subdomain , $qsremove = [])
return G\str_replace_first ( CHV_HTTP_HOST , $subdomain . '.' . CHV_HTTP_HOST , G\get_current_url ( true , $qsremove ));
* Sub - domain aware version .
function get_current_url ( $safe = true , $removeQs = [])
$url = G\get_current_url ( $safe , $removeQs );
return G\str_replace_first ( G\get_base_url (), get_base_url_wildcard (), $url );
function isShowEmbedContent ()
switch ( getSetting ( 'theme_show_embed_content_for' )) {
case 'none' :
$showEmbed = false ;
break ;
case 'users' :
$showEmbed = Login :: isLoggedUser ();
break ;
default :
$showEmbed = true ;
break ;
return $showEmbed ;