import http from 'axios' import fs from 'fs' //读取 packages/core/pipline/package.json的版本号 import { default as packageJson } from './packages/core/pipeline/package.json' assert { type: "json" }; console.log("certdVersion", packageJson.version) // 同步npmmirror的包 async function getPackages(directoryPath) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // 读取目录下的文件和目录列表 fs.readdir(directoryPath, {withFileTypes: true}, (err, files) => { if (err) { console.log('无法读取目录:', err); reject(err) return; } // 过滤仅保留目录 const directories = files .filter(file => file.isDirectory()) .map(directory =>; console.log('目录列表:', directories); resolve(directories) }); }) } async function getAllPackages(){ const base = await getPackages("./packages/core") const plugins =await getPackages("./packages/plugins") return base.concat(plugins) } async function sync(){ const packages = await getAllPackages() for(const pkg of packages){ await http({ url: `${pkg}/sync?sync_upstream=true`, method: 'PUT', headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, data: {} }) console.log(`sync success:${pkg}`) await sleep(1000) } await sleep(60000) } // curl -X PUT const certdImageBuild = "" const webhooks = [certdImageBuild] async function sleep(time) { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, time) }) } async function triggerBuild() { for (const webhook of webhooks) { await http({ url: webhook, method: 'POST', headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, data: { 'CERTD_VERSION': certdVersion } }) console.log(`webhook success:${webhook}`) await sleep(1000) } } async function start() { // await build() console.log("等待60秒") await sleep(60 * 1000) await sync() await triggerBuild() } start() /** * 打包前 修改 lerna * nodemodules里面搜索如下 * return childProcess.exec("git", ["add", "--", ...files], execOpts); * * ('git', ['add', '--', ...files] * ('git', ['add', '.'] */